"The only lights in town are in a cottage over by the tracks where a Polish mother's just had twins. And in Joe Crowell's house, where Joe Junior's getting up so as to deliver the paper" (Wilder, Our Town: Act 1: Scene i).

Contributors for this section: Rae Bolen, Freedom Coleman, Ruth Bolen, book called The Annual Chicken Festival, Byrneville's 1990-91 Yearbook video, Principal Ferryn Twarkins, Brandy Godwin, Alice and Lon Malone, Bill Gandy, Tri-City Ledger, Atmore Advance, Vicki Gandy-Baggett,Louise G. Gandy, Mandy Goodwin and Doris Buffum, and a book called A Pictorial History by Jerry Fischer and Neal Collier.




Byrneville is a small community in the great state of Florida. It is approximately

60 miles north of Pensacola and just west of Century. The members of Byrneville

are very involved with the community and each other.

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This section designed by former students, Amanda Bolen and Stephanie Croley.