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Byrneville's Chicken Festival is an annual event in Byrneville. The festival first started October 12, 1991. The festival has many different events for people of all ages. For the older generation there is live entertainment including singers, dancers, and cloggers. There is also a Community Quilt auction that almost the entire community participates in. The Community Quilt is made up of squares that each family in the community has designed to represent his or her family and has been sewn together with the rest of the community squares to form a quilt that will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Another event for the elders is a Welcome Booth. In the Welcome Booth there are many items that have been donated by community members to the Community Center that can be purchased. Shirts representing that year's Chicken Festival are also sold in the Welcome Booth. Here a browser can find bonnets made by Ms. Selma Upton and books that she has written on her life. Other crafts can be found that members of the community have made. For the younger generation there is "Biddieland," a place where the children can go to play games and have a chance to win various prizes.

The Chicken Festival also has vendor booths set-up. One of the highlights of the festival is the great home style cooking. Different people in the community bring different types of food like Chicken and Dumplings, Bar-B-Que Chicken, Fried Chicken, Polish Sausages, Dressing, and various sweets. This year's CHICKEN FESTIVAL is set for Oct. 9. Come and join the fun!!

The Chicken Festival is a great time for the community to work together, to have a great day of fun to come out and enjoy the festivities taking place, and to just get together and reunite with community members they may not have seen in a while.