Bratt, Florida

Come And Enjoy Our Southern Hospitality In The

Warm Florida Sun

The Name may sound a Bit "Unusual"; however, a Town like this is Anything But!

 "Well, ma'am, there ain't much - not in the sense you mean. Come to think of it, there's some girls that play the piano at High School Commencement; but they ain't happy about it. No, ma'am, there isn't much culture; but maybe this is the place to tell you that we've got a lot of pleasures of a kind here . . ." (Wilder, Our Town, Act 1: Scene ii).

Special message from Tammie Kaye Dreadin James--"Does anyone out there remember my father Charles Dreadin who once lived in Bratt, Florida? He died in 1975, and he meant the world to me. If anyone remembers him or his family, please email me at"






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