Northview Falls In State Semifinal Playoff Game

December 3, 2011

The Northview Chief’s road to a state championship came to an abrupt end Friday night with just over a minute to go in their state semifinal game against Chipley.

The Chiefs held lead throughout the entire game on their home turf in Bratt — until a 53-yard Chipley touchdown pass put the Tigers (11-2) on top 25-21 with just 1:11 to go in the ballgame. Northview fought back hard, driving to the Chipley 21-yard line with 50 seconds in the game.   But the Chiefs lost possession on a fumbled handoff between LaMikal Kyles and Roderick Woods.

“Nights like this can be decided by a play here and there, and we had a mistake or two,” Northview Coach Sid Wheatley said, “and that last one was the difference in the ballgame.”

“As far as their will to win and they way they fought tonight, I was proud of them,” Wheatley said. “I couldn’t be more proud of them. They’ve had a whole lot of wins and a whole lot of success. When they look back on it, they have a lot to be proud of.”

Chipley’s night got off to a rough start miles away from Bratt as their bus burned to the ground alongside I-10 near Defuniak Springs. There were no injuries and little lost, other than personal possessions.

On the field in Bratt, the first couple of Northview possessions put the Tigers at a two-TD deficit. Kyles scored on a 26-yard run with 6:45 on the click in the first, and Woods was in for a 6-yard touchdown. Coupled with a couple of Kevin Vaughan kicks, the Chiefs were up 14-0 with 3:35 in the first quarter.

Chipley scored on a 73-yard run with 1:35 in the first. With a missed kick wide right, Northview held a 14-6 lead going into the second.

Kyles had a 70-yard touchdown run in the second, but the play was called back because of a holding penalty. The Chiefs were forced to punt it away, resulting in a 6-play Tigers drive that ended with a 27-yard touchdown run. Chipley missed the two point attempt, leaving Northview with a 14-12 advantage.

The Chief came really close to scoring with just half second to go in the half when a Vaughan pass to Kyles was picked off by a Chipley defender.

“We had the opportunity once or twice go up by maybe a couple of touchdowns, but they made the plays defensively,” Wheatley said.

Just 20 seconds into the third quarter, a pass from Kyles to Albritton resulted in a 74 yard touchdown and a 21-12 lead for the Chiefs.

Northview missed another opportunity as Brian Ross picked up a blocked punt and made it down to the 10-yard line. That series ended with a missed 28-yard field goal attempt from Vaughan.

“I’m heartbroken. But it was a heck of a run, and I wish it could keep going,”  Albritton, a senior, said. “They had the last knock out play. I wish we could have, but they did.”

Northview’s starting quarterback Brandon Sheets sat out the game in the press box after being suspended following last Friday’s Freeport game for unsportsmanlike conduct. An appeal to the Florida High School Athletic Association was denied.

The loss was particularly tough for Sheets as the senior stood crying on the field following the game, surrounded by his teammates and friends.

“I don’t know what to say; it’s horrible,” Sheets said through his tears.  “I just wanted this so bad for all of us.” photos, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Northview Falls In State Semifinal Playoff Game”

  1. teresa on December 4th, 2011 9:56 pm

    go going chiefs keep up the good work next year

  2. uncle rob on December 4th, 2011 1:34 pm

    Very pround of you bubba. keep your head up. it was fun watching you on Friday nights.

  3. tj on December 4th, 2011 9:49 am

    I agree with you Heather…and right is right………I truly believe that coaches from Baker and Freeport, or where ever else they got help from, warned Chipley that Northview could not be beaten with their full, original team,( including the QB), and these “grown-ups” took the steps needed to get the advantage over Northview. I am not talking about the Chipley football players, they played their hearts out just like Northview to win, but I do think it should be looked into that all of this is not just ‘coincidental’ for a state play-off game. Why would these other school’s coaches have such an interest in who wins THIS game? Why were they on Chipley’s sideline to begin with?Why couldn’t they bring officials in for these games that are far enough away from both teams so there wouldn’t be any question about their personal interests? Why was there not a State official in the press box for the Freeport game when Northview’s QB was supposedly getting 2 penalties to cause his ejection? No one saw him leave the field as did Freeports coach when he was ejected from the game. I admit I am not all that knowledgeable of the rules, but I do know right from wrong, and what would be considered a fair game. One more thing to Chipley’s coach, your comment in the PNJ, “We spot them a 14-point lead to start the game”, You didn’t “spot” or give” them anything, they TOOK IT, and they would have taken the game IF………..This game should be replayed…….without all the controversy crap…….

  4. Heather on December 3rd, 2011 10:03 pm

    Yes, the chiefs did great and we will have an awesome team. But let’s go ahead and be honest…it doesn’t matter. Next year it could be Kevin or another chief. We got slapped in the face as a school and as a community. I know. It doesn’t change anything now, but it we don’t stand together and fight this we deserve for this yto happen next year and all those that follow. I would donate to a legal fund to clear Sheets name and make a statement for future teams. If I was chipley, I wouldn’t want to win like this.

  5. RC on December 3rd, 2011 6:03 pm

    Tammy the announcement was made because there were coaches on the Chipley sidelines from several different teams helping coach the game one was from Baker and about 4 other schools. The boys played well Kevin done a good job it just wasn’t meant to be turnovers got us again against them there is always next year

  6. Coach on December 3rd, 2011 2:58 pm

    I see people are still harping on the officials, and the fact that the Sheets kid didn’t get to play. People have a tendency to blame everyone else for a loss. The truth is that one man doesn’t make a team. The back up QB done an awesome job. Praise him for his effort to lead the chiefs offense. The Chiefs played an awesome game and never quit. There will always be calls that are questionable, but that is part of the game, Everyone looks for blame, the fact is that the winjg back from chiply was allowed to run straight down the seam and go completly uncovered to catch a TD pass, Has nothing to do with the officals. The fumble on the last drive by the Chiefs in scoreing position had nothing to do with the officials. Northview had every oppertunity to win the game. I hate it for the players, but that is part of football. I am proud of every one of the players. It was a great season. Good Luck next Season.

  7. SGT Strobaugh on December 3rd, 2011 12:24 pm


    Victory comes in many forms. Loss is only a precursor to future victory. You have had an outstanding season. Your accomplishments have eclipsed any in school histort. You played with exceptional pride, integrity, and a selfless commitment that is hard to find, in this day and age.

    Hold your heads high. You may not be the champions today. But, your battles will prepare you to be BETTER champions, tomorrow.

    Congratulations on a sensational season. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it home to see it for my own eyes, but I have followed you all, the whole season. You have NOTHING to hang your heads for. Great job!

    It’s always a great day to be a Chief!

  8. right is right, wrong is wrong on December 3rd, 2011 11:31 am

    First I want to say GOOD JOB NORTHVIEW for playing hard…. Like others have said… you cant win all of them but you can win most of them. You should be very proud of yourselves….
    Second, I dont watch football much, but I know when something isn’t right! Northview was set up to lose this game since there last game when their quarterback got suspended. I have watched and watched that football game and that kid did nothing wrong. I think that someone had the refs in their pocket or those Chipley refs had a grudge. Can anyone tell me why you would have refs calling a game when they have an interest in it? Why didn’t they call in other refs from another area that could careless about who won or lost? Does anyone else find it odd that Chipley referees were calling a game that could potentially cause their home team to lose? Everyone knows the flags were boogus calls. And the “committee” is pretty much calling the coach of northview a liar. He claims he pulled the quarterback, referee claims he was ejected? Who is telling the truth? I believe the coach.. not referee that have way to much interest in it. Is there a video out there showing the refs ejecting him from the game? Too many questions!!! PS… I dont watch northview football, I dont know any kids there either. So I am not being bias!!!!! Just saying?!?

  9. Tammy on December 3rd, 2011 10:09 am

    I got a ???? What was that all about if your not part of the team get off the side lines???

  10. NHS Chief 2009 on December 3rd, 2011 10:07 am

    Once a chief always a chief, The boys played a hard game! And nobody wanted it to end like this. But god makes everything happen for a reason and sometimes we dont know why. But like i said once a chief ALWAYS a chief. Great Job Boys! :)

  11. NHS FOOTBALL MOM on December 3rd, 2011 9:26 am



  12. Allison on December 3rd, 2011 8:38 am

    I <3 Northview Chiefs!

    #40 is my brother and I'm very proud of him!

    FHSAA needs to get some new refs and quit cheating Northview out of winning! Just because their football seasons sucked doesn't mean they have to crush someone elses!

  13. Serena on December 3rd, 2011 7:31 am

    Northview Chiefs Football Players, you will always be champs in my eyes! It’s sad when a coach from another school has to assist to coach your football team to a championship playoff. That means that you are not capable of coaching them yourself because you do not know what you are doing. If this was the case, then this game should be replayed or the other team disqualified. Chiefs Football Players, you are the real champs because you play with heart during every football game. Coaching staff, you truly represent something these young men look up to and strive to become. Band, you represent regardless on how you felt, the weather was, and anything else that might have came your way. Cheerleaders, you were there to represent every game. Thanks water boys for keeping our boys hydrated. Fans, I don’t think Northview could ever ask for better fans. Keep your heads up players and strive to be the best you can be in life because you will succeed!

    Northview Chiefs are #1 for eternity….Be Bless!

  14. c.w. on December 3rd, 2011 7:21 am

    Well the WWE, oops, fhsaa has picked another “winner”. Not to take anything away from Chipley but not allowing
    sheets to play was a miscarriage of justice. Awful officals!!!!!
    To the Chiefs, the players did their best but you just can,t beat the stripped shirts that should not be there. The fhsaa has turned football into pro wrestling. Sad!

  15. Aaron on December 3rd, 2011 7:03 am


  16. 429SCJ on December 3rd, 2011 6:29 am

    The officals may have the monopoly, on viewing things through the Subjective lens, but I am sure the focus of the NVC Fans, is through the Objective.
