Photos: The Agony Of Defeat

December 3, 2011

After the final buzzer, the final notes from the bands, and the fireworks ended both on the field and in the skies, it was strangely quiet on western end of the football field at Northview High School Friday night. The scoreboard in the distance told the heartbreaking story for the hometown Chiefs, a 25-21 loss in the state semifinal game.

Moms held their sons; dads reacted with a pat on the back and a strong hug as they tried to find those perfect words to encourage their boys and make them feel rightfully proud about an impressive season cut short of their state championship dream.

Cheerleaders were oddly quiet, far from cheerful as tears flowed down their faces.  Young men kneeled to the ground in disbelief that it was all over. Fans stood silently, many sobbing, each consoling the other.

It had been a football season from which dreams were made. Blood, sweat and tears to a semifinal spot only reached once before by anyone in a Northview Chief jersey.

A senior quarterback, denied the right to play in his last ever high school football game, stood crying uncontrollably, his cheerleader girlfriend speechless by his side. One by one, his fellow teammates spoke to him. This was not a time for handshakes, this was a time for sharing a tear and  that bond that Chiefs have.

A family of Chiefs stood together, even in defeat. It’s the kind of thing that make one proud to live in North Escambia, and the kind of thing that makes one love the Northview Chiefs.

It’s a story, a love for God and country and community and one another and the Northview Chiefs that is just hard to put into words. It’s easiest understand this story by looking into the souls and the passion of the Northview Chiefs in a photo gallery we’ve entitled The Agony of Defeat.

Click here to view the gallery.

Pictured top: A tearful senior Sam Spence is comforted by cheerleader Autumn Rose following Northview’s loss to Chipley Friday night. Pictured top inset: Senior quarterback Brandon Sheets (center), sheds tears with teammates. Pictured bottom inset: Senior Austin Albritton is overcome with emotion following the loss. Pictured below: Senior Nathan Therrell, who was unable to play until undergoing brain surgery, was once the team’s waterboy. photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Photos: The Agony Of Defeat”

  1. kayla on December 5th, 2011 7:43 pm

    well boys dont let it get you down hold your heads and keep livin life go chifes

  2. Rhonda Currie on December 4th, 2011 12:21 pm

    You boys have made an outstanding incredible history in the football season at NHS this year, You all hold your heads HIGH AND PROUD !!! Our entire community are super proud of each and everyone of you !! You all played outstanding friday night and all other games this season !! Go Chiefs !!

  3. Everett on December 3rd, 2011 10:39 pm

    These guys need not ever hold their heads down. They had a great year which I know they will remember for the rest of their lives and at future reunions. It’s really tough to give 110% and still not win. Take what you did this year and come out like gangbusters next year.

    Carl Madison at Tate High School would say “We didn’t win or lose, we just ran out of playing time”.

  4. Beau & Sylvia on December 3rd, 2011 10:34 pm

    Chiefs you played your best and that is all that could be expected of you. You have no reason to hang your heads. We are all proud of you. You guys did a great job. I know you are disappointed, but it’s okay this too shall pass and you will look back and be proud of your games also.

  5. Mckenzie on December 3rd, 2011 6:40 pm

    As a Northview Chief I have one question… Why is everyone holding there heads down..? Our Chiefs played a GREAT game ! & they tried there best for Brandon. Hopefully next year we can get this far again because there is not many high schools that can say we ARE regional & district champs! but our Chiefs CAN ! I am so pround & honered to be a NORTHVIEW CHIEF!♥

  6. a harsh judge on December 3rd, 2011 4:41 pm

    It breaks my heart to see the emotions this young man has displayed, because I’ve been there. Football is not simply a game of brute force and skill; the emotions of the men play a major role in as well. In retrospect, I am certain some of the brave men and faithful fans of the elephant who ridiculed Tim Tebow for crying at the failure of his team to defeat the tide can have a little more understanding and maybe wish they had not been so quick to judge him and make fun of him.
    Brandon, you have shown your feelings and you will be a better man for it. It takes a lot of strength for a man to have emotions and be at a point where one doesn’t care who knows it. Go Chiefs!

  7. McDavid Mini Mart on December 3rd, 2011 3:59 pm

    Hold your heads high, Northview, after a job VERY well done!! You guys played a great season and we’re proud of each and every one of you! We may not make it to the games (Kevin & I are so busy with the store), but we do follow you all closely and want you to know we’re cheering you on from Hwy 29! We want to wish the seniors good luck in all of your future endeavors, and underclassmen….we’ll get ‘em next year!!! :)

    Go Northview Go!

    Your friends at McDavid Mini Mart

  8. cheer mom on December 3rd, 2011 3:57 pm

    Beautiful article….brings tears to my eyes. Those boys played with all their heart, & I am so PROUD of them! I will always remember last night’s game…..I’m proud to be a part of this GREAT community!!! Thank you William & family for ALL you guys do!!! We love you # 8!!!!!!!!

  9. Becky Strobaugh on December 3rd, 2011 2:48 pm

    Thank you, William, the photos tell a story as only one “us” could tell it. The Chief’s played a great game and should be proud of their accomplishments!

  10. Right is right and wrong is wrong on December 3rd, 2011 11:25 am

    First I want to say GOOD JOB NORTHVIEW for playing hard…. Like others have said… you cant win all of them but you can win most of them. You should be very proud of yourselves….
    Second, I dont watch football much, but I know when something isn’t right! Northview was set up to lose this game since there last game when their quarterback got suspended. I have watched and watched that football game and that kid did nothing wrong. I think that someone had the refs in their pocket or those Chipley refs had a grudge. Can anyone tell me why you would have refs calling a game when they have an interest in it? Why didn’t they call in other refs from another area that could careless about who won or lost? Does anyone else find it odd that Chipley referees were calling a game that could potentially cause their home team to lose? Everyone knows the flags were boogus calls. And the “committee” is pretty much calling the coach of northview a liar. He claims he pulled the quarterback, referee claims he was ejected? Who is telling the truth? I believe the coach.. not referee that have way to much interest in it. Is there a video out there showing the refs ejecting him from the game? Too many questions!!! PS… I dont watch northview football, I dont know any kids there either. So I am not being bias!!!!! Just saying?!?

  11. JOY on December 3rd, 2011 9:24 am


  12. Kathy on December 3rd, 2011 7:22 am



  13. Baebae on December 3rd, 2011 7:17 am

    Great story..tells how life is when dealing with failures…you cant win them all but you can win most of them…great memories were made at this game that will be carried with them through out their entire life…it wont seem so bad as time moves on…but its good to know that you guys did your best…

  14. Allison Nelson on December 3rd, 2011 7:04 am

    Victory or Defeat, no matter what the Chiefs are champions to me

    Sam, I love you bunches little bro…I’m so sorry that ya’ll lost. Just remember that you’ll always be my little champion and that you’re very loved by your family and friends. Keep your head up! Oh, and Kevin said “ga ge ahh!” (A.K.A. = I Love You!) lol

  15. 429SCJ on December 3rd, 2011 6:41 am

    I remember that young players pain well, though it was not under such acute circumstances as these. Psalm 18 is a group of verses that I find comforting in times such as these, may they comfort and strenghten you as well.
