Mothers Arrested For Murder In Fire Deaths Of 3 Kids; Funeral Services Announced

November 8, 2011

The mothers of three children killed in an Atmore house fire last week were arrested Monday for murder.

The twin sisters, Akeevia Lajoseia Abner and Tekeevia Lajoseialan Abner, both 18,  were arrested Monday for three counts of the reckless murder of 3-year old Aniyia Abner, 3-year old Takia Abner and 22-month old Michael Coleman. The arrest followed an investigation by the Alabama State Fire Marshal, Atmore Fire Department and the Atmore Police Department.

“They showed an extreme indifference to these children’s lives and created a grave risk of death to the children by leaving them home alone on November 2, 2011,” according to a press release from Escambia County (Ala.) District Attorney Steve Billy.

They perished in a fire which was apparently caused from leaving a stove unattended, according to a preliminary fire marshal report.

They were taken into custody by the State Fire Marshal and booked into the Escambia County Detention Center Monday without bond, pending a bond hearing.

Funeral services for the children will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the New Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, 1712 M.L. King Avenue in Atmore.  The Rev. Dr. Harold Askew will be officiating.

For earlier stories about the fire, including photos from the aftermath of the fire Wednesday night, click here and click here.

Pictured below: This photo shows the oven door propped open inside the kitchen of a home were three children died in a house fire Wednesday night.


69 Responses to “Mothers Arrested For Murder In Fire Deaths Of 3 Kids; Funeral Services Announced”

  1. David Huie Green on November 11th, 2011 11:28 am

    “I pray that this will be a lesson for all young girls with children, who decide later that they want to continuing being children. ”

    Usually the ones who would benefit from the cautionary tale possibly involved in this case most likely have parents who either won’t bother to share the danger or who will keep it from them to protect them from the bad things in life. Over and over you see people who say you shouldn’t discuss what led to a death because “now is a time to grieve, not point fingers.” It looks like it would show love for children to warn them, but others disagree.

    David for teaching
    when people are listening
    if they ever do

  2. David Huie Green on November 11th, 2011 11:22 am

    “all I want to know is what does being on public assistance have to do with this tragic situation.”

    I don’t know that they were but if they WERE being assisted by public funding, that means all tax payers chipped in to see that they didn’t suffer undue want so they could dedicate their time to preserving the lives they brought into this world.

    If it turned out that they used that help to let them party and ignore the needs of the children, some taxpayers might resent being cheated and even made to be part of the killing.

    I don’t know a thing about the particulars of this case but have heard many comment over the years about the source of much current senseless crime being people who’ve never taken responsibility for their own actions, never had to take responsibility, and who raised the next generation to not even consider taking responsibility. Meanwhile, the taxpayers are told to work harder to shoulder the burden so the assisted don’t have to do so.

    It probably doesn’t apply in this case, but if it did, surely you could see where folks would feel ripped off by the situation.

    David for justice for the people
    showing mercy

  3. holly b on November 10th, 2011 3:20 pm

    all i want to know is what does being on public assistance have to do wit this tragic sistutaion. it aint no sercet that these girls should be punished for the neglience that result in the tragic death of three beautiful kids.

  4. liz on November 10th, 2011 2:27 pm

    To: Karia Studerbaker !

    It is N0T the grandparents or their parents to take care or tend to the children.. It is the mother and the father only!! I understand that every now and then to let a relative or someone to babysit and spend some time with the babies… But it is not their job to constantly watch over them.. The parents made the mistake to have the kids.. So it’s their job to tend and take care of them at ALL times!!!!! NOO excuses! If the sooo called parents aren’t able to do it then they can put them up for an adoption to someone who willl !

  5. 429SCJ on November 10th, 2011 4:08 am

    Amen Mercy Me. I always wondered why the state would take it upon its self to preclude the possibility of reproduction, this incident speaks with eloquence regarding the need to intervene in these matters. The ACLU and other groups can scream all the way to Jeruselem, but the facts speak for themselves. This quacks like a duck, this looks like a duck, and all the political correctness in the world, cannot wash over the hard facts of TRUTH. Open your eyes and see.

  6. mercyme on November 9th, 2011 8:06 pm

    Excellent argument for mandatory sterilization. They didn’t take care of the beautiful healthy children they had, they certainly don’t need any more.

  7. Kasha on November 9th, 2011 3:37 am

    Save the babies!

  8. Karia Studerbaker on November 8th, 2011 11:22 pm

    I understand that everyone is upset, but we must think about the children.

    The other things to consider is this: These girls are 18 years old – babies themselves, and barely out of high school.

    Where were the grandmothers, other relatives, and fathers of these children? If someone knew that these kids were unattended, what prevented them from taking these kids into their homes?

    In other words, the ENTIRE COMMUNITY (close relatives and others) is responsible for failing to act on behalf of these children.

    I pray that this will be a lesson for all young girls with children, who decide later that they want to continuing being children. Give these children to people who will care for them, and most importantly protect them from harm.

    Hopefully, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and primarily these absent fathers will step up to the plate and be a blessing rather than pointing the finger. All children deserve to protect by bystanders, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomics status.

    Now, we will never know what these three precious children would have been because no one stepped up to the plate and protected them.

  9. just my words on November 8th, 2011 10:39 pm

    I’ll say a prayer for these sprry mothers–lord these stupid girls left their babies alone to go party and if any luck not to come up pg..they had no concern for these three little ones, so maybe no one here on earth will be concern with the lifes of these two stupid worthless mothers and may they burn in hell……………..amen

  10. DEEDEE on November 8th, 2011 10:05 pm

    God is a God of ‘Grace and Mercy’, this whole situation is bad. The children, no matter how terrible this was, is resting with Jesus! What happened affects a lot of people, not just the mothers of these children. We need to be prayerful for all affected…the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and of course the mothers and all that are connected to and affected by this tragedy.

  11. vatrinka on November 8th, 2011 9:55 pm

    I think that a lot of people are loosing sight here as to.what the real.issue is. Three innocent lives have been taken. Regardless to if the girls were home or not they did not check on the kids. Even if they are on welfare that is besides the point they have lost their children and now may loose their freedom. It is quick for them to judge us and say what we are not doing as parents but, how many tried to offer those girls help or guidance. It is so easy to point the finger but if you could’ve helped you should have done so instead of downing them now

  12. JIM W on November 8th, 2011 9:04 pm

    To those of you who are trying to defend and paint the pitty me picture. It is what it is! There is no excuse on this God given planet for that happening. So far as all of that ” if you knew how bad they were having it” statements that is irrelevent at this point. We are not the ones who committed the crime and how would we have know in the first place how bad they had it. All we have to go by is what has been reported. Sorry, but at this point I am sticking to my original statement. If guilty may their butts fry! Those inoccent children did not deserve to die that way and it does not matter if someone was in the backyard or 10 blocks away it is irresponsible as aparent to leave them alone.
    It simply amazes me how people try and make excuses for wrong doing. Think what that is really saying about people in our society. It is a scary thought to think how much people have gone to the far side of life. You might want to think about that before making excuses again. Just saying!!

  13. Riversunshine on November 8th, 2011 8:15 pm

    How could you even make such an ignorant comment such as “God took these children because of ignorant people like you”. If you knew these girls were having such a rough time of it, why didn’t you jump in and help before the innocent children were left alone to die. I won’t even leave my dogs inside with something cooking in or on the stove.

  14. NAKITA MCNEAL ONAKA MCNEAL on November 8th, 2011 7:03 pm


  15. JIM W on November 8th, 2011 6:56 pm

    OMG!! If they are guilty of this crime then may their butts fry!!! Those children never ask to be brought here nor did they ask for this to happen. The mothers of them as it sounds left them without regard to their safety. Now it will be their time to pay! I feel for the innocent children who died and the rest of the family who had nothing to do with it. This is too sad! Now there are a lot of lives messed up over stupidity!!! Our youth has to get it together it is more to life than partying! Just saying!

  16. Presumedinnocent on November 8th, 2011 6:37 pm

    For all of you people attacking me consider these facts – go ask the authorities yourself:

    1. One of the mothers was in the backyard – how many of you or how many people do you know whom have gone outside while your kids were asleep?

    2. The oven did not work. It fell open in the fire-a common occurrence in fires. The range worked. What if they honestly thought it was off and made a mistake at 18 with not a responsible father in sight? Negligence – maybe. Murder? No way. How many of you have left something on and thought it was off? Have you ever had a defective appliance that caused a fire. What if that’s the case?

    3. Not one of you has any idea if these girls were the welfare princesses you claim they are. What proof do you have that they lived off Guvmint.

    My point is you are ready to convict someone based on what you read not all the facts. I pray for these girls and their family. Maybe you should too.

    My point is you are ready to convict someone for

  17. CONCERNEDINATMORE on November 8th, 2011 5:29 pm



  18. Connie on November 8th, 2011 4:21 pm

    @kaykay it only takes one mistake, which I’m sure these sisters have learned now. However, it’s don’t take much common sense, or any sense to know that you don’t leave babies, especially toodlers in a home without supervision. What reason would both mothers have to leave these children at home, why couldn’t one have stayed with the children? It seems to me that the mothers were not concerned about their children, only themselves. As a mother, if you really care you think about the “what if’s”. I hope that every time these mothers close their eyes they see their children…as far as justice, how can there be justice for these babies????The babies now lay with Jesus, unconditional love forever after.

  19. i love my son on November 8th, 2011 4:06 pm

    I have no clue what kind of “mothers” these two were before this happened but its clear now that they were SORRY! The people on here who say this was a mistake…how in the world can you say that…mistake!!! A mistake is leaving your baby bag at home when you go SEVERAL blocks away not your CHILDREN!!! And i do understand walking outside and next door dont get me wrong anything can happen..but at least if you are outside or right next door you could at least be able to TRY and save your kids..but when your several blocks away you have no clue! Oh let me guess they thought the 3 year old could baby sit!! What is wrong with these people who could careless about their kids, while there is a lot of us out there who would LOVE to have CHILDREN and CANT!! Im sure they were off TRYING to make more while the ones THEY left ALONE at home were burning!!! I know that the LORD has got them and is taking care of them since there parents were TO BUSY!! I HOPE they think about what they did for the REST of there lives!! I feel no pitty for those SORRY so called MOMS!!!

  20. kaykay on November 8th, 2011 2:35 pm

    okay for the people who responded to my comment . I dont not have kids but i do know how to take care of one i have my own niece and i watch ha all the time and i no what im suppose to do and not do i take her every step i go. but what i was saying is that everyone makes careless mistakes. yea they were wrong for leaving them in there by theirselves but i know these girls they loved their kids. and they are suffering from it right now and in the future they still have to so they dont need to be dealing with stupid ppl like you guys. yea i know exactlly how it feels to lose someone close to you because i lost my mother due to a stupid person in January. and no im not taking up for these girls but im also not all up in their bness talking wrong. god says forgive and forgive, and the negative ppl aint gone get no where

  21. safebear on November 8th, 2011 1:57 pm

    RobinHood stated “At least for now the Taxpayers ARE NOT supporting two sorry no good for nothing pieces of worthless flesh that are currently sitting in jail and hopefully will be in prison for the length of time those little babies are in their graves.”

    Actually we are supporting them – as long as they sit in jail food, clothing and shelter are provided to them at taxpayer expense Chances are we were supporting them with food stamps and medicaid before this all happened.

  22. so sad on November 8th, 2011 12:37 pm

    It is with great sadness that this situation occured. And yes I agree with many of you, there was no reason in the world these kids should have been left alone. Because of their actions, they will spend the rest of their lives always remembering the things they did wrong. But to all of you Christians on here who has nothing good to say. Let me remind you, becareful of what you say, the bible states, “What soever a man soweth, so shall he also reap”. Remember the old folk saying, “what goes around, comes around”. You may not do this action, but you may commit another and when that happen I want to see where you ask for prayer then. There is nothing wrong with PRAYER and if it is hard to give it may because you too have another SPIRIT that is not of GOD. No one can change what happen and for that they will pay for it, but you have no heaven or hell to put someone in. So be very careful while you are choosing their end, because from what I see and hear yoour end looks mighty shakey.

  23. me on November 8th, 2011 12:36 pm

    put them in jail until their 80. They want to run off and be idiots and leave those beautiful helpless babies there to die with no concern, then they can enjoy their years in jail.

  24. bratt on November 8th, 2011 12:22 pm

    @ terry Montgomery

    You say its people like us that thank these girls should pay for the careless act that claimed the lives of these little ones are the reason the world is like it is. NO!!! It’s people like YOU!! that are the cause of the system being so leant because u say they were just 18 that’s not an adult….people like YOU always make excuses for these ignorant, careless, and selfish people such as these girls…..well this is how it is, they laid down with a man and acted like an adult, and not just doing it once but TWICE for one girl. WAKE UP!!!! You won’t to say I haven’t heard any of u perfect people say a prayer for these girls…..well I went back to make sure I didn’t somehow miss it but Uhhh YOU DIDN’T SAY ONE YOURSELF.

  25. Samantha Johnson on November 8th, 2011 12:17 pm

    This is tragic. I can’t help by to feel sorry for these poor babies but I feel like GOD took them in peace.
    About these so called “mothers”, I have my own opinion. However, I do not believe that age is to be blamed for it. People are looking for excuses as to why they did it. Age, I can assure you, did not force them to be so reckless and careless. We discussed this in my Criminal Justice class last week and I have to agree with a comment made by a classmate. She pointed out that age is not the problem here. She stated that there were some14 year olds that took better care of their children that some 30 year olds did. I am in no way condoning babies having babies. However, the fact still remains that the culprits in this case are as follows:

    1. Common sense(Unfortunately, this is not so common anymore).
    2. Self worth(If you have a decency about yourself then you should at least have the heart to take care of something that is made up of 50% of your genes.)
    3. Responsibility(This is usually taught in the home, but I am not blaming the girls parents for this. I have siblings that were taught the same way I was and in the same house hold yet they lack a substantial amount of this.)

    These are just to name a few. I know that the vast majority of this younger generation may show a great lack for the above mentioned. But please note that not all of us are to be considered irresponsible. Some of us were taught morals, values, and responsibility and we know how to apply them. Don’t blame the age of these girls. Blame simply the girls and their actions. Age is an excuse..and it is just a number.

  26. David Huie Green on November 8th, 2011 11:44 am

    “Reckless endangerment is in the law, but “reckless murder”?”

    Reckless endangerment is the equivalent of attempted murder; you did what could have killed but didn’t. Reckless murder is when your actions DO kill.

    Looking at Alabama criminal code, from
    “Section 13A-6-2 – Murder.
    “(a) A person commits the crime of murder if he or she does any of the following:
    - – -
    “(2) Under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life, he or she recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to a person other than himself or herself, and thereby causes the death of another person.”

    It lists other examples of murder caused by indifference or in commission of other crimes.

    Being charged isn’t the same as being convicted but the criminal code of the state of Alabama is the basis of the charges.

    Remember, the law is whatever the legislature decides on –if not vetoed and if not in conflict with higher laws, the constitutions of the states or of the United States of America. For example, arson is murder if it kills somebody. Arson was illegal all along and even if you just set a fire for the pretty flames with no intention of hurting others, you committed murder. If you robbed a bank with no real intention of hurting anyone but one of your fellow robbers got shot and killed, you committed murder. If you were driving the getaway car and a bystander got killed, you committed murder. If you’re driving a car in an extremely reckless manner and kill somebody, you could (and should) be charged with murder.

    To avoid worrying about it, simply TRY to NOT kill anybody.

    David for lives with fewer regrets

  27. William on November 8th, 2011 10:50 am

    >>>“reckless murder”? Sounds like a contradiction in terms. I always thought murder had to be done with some level of intent. Reckless endangerment is in the law, but “reckless murder”? Would someone with a law degree please speak to this…or was it just a miss-print or miss-quote in the news story?

    It’s not a misprint or misquote — it was called “reckless murder” in the release issued by the district attorney. Googling it, that appears to be a valid charge in Alabama.

  28. Thinker on November 8th, 2011 10:48 am

    “reckless murder”? Sounds like a contradiction in terms. I always thought murder had to be done with some level of intent. Reckless endangerment is in the law, but “reckless murder”? Would someone with a law degree please speak to this…or was it just a miss-print or miss-quote in the news story?

  29. David Huie Green on November 8th, 2011 10:46 am

    ” i haven t heard anyone say a prayer for these young girls”

    Possibly because a real prayer isn’t directed toward YOUR ears. Just a thought, but we all know some “prayers” are really just speeches intended for a human audience rather than for the Lord. Even at that, several were written here. I assume they are legitimate expressions of concern.

    “ask yourself what will JESUS do with these young girls?”

    If they have turned their lives over to Him, He will save them. If they have not, He will condemn them in the final judgment, same as the rest of us. Jesus has already condemned harming small children. Of course this is children harming children, so . . .

    In the mean time, we have a legal system to promote proper actions through punishing improper actions. If the jury thinks what they did was good and proper, they will release them just as you would. I assume you don’t actually want to do away with laws and law enforcement and all earthly judges.

    David answering question asked

  30. Tracey on November 8th, 2011 10:44 am

    People like this need to be sterilized!!! They do not deserve to hav e children. They probably only had them to get money anyway!

  31. RobinHood on November 8th, 2011 10:01 am

    At least for now the Taxpayers ARE NOT supporting two sorry no good for nothing pieces of worthless flesh that are currently sitting in jail and hopefully will be in prison for the length of time those little babies are in their graves.

    While I am at it, I believe everyone should write to their Congressmen and have them to start up a petition for a ballot to be voted on by the people that would make anyone and everybody that gets FREE MONEY (WELFARE CHECK) from the Government to VOLUNTEER their services at places such as Pollack Rehabilitation Services , etc. which stated they would lose help by Government cutting back funding. Well these folks that receive FREE CHECKS need to start working for the money and do some type of Volunteer work to make them feel like they are earning the money instead of being given money for DOING NOTHING. If they do not Volunteer, then they get cut off from WELFARE which would make them either get a job and start paying taxes or keep on volunteering to receive their FREE CHECKS. What do you all think about that idea?

  32. Mel on November 8th, 2011 9:57 am

    Well it really isn’t going to help at this point where the mothers were at the time of the fire, it’s to late for them to be at home to help their children when in need. The babies are gone now and nothing will bring them back. Now is the time for the mothers to be made accountable for their actions or the lack thereof… We’re all accountable everyday for the decisions we make, some good… some bad….. we always pay in some way….

  33. bratt on November 8th, 2011 9:13 am

    @ Presumedinnocent

    Come on now let’s be real…if you know for a fact that the oven didn’t work. Then you go and say have you ever left something on the stove like trying to make others feel guilty or trying to prove the twins are innocent, or what if there was a malfunction. FACT IS if the mothers had been home with these babies (WERE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN) the mothers could have got to them before it was to late. Since you say you know for a fact the oven didn’t work then you must know a lil about these mothers and I use that term very lightly. If you know about them like you make it sound, then you must know for a fact that these girls WAS NOT TAKING CARE OF THEIR BABIES!!! The twins was seen walking way past there house at 7:30 Wednesday nite. Even the twins daddy came up with the excuse of one of the twins had to make a phone call at a neighbors house. They were 2 roads back behind there house. Even if this wasn’t the daddy just blowing smoke why did they BOTH have to go? You know about the stove well you must know about DHR being involved. Making excuses for the twins won’t help them now. It’s time they grew up and now they have to do it the hard way. THAT’S THE FACT! I hate it for them they are very young….not my problem. They done this to themselves….nobody else done it.

    Just as really? said what you think the fire marshal and the others are just making this up?? Get real, quit trying to blame other people. The ones at fault got picked up monday nite and was taken to jail!!!!

  34. Hope and Love on November 8th, 2011 9:12 am

    I have four children myself and I have never thought about leaving them home alone. They are so dependent on us and helpless. Parents HAVE to be Parents!! Atleast we know these children are better off and will never be hurt again. I know these children will be missed and I pray for all involved.

  35. terry montgomery on November 8th, 2011 9:08 am

    we have all been 18 years old before and people 18 yrs old isn t grown. what these young girls did was wrong but do they deserve to be charged for murder?i don t think the criminal justice system will eventually charge them for murder it will be something less serious. now i ask you why are you so quick to judge these kids and condemn them. i haven t heard anyone say a prayer for these young girls. these types of actions that you perfect people are displaying is why our country is so messed up. where is the compassion for other people. this is the only thing is ask each one of you people who wrote something hateful towards these girls is to ask yourself what will JESSUS do with these young girls? people and please be honesetwith yourself.

  36. MQ on November 8th, 2011 8:47 am

    I was an 18 year old mom. Married, and have been for 40+ years. Times were different then, but I never left my child to go a few blocks away! Never left the oven door open unattended if we had to use it for heat. And NEVER felt deprived of a social life. There is lacking natural motherly affection today for children, and it is a sad state of affairs. Babies don’t “give” love – they demand it. If you are in need of love, get a kitten, at least if you get tired of it, you can leave and it will take care of itself for a while,or give it away.. Children are a blessing, but a LOT of work and a time consuming endeavor to raise in the proper way. I am sure these mothers loved their children, but in the end made a terrible judgement and now will have to live with the consequences. And yes, there are consequences to our actions,which most people don’t want to realize today. The attitude is, I can do as I please and it is no one’s business. But, this attitude has cost three lives, and devastated many family members and friends. May God help you all through this and give you peace and comfort.

  37. Ghost_Rider on November 8th, 2011 8:43 am

    PresumedInnocent, that’s it, go ahead and defend these girls. I would certainly take the word of a fire marshal over someone that says they “know for a fact”. The grandmother of the babies stated on live TV that the girls were down the street at a party. Maybe you are the one who should get their story straight.

    Fact is these babies died a horrible death which was totally avoidable. These are some of the consequences of babies having babies. If they were not charged with murder, I am sure that the authorities could at least get them for negligent homicide.

    Oh and if the oven didn’t work, why would someone prop it open as the picture indicates. Seeing is believing.

  38. Thinker on November 8th, 2011 8:35 am

    The one thing bothering me is how two women are being blamed. They had no sense not to get pregnant at 14 years old? Birth control pills have been available since 1963! To intentionally have a child who will know nothing but poverty it’s entire childhood is child abuse. They need to state who the fathers of these children are. I think every man should be held accountable for every pregnancy he is responsible for. Why is it they blame the woman and the man just walks away? These men should be made to feel like scum for not supporting their own kids. They should have to share the care of these children and be with the children if the mother isn’t. Yes, these women have now had their lives ruined and once more, the dad just walks away like he did no wrong, yes he did, by using their mom long ago. Will this cycle of blame the mom ever end?

  39. Really? on November 8th, 2011 8:10 am

    —-”Why do all of you people presume they are guilty right off the bat? Have you ever thought that maybe the facts aren’t what you read here?”

    So you think the District Attorney and the Fire Marshall just make this stuff up?

  40. Me on November 8th, 2011 8:08 am

    it is not my right to judge although it is hard not to. I will say : God bless these babies and all the hearts and minds that hurt by this tragedy.

  41. PresumedInnocent on November 8th, 2011 8:00 am

    Why do all of you people presume they are guilty right off the bat? Have you ever thought that maybe the facts aren’t what you read here? I know for a fact that they did not leave the oven on. In fact, the oven didn’t even work. How many of you have left something on the stove on? How many of you have had a stove that malfunctioned? If either one of those had caused harm to somone, would you expect to be charged with murder for an accident? How do you know they “walked down the street”? Because you read it in on the internet? What if the mother was in the backyard? Have you ever stepped out into the backyard with your children asleep?

  42. on my mind on November 8th, 2011 7:58 am

    first of all, they were not outside washing their car or checking the mail or even next door, for christ sake. if they had been they could have saved their children or maybe attempted to. yes we have all left our child in the house unattended to check mail wash cars or even do yard work, but before we do the most of us do our best to secure things around our child. and if something happens it is an accident. and yes these girls are going to suffer the rest of their lives. they are young but that is no excuse except that they were thinking of themselves at the moment and not their children. my heart goes out to them and their family and freinds. and hope that in the future we will all try to help one another and maybe we can prevent this from happening again.

  43. Betty on November 8th, 2011 7:01 am

    I am glad they are being held accountable…At age 18 after being a mother for 3 years they should have known better…Saying they were young and made a mistake is not a very good excuse…They had 3 years to learn the ropes and obviously didn’t…Do the crime…Do the time….

  44. Tina on November 8th, 2011 6:05 am

    How can anyone read this and not cry?
    I am so tired of seeing little children hurt by the ones they trust the most.
    And what is worse is when they go to the state through the foster system, they end up in abusive homes as well. When, where, does it stop?

  45. David Huie Green on November 8th, 2011 5:42 am

    “The story says they are twin sisters. I still think there is more to the story to be proven as fas as intent”

    Consider the charges: “arrested Monday for three counts of the reckless murder ”

    Reckless murder doesn’t require intent to kill just lack of intent to NOT kill when killing is very likely.

    And, yes, twins can have children; my Aunt Mavis Jean and Aunt Mable Dean did, although later in life than these two.

    David considering charges and fertility

  46. T2 on November 8th, 2011 1:05 am

    This is beyond heart breaking. Just look at those little gifts from God. Now they are with God. God had a better plan for them as angels.

  47. just my words on November 7th, 2011 10:38 pm

    cone on kaykay,you gotta be kidding for thinking these stupid so mothers made a mistake, hell they knew what they were doing.. I hope no one allows you to watch their kids, and if you have kids you must be as sorry as they are and leave your kids alone

  48. Amy M on November 7th, 2011 10:03 pm

    We all have done wrong none of us are perfect. I am glad to see that so many people are perfect but I know alot of people who have done this left to go next door. Yes these girls was wrong but they have to live with it. Just like people who choose to smoke cigs around their children and cause damage to their poor babies. I feel sorry for everyone involved in this they sufer these great loss and have to hear all of this awful stuff being said. People think about this next time your outside washing your car or doing anything in your yard while your babies sleep what if this was you? do you really think you could get back in and save your child if your house caught on fire? maybe not . next time its lighting and your child is safe inside and your outside doing what grown ups do know your home could burn in just a few minutes and yes the fire is so hot even if you want to save them maybe you can”t I know the girls done wrong and Im sure they know also and really they just lost their children do you think that they care about jail when they lost thier children.

  49. DJC on November 7th, 2011 9:59 pm

    Lord, let this be a lesson to all young mothers & fathers in this area (including myself.) Love your children. Never leave their sides, for it is us that they should always be able to depend on.

  50. Volunteer FireFighter on November 7th, 2011 9:22 pm

    @ KayKay
    What good mother or father would leave their child in a walker near a stove with rice or anything else cooking and go OUTSIDE to check the mail???? Damn it sounds like there is a lot of folks needing some parenting classes or don’t need children!!!!

  51. Volunteer FireFighter on November 7th, 2011 9:11 pm

    I have been a Vol Firefighter for 19 years this has been one of my worst fears a child that we could not save in a burning house. I have worked a medical (CPR) on a small child that we could not save and it bothered me for months, when its a child it’s a lot different. I have seen several adults that have parished in house fires and also car crashes(MVA’s). It’s not a sight you would wish on your worst enemy. As your praying for these children and their families Please say a prayer for all the Emergancy workers that had to do their jobs and bare witness. These ugly pictures will always be with them. I just hope they will talk with others and get further help. I will be saying a special prayer for all of you. As for the mothers all I can say is you will have to also answer to God!!!

  52. Molino Girl on November 7th, 2011 9:06 pm

    It’s really sad what the world is coming to. We are allowing children to have children….they don’t take care of them. Most of them are on public assistance , food stamps , medicare , all paid by our tax dollars……stop this insanity. Teach your children right from wrong , be examples to them , raise them to be responsible productive human beings. There is nothing right about these girls leaving those baby’s alone , to go up the street. They need a strong dose of reality , and I believe they are about to get it!! This is very sad:(:(

  53. whb on November 7th, 2011 8:53 pm

    Poor babies there is a special place in h*** for the two sisters and many more like them. There are people that would love to have kids and can’t why would anyone do that to innocent children or anyone for that matter may you both rot in HELL!

  54. just me on November 7th, 2011 8:50 pm

    don’t be gald that this happen to the twins because it could been you. we all have done wrong,some just haven’t got caughtup!!!!!!!!!

  55. molino on November 7th, 2011 8:21 pm

    Reality speaks: i totally agree with u. They r babies theirselves. I really hate it for the family.

  56. CFLORIDA on November 7th, 2011 8:13 pm

    @tammy AMEN!!!!!

  57. CFLORIDA on November 7th, 2011 8:11 pm

    Ive been reading so many statements that are saying”too young,too imature,babies having babies”WELL THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT YOU SHOULDNT LEARN TO BE A GOOD MOTHER IF YOU BECOME ONE AT A YOUNG AGE!!!!!!!I was young when I had my first born(15yrs old)which thats nothing to brag about. But heres my thing,my mom raised me and taught me that just because i got pregant that didnt solve nothing but for me to be a good mother.She made me take care of my child to the best of my ability.I had a job at burger king and was a supervisor at age 17 so thats no excuse just because theyre young.NO THEY ARE SORRY!!!!But GOD makes no mistakes i just feel so bad about this.It brings tears to my eyes!!!I am 26 and have 3 kids and the oldest is ten and theres no way I would leave them to go down the street for sex,drugs,or money.I LOVE ALL 3 of my kids dearly.They are there when no one besides GOD is there when i have to cry,feel lonely,feel depressed,feel happy and just whenever I need someone to just say”ITS OKAY” I AM SO SADDENED:(

  58. kaykay on November 7th, 2011 8:04 pm

    I am praying for everyone who is hurt by this. i am just going to say i no that these two girls loved their children. it obviously was a mistake. just someone who didnt think before they left the house. you people should not be downing them like this but trying to uplift them. now some of you parents know yall have left the house just to go check the mail. well guess what the same thang couldve happened. you go check the mall and your kid couldve rolled off the bed and broke its neck. you go to the mail box while rice cooking and your toddler could pushed his driveable car into the stove and got burned to death. soo dont speak bad about these young mothers. because you never know it couldve been you

  59. Tammy on November 7th, 2011 7:46 pm

    My heart goes out to those 3 babies i pray they did not suffer. my heart aches for those babies i pray god took them so they never felt anything. i’m 47 and i want a baby so bad and can’t have anymore and there is some that have them and don’t want them. dear lord i pray you opened you precious and loving arms and welcomed those babies and will love them the way they deserved to be loved in Jesus name AMEN.

  60. sally on November 7th, 2011 7:45 pm

    they ought to be so ashamed they should have wished they had perished instead of their precious babies

  61. tracy on November 7th, 2011 7:40 pm

    If ever free should be force fed birth control….NEVER should have (checks) I mean children AGAIN!!

  62. 429SCJ on November 7th, 2011 7:19 pm

    One thing is for certain, this cycle is going to interupted, for a long while anyway.

  63. Sam on November 7th, 2011 7:14 pm

    Amen! Thank you Steve Billy for doing the right thing. Those so called mothers never deserve to be free another day. They could care less about those 3 innocent babies and I hope the judge and jury could care less about them!

    I just hope I get picked for the jury!!

  64. Reality speaks on November 7th, 2011 7:00 pm

    Babies had babies and now we have…

    Three babies dead.

    Two baby’s momma’s (who were just babies themselves) facing murder charges.

    What have we accomplished?

    Three lives ruined; two lives changed for the worse; a family with pain that can never be quelled; and emptiness that can never been filled.

  65. uh?? on November 7th, 2011 6:59 pm

    These girls we’re 2 immature 2 have babies.hope justice will be served for those 3 beutiful kids that didnt deserve to be taken this early in their life for their mom’s imature ways.god bless the family and friends that was there 4 them kids.

  66. just my words on November 7th, 2011 6:48 pm

    THANK GOD, they got arrested, I hope they rot-they’re sorry much of crap-jail is too good for them, I hope they’ll get what’s coming to them by the other convicts and with any luck someone will set them on fire behind our tax dollars doesn’t support them any longer{forgive me lord for the hate I feel for these two girls.}

  67. do what? on November 7th, 2011 6:48 pm

    Mothers? Did I miss something? The story says they are twin sisters. I still think there is more to the story to be proven as fas as intent. God bless those babies.

  68. so sad on November 7th, 2011 6:46 pm

    Those poor little children. I know God has them sitting beside him in Heaven but to think that their moms didn’t care at all about them is sooo sad.

  69. Kosher Dave on November 7th, 2011 6:23 pm

    Hope the Sisters get what they deserve.