Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Classes In Molino

January 11, 2009


Christian financial advisor Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is coming to Molino.

The 13 lesson program at Victory Assembly of God will change the way you think about personal finance, according to Ramsey’s web site. The program teaches about how to save money, live on a budget, communicate about money, eliminate debt, find bargains, and experience the joy of giving. Over 650,000 families have taken the course, which features a one hour video sesson each week from Ramsey.

The course also includes a lifetime membership in the Financial Peace University along with class materials. The lifetime membership allows holder to attend a class anytime, anywhere at no additional charge.

Classes being on January 20 at 6:30 an continue for 13 weeks every Tuesday evening. For more information, contact the church at 587-2295 or visit victorycan.org.

Ramsey is also a popular radio talk show host, dealing out his own personal credit-cards-are-bad style of Christian financial advice. The show can be heard locally weekdays on WNSI 105.9 FM. It is also available on XM satellite radio channel 165 from 2 to 6 p.m. weekdays, and on Sirius satellite radio from 8 to 11 pm on channel 161.

B-I-N-G-O At the C-C-C

January 11, 2009


Judy Copeland with Epilepsy Services of Northwest Florida and the Dogwood Chapter of Good Sam Club teamed up to play “Safety Bingo” with the residents of Century Care Center. There were no losers in the game, and the residents enjoyed themselves as did the volunteers. The two groups provided an abundance of prizes, as well as game play assistance for those who needed it. Submitted photos, click to enlarge.




Miller Named Ranking Member Of Armed Services Committee

January 11, 2009

House Armed Service Committee Ranking Member John McHugh has announced that U.S. Congressman Jeff Miller of FLorida has been appointed ranking member of the Terrorism and Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee. Designation as Ranking Member means Miller is the top Republican on the subcommittee.

The Terrorism and Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee has jurisdiction over Special Operations Command – policy, readiness, personnel, and acquisition; International terrorism; Homeland defense and consequence management programs; Information Technology programs and policy, to include cyberwarfare and cybersecurity; Defense Research and Development; Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction, including Defense Threat Reduction Agency; Chemical, Biological, and radiological defense; and Select force protection issues.

“It is certainly a great honor to have the opportunity to serve as ranking member of an important subcommittee that is so critical to our nation,” said Miller. “I’m eager to work hard in this new capacity for our men and women in uniform.”

Since being elected to Congress in 2001, Miller has quickly established himself nationally as a strong advocate for national defense issues. The First Congressional District of Florida, which includes North Escambia, is home to NAS Pensacola, NAS Whiting Field, Hurlburt Field, Duke Field, and Eglin AFB.

“I am honored to have Jeff Miller as an integral part of the Republican leadership team for the House Armed Services Committee. His detailed knowledge of today’s threat environment—and his understanding of what tools are needed to counter those threats—make him a natural choice to lead the Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee. In his new role, he will ensure the men and women of America’s Special Operations Command, including those stationed at the Air Force Special Operations Command in Florida, have the necessary tools and support to achieve their missions,” said Congressman John McHugh.

Elderly Couple Dies In Area House Fire

January 10, 2009

An elderly couple died in a northern Escambia County house fire in the Cottage Hill area near Cantonment this morning.

Their names have not been officially released pending notification of next of kin.

The fire was reported on Cedar Point Road just before 8:00 this morning. Cedar Point is located off Cedar Tree Lane between Highway 29 and Highway 95A.

A large portion of the house was heavily damaged including the front bedroom where the couple was found.

Fire departments from across the North Escambia area, including Molino, McDavid and Cantonment, responded to the blaze.

The state fire marshal has been called to the scene to investigate.

Further details will be posted when they become available.

Walker: Mass Delivery Of Recycling Cans This Weekend, ECUA Made Mistakes

January 10, 2009

The ECUA will make a mass attempt to deliver as many recyclables containers as possible this weekend, and one board member admits that ECUA made have made some mistakes in its new trash program.

The ECUA recyclables container delivery contractor will have seven trucks working on Saturday and Sunday, and ECUA will add three of their trucks into the delivery effort, according to Larry Walker, ECUA District 5 board member. Over 2,400 containers have been delivered so far, Walker said, including deliveries on 36 roads in North Escambia. He said deliveries have been made on Pineville Road, Rockaway Creek Road, Highway 4, Highway 186 and Barrineau Park School Road.

Deliveries to former Allied Waste customers was further complicated and delayed by a delay in getting customer account data transferred from Allied to ECUA. Cans were delivered in North Escambia January 2-3, Walker said, adding that the deliveries actually began in North Escambia and moved south.

Walker admits that ECUA has made a mistake by trying to take over the Allied Waste residential service in North Escambia and implementing recycling program at the same time.

“ECUA is guilty of trying to do too much too quickly and all at the same time.  In retrospect, it appears to me that ECUA should have absorbed the Allied area first, then initiated the recycling program and the changes in the service program.  We also should have done more effective public information efforts.  I agree that ECUA has made a mess out of the transitions in garbage service.  I do believe, though, that ECUA will made rapid progress in getting the program on a sound footing.”

ECUA has said that their phone lines have been overwhelmed since the changeover, both with customers with service questions and with those wishing to sign-up for recycling service. They implemented improved contact methods, including email. and extended customer service phone hours. That contact information is at the bottom of this article.

Walker spent about 15 hours in North Escambia last Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. He made stops at Cooper’s Store in Bratt, Harold Holder’s store in Molino, Frans Diner and Webbs Diner in Molino, Cole’s Barber Shop and the Davisville General Store. Along the way, he met with residents that shared their questions and concerns about ECUA’s service.

Some of those concerns Walker addressed in an email to NorthEscambia.com:

  • Recycling will not be made mandatory.  The current approach appears to be stimulating widespread participation.  The signup for recycling has exceeded expectations, and hundreds of households that were not Allied customers have signed up for ECUA service.
  • There is not a 50 percent reduction in service if a customer accepts the recycling service.  With the recycling pickup included, there will be two cans picked up each week, just as now.  The route will be run three times weekly, once by the garbage truck, once by the recycling truck, and once by the yard-debris truck.  Consequently, there will be no reduction in operating costs.
  •  The minor rate reduction that has been offered (from $19.62 to $17.99)is the result of the fact that ECUA expects to sell the collected recyclables to a private-company buyer.  The revenue from those sales, it is projected, will permit the $1.63 rate reduction.
  • If ECUA had simply continued two regular garbage pickups, no rate reduction would have been possible.  In these hard times, every penny counts, as so many people have said to me recently.  ECUA is responding by finding the one way that it is possible to reduce the charge for garbage service, namely, by collecting recyclables separately and selling them for revenue.
  • Many people have told me that ECUA is sucking people in with the $17.99 price and will raise the price a few months later.  In fact, that may happen, but it will not be because of trickery on ECUA’s part.  Rather, the danger is that the revenue from the sale of recyclables will be less than expected, which will force a rate increase.  I have read in the New York Times that recyclables markets are collapsing, as part of the broader recession.
  • The Seniors rate may be obtained by any customer who is 65 or older.  Apply for the Seniors rate and provide name, address, and telephone number.

 ECUA is asking customers with Internet access to sign up for the voluntary curbside recycling program in one of the following ways:

  • email support@ecua.org with your name, address and daytime phone number, along with the desired recycling container size — 40, 64 or 90 gallon.
  • visit ecua.org and download a form located on the “Sanitation Services” page. That form can be faxed or mailed to the ECUA.
  • phone lines hours have been extended to 7 p.m. “for as long as necessary”.

The new trash, recycling and yard waste pick-up day in all of North Escambia is Tuesday, except for those still served by Allied Waste in the Town of Century.
If else fails, or if you have other concerns, Walker said he welcomes your email at larry@larrywalker.com or your call at 723-6094.

Molino Man Gets Maximum Sentence For Killing His Infant Daughter

January 10, 2009

A Molino man will spend the next 15 years in state prison or killing his infant daughter in 2006.

On Friday, Circuit Judge Michael Allen sentenced Christopher Paterson, 28,  to 15 years in prison for the death of his one year old daughter Ali Jean Paterson in late September, 2006. That sentence was the the maximum the judge could have imposed.

Ali Jean Paterson died on November 26, 2006, from burns she received two weeks earlier when she was left unattended in a hot bath, according to authorities. Paterson told deputies he placed the child in shower that just felt warm and went to another room to get a towel. He said that when he returned, Ali was screaming, and there was steam rising from the shower. He then called 911 after noticing red sores on the child.Ali survived at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham for two weeks before she died.

This was not Paterson’s first involvement with authorities over Ali. The Department of Children and Families investigated a broken leg she suffered in May 2006. Paterson and Brittany Knapp, Ali’s mother, took Ali to the hospital with a broken leg. They said her leg was broken when it became trapped in a slot in her crib. DCF did not find that the incident was abuse at that time.

A jury deliberated for only about two hours before returning the guilty verdict.

Paterson was indicted by a grand jury on second degree manslaughter charges in February of 2007. He was arrested on May 1, 2007, near Gainesville. He has remained in jail since his arrest.

Rain On The Way, Cooler Sunday

January 10, 2009

For the second week in a row, it looks like a wet Saturday in North Escambia.

There’s a slight chance of morning showers in the area, with a rain chance increasing to 70 percent by afternoon. Expect a high of 70, with a south wind up to 20 mph.

The rain chance continues at 70 percent for tonight. The rain should end shortly after midnight with a low in the upper 40’s.

It will be partly sunny and cooler on Sunday, with a high of 57. Sunday night’s low will be 34, and Monday will be sunny and 62.

Sunny days and clear, cool nights are in store Tuesday and Wednesday, with highs of 57 and lows of 32.

Escambia County Is Storm Ready

January 10, 2009

Escambia County is officially storm ready.

Escambia County received its recertification as a “StormReady” community as of Jan. 1, 2009. To be certified as StormReady, communities must meet guidelines established by the National Weather Service (NWS) in partnership with federal, state and local emergency management professionals.

stormready.jpgIf the community passes its evaluation, it is designated StormReady for three years. The recertification provides points toward the Community Rating System (CRS) and thus reduces its flood insurance premiums. This qualifies Escambia County as a StormReady community through December 2012.

Nearly 90 percent of all presidentially declared disasters are weather-related and responsible for an annual average of 500 deaths and $14 billion in damages. To help Americans prepare for the ravages of severe weather, the NWS designed the StormReady program to equip communities with the communication and safety skills needed to save lives and property. The program provides emergency managers with guidelines on improving hazardous weather operations and encourages communities to take a proactive approach to disaster readiness.

Many laws and regulations exist to help local emergency managers deal with hazardous material spills, search and rescue operations, medical crises and more. However, there are few guidelines available on the specifics of hazardous weather response. The NWS addressed this need through the StormReady program to help communities of all sizes: towns, cities, counties, tribal nations, universities and industrial complexes implement procedures to reduce the potential for disastrous, weather-related consequences.

For more information on the Escambia County Bureau of Public Safety, visit www.escambiaemergency.com.

North Escambia’s Very Own New Year’s Baby Turns 6

January 10, 2009


April Johnson of Walnut Hill was born six years ago with just a little claim to fame; April was Escambia County’s 2003 New Year’s baby.

“We certainly did not think we would have A New Year’s Baby, especially the first one of 2003,” mom Emily Johnson said.

The first due date from the doctor was December 21, 2002. When that was changed to January 1, 2003, Emily still didn’t think she would have a New Year’s baby.  When Emily, 19 at the time, and husband James, then 25,  thought it was time and made three trips to Sacred Hospital over five days at the end of December, they really thought April was going to have a December birthday.

But  April Nicole Johnson was born at 1:48 a.m. on January 1, 2003 — the first baby born in Escambia or Santa Rosa counties in 2003. A very healthy April weighed in at eight pounds, seven ounces.

“It does not seem like she should already be six years old.  She is our sweet little princess,” mom Emily said of her first child.

April, a kindergarten student at Bratt Elementary School, celebrated her sixth birthday with a giant birthday cookie.

April has a little brother named Hunter. She is granddaughter of Van and Sandra Johnson of Walnut Hill, and Sally Reasons of Atmore.

Ashley Cunningham Named Miss Ernest Ward Middle

January 10, 2009


Miss Ashley Cunningham, 13, was named Junior Miss Ernest Ward Middle School Friday night.

Other award winners were Clarissa Ross, 1st runner-up; Ariel Holland, 2nd runner-up, and poise and appearance, and Miss Hospitality; Savanna VanderPol, 3rd runner-up;  Cheyenne Godwin, physical fitness, and Miss Congeniality.

Click here for a complete photo gallery from Friday night’s pageant.

Junior Miss EWMS 2009: Miss Ashley Cunningham, 8th Grade

Ashley, 13, is a member of the Drama Club, Honor Society, yearbook staff and a member of the Barrineau Park 4-H Club.  Last year she received the Most Fashionable 7th Grader Award and 100% homework completed award. Ashley’s hobbies include swimming, tennis, reading, going to the movies and spending time with her younger brother Austin. Her future plans are to graduate high school and attend college to become a dentist.

1st Runner-Up:  Miss Clarissa Ross, 8th Grade

Clarissa, 14, is an 8th grader who cheers for Cantonment. She participates in gymnastics with Flip Factory. Clarissa’s hobbies include cheerleading, taking pictures, shopping, dancing and playing soccer. In the future, Clarissa wants to go to West Florida to become a nurse.

2nd Runner-Up, Miss Hospitality and Poise & Appearance Award: Miss Ariel Holland, 8th Grade

Ariel Holland, 14, is the captain of the school’s cheerleading squad. She is on the swim team, participates in the Northwest Escambia little league softball program and is a member of the “Lady Cats”. She is also an active member of Bratt Baptist Church. Ariel’s hobbies include shopping, cheerleading, and spending time with family and friends. In the future, Ariel plans to attend cheer on a college level while obtaining her career in the medical field.

3rd Runner-Up: Miss Savannah VanderPol, 6th Grade

Savannah, 12, is very active in Escambia County 4-H. She has won multiple county and district awards. Last October, Savannah won the 4-H highpoint Intermediate exhibitor award at the Pensacola Interstate Fair. She has shown horses, poultry and rabbits for the last few years. Savannah enjoys hunting and passed the hunter safety course with a score of 98. She is also a member of Cantonment First Baptist Church. Savannah’s hobbies include horseback riding, showing animals, hunting, soccer and shooting sports. In the future she would like to be a nurse or a veterinarian.

Miss Congeniality and Physical Fitness Award: Miss Cheyenne Godwin, 8th Grade

Cheyenne, 14, is a cheerleader and participates in the yearbook and newspaper staff. She enjoys dancing, theater and acting. Recently she was in a movie called “Chatterbox”. Cheyenne participates in the Pace Relay for Life with a swing dancing team called Pensacola Swing. Her hobbies include cheerleading, dancing, computers, fishing and shipping. In the future Cheyenne would like to attend West Tech’s Criminal Justice program and get into Julliard School of Arts.

Other contestants were: Rachel Presley,  Karmen Watson, Kendal Cobb,  Ashlynn Webster, Sabrina Cox, Hope Coggins,  Leann Fillingim, Kachanne Thomas.

Pictured above: Ashley Cunningham is crowned Junior Miss Ernest Ward Middle School by last year’s winner Angel Mitchell. Pictured below: Savannah VanderPol, Ariel Holland, Ashley Cunningham, Clarissa Ross and Cheyenne Godwin. NorthEscambia.com exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


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