Man Punched In Face After Wreck Dies; Manslaughter Charges Filed

December 14, 2010

A Pensacola man has been charged with manslaughter after he punched another man in the face and the victim died from his injuries.

Pensacola Police  said Telly Jabar Hill, 27, of Pensacola was charged Monday afternoon in connection with the incident that occurred around 6:30 p.m Saturday.

The victim has been identified as Terry Lindon Kelley, 34, of Pace.

Witnesses told police Hill was involved in a minor car crash at 601 W. Cervantes St. When Kelley exited his auto to view the damages, witnesses said that Hill, who was an occupant of the other car, punched Kelley one time in the face with his fist.

Kelley fell to the ground and received a massive head injury. He was taken to Baptist Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries Monday afternoon.

Hill, who immediately fled the scene, was found Monday afternoon only blocks from the scene of the crime. He is being held in the Escambia County Jail on without bond on the manslaughter charge, plus charges drug related and destroying evidence.

The crash remains under investigation.


51 Responses to “Man Punched In Face After Wreck Dies; Manslaughter Charges Filed”

  1. Dan on December 15th, 2010 2:10 pm

    In jail, NO BOND
    for that animal !

  2. William on December 15th, 2010 10:51 am

    “Just My Thoughts” wrote” I believe the story on WEAR says he is already out on bond

    He is not out on bond. He’s still in jail without bond, just as our story says.

  3. Just My Thoughts.... on December 15th, 2010 10:28 am

    I believe the story on WEAR says he is already out on bond…he can get $10,000 thousand cash or more for bond…but I bet he gets a $50.00 fee public defender because he is indingent..feel so bad for the Kelley family and anyone else who crosses paths with this guy…

  4. ArmyCptswife on December 15th, 2010 8:39 am

    I think he needs the death penalty. Unless you are attacked and protecting yourself or your family you should keep your hands to yourself. This is a shame for both of their families. But if this were my husband or my father I would want him dead. Period!
    And to me color doesn’t matter. I see a dead human being. This man wasn’t defending himself. If it would have been reversed I would feel the same way. Send a clear message to people to stop and think. Seems a lot of people today have little regard for human life……..

    Also I looked him up and he has a record a mile long. How was he even allowed to walk the streets. drugs, battery, resisting arrest….. the list goes on to almost 60 charges or more over the years. I hope he gets his.

  5. Dan on December 15th, 2010 7:40 am

    As of Wednesday morning at 7:40 AM,
    this piece of crap is still in jail.

    Follow this link:

  6. Saddened on December 14th, 2010 10:54 pm

    It’s really sad. My heart out to the Kelley family. Instead of sitting on death row for 20+ years they need to be “checked out” of our system. Instead of three hots and a cot, dental and medical for free they should have to work for it. Sounds like Sheriff Joe needs to come “educate” all the DOCs and county jails. Maybe if it weren’t a free ride then they would actually “think” before they committed a crime in the future.

  7. Sonya on December 14th, 2010 10:32 pm

    I have known Terry forever, he was a great guy. He was always smiling and making everyone else around him smile. He will be dearly missed by everyone. The how’s and why’s do not matter, what matters is that he was taken from this life way too early by someone who should not have been a free man in the first place. Now a family is suffering a very tragic loss over something as trivial as a “fender bender.” Rest In Peace Terry Kelly, You Will Be Dearly Missed!!

  8. OMRBKH on December 14th, 2010 9:47 pm

    @ Nichole……….sorry to hear you are sick! Would you care to tell us about your crimes? LOL

  9. OMRBKH on December 14th, 2010 9:43 pm

    @ Molino Jim “ROAD RAGE-OR HATE CRIME”…..shouldn’t be road rage unless it was his car, and can’t be hate crime ’cause only straight white people commit hate crimes………….or so the major news media would have us believe! Yeah, disgusting, ain’t it.

  10. wunderr36 on December 14th, 2010 9:41 pm

    The jerk needs to be put under the jail. It is my cousin that he killed. When the rap sheet he has got with charges of driving with no license, drug charges, selling cocaine close to a school., resisting arrest, battery, elunding, running a stop sign, unlawful speed, Come on now this piece of crap is out of Jail. Give me a break. Shows you that there is no laws for the victims.

  11. Nicole on December 14th, 2010 9:37 pm


  12. dick tracy on December 14th, 2010 9:36 pm

    Animal behavior or hate crime or both??????

  13. motherofone on December 14th, 2010 8:34 pm

    people need to realize real life is not like a video game … when people get knocked down sometimes they do not get up

  14. gott2sayit on December 14th, 2010 8:13 pm

    met…you are right brother…its that way everytime

  15. OUR TROOPS on December 14th, 2010 7:36 pm


  16. JUDY MASEK on December 14th, 2010 5:53 pm

    wonder if hill had brass knuckles on …or did the leathal head injury happen on impact with the pavement/ground?…tragic situation…sincere condolences to the victims family.

  17. met on December 14th, 2010 4:57 pm

    If it was the other way around , you would never hear the end of it .

  18. AL Girl on December 14th, 2010 4:13 pm

    In order to charge someone with murder, you must prove intent. This is the reason he was charged with manslaughter. I only say this because I deal with this kind of thing on a daily basis and know how the law reads. Doesn’t mean I always agree. Although he didn’t “intend” to kill this man, the question is……why did it ever have to happen? A man’s life is taken, a family is left to mourn and ask why? Over a stupid car accident? Pieces of fiberglass that can be replaced or repaired but a life that cannot be. My heart goes out to the Kelley family.

  19. Jim W on December 14th, 2010 4:12 pm

    Maybe this young man can learn some temper control as he is serving 25 to life. Mr. moncho just served himself up some time in prison. He should have had his testostrone levels in check a long time ago. This is what being a school yard bully gets ya. No sympathy for him I on the other had feel for his family and for the family who lost their son. It is a sad thing because it has hurt both sides over a irresponsible moment in time.

  20. Concerned Mom on December 14th, 2010 3:36 pm

    Just one question. Black or White. Male or Female. WHAT IF THAT WAS YOU OR YOUR CHILD? The world is bad enough without worthless trash roaming the streets. If a fender bender set him off i say send him down. DOWN from the sounds of it that is where he belongs!!!!!!!!!! Dont waist my tax money to feed him because he doesnt diserve a meal.

  21. Neighbor on December 14th, 2010 2:38 pm

    This young man hasn’t been taught the power of self control nor has he apparently been trying to control himself because he has no reason to. He has been in and out fo trouble and suffered no real consequences so why should he?
    Now he has to learn the hard way when maybe alittle time in jail years ago would have detered these actions……maybe.
    My advice…stay in your vehicle until law enforcement arrives.

  22. David Huie Green on December 14th, 2010 2:27 pm

    Generally speaking, manslaughter means he killed him but didn’t intend to kill him. That actually sounds right in this instance. Man is angry–with or without cause, hits other man, other man may have fallen in such a way as to get head injury because usually the fist isn’t able to deliver a killing blow–since it’s made of the same stuff as the skull is.

    It’s bad, but doesn’t read like it was planned, just not planned to avoid it either.

    David wondering if he’s kin to Myrtle Lee

  23. whitepunknotondope on December 14th, 2010 1:53 pm

    It takes a real man to sucker punch someone. Hood rat thug.

  24. Beulah on December 14th, 2010 1:44 pm

    I hope they lock this freak up for life. I cannot believe he has the nerve to think it is ok to jump out of a car and punch someone. I hope he receives life. He took someones life so he does not deserve to have his, period.

    What is wrong with people now a days?????

  25. ConcernedCitizen on December 14th, 2010 1:41 pm

    First of alll, he needs to be locked up forever on a charge of murder. How do you get manslaughter from killing someone with your bare hands?
    Dear Kari,
    How would you feel if it was someone close to you that was murdered even if it was “one” hit to the face. he killed him regardless of how it happened.

    Praying for the Kelly family. And I would never wish this on anyone I’m glad he is locked up and I hope it stays that way.
    Murders also sjould not be let out on bond especially with the number of priors this kid has.
    I dont know why he thought he could play God and take a life from another human being.

  26. Native Floridian on December 14th, 2010 1:13 pm

    @ Joey McCall- this was not Terry Kelley from Jay ( Tink & Annie Ruth’s son, Jeff’s brother)

    This was Terry Kelley from Chumuckla/Pace. I am not familiar with his parents names. But his brothers and Sister are Travis Kelley, Tony Kelley, and Cathy (Preston) Blackmon.

  27. WEAR last to know on December 14th, 2010 12:25 pm

    Until people start taking physical action and handling things themselves…this will just keep happening. Carry a weapon at all times and defend yourself at all times. Make these “thugs” fear outsiders that don’t live in their “hoods.” Tried by 12, or carried by 6, your decison.

  28. Gembeaux on December 14th, 2010 12:25 pm

    To Kari ~ It doesn’t matter if he “meant to”. He acted in a way that he knew, or should have known, could or would cause grevious injury or death. And, yes, he is a coward and a punk. He wasn’t the driver, it wasn’t his car, yet he sucker-punched Mr. Kelley simply because he could; it made hime feel like a big man in his own eyes. And, no, this behavior has no place in our society.

  29. Cynical on December 14th, 2010 12:18 pm

    “Do you think he meant to kill him?”

    Yeah, actually, I do.

    A thug’s mind is a cesspool of hate.

    Caution though, about the death penalty, lest they come for you on a day of misunderstanding and kill you the next.

    Dead is dead, with no room for error. Can we trust the government to be infallible?

  30. james brown on December 14th, 2010 12:05 pm

    Its a shame that Terry died this way!! he will be missed !! i am sorry for the kelley family and may god give them all peace during these times !

  31. River Rat on December 14th, 2010 11:25 am

    @ Just Thinking

    You are dead on it !! Also, make them stay in tents with no air conditioners and T.V.’s like the Sherriff in Arizona.

  32. Please on December 14th, 2010 11:22 am

    What a waste of good air. Thug is right and I’d be fine seeing him 6ft under.

  33. Sandra on December 14th, 2010 10:51 am

    Why do people smile in their booking photos?

  34. Charles on December 14th, 2010 10:51 am

    Just to let everyone how tough our prisons are, there is a state prison in Bay County the inmates call it CAMP CUPCAKE.

  35. Just Thinking on December 14th, 2010 10:36 am

    Life Sentence – well, as many have posted 3 hots and a cot are too easy for many; my suggestion is Hard Labor – oh yea, I mean the way it used to be – chain gang style!!! Make them have to provide their own meals, etc. Yea, it would be much cheaper on us to pay them $2.00 an hour for their ‘Hard Labor’ and then they would have to use their funds collectively to purchase cows, hogs, chickens, etc and then have to care for them paying themselves for the feed, etc. They should also have to grow their own vegetables, once again from their collective earnings from their Hard Labor. Even if we paid $2.00 per hr for their labor, it would reduce our cost for their stay in prison tremendously!! Let folks see a few Chain Gangs having to work (no matter the weather) and it may very well serve as a deterrent – may not be the solution, but definitely a start. And yes, I agree we should do away with the Private Prison System – it’s way too easy.

  36. dee on December 14th, 2010 10:23 am

    my oh my. one punch fatal. this guy is defintly a BAADDD man! lock him up!

  37. CONCERNED on December 14th, 2010 10:22 am

    It amazes me that he even has a bond to get out of jail. Do they want to put him back on the streets to harm somone else. What is this country coming to. I believe they should go back to the Bible and do the eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If you kill you should get the death penalty. Get tougher with the punishment. Don’t give them free handouts like hot meals and nice warm place to sleep. We the taxpayers are feeding,housing and clothing these people who do wrong. It’s truly sad that criminald get treated better than disadvantaged people. My heart goes out to the Kelley family.

  38. Kari on December 14th, 2010 10:19 am

    He didn’t shoot him. He didn’t stab him. He punched him in the face. I’m not saying this guy is a good and productive member of society. But the death penalty, really? Do you think he meant to kill him?

  39. harley1 on December 14th, 2010 9:30 am

    re Michael, Where do we put these people?. SIX foot under is where you put them. I am sick of seeing open murder on the news all the time. Until the citizens of this country get fed up with the ACLU and the status quo of the judicial system and demand harsh punishment for crime, the land will be over run with people whose “feet are swift to shed innocent blood”. Governments on this earth are given divine authority to administer punishment for such crime, the purpose being that evil be held in check., and goodness prevail in the land. So, the nations that ignore this divine authority, it just naturally follows that the “land is filled with innocent blood”.

  40. Dan on December 14th, 2010 9:16 am

    Looked this guy up on the Inmate Lookup
    on the Sheriff’s website.

    He is dangerous and a repeat felon.
    He needs to become a guest of the state
    for a LONG TIME !!!

  41. Jay Resident on December 14th, 2010 8:56 am

    Well let’s see now he’s black and the other man was white so lets see how fast the media declares this a race issue like they did the shooting in Jay (which actually wasn”t in Jay) and the man killed was completely innocent of any wrong doing.My heart goes out to his family.Manslaghter isn’t enough.An eye for an eye should be the law and maybe then people would think before they act.

  42. Just My Thoughts.... on December 14th, 2010 8:41 am

    My prayers are with the Kelley family at this time…..continue to support state owned prision system and not privatized prison system…that way the voters will at least continue to be able to vote for people who make the laws that control the sentencing guidelines, budgets for the prisons, etc. But ur right….some people see jail as easier than getting a job and struggling to pay for 3 hots and a cot..

  43. Joey McCall on December 14th, 2010 8:17 am

    To Michael:
    You are correct. We can’t use the death penalty on everyone that breaks the law. But if we would just use it on the ones that deserve it, it would not only free up a lot of space in the jails and prisons, but it would also make many of the derelicts of society think before they act.
    I’ve known the Kelley family for 30 years; They are a great family and my prayers are with Jeff and his family.

  44. Me on December 14th, 2010 8:06 am

    I think he should be charged with murder.

  45. Michael on December 14th, 2010 7:52 am

    Frank – people are tired of it but where are we going to put all these people? No one wants to raise taxes, no one wants to give any one any more money to build prisons with and even if we put them on house arrest with ankle monitors, we don’t have enough people to monitor those monitors. we can’t use the death penalty for all of them either.

    what do we do?

  46. VISITOR on December 14th, 2010 7:51 am

    His look definitely says THUG, his actions prove this.

  47. Frank on December 14th, 2010 7:15 am

    people are not afraid of going to prison anymore in this country. in prison you can lay up and get 3 hots and a cot….when are the people of this country going to step up and say, “enough is enough!” “we are sick and tired of all this crime!”

  48. molino jim on December 14th, 2010 6:08 am


  49. Native on December 14th, 2010 5:44 am

    Prayers to all of the Kelley Family.

  50. Everett on December 14th, 2010 4:57 am

    Why is this guy walking on the streets anyway??? He has 31 different cases on the clerk of courts website over the last 4 years. You’ll see in his young criminal career he went before judges who let him off with with probation or refused to prosecute. Take a look at it on the clerk of courts website.

    The sad thing is this guy is only 27 years old. He has taken a life because he couldn’t control his anger and keep his hands off someone.

  51. OMRBKH on December 14th, 2010 3:45 am

    Another community thug just had to show how bad he is, then turn tail and run. I suppose there will be other posters saying that he was really a nice person and that he deserves another chance.