Compiled by Amanda Darby and Kristal Hammac, NHS students


        The first football team was organized by principal Thurston B. Shell

and Coach Wray W. Lane. It seems that Coach Lane was not a football

player in high school. In order to learn as much as he could about coaching

football, Mr. Lane spent a great deal of time with one of the Auburn coaches

while also attending graduate school of Auburn University in the summer of 1931.

Mr. Shell and Mr. Lane collected a number of the boys in the streetside

classroom. They attended to line up the boys in what they thought was the

best position suited for each person. The boys had never even seen a

football, so they had a lot of work. They pulled through though.


The Way Things Were . . . .

Century cheerleaders of 1958


Standing: Elgia Peety, Bobby Johnson, Billy Campbell, Sam Bird, Charles Sansom, Jimmy King, Al Smith, Herman Seales, Bill Tuberville. Kneeling: Allen Bird, Manager: Mr. John F. Waters, Coach.

Boys "B" team

First row: Mr. Edsol Smmith, Wayne Dewitt, Bliiy Weaver, Henry Brown, Robert Hagan, Second row: Bobby Castillow, Ronald Darby, Wayne Levins, Gilbert Woods, Clyde Andrews, Tommy McCurdy, Gary Wadkins, Edward Viita, Kemp Moore