Organ Donor Month: Father Describes His Darkest Hour

April 15, 2014

By Ensign Joshua Faulkner
Registered Nurse, Naval Hospital Pensacola

April is Donor Awareness Month and the following is my account of how a donor forever changed my family.

The minutes seemed like hours as my mind and body were finally succumbing to all that was happening. The reality that my son was closer to death than life had finally set in and the enormity of the moment seemed to sit directly on my chest like a heavy weight. How had this happened?

Just six days earlier, life was totally normal and the thought that my 14-year-old son Trenton would soon be fighting for his life had never crossed my mind. He had complained of a mild stomach ache that weekend, but by Monday morning he was up and ready for school. Halfway into the school day I received his text, “Dad my eyes are yellow.” Being a registered nurse, I immediately drove to the school knowing that if this was true, a trip to Naval Hospital Pensacola’s Emergency Room would be required. As he walked into the front office, the yellow hue of his eyes was obvious.

The lab work revealed that his liver was not working correctly. His liver enzymes were elevated and the many functions of the body sustained by the liver were reflecting its weakened state. Knowing the potential for complications, NHP immediately transferred him to one of the local hospitals to ensure that the potential services that may be required would be available. I didn’t know it then, but this was just one of many time critical decisions that allowed my son to have a chance to fight for his life.

After two days it became apparent that Trent’s condition was not improving. The medical team felt it was now necessary to airlift Trent to a children’s hospital in Atlanta. They informed us that he would be admitted into the transplant unit. I believe this was the first time the full severity of the situation truly dawned on us as a family.

For two more days we sat with Trent hoping for the best, but were helpless to watch as his condition continued to deteriorate. He slept more and more, his skin yellow and swollen from the toxins accumulating in his body. Finally, the doctors entered Trent’s hospital room and told us that the damage to his liver had reached a point of no return and that without an immediate transplant, he would die.

I looked at Trent as the doctors exited the room and for the first time I saw fear. I asked the obvious, “Are you scared?” That little acknowledgement of what he was feeling was all it took for him to finally release the tears that he was fighting so hard to hold back. My wife and I cried with him, and I struggled to mutter the words, “It’s going to be okay.” I wanted to do nothing more in that moment than to be able to take away his fear and ease his heart, but I could not think of the proper words to comfort my son.

About 12 hours later, the doctors came with the first good news we had heard all week. They informed us that they had been contacted with a potential donor match, and that a team of doctors was already in route to assess the donor liver to ensure that it would be a viable organ for Trent. I cannot describe the feelings that I felt in that moment. I felt a sense of relief and hope for sure knowing that my son would have a chance to survive, but I also felt a very real awareness that somewhere someone had lost their life. A family had made a difficult decision to donate life while grieving the loss of their loved one.

The minutes seemed like hours. Finally at 3 a.m., the ICU nurse came to tell us that the liver had arrived, and they would be wheeling Trent to the operating room.

After six hours from the beginning of the procedure, the surgeon walked into the waiting room still wearing his scrubs. He slowly pulled up a nearby chair and sat down in front of my family. My heart was in my throat as we waited for him to give us the news.

“It went great,” he explained. “Everything worked out perfectly.”

Sitting at home now, some five months post-transplant, the enormity of the gift given to my family by our donor family becomes more evident daily. Every memory made and cherished by each of us with Trent is a blessing, granted by someone’s decision to donate life. I have since watched Trent return to school, play with his sisters and begin playing baseball. I don’t know if I could ever express in words how much these moments mean to me, or how appreciative I will forever be to my son’s donor and their family.

Pictured top: Trenton Faulkner, 14, is surrounded by his family, including his father Ensign Joshua Faulkner, a registered nurse at Naval Hospital Pensacola, as he waits for a liver donor late in 2013. A donor match was found and Trenton made a full recovery. Joshua shared his son’s story to raise awareness on the impact donors can have. Pictured inset: Trenton Faulkner poses with his father Ensign Joshua Faulkner during Joshua’s commissioning ceremony May 19, 2012. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.

Barrineau Park 4-H Club Members Place In Santa Rosa Fair Livestock Show

April 14, 2014

The Barrineau Park 4-H Club is celebrating 100 years as the oldest continuous 4-H club in Florida and is also celebrating several wins at the recent Santa Rosa County Fair Livestock Show.

In the Hog Event, they swept the weight categories:

  • Light Weight — Trinity Tisler
  • Middle Weight  –  Zac Comeau
  • Light Heavy Weight — Dillon Conti
  • Heavy Weight — Willow Foxworth
  • Grand Champion –  Dillon Conti
  • Reserve Grand Champion — Zac Comeau

In the Steer and Heifer competitions, Willow Foxworth, Patra Miller, Eva Miller, Emily Boutwell and Tyler Simmons all placed in each of their categories.

At the Goat Show,  Dillon and Jessica Conti both represented Intermediates and Joshua McLamb won first  place in Senior Showmanship.

Pictured: Members of the Barrineau Park 4-H Club took part in the Santa Rosa County Fair Livestock Show. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.

Ernest Ward Middle School Names Students Of The Month

April 13, 2014

Ernest Ward Middle School has named Students of the Month for February and March. Pictured top: (L-R) March Students of the Month Ashlan Harigel, sixth grade; Hannah Mascaro, eighth grade; and Austin Smith, seventh grade.  Pictured below: (L-R) February students of the Month Anna King, sixth grade, and Madalyn Lathan, eighth grade. Not pictured: Justin Cruce, seventh grade. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.

What Is Your Church Doing For Easter?

April 13, 2014 will provide free advertising for churches in North Escambia or north Santa Rosa County in Florida, or the Atmore or Flomaton area in Alabama. If your church is having a special Easter week, Good Friday and/or Easter service, or any other special service or event, let us know. This includes both religious services and events such as egg hunts.

We will share your information with thousands of readers across the area. We will list the services on our Events page free of charge. Please try to keep your announcement for our Events page to 100 words or less. Please send your event listing as soon as possible.

Send your announcement to or click here for our contact page. We will also be happy to publish photos after your event; email them to

All advertising and announcements are subject to our editorial standards.

Love, Give, Live 5K Walk Raises Organ Donation Awareness

April 13, 2014

A Love, Give, Live, Donate Life  5K Walk in Memory of Laurie Cooey was held Saturday morning in Pace. Cooey was a four-time kidney transplant recipient. The goal of Saturday’s walk was to increase the number of organ donors so other families can hold on to the hope of life, according to organizers. photos by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.

Humane Society Works To Save Hit And Run Puppy

April 12, 2014

The Pensacola Humane Society is asking for help covering the medical bills for Olaf, a puppy that was hit by a car and seriously injured last Saturday.

After Olaf was hit, the driver kept going but two young women dropped Olaf off at the humane society. He was rushed to the Veterinary Emergency Referral Center for immediate treatment.

He was transferred on Monday to the Olive Branch Pet Hospital where one of his legs was amputated due to severe damage. Olaf’s medical bills will top $3,o00, and the Pensacola Humane Society has managed to raise $1,000 toward his care.

Donations to help with Olaf’s medical care can be made on a Paypal donation link: Or more for information, call the Pensacola Humane Society at (850) 432-4250.

Olaf will not be available for adoption for a few weeks.

Pictured: Olaf, just a few days after his leg was amputated due to injuries received when he was hit by a car. Photos by Cheryl Casey, Cheryl Casey Photography for, click to enlarge.

Bratt Elementary Releases Third Nine Weeks Honor Roll

April 10, 2014

The following students were named to the third nine weeks honor roll at Bratt Elementary School:

All A’s

  • Rabekah Abbot
  • Raegan Abbott
  • Anna Adams
  • Erich Amerson
  • Sarah Bailey
  • Haydn Baker
  • John Bashore
  • Olivia Boatwright
  • Luke Bridges
  • Emilee Cabral
  • Kadence Calvert
  • Jakyra Carter
  • Abby Coker
  • Shelby Cotita
  • Sophie Cotita
  • Colton Criswell
  • Callie Davis
  • Ariana Dionne
  • Savannah Doremus
  • Carsyn Dortch
  • Jacee Dortch
  • Tyteanna Dubose
  • Scotty Elliot
  • Aaliyah Fountain
  • Amber Gilman
  • Jamison Gilman
  • Emma Gilmore
  • Maggie Godwin
  • Shelby Godwin
  • Ava Gurganus
  • Zane Gurganus
  • Tucker Hall
  • Leah Hetrick
  • Sarah Hetrick
  • Mary Catherine Hughes
  • Hanna Hughes
  • April Johnson
  • Hunter Johnson
  • Allyson Jones
  • Derek Kinley
  • Laura Laborde
  • Aden Lashley
  • Kaitlin Lloyd
  • Kennedy Long
  • Kayla McCall
  • Adannaya Mondaca
  • Alyssa Moya
  • Mary Paige Nassar
  • Taviana Parker
  • Bentley Van Pelt
  • Madison Peterson
  • Colby Pugh
  • Ally Richardson
  • Bryan Romeros
  • Kaylee Sawyer
  • Maggie Scott
  • McKenna Simmons
  • Jacob Spence
  • Mia Starns
  • Aubrey Stuckey
  • Shelby Ward
  • Raycer Watson
  • Autumn Williams
  • Clay Wilson

All A’s and B’s

  • Drew Albrittton
  • Luke Amerson
  • Maggie Amerson
  • Sara Amerson
  • Ethan Bingham
  • Riley Blackwell
  • Lakyn Bodiford
  • Tanner Boone
  • L.J. Bradley
  • Allie Brantley
  • Abbie Buford
  • Macie Buford
  • Conner Byrne
  • Anyis Cabral
  • Ashlynn Cabral
  • Kayla Campbell
  • Tyler Cloud
  • Noah Condrey
  • Andrianna Cooper
  • Cassie Davis
  • Kylie Davis
  • Franki Daw
  • Payton Daw
  • Ryan Dove
  • Mayson Edwards
  • Gage Eicher
  • Lexi Evans
  • Noah Faulkner
  • Jamyla Feagin
  • Jacob Findley
  • Daelyn Fine
  • Zykuria Fountain
  • Gabby Franklin
  • Johnathan Garrett
  • Makayla Garrett
  • Jonathan Gibbs
  • Caitlyn Gibson
  • David Gilley
  • JP Gilman
  • Gracie Godwin
  • Berklee Hall
  • Bryce Hall
  • Abbie Hardy
  • Kohle Harigel
  • Nicholas Hatfield
  • Kara Hawkins
  • Joshlynn Helton
  • Martina Howard
  • Jikeir Hudson
  • Cole Hughes
  • Gracie James
  • Markavia Johnson
  • Crista Kinley
  • Justin Kinley
  • Trent Knighten
  • Anna Lee
  • James Loftis
  • Jessica Loftis
  • Houston Lowry
  • Kaleigh Macks
  • Kaya Mason
  • Braeden McGhee
  • Angel Merchant
  • Bailie Merchant
  • Michael Merchant
  • Elianna morales
  • Kai Morton
  • Alexis Moya
  • Abigail Nelson
  • Travis Nelson
  • Jaylon North
  • Blaize Parrish
  • Libby Pugh
  • Dallon Rackard
  • Kenna Redmond
  • Shelby Rice
  • Paige Ross
  • Angel Schoonover
  • Adrianne Shanks
  • Madelin Sheedy
  • Carter Sigafoose
  • Arquavian Smith
  • Vivyan Smith
  • Zakyla Smith
  • Anna Spence
  • Devon Spencer
  • Alyssa Stabler
  • Emily Stilwell
  • Jonathon Stilwell
  • Cody Thomas
  • Ja’Mya Thomas
  • Corbin Turberville
  • Leila Turberville
  • Brayden Victor
  • Halona Walker
  • John Ward
  • Summer Waters
  • Chris Weber
  • Addie White
  • Jordan Wilson
  • Lane Wilson
  • Raylee Wooten
  • Leonte Wright

Molino Park Elementary Students Read To Success

April 9, 2014

Molino Park Elementary School students recently took part in the “Read to Success” program where they could earn a Six Flags Over Georgia ticket for reading six hours and keeping a reading log.

Students in participating grades reaching the goal were:


  • Kailyn Wiggins
  • Kamryn Gibbs
  • Dominic Picheo
  • Tyler Wilson
  • Jessica Santos
  • Garrett Crabtree
  • Ayden Silcox
  • Desi Fryman
  • Destiny Spencer
  • Layton Woodward
  • Shiloh Prince
  • Wyatt Pawless
  • Mary Oliver
  • Chet Knable
  • Riana Hillard
  • John Hatch
  • Shay Crosby
  • Ayden Crabtree
  • Ryann Burson
  • Destiny Abrams

2nd Grade

  • Jarrett Bodiford
  • Moses Delarosa
  • Matthew Dix
  • Makayla Golson
  • Nicholas Lutterman
  • Flora Mumaw
  • Addison Pawless
  • Brodie Rhodes
  • DeQuan Shabazz
  • Domanique Turner
  • Lilly Hatch
  • Riley Crites
  • Kendall Alvare

3rd Grade

  • Karson Brown
  • Shelby Lashley
  • Adian Vaughn
  • Aaron Adams
  • Raven Brigman
  • Ethan Collier
  • Brycee Woodward

5th Grade

  • Damion Payne
  • Shadonavon Young
  • Cody Pigeon
  • Keaton Edmonson
  • Hannah Brousseau
  • Ashley Ragsdale
  • Tristian Griffin
  • Zachary Stanton
  • Brook Thomas
  • Kellie Parsons
  • Connor McQuaid
  • Branden Massie

Pictured top: Some of the kindergarten students at Molino Park Elementary School that reached thei “Read to Success” program goal. Submitted photo for, click toe enlarge.

FWC: Look Out For Gopher Tortoises

April 8, 2014

A gopher tortoise strolling across a road or through a backyard or field is a common sight during spring in the North Escambia area. Yet as tortoises become increasingly active this time of year, they are vulnerable to being struck by vehicles and injured or killed.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation  Commission is urging residents to look out for these slow-moving reptiles with their bony-plated shells and elephantine legs. They leave their burrows in search of green plants to eat and a tortoise to become their mate. From now through May, females will be laying eggs the size of ping-pong balls in the sandy apron outside their burrows.

FWC is also encouraging drivers to slow down on highways to help protect the state’s gopher tortoises. If a gopher tortoise is crossing the road, it is OK to pick it up and move it to safety – but keep it pointed in the direction it was heading and do not put this terrestrial animal into the water.

People also can help by downloading and using a new smartphone app to report to the FWC when and where they spot gopher tortoises. The free “Florida gopher tortoise” app recently became available on iPhone and Android. When users of the app take a photograph of a tortoise or its burrow, the photo and its GPS coordinates will be sent automatically to the FWC.

App-generated data collected by citizen scientists will help guide conservation of this threatened species. Biological information and a quiz testing the user’s knowledge of the only tortoise east of the Mississippi River also are included in the app.

Harming a gopher tortoise, its burrows or eggs is against the law.

Vendors, Entertainers Needed For Twin Cities Watermelon Festival

April 7, 2014

Flomaton and Century are planning the Twin Cities First Annual Watermelon Festival. The event is planned for Saturday, June 28 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Showalter Park in Century.

The festival will include family fun, craft booths, food, entertainment and more.

Vendors and entertainers are needed. Vendors should click here for a booth application. Interested entertainers should call Kim at Century Town Hall at (850) 256-3208 or email

The Twin Cities First Annual Watermelon Festival is sponsored in part by

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