Weekend Gardening: March Tips

March 14, 2015

Here are gardening tips for the month of March from the University of Florida IFAS Extension office:


  • Annual flowers that can be planted in March include:  ageratum, alyssum, amaranthus, asters, baby’s breath, begonia, calendula, celosia, cosmos, dahlia, dusty miller, gaillardia, geranium, hollyhock, impatiens, marigold, nicotiana, ornamental pepper, pentas, phlox, rudbeckia, salvia, sweet Williams, torenia, verbena, vinca and zinnia.
  • Caladium bulbs are extremely sensitive to cold soil.  There is no advantage to planting early.  Purchase caladiums while there is a good selection, but wait until late March or April before planting them in shady beds.

Trees and Shrubs

  • Finish pruning summer flowering shrubs such as althea, hibiscus, abelia, oakleaf hydrangea and oleander.
  • Delay the pruning of azaleas, camellias, spiraeas, gardenias and other spring flowering shrubs until after flowering is complete.
  • Prune any cold weather-damaged plants after new growth appears.
  • If needed, fertilize shrubs and small trees  with a slow release fertilizer.  A good general-purpose landscape fertilizer is a 15-0-15.
  • Mature palms should receive an application of granular fertilizer. Use a special palm fertilizer that has an 8-2-12 +4Mg (magnesium) with micronutrients formulation.  Apply one pound of fertilizer per 100 sqft of canopy area or landscape area.
  • Last opportunity to spray shrubs with dormant horticultural oil.
  • Pick up all fallen camellia blossoms and remove them from your property.  This practice helps to prevent petal blight next season.
  • Prune ornamental grasses.
  • If you are in the market for specific colors of azaleas, visit the local nurseries and garden centers this month.  Though this is not the most ideal planting time you are assured of the right flower color without having to wait until next blooming season.

Fruits and Nuts

  • Time to finish planting bare-root fruit trees.

Vegetable Garden

  • This is the month for establishing a spring vegetable garden.  Early March plantings have about an even chance of avoiding a late frost.
  • The warm season vegetables that can be planted this month are: bush beans, pole beans, lima beans, cantaloupes, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, southern peas, peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes and watermelon.
  • The cool season vegetables that can be planted this month are: beets, carrots, celery, collards, endive, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, mustard, bunching onions, parsley, English peas, Irish potatoes, radish and turnips.
  • More conservative gardeners might wish to wait until the middle to latter part of the month to risk tender plants such as tomatoes and peppers.


  • Remove excessive accumulation of leaves from the lawn.  This will increase the effectiveness of fertilizers and pesticides applied to the lawn.
  • If a preemergence lawn herbicide is needed to control summer  weeds, it should be applied in early March.  Make certain to choose one that is safe on your kind of grass.
  • Keep lawn herbicides away from the root zones of desirable flower, shrubs and other plants.
  • Fertilize the lawn only after the danger of frost has passed and when the grass has greened up.  Fertilize using a complete fertilizer applied at 0.5 lbs nitrogen per 1000 sqft containing 50% soluble and 50% slow-release nitrogen.
  • Service the lawn mower: include a sharpening of the blade and adjusting of the cutting height for your type of grass.
  • Anyone considering establishment of centipedegrass from seed should hold off until the soil warms up and stabilizes above 70°F. Add Item Here…

Tate High Students Create Lip Dub Video

March 13, 2015

Students at Tate High School have created a lip dub video, directed by Sarah Baxter and Megan Edgar. The video was produced for the Escambia County School District Lip Dub Film Festival, which was won by Escambia High School.

If you don’t see the video above, it is because YouTube videos are being blocked by your home, work or school firewall.

NHS Students Win In Century Sawmill Poster Contest

March 13, 2015

The Century Lions Club and Northview High School students partnered to create two winning posters to promote the Century Sawmill Pageant. Sophomore Hadley Woodfin (right) won first place, and senior McKenzie Nasser won second place. Also pictured is their digital design teacher, Christa Mizrahi.

The 24th Annual Sawmill Pageant will be held on Saturday, March 28, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Carver/Century Auditorium. There are 91 young ladies registered for the event. All proceeds benefit Tri-County children who may need assistance in purchasing glasses.

Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Youth Livestock Grooming Clinic Saturday At New Molino 4-H Property

March 12, 2015

The new 4-H facility in Molino is ready to hosts its first event.

The Gulf Coast Agriculture and Natural Resources Youth Organization will be holding their annual Grooming Clinic on Saturday from 9 a.m. until lunch at the new 4-H property at 5701 Highway 99 in Molino.

The youth will be instructed on how to feed, groom and show their animals in preparation for the upcoming GCA and NRA Livestock Show.

The 4-H and FFA Youth will receive guidance on swine from Chris George, Eclectic AL; the Cattle Clinic  will be run by Spencer Williamson, Brewton AL; and  the Goat Clinic will be presented by Lori Kent, Baldwin County.  The exhibitors will be able to gather valuable information from each of these experts.

The GCA and NRA Livestock show will bee held Saturday April 18 beginning at 8 a.m. Youth ages 8-18 will exhibit rabbits, poultry, swine and cattle followed by a live auction.

For more information contact GCAandNRA@gmail.com.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.

Students Place In Calf And Heifer Show

March 11, 2015

The 2015 Escambia (AL) County Calf and Heifer show started long before the audience actually saw the prize cattle. Early in the morning, the cows were brought into the stables to begin the grooming process, which includes bathing, brushing, blow drying and fluffing. The  key ingredient for a making a cow beautiful? It’s shaving cream, which helps the hair puff out and become smooth and shiny.

“We begin with a bath and when all is said and done, use a bit of shaving cream and blow dry upward,” said Teresa Rutherford, whose son, Dawson Cox, was showing for the first time at the event. She said it is about a four-month process getting Dawson’s cow ready to show, including making sure he  is in control of the animal, is comfortable and not nervous around the cow.

Show judge Smokey Spears said he has a few criteria he looks for when choosing first, second and third places. The children must always know where the judge is in the ring and keep eye contact with him throughout the judging. This tells the judge the participant is knowledgeable, respectful and proud of his or her cow. Another rule of showing is how well the participant keeps the cow under control and sets the animal’s feet in the correct position/stance. The feet must be set directly underneath the cow, side by side, and its back should align straight with the horizon.

The judge also evaluates the handler’s quick response to the cow’s demeanor.

Winners at the annual show were as follows:

Senior showman class:

  1. Makayla Bohannan
  2. Wyatt Rutherford
  3. Shae Dortch
  4. Jude Parham

Intermediate showmanship class:

  1. Denver Schrock
  2. Austin Schrock
  3. Jason Davis
  4. Dawson Cox
  5. Rowdy Rutherford
  6. Jacelyn Chunn

Junior showmanship class:

  1. Colbie English
  2. DJ Parham
  3. Caleb Davis
  4. Landon Barrentine
  5. Noah Smith
  6. Dylan Rolin
  7. John Braxton Rhodes

Heifer class born December 2013-March 2014

  1. Noah Smith
  2. Jude Parham
  3. Dylan Rolin

Heifer class born June 2013:

  1. Cole Lowery (black)
  2. Cole Lowery (white)
  3. John Braxton Rhodes
  4. Jude Parham

Heifer class born November 2013:

  1. Noah Smith

Supreme champion heifer:

  1. Cole Lowery

Reserve champion heifer:

  1. Cole Lowery

Lightweight steer class:

  1. Makayla Bohannan
  2. Caleb Davis
  3. DJ Rolin
  4. Wyatt Rutherford
  5. Jacelyn Chunn

Medium weight steer class:

  1. Denver Schrock
  2. Austin Schrock
  3. Landon Barrentine
  4. Rowdy Rutherford
  5. Dylan Rolin

Heavyweight steer class:

  1. Colbie English
  2. Jason Davis
  3. Charleigh Parham
  4. Shae Dortch
  5. Dawson Cox
  6. Landon Barrentine

Grand champion:

  1. Makayla Bohannan

Reserve champion:

  1. Denver Schrock

County bred champion:

  1. Denver Schrock

Gain per day champion:

  1. Dawson Cox
  2. Colbie English
  3. Jason Davis
  4. Charleigh Parham

Pictured top: Caleb Davis. Pictured inset: Cole Lowery. Pictured below: Jason Davis. Pictured bottom: Makayla Bohannan. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Free Computer Classes Begin Thursday At Century Branch Library

March 10, 2015

Two free computer classes are scheduled for Mrach at the Century Branch Library:

Word 2010 Basics – Thursday, March 12 – 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This class is designed for participants to create a document by learning the basics of Word 2010.  Instruction will cover ribbons; spelling and grammar check; saving work        and printing a document.

Word 2010: Beyond Basics – Thursday, March 26 – 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  This workshop will cover creating tables and newsletters along with inserting WordArt, pictures and clip art.

For more information, contact the Century Branch Library, 7991 North Century Boulevard, at (850) 256-6217.

Photos: ‘A Turtle Convention’

March 9, 2015

Turtles on Jernigan’s Lake lined logs Sunday afternoon to enjoy the warm sunshine. Jernigan’s Lake, sometimes called Wiggin’s Lake, is located just east of Century off the Escambia River. Reader photos by Howard Stanton for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Write A Letter For An Absolutely Incredible Kid

March 9, 2015

Celebrating its 18th anniversary this year, Camp Fire’s Absolutely Incredible Kid Day will honor our nation’s youth by asking adults to write simple letters of encouragement and inspiration to the incredible kids in their lives and community. It is a simple, meaningful way to let youth know how much they are appreciated. Lives are changed by this simple act of love and kindness. Letters are

“We know about  Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Women’s History Month. We celebrate adults on special days, but why not youth?” said La-Vonne Haven, executive director of Camp Fire Gulf Wind Inc.  “We ask every adult to join us. Take five minutes and write a letter to a child, tell them they matter, that they always will. If a youth hears it enough and believes it, he or she will be more prepared to face the complicated issues confronting them every day.”

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day was developed by Camp Fire, a national youth organization and will be celebrated across America. Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is celebrated annually on the third Thursday in March. This year, Camp Fire Gulf Wind, will celebrate on Thursday, March 19, 2015.

“The students were so excited to receive the special letters and shared them with friends,” said Coach Julie Madison-Tompkins,  teacher at Warrington Middle School. “It  meant so much to see the smiles on the student’s faces.”

Anyone can participate—parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, coaches, executives, etc… The goal is for every kid in America to receive a letter. Just imagine the impact of encouraging letters in lunch boxes, left on pillows, tucked into backpacks and placed on desks.

To participate, visit http://www.campfirekids.com/ to get the Absolutely  Incredible Kid Day letterhead and wonderful ideas to write an encouraging letter to a child, or call (850) 476-1760 to have the letterhead mailed to you.  Letters received by March 12 will be delivered to K-6th grade students in our local schools.

This Week: Fly Along With LifeFlight Over North Escambia

March 8, 2015

Our NorthEscambia.com photographers had the opportunity to fly along with the LifeFlight medical helicopter Saturday. Coming up this week, we’ll share our pictures and show you Walnut Hill and Bratt from the air like most people have never seen, plus we’ll take a look at the helicopter itself.

Pictured top: The new Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill as seen from LifeFlight Saturday morning. Pictured below: LifeFlight lands on a practice field at Northview. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

Photos: Blue Jacket Jamboree

March 8, 2015

The annual Blue Jacket Jamboree was held Saturday at Northview High School with arts and crafts, kids’ activities, food, a car show and more. All proceeds from the event benefited the Northview High School FFA and FFA Scholarship Fund.

For more photos, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

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