Gunter Graduates From NYU School Of Law

June 22, 2015

Nikki Guntner has graduated with a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.

Prior to law school at NYU, Guntner was a 2008 Tate High School graduate andattended Florida State University, where she received a Bachelors in Political Science in 2011 and a Masters in Applied American Politics and Policy in 2012.

After graduation, Guntner begins her career as a civil litigation attorney at Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York, NY.

Guntner is the daughter of Barry and Dara Guntner, and the sister of Olivia Guntner, of Cantonment. Her grandparents are Clyde and Helen Allen of Cantonment and George and Jeanette Guntner of Milton.

The Story Of A Lost Father, Played Out In An Unlikely Place

June 21, 2015

This a story about a man that was a  great father, a story played out in a bit of an unlikely place, a story that tells of a daughter’s love for her daddy.

Ellie Black, Sr. was born in Hog Wallow, AL, and had lived in Century since 1960. He was a hard working man, a boilermaker and a veteran of World War II, according to his obituary, published on following his August 10, 2012, death.

Our editors have watched quietly as his daughter, Linda Davis, posted public comments on his obituary for anyone to see over the years. On Father’s Day, we wanted you see the story those comments tell about everyday life and of a daughter’s love for her dad.

August 12th, 2012 4:57 am

My dad was a hard working man, a loving husband, father to his children, and the greatest paw paw to all of our children. He was a giving and caring man. He always said the greatest thing was love. He lived by this and preached this to us all. He was the most unselfish person I have ever known. He was not just my daddy, he was my friend. I miss him so much. No matter how old I may be, I will forever be, my daddy’s baby girl.

November 12th, 2012 9:08 am

Daddy, I still miss you so much. I think of you often everyday. Sundays are especially hard—still feels like I should be cooking for you. Nothing seems the same. I can’t seem to get it together. I just pray for strength. Shayla is walking now, and she still calls for paw paw. I love you daddy!

December 6th, 2012 6:13 am

Happy Birthday my daddy,
I try to think of wrong–all I see is right. I try to think of bad–all I see is good. I try to see weakness and only feel your strength. I try to find ways not to miss you sooo much. There are none. My heart aches for you every day. You were the finest man I have ever known. Not being able to see you and talk to you everyday is truly the greatest hurt I have ever known. You brought so much joy and laughter to us all. I find myself laughing at times thinking of silly things you did or said. You were–You are–You always will be a special part of my life. I love you.

January 2nd, 2013 7:39 am

Just want you to know my daddy as a new year comes in my thoughts are with you. In my heart you live. The person you were,the things you taught us, the lessons we learned in life because of you, the love you displayed to us all everyday of our lives, I carry with me daily. I will always try to make you proud. I love you and I miss you soooo much! Your baby girl, Linda

March 13th, 2013 5:37 am

People around me everyday are losing family members. Its so sad. Then I think of you, which I do so often everyday. Nothing is the same. Won’t ever be. I know I was blessed to have had you in my life. I treasure every memory. You played a large part in helping me be who I am today. I thank you. I love you my daddy.

April 13th, 2013 7:08 am

Hey my daddy……Its me again just thinking of you, missing you. E.J. is having a tough time right now. He is a fighter though, and I just know he will make it. He’s made of strong stuff from you and momma. I try to be strong for momma. She misses you, too. So many changes. Still trying to figure out a way to get you back………..but, until I do just know you are very much an everyday part of my life. I hold you close in my heart. Love you forever, Linda

July 4th, 2013 9:24 am

Daddy, Just wanted you to know that I’m still missing you terribly. I try to be better each day—but it just dont get better. Miranda is going to have another baby, as well as Becky. Ashley’s getting married. You were suppose to walk her down that isle. Now,you just have to give me strength to do this—but I know you will be with me. Rest peacefully my Daddy and know forever your baby girl loves you!!

August 8th, 2013 9:51 am

Its me again. Your second great great grandchild was born August 1st. Her name is Ivyonna Nicole. She is beautiful. Shayla still calls for you and carries pictures of you around. I really miss you daddy—forever and always

August 8th, 2013 3:00 pm

My dear daddy, I promise I have been trying to get through this past year and it just dont seem to work just right. I work, see about momma take care of my children whether they need me or not. I cant really seem to focus on any of it. I know , that I am a better person for all the time I had you in my life. It just was not long enough. I will keep trying. I will keep believing. I will keep praying for strength—but forever I will keep missing you. I will never let go of you—I dont have to—you are still a very big part of my life. They say time makes it easier. I dont know who they are—but they lied! I know it will never be easier not having you here—1 year tomorrow my daddy—-I love you—-more than the whole wide world. I’ll never forget!

August 12th, 2013 11:10 am

Hey my daddy—Just wanted to say I love you—thought I’d be able to go visit where you are—I could not—I know in my heart you are not there—you are right here with me. One day I may try to go there—just not yet. You know I love you!!!
Shayla is sooo smart. You would have such a good time with her. Ivy is so cute. You would love her too. Shayla is mad. She was the only baby. She just don’t understand–shes still just a baby—it will be o.k. as long as there’s love—right, daddy? I pray for us all. Love you!

September 15th, 2013 1:25 pm

I love you daddy and I miss you so much! Marvin passed away Sat. morning. He will be missed. I miss him now——but I miss you beyond anything. I’m trying to figure it all out. I know the right answers, but it doesn’t even matter, because you still are not here. Can’t make it right my daddy—-I love you—your baby girl

October 21st, 2013 9:52 am

Hey my daddy. I was with Becky at the hospital Friday night as she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. You would be so proud. With your help we walked Ashley down the isle to be married Saturday. She was beautiful. I love you my daddy.

December 6th, 2013 5:52 am

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my daddy! Wish I could hug you. Wish you could hug me back. Wish you could tell me some crazy joke. I miss you soooo much. Just know that my day will be filled with thoughts of you as every other day is…..I light the candle for you daddy—I know the flame will never go out. Wish I could get it together. Just know that I love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my daddy from your baby girl

February 19th, 2014 5:39 am

I love you daddy—you missed the ICE cold weather we had this year.This whole area was solid white ice. I drove to work in it. That was scary. I would walk a million miles in it to get to you if only I could get to you, and I wouldn’t be scared. I miss you daddy———-Your baby girl

August 8th, 2014 6:48 am

I love you my sweet daddy! I miss you! I’m going with Becky today to be with her and little Maddox. Hopefully they will find out and figure out a way to help him. My Becky has been a good Mom and she takes care of her children. I know its hard on her with all the special attention Maddox needs. I do pray for God’s will to be done—no matter what. Wish you could tell me a corny joke—to make it all better. Wish you could give me a hug!! Then I know it would be better. I love you my daddy—(big to the sky) forever and always—your baby girl

August 8th, 2014 11:47 am

Daddy, I remember when you didn’t want to eat, when your heart was hurting and not because of physical pain—-I’m so sorry—-but that’s how I feel—-this hole in my stomach no food could fill and this hole in my heart no doctor could fix—-I pray for strength cause it hurts so bad— I love you daddy———–baby girl

December 6th, 2014 5:34 am

My sweet daddy, I miss you sooo much. So much has happened and is happening. I work hard and stay busy but you are always on my mind. Today is your birthday and I will light a candle for you and make a wish—-but all my wishes are the same. I see you in my mind and feel you in my heart. You gave so much and asked for so little. No greater man could I have had as my daddy. Thank you for all you did and all you were. Happy birthday my daddy! I love you——your baby girl

December 29th, 2014 10:05 am

Daddy my sweet daddy, time just seems to be flying by. When I was a little girl I just wished time away. Now I wished I could have slowed it down because then I would still have you here but I still feel you in my life—-time will never change that! My life is so full and yet so empty—I miss you and love you—-your baby girl

February 20th, 2015 9:01 am

Daddy, you have been on my mind so much lately. You are always on my mind and forever in my heart. I miss cooking for you on the weekends, so all my grown up children think they are being neglected if I don’t cook for them…..I miss you and I love you so much.

June 11th, 2015 10:35 am

So many changes—so much happening but I just want to let you know you are still my hero (my best friend). I miss you so much. I don’t even know which way to turn some days. I’m sure you felt like that many days. Everyday I think of you and feel your love as I know you always loved me and all your family. You have 2 great great grandbaby girls now and a boy on the way. Beckys little boy is a special child and you would love him so much. He’s got curly hair just like you and the most wonderful smile ever. He probably would laugh at all your corny jokes! Wish you could tell me one now! I love you my daddy and always know you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday—your baby girl, Linda

Weekend Gardening: Expert Tips For The Month Of June

June 20, 2015

Here are gardening tips for the month of June from the Santa Rosa County Extension Service:


  • Annuals to plant include celosia, coleus, crossandra, hollyhock, impatiens (pictured above), kalanchoe, nicotiana, ornamental pepper, portulaca, salvia, torenia, vinca and zinnia.
  • Sow seeds of sunflowers.  They are easy to grow if you have a sunny spot.  Look for some of the new, dwarf varieties that can also be used as cut flowers.
  • Remove old blooms (deadheading) to make flowers bloom longer.
  • Allow the foliage on spring bulbs to grow.  Do not cut it off until it turns yellow and falls over.

Trees and Shrubs

  • Mature palms should receive an application of granular fertilizer. Use a special palm fertilizer that has an 8-2-12 +4Mg (magnesium) with micronutrients formulation.  Apply one pound of fertilizer per 100 sq ft of canopy area or landscape area.
  • Do any necessary pruning of junipers this month.
  • Finish pruning the spring flowering shrubs such as azaleas, camellias, spiraeas, wisteria and forsythia by early June.
  • This is the month to reproduce plants by budding.
  • Check mulch around ornamental plants to be sure it’s two inches thick. Add mulch as needed to help keep weeds down and conserve water.  Keep mulch one to two inches away from trunk or stem.
  • Inspect maple trees, especially silver maple for infestations of maple soft scale.  Look for a white substance with some black on one end.  Individual maple scales are about 1/4 inch in diameter and resemble bird droppings. They occur mostly on leaves and can cause defoliation unless controlled.
  • Inspect the undersides of azalea leaves for spider mites and lace bugs.  If dry weather conditions exist, these insects can do some serious damage if not controlled.
  • Check conifers for signs of bagworms.  Call your local Extension Service for control measures.

Fruits and Nuts

  • Harvest peaches, nectarines and plums as soon as they mature, before the squirrels and birds get to them

Vegetable Garden

  • Side dress vegetable gardens with fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium.  A fertilizer such as a 15-0-15 can be used. Use approximately 2-3 cupfuls (1 to 1 ½ pounds) per 100 feet of row.
  • Increase watering frequency and amount as tomatoes load up with fruit.
  • Vegetables that can be planted outdoors include eggplant, lima beans, okra, southern peas, peppers and sweet potatoes.
  • Sweet potatoes are started from plants or “draws”.  Be sure to purchase only certified weevil free sweet potato plants.
  • Check for the following pests and control them if necessary: tomato fruitworm, stinkbugs on vegetables and aphids on all new growth


  • Check for the lawn pests and control them if necessary:  Spittlebugs in centipedegrass.  They are more attracted to especially lush areas of the yard such as along septic drain fields and in areas where excessive nitrogen fertilizer has been used.   Chinch bugs in St. Augustinegrass Sod webworm in all turf
  • Start monitoring for mole cricket infestations and prepare for treatment.

ECAT Buses Now Sporting Colorful Student Artwork

June 19, 2015

Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) announced the winners of its first ECAT Youth Art Contest during a special event on Thursday. The ceremony was part of the 10th National Annual “Dump the Pump” Day at ECAT which supports riding public transit.

Grand prize winners were Janet Michelle Barrott from Escambia High School, Ty Phan from R.C. Lipscomb Elementary, and Lana Davis, also from Lipscomb.

The grand prize winners’ artwork was unveiled as an art showcase on an ECAT bus.

Healthy Start Celebrates Opening Of Century Clinic

June 18, 2015

The Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition held a soft opening for their new clinic in Century Wednesday.

“This will be a very good thing for the Century area,” Healthy Start Director Theresa Chmiel said. “So many mothers in this area have transportation issues and can’t get to Pensacola for a WIC appointment or to see their doctor. So they do without.”

The new facility offered a free immunization clinic Wednesday, and a variety of services aimed at improving the health of children and pregnant women and their unborn babies will begin soon. The WIC program will offer services at the clinic on the second Tuesday of every month beginning July 14, and Jay pediatrician Dr. Marian Stewart will begin to see patients in Century in the near future. Exact dates for the new services will be announced soon.

“There was a young mother who took her very sick baby into the emergency room,” Cmiel said. “It turns out she was unable to get to her appointment to get more formula, so she was watering the baby’s formula down. It’s unacceptable that we as a community were not making those services more accessible to her.”

But she hopes the Century clinic will be a step in making resources available to mothers.

Dr. Stewart  will operate a satellite location in Century, making it easier for those in Century who don’t have the transportation resources to make the seven mile trip across the river in Jay.

“I’m excited about what is being done here,” Stewart, who will continue to see patients in Jay, said.

The new Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition clinic is located at 511 Church Street, near the old Century hospital. For more information on clinic services, call (850) 696-2291.

Before offering some services, the non-profit clinic is in need of a baby changing table and a refrigerator to store vaccines and medical supplies. To donate, call (850) 696-2291. photos, click to enlarge.

Magical Poodles Perform At The Library

June 18, 2015

The Summer Reading Club is continuing at branches of the West Florida Library.

This week, Michelle’s Magical Poodles have performed fun and quirky dog tricks with an educational twist and lots of audience interaction, including a stop Wednesday morning at the Century Branch Library and Thursday at the Molino Branch Library.

Next week, it’s Reno’s Reptiles with a chance to get up close and personal with some amazing animals.

Reno’s Reptiles

  • Tuesday, June 23, 10:30 a.m. – Southwest Branch, Big Lagoon State Park
  • Tuesday, June 23, 3:30 p.m. – Westside Branch, held at the Main Library
  • Wednesday, June 24, 11 a.m. – Century Branch
  • Wednesday, June 24, 3:30 p.m. – Main Library, Meeting Room A
  • Thursday, June 25, 10:30 a.m. – Molino Branch, Auditorium
  • Thursday, June 25, 3:00 p.m. – Tryon Branch, Meeting Room A

Pictured: Michelle’s Magical Poodles perform at the Century Branch Library Wednesday morning. photos, click to enlarge.

Byrneville Elementary School Presents Year-End Awards

June 16, 2015

Byrneville Elementary School presented the following year-end awards:

Mrs. Linton’s Awards

All A’s All Year:
Kelan Jurey
Jared Riley Long
Even Matlock
Mia Turner-White

A/B’s All Year:
Ayden Atallah
Gavin Beasley

Mrs. Gilmore’s Awards

Reading-Highest Average
Jolee Sloan
Drake Allen Driskell
Emily Levins
Science – Highest Average
Jolee Sloan
Drake Allen Driskell
Emily Levins
Blake Yoder
Math – Highest Average
Emily Levins
Drake Allen Driskell
Jolee Sloan
Social Studies – Highest Average
Drake Allen Driskell
Blake Yoder
Jolee Sloan

A Honor Roll
Emily Levins
Drake Allen Driskell
Bradley Hamilton
Kaden Odom
Blake Yoder
Jolee Sloan

A/B Honor Roll
Tiana White
Hunter Barnes
Briana Dunsford
Leah Anderson
Aloysia Dortch
Kayla Johnson
Abby Weber

Mrs. Thornton’s First Grade Awards

All A Honor Roll for the Year:
Ryder Lee
Elizabeth Coleman
Savannah Hudson
Wade Bailey

A/B Honor Roll for the Year:
Mary-Clayton Dawson
Makenzie Levins
Easten Odom
Andrew Plant
Bree Robertson
Charlee Weaver

Citizenship Awards:
Makenzie Levins
Ryder Lee
Savannah Hudson

Top Reading Awards
Wade Bailey
Ryder Lee

Math Award Highest Average
Elizabeth Coleman

Science Award Highest Average
Savannah Hudson

Social Studies Award Highest Average
Wade Bailey

Technology Award
Charlee Weaver
Nicholas Walston

Mrs. Johnston’s Fifth Grade Awards

Highest reading average: Hunter Borelli
2nd highest reading average: Jace Gifford

Highest math average: Hunter Borelli
2nd highest math average: Kaitlin Gafford

Highest science average: Hunter Borelli/Jace Gifford
2nd highest science average: Kaitlin Gafford/Harley Walker

Highest history average: Hunter Borelli/Kaitlin Gafford/Jace Gifford
2nd highest history average: Harley Walker
3rd highest history average: Taylor Levins

“A” Honor Roll ALL year:
Hunter Borelli
Kaitlin Gafford
Jace Gifford
Shelby Rice

“A/B” Honor Roll ALL year:
Cody Adams
Tanner Boone
Dusty Carnley
Taylor Levins
Torka Mills
Harley Walker
Anthoni Weaver

Second Grade–Weaver

A Honor Roll
Logan Bevins
Maddie Mae Driskell
Madison Levins
Jayden White
Brian Yoder

A/B Honor Roll
Madeleine Atallah
Luke Diamond
Kerissa Dortch
Tyler Gilmore
Braden Glick
Mia Kornegay
Blake Shaw

Highest Language Average
Brian Yoder
Second Highest: Madison Levins
Third Highest: Maddie Mae Driskell

Highest Math Average
Brian Yoder and Madeleine Atallah
Second Highest: Madison Addisen
Third Highest: Braden Glick

Highest Science Average
Second Highest: Madison Levins

Highest Social Studies:
Madison Levins and Brian Yoder

Third Grade: Mrs. Dunsford
All A’s
Sarah Bailey
Riley Dawson
Madalyn Grimes
Meredith Johnston
Tyler Riggs

Alexa Castro
Kayla Glick
Kaylee Hamilton
Tyson McBride
Aydan Smith

Highest Reading Average: Sarah Bailey,  Tyler Riggs
Highest Social Studies Average: Sarah Bailey
Highest Science Social Studies: Sarah Bailey and Tyler Riggs
Highest Math Average: Riley Dawson, Tyler Riggs

Molino Fire Dept. To Hold Open House This Saturday

June 16, 2015

The Molino Volunteer Fire Department will host their second annual open house from 4-8 p.m. Saturday.

The event will feature free food, drinks and festivities, special guest appearances, vendors, fire station tours and more. There will be a demonstration event at 6 p.m. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted for food plates.

For vendor information, call (850) 587-2661 or click here for the department’s Facebook page.

The Molino Hotshots will hold a car wash at the fire station Saturday morning.

The Molino Volunteer Fire Department is actively seeking volunteers for emergency and non-emergency operations.  Applications are accepted from persons age 16 and older. The Molino Fire Station is part of Escambia Fire Rescue and provides emergency services to the Molino community.

Positions needed include clerical assistance,  medical first responders, apparatus operators and firefighters. Free training is provided and includes junior firefighters 16 to 18 who can earn valuable credit for Bright Futures Scholarships through volunteer service and training.

Pictured: A live burn demonstration during last year’s open house at the Molino Volunteer Fire Department. photo, click to enlarge.

Barrineau Park Historical Society Awards Scholarships

June 15, 2015

The Barrineau Park Historical Society recently awarded scholarships to three deserving members of the Class 0f 2015 during an event at the Barrineau Park Community Center.

Cara Thompson, a Northview High School School graduate, received a $500 Lynda C. Minchew Memorial Scholarship. Thompson plans to major in English and wants to become a writer.

Josey Venable, a West Florida High School graduate, received a $1,000 Barrineau Park Historical Society Scholarship. Venable plans to be come a registered nurse.

Tamara Wise, a West Florida High School graduate, received a $1,000 Steven Jogan Memorial Scholarship from the Barrineau Park Historical Society. Wise plans to pursue a career in nursing.

Graduating seniors who attend Tate or Northview high schools, or reside in those districts, were eligible to apply for these scholarships with a 3.0 average or higher. The applicants were also required to write an essay explaining why a historical society is important to a community.

Pictured: Barrineau Park Historical Society scholarship recipients (L-R) Cara Thompson, Josey Venable and Tamara Wise. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.

Second Lady Christens USS Gabrielle Giffords In Mobile

June 14, 2015

The Navy christened its tenth littoral combat ship (LCS), the USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10), during a midday ceremony Saturday at Austal USA shipyard in Mobile. LCS 10 is named after former United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords.

“The christening of the future USS Gabrielle Giffords marks the beginning of what is certain to be a long life for this great ship,” said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. “It is also a celebration of the skill and dedication of the men and women who have built LCS 10 and the courage of her namesake. This ship truly embodies the Navy motto of Semper Fortis – Always Courageous.”

During the event, Second Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden, the ship’s sponsor, broke a bottle of sparkling wine across the bow thereby christening the ship in a time-honored Navy tradition.

“Gabby represents the same qualities the Navy embodies,” Dr. Biden said. “She also represents the six Americans who lived those values but lost their lives in Tucson the day Gabby nearly lost hers.”

“In congress I was proud to support our armed forces. I love the Navy. I even married a sailor,” Giffords said. “She’s stealthy. She will defend freedom around the world. Go Navy!”

The LCS class consists of the Freedom variant and Independence variant, each designed and built by different industry teams. The Freedom variant team is led by Lockheed Martin (for odd-numbered hulls, e.g., LCS 1). The Independence variant team is led by General Dynamics, Bath Iron Works (LCS 2 and LCS 4) and Austal USA (for the subsequent even-numbered hulls). Purchased under the innovative block-buy acquisition strategy, there are 12 ships currently under construction.

While capable of open-ocean tasking, LCS is intended to operate in the littorals — shallow, coastal waters. As such, the ships can operate in water as shallow as 20 feet deep and can travel at speeds in excess of 40 knots. USS Freedom (LCS 1) and USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) recently demonstrated these critical capabilities as part of their operational deployments to U.S. 7th Fleet in the Asia-Pacific region.

LCS 10 is the 16th U.S. naval ship to be named for a woman, and only the 13th ship to be named for a living person since 1850. Giffords was a Congresswoman for Arizona’s 2nd District when Jared Loughner shot and wounded her on January 8, 2011.

Gabrielle Giffords is the third ship in a block buy contract with Austal to build 10 Independence- variant LCS ships. Sister ship Jackson (LCS 6) is preparing for builder’s trials, and Montgomery (LCS 8) was christened in November 2014. The LCS program is ramping up in 2015 to deliver two ships per year from the Austal shipyard, as well as two Freedom-variant ships from the Marinette Marine shipyard in Wisconsin.

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.

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