FFA Members Share Ag Message At Molino Park, Byrneville
February 11, 2016
Several students from the Northview High School FFA shared the importance of agriculture and the role agriculture plays in our daily lives with students at Molino Park and Byrneville elementary schools on Wednesday.
They were also able to speak with each classroom about the upcoming Fresh From Florida program planned for March 11 at Northview. The program is designed to make today’s elementary students more aware of the world of agriculture and how it affects their daily lives. One of the primary objectives is to promote agricultural literacy among today’s students.
Northview FFA has won state recognition for this program and is rated one the best chapter programs in the state of Florida. Last year, they reached over 1,000 elementary students.
Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
Pensacola Opera Presents ‘Jack And The Beanstalk’
February 10, 2016
The Pensacola Opera presented a free performance of the endearing tale “Jack and the Beanstalk” Tuesday night a the Century Branch Library. Another performance was held Wednesday morning at the Molino Branch Library.
For a photo gallery, click here.
Pictured: The Pensacola Opera presented “Jack and the Beanstalk” Tuesday night at the Century Branch Library. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.
BMX Bike Show Encourages Northview High Students
February 9, 2016
“Bring Your ‘A Game’ to School” was the message Northview High School students heard Monday afternoon as a BMX performance team brought their high flying and flipping tricks to the school gym.
The positive-message, high energy program encouraged students to pay attention to their “A Game” — with the “A” in “A Game” standing for alliance, attitude, authentic, ability, active, anti-bullying and achieve.
The program featured BMX riders with daring leaps and stunts and a message about the hard work and courage it takes to be successful in life.
Five students were chosen from the audience to demonstrate their courage as they were asked to lay side-by-side on the gym floor as a BMX biker jumped over them. They were offered a free t-shirt if the biker’s attempt failed.
The most cr0wd-pleasing stunt came with the assistance and courage of Northview Principal Gayle Weaver who was asked to sit in a chair, arms outstretched, as one of the riders jumped his bike and back-flipped over her. In a “test” run with only the chair, the biker crashed into the chair. Students were asked, thumbs up or thumbs down, if Weaver should go ahead with the stut. She received an overwhelming thumbs up.
Weaver was told to sit in the chair, keep her eyes open, and, of course, not stand up.
Students cheered wildly as the wheel of the bicycle came with a few feet of Weaver’s face. She was uninjured and seemingly not bothered by the stunt.
The event was sponsored as a recruiting tool by the National Guard.
Pictured top and inset: A BMX biker jumps over Northview Principal Gayle Weaver Monday afternoon. Pictured below: Jumping over five students plus two others. Pictured below: BMX stunt show at Northview High School. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.
Blue Angels Soar Over Super Bowl
February 8, 2016
The Blue Angels helped kick off the 2016 Super Bowl when they performed a flyover at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, CA, on Sunday.
The Blue Angels’ signature six-jet Delta Formation soared over more than 70,000 spectators at the stadium, following the national anthem.
“It doesn’t get more exciting than representing the Navy and Marine Corps while flying over the world’s premier sporting event,” said Blue Angels Slot Pilot Lt. Ryan Chamberlain. “Navy and marines serving all around the world should be proud of their efforts which make opportunities like this possible.”
Flight Leader and Commanding Officer Cmdr. Ryan Bernacchi, a native of Los Altos, CA, was proud to fly over his hometown.
“Being able to come back to the area you grew up in and being able to represent the Navy is always special, but being a part of this great American tradition makes this privilege that much more incredible,” said Bernacchi.
The Blue Angels, while based in Pensacola, are currently training in California for the 2016 air show season and are scheduled to fly 65 demonstrations at 33 locations throughout North America in 2016, which is the Blue Angels’ 70th anniversary year. The mission of the Blue Angels is to showcase the pride and professionalism of the United States Navy and Marine Corps by inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country through flight demonstrations and community outreach.
Photo courtesy U.S. Navy Blue Angels for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
Kids Learn To Make Valentine’s Lollipops At The Library
February 7, 2016
Children had the opportunity to make their own Valentine’s lollipops Saturday afternoon at the Molino Brnach Library. Two miniature candy canes, melted white chocolate, sugar sprinkles and a lollipop stick– the recipe for easy kid’s activity. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.
4-H Kids Learn To Shop For Healthy Foods With Small Budget
February 7, 2016
Members of the Barrineau Park 4-H Club recently learned how to shop for healthy foods on a limited budget.
After the educational tour through the Grocery Advantage in Cantonment with UF/IFAS Extension leaders, Barrineau Park 4-H Club members and parents put their knowledge of reading food labels, picking whole grains, comparing prices, and much more into action.
Each participant successfully completed the $10 Challenge. With the $10 they were given from a UF/IFAS/Share Our Strength grant, they bought a fruit, a vegetable, a whole grain, a lean protein, and a low- or no-fat dairy product all for $10 or less.
Pictured: Members of the Barrineau Park 4-H Club learn how to shop for healthy foods on a limited budget. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
Tate High’s Hoskins Named ROTC Cadet Of The Year
February 7, 2016
Tate High School’s Alexis Hoskins had been named Northwest Florida’s Cadet of the Year and has received a full ROTC scholarship to the University of West Florida. Hoskins is pictured with Tate High Principal Rick Shackle. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
A Very Special Mardi Gras Parade (With Photo Gallery)
February 6, 2016
A very special Mardi Gras parade was held Friday morning for the special needs students of Escambia Westgate School.
With plenty of beads, Moon Pies, stuffed animals and smiles, the parade rolled through the school parking lot for students that might not otherwise be able to attend a regular Mardi Gras parade.
Courtesy Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
The Way we Worked: Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibit Coming To Molino
February 3, 2016
“The Way we Worked”, a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition, is coming to the Molino Museum next month.
The Way We Worked, adapted from an original exhibition developed by the National Archives and Records Administration, explores how work has become a central element in American culture. It traces the many changes that have affected the workforce and work environments over the past 150 years, including the growth of manufacturing and increasing use of technology. The exhibition draws from the Archives’ rich collections, including historical photographs, archival accounts of workers, film, audio and interactives, to tell the compelling story of how work impacts our individual lives and the historical and cultural fabric of our communities.
The exhibit will be open in the museum inside the Molino Community Complex on Highway 95A will be open Monday-Saturday from March 19 until April 30.
Plans are being made for a grand opening celebration with music, clogging, programs, additional exhibits and more. Additional details will be published on NorthEscambia.com as the grand opening date approaches.
Tate High Hosting Souper Bowl And Student Gallery Night
February 3, 2016
The Tate High School Art Department is hosting a Student Gallery Night and Souper Bowl Thursday from 5-7 p.m. in the Art Building. Students will be selling their own art work as well as hand-crafted ceramic bowls and soup or chili. All proceeds from the sale of the bowls and food will benefit their ceramics classes, with 10 percent going to the Manna Food Bank.
The cost is $10 to purchase a handmade bowl plus food and drink, or $5 to purchase just food and drink. The public is invited to join in and support the arts at Tate High School.
Pictured above and below: Some of the bowls available during the Souper Bowl event at Tate High School. Pictured bottom: Some of the student art pieces that will be for sale. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.