Farm Share Distributes 35K Pounds Of Food To Tornado Victims

February 28, 2016

Farm Share partnered with Sen. Greg Evers, Rep. Doug Broxson, Rep. Mike Hill, and Rep. Clay Ingram for a disaster relief food distribution Saturday for the victims of an EF-3 tornado in Pensacola. Over 35,000 pounds of food, plus clothing and supplies were distributed at the Hillcrest Baptitst Church Spanish Trail campus on Spanish Trail Road. Photos for, click to enlarge.

Northview NJROTC Finds Third Place In UWF Orienteering Competition

February 28, 2016

The Northview NJROTC team took third place at the University of West Florida Saturday in orienteering – a competition requiring navigational skills using a map and compass plus physical and mental fitness. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.

New Teacher Of The Year Gets ‘Crowned’ During Surprise Visit

February 26, 2016

Kristy Imhof, the new Escambia County Teacher of the Year, received a surprise visit in her seventh grade language arts classroom at Ransom Middle School Friday morning.

She was officially named Teacher of Year during Thursday night’s Golden Apple Awards ceremony (read story), and received the official “crown” Friday morning, along with flowers from Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.

For more photos, click here.

Pictured top: Ransom Middle School teacher Kristy Imhof was crowned Escambia County Teacher of the Year Friday morning. Pictured inset: She received a surprise visit and flowers from Superintendent Malcolm Thomas. Pictured below: Imhof with one of her language arts classes. Photos by Kim Stefansson for, click to enlarge.

Northview Celebrates National FFA Week With Breakfast

February 25, 2016

FFA members at Northview High School are celebrating National FFA Week with a variety of events. Wednesday, the FFA officers and members prepared a homestyle breakfast for teachers, staff and invited guests that support the FFA program. photos, click to enlarge.


Local Government Agencies Working Together On Century Tornado Cleanup

February 24, 2016

The ECUA grappler truck is on the job during the tornado cleanup on Jefferson Street in Century. It’s being operated by an Escambia County employee, with the assistance of a Town of Century Gas Department employee.

“It’s true intergovernmental cooperation,” said Larry Walker, ECUA District 5 board member.

Photo for, click to enlarge.

Bigfoot Monster Truck Visits Local Company That Keeps It Running

February 23, 2016

The “Bigfoot 14″ monster truck made a stop by sponsor Alto Products in Atmore Monday afternoon. The truck achieves its superior power from Atmore-made Alto Red Eagle clutches. Alto has provided the transmission clutch plates for the Bigfoot vehicles for the past 16 years.

Bigfoot 14 set a  world monster truck jump record of 202 feet, clearing a 727 jet liner, back in 1999.  Alto now supplies their Red Eagle racing clutches to several of the world’s top monster truck teams.

Pictured: Bigfoot 14 monster truck Monday at Alto Products in Atmore, where the vehicle’s transmission clutch plates are manufactured. photos, click to enlarge.

Good Day! It’s National FFA Week

February 22, 2016

It’s National FFA Week in Escambia County, according to a proclamation issued by the Escambia County Commission. The commission commended the county’s FFA chapters, members, parents and advisors and all who support agriscience education and the development of future leaders. Pictured at the county commission proclamation presentation from the Tate High School FFA are Austin Courson, Rachel Grammer, Tori Kelson, Cora Andrews, Patra Miller, Amber Neal, Commissioner Steven Berry and Melissa Gibbs. Photo for, click to enlarge.

Photos: Go Inside The Tornado Damaged Century Methodist Church

February 21, 2016

Someone joked to the Rev. Janet Lee that a great hymn for this Sunday morning would be the great classic “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”.  She didn’t seem amused.

The community has leaned on the Century United Methodist Church for about 114 years. A simple, but beautiful wooden church that’s stood strong on Church Street since just after the turn of the Century. Notably, a couple of years longer, we’re told, than the Baptist church next door.

Now the church building is precariously leaning  after last Monday’s tornado lifted it off it’s foundation and shifted the entire building about two feet away. The building, according to  a structural engineer, is a total loss and in danger of possible collapse.  It will have to be torn down.

Since Monday, church members and volunteers have worked, despite the danger, to remove stained glass windows, pews and other furniture, and chandeliers from the building. Members have former members have stopped by, some posing for pictures on the porch, and reminiscing  about the weddings and funerals and special services — the important moments in their lives and the in the lives of their families — that took place in the little wooden church.

Some are quick to point out that Church is the gathering of the Lord’s people, not the physical building. That Century UMC body, for now, will be holding services in a house they own just across the street for the tornado damaged church.

For more photos, click here. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.

Reimagine Flomaton Touches Communities In Need

February 21, 2016

The goal of Saturday’s Reimagine Flomaton event was to breathe new life into Flomaton where the faithful reached out to touch the hearts and lives of area residents in need.  The event was planned months ago, and suddenly took on a new importance after tornado ravaged areas of Century and Flomaton last Monday.

The event at Hurricane Park included a 15,000 pound food distribution, as well as other free activities and giveaways including clothing, diapers, pillows and laundry detergent. A free lunch was also available.

There were free children’s activities including face painting, bounce houses and a coloring contest in which three children won new bicycles. There was also live Christian music, dance and more.

For more photos, click here. photos, click to enlarge.

Tate Showband Members Raising Hawaii Trip Money

February 21, 2016

The Tate High School Showband of the South has a variety of fundraisers planned for the next several months to benefit the band’s trip to Hawaii next December to play at the 75th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. Saturday, a group of band students were raising money outside Tractor Supply on Nine Mile Road. Photo for, click to enlarge.

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