Levins Named Century Chamber’s Student Of The Year

March 18, 2016

Northview High School senior Trevor Levins has been named the Century Chamber of Commerce’s Student of the Year. The annual selection is based upon a student’s well-rounded involvement in school activities, community service and more. Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Tate High Names Faircloth, Stonewall As Students Of The Month

March 17, 2016

Tate High School has named students of the month for February. They are David Faircloth and Demiyah Stonewall, pictured with Principal Rich Shackle. Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Camp Fire Kids Hold Annual Easter Egg Hunt

March 17, 2016

Students from the Camp Fire Century Youth Learning Center visited the Century Health And Rehabilitation Center Wednesday for their annual Easter Egg Hunt. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Local Students Attend Model UN Conference

March 17, 2016

The Northview High School Model United Nations Team recently took part in the 37th annual  Florida High Schools Model United Nations conference in Orlando.

The high school conference was modeled after real debate and United Nations actions and programs.

Northview Model UN team members were Jessica Amerson, Madison Weber, Moriah McGahan, Carly Ward, David Thorpe, Hadley Woodfin, Zach Sheldon, Ellie Amerson, Alayna Brown, Sarah Perritt, Triston Long and Catie Clayton. The group is sponsored by teacher Anna Barry.

This year, two nations were represented by the Northview team:  The Republic of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Belgium.  There were a total of 298 delegates and the conference and 24 different high schools, including one  from Turkey.

The NHS team consisted of 12 delegates who were involved in the following committees: Security Council, UN Office of Drugs and Crime, World Health Organization, Ad Hoc, UN Women, General Assembly Third, and the European Union.  All of the delegates worked diligently to draft resolutions to world problems.

Two years ago, Northview became the first Escambia County public school to participate in a Florida High Schools Model United Nations conference.

Pictured: The Northview high School Model United Nations Team. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Jay, Northview Students Picked For Washington Youth Tour

March 14, 2016

Rebecca Boutwell of Jay High School and Zipporah Harris of Northview High School have been name winners of the  Escambia River Electric Cooperative 2016 Youth Tour to Washington contest.

Judges from PowerSouth Energy Cooperative in Andalusia, AL, and Southern Pine Electric Cooperative in Brewton, AL, scored contestants in their interviews based on their knowledge of Escambia River Electric Cooperative and the history of rural electrification.  Personal attributes of each candidate such as character, academic ability, personality and leadership skills were also considered.

Britt and Wiggins will represent EREC on the Washington Youth Tour in June. They will also have the chance to see the sites, learn about the nation’s capital, rural electrification and more.

Ernest Ward Names Spring King And Queen

March 14, 2016

Ernest Ward Middle School held a Spring Dance Friday night, naming a queen and her court based upon student votes.

King Colton Dockens and Queen Cloe Smith reigned over the dance, along with their court:  Sixth Grade Knight Jace Gifford, Sixth Grade Maiden Shelby Rice, Seventh Grade Knight Jonathan Windham and Seventh Grade Maiden Mary Paige Nasser.

For more photos, click here.

Pictured top: Ernest Ward Middle Spring Dance Queen Cloe Smith and King Colton Dockens. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.

Photos: Canada Geese At Lake Stone

March 13, 2016

A rainy Saturday afternoon was a great time for a couple of Canada geese to check out Lake Stone in Century. The park contains the only freshwater lake maintained by Escambia County. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

Students Earn Honors At PI Math Competition

March 13, 2016

submitted article for NorthEscambia.com

The Pensacola Invitational (PI) is a local math competition for elementary and middle school students of Escambia and Santa Rosa County. It was founded with the goal of exposing local students to competitive math in a structure similar to that found at the high school level. Math teams from each school across the county are categorized by their current math class and top contenders for each category are awarded based on their performance in both individual and team round.

For the past seven years, Pensacola High School students have succeeded in making PI a completely student-run event. Because our students run the competition, we are able to make it free to all participants. A former PHS IB student founded the competition in 2009. Following in his footsteps, the organizers of PI have attended some of the top schools in the country. The first year the competition hosted about 30 students; it has since grown into a highly anticipated, 400+, two-county, student event, held this year on March 5th.

“Not only has this competition provided invaluable experience to middle and elementary school students in our area, it has also provided a beneficial leadership role for the students running it,” said PHS Math Teacher and the organization’s sponsor, Jan Sales. “The event runs from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. so PI organizers, Anish Gupta and Carla Dias, even found sponsors so to help them provide lunch to 400 competitors – and that was a lot of pizza!”

What’s next for the members of PI? Preparations for National Pi Day, of course. March 14 has become known as Pi day (3.14159265359…). They will be setting their alarms for 3:14 a.m. to take a moment and welcome in the day. They also urge everyone to treat themselves to something round to eat on Monday, such as a pizza pi, or an apple pi!

4th Grade


Honorable Mention

Jay- Presley Smith
Pea Ridge- Bradley Allen Kruger
W.H. Rhodes- Justine Stillings
SS Dixon- Tucker Ricks
SS Dixon- Noah Helms
WH Rhodes- Ben Kennington
Jay- Alyssa McKinley
Jay- Mallory Hagan
SS Dixon- Abigail Pettus
WH Rhodes- Bailey Underwood


10th place- WH Rhodes- Ethan Koivn
9th place- Pea Ridge- Haley Hernandez
8th place- Pea Ridge- River Foster
7th place- SS Dixon- Piper Bullock
6th place- SS Dixon- Blake Panepinto
5th place- SS Dixon- Jack Strother
4th place- WH Rhodes- Haydn Baker
3rd place- SS Dixon- Abby McMath
2nd place- WH Rhodes- Carly Goodman
1st place- Pea Ridge- Tori Froman


3rd place- Pea Ridge Team 1
2nd place- SS Dixon Team 4
1st place- WH Rhodes Team 5

5th Grade


Honorable Mention

SS Dixon- Bethany Dean
SS Dixon- Abigail Henry
SS Dixon- Andrew Fendley
SS Dixon- Hudson Strotner
WH Rhodes- Jacob Gagné
SS Dixon- Isaac Bondurant
Jay- Adam Jones
SS Dixon- Dominic Caruso
WH Rhodes- Jesse Clark
EDS- Nicollete Redmond


10th place- Jay- Jody Godwin
9th place- SS Dixon- James Walker
8th place- WH Rhodes- Jackson Farless
7th place- Bagdad- Jerard Gilmore
6th place- Pea Ridge- Donovan Amann
5th place- Gulf Breeze- Sandra Tu
4th place- EDS- Elizabeth Owens
3rd place- SS Dixon- Meghan Thacker
2nd place- Pea Ridge- Piper Haney
1st place- Gulf Breeze- Brandon Collins


3rd place- EDS Team 1
2nd place- SS Dixon Team 1
1st place- Pea Ridge Team 1

Elementary School Sweepstakes

3rd place- S.S. Dixon
2nd place- Pea Ridge
1st place- W.H. Rhodes

Math I


Honorable Mention

CLA- Dima Alsheikh
Woodlawn- Andrew Zouloufos
Jay- Megan Bethea
Ransom- Abby Gryskiewicz
Woodlawn- Maliya Gibson
Woodlawn- Samuel Fulton
CLA- Keiji Boozer
Sacred Heart- Scout Tillman
Sacred Heart- Joseph Hauerstein
St. Paul- Tyler Dejong


10th place- Brown Barge- Haden McBroom
9th place- CLA- Marco Ghiglino
8th place- CLA- Davyn Pan
7th place- Jay- Shawn Thompson
6th place- Ferry Pass- Nataniel Agustin
5th place- CLA- Arthur Odom
4th place- Ransom- Andy Tran
3rd place- EDS- Colin “King” Gold
2nd place- CLA- Wassim Khabou
1st place- Ferry Pass- Jason Konopka


3rd place- Woodlawn
2nd place- Jay Team 1
1st place- Brown Barge

Math II


Honorable Mention

Woodlawn- Leah Elliott
Woodlawn- Dawson Higginbotham
EDS- Graybill Partington
Woodlawn- Carly Russ
Ransom- Liliana Rollins
CLA- Adele Dorion
Jay- Bethany White
EDS- Claire Litvak
CLA- Akeelah Reeves
CLA- Fares Rifai


10th place- CLA- Abigail Asmar
9th place- Woodlawn- Madison Jordan
8th place- Jay- Brody Johnson
7th place- CLA- Hima Humeda
6th place- Workman- Josiah Alexander
5th place- Workman- Kendall Frazee
4th place- Workman- Amara Schoppmann
3rd place- Ferry Pass- Mei Adcox
2nd place- EDS- Noelle Dorvault
1st place- CLA- Annie Pratt


3rd place- EDS Team 1
2nd place- Woodlawn Team 1
1st place- CLA Team 1

Algebra I


Honorable Mention

CLA- Mehul Kapur
King- Isabella Carpenter
Ferry Pass- Amiyah Green
EDS- Lindsay Lurate
Brown Barge- Zander Preston
EDS- Georgia Seacrest
Brown Barge- Amy Zhang
Ferry Pass- Haylee Dove
Ferry Pass- Vyna Nguyen
Workman- George Thomas Prettyman


10th place- Woodlawn- Allison Linkous
9th place- Workman- Samuel Duong
8th place- CLA- Nicholas Skoufis
7th place- EDS- Hanh-Nhan Tran
6th place- Brown Barge- Rashidi Joseph
5th place- CLA- Luca Benny
4th place- Jay- Jacob Gonzalez
3rd place- EDS- Jett Zhang
2nd place- Brown Barge- Michael Dixon
1st place- Woodlawn-Tanner Struck


3rd place- CLA
2nd place- Woodlawn Team 2
1st place- Brown Barge Team 1

Middle School Sweepstakes

5th place- EDS
4th place- Ferry Pass
3rd place- Brown Barge
2nd place- Woodlawn
1st place- CLA

Students Learn About Ag During Fresh From Florida Event (With Gallery)

March 12, 2016

About 800 students from across the area took part in the annual Northview High School FFA “Fresh From Florida” program Friday morning at the school in Bratt.

Formerly known as the “Food For America program”, the event gave students the chance to learn about agriculture first hand up close and personal with farm animals, farm equipment and more to learn how food gets from the farm to their tables. Students were even able to make and enjoy eating their own fresh butter.

The Northview High School FFA “Fresh From Florida” program has been honored as the best in Florida numerous times, and the chapter was recently name one of the best in the United States by the National FFA Organization for a second year.

For more photos, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

Escambia Fire Rescue Offers Free Smoke Detectors

March 11, 2016

Crew members from Escambia County Fire Rescue Engine 4 in Cantonment walked door to door Thursday in the Saint Matthew’s Lane and Stacey Road area Thursday to install free smoke detectors and change smoke detector batteries for interested residents.

Escambia Fire Rescue offers free smoke detectors with free installation to anyone in need. Call (850) 595-HERO (4376) for the free alarms.

Courtesy photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

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