Molino Park Elementary Students Celebrate The Arts

March 6, 2019

Molino Park Elementary School held its annual Art Day recently.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Students spent the day immersed in a variety of fine arts from distinguished guests, such as Deborah Andress, Haley Krostag, Dale Cooey, Lyvonne Patterson, Patsy Pennington, Matt Brabham, Kaye’s Music, Pensacappella, Pensacola Symphony Ensemble, Mr. Mac’s Drum, Twirl Girlz, Schmidt’s Music and the Northview High School Percussion.  The day concluded with the “Roundup”, where Heather Leonard’s Danceworks got students on their feet dancing a “Happy Dance” in the school cafeteria.

Photos for, click to enlarge.

Pensacola MESS Hall Brings Science Fun To Bratt, Jim Allen Elementary Students

March 4, 2019

Pensacola MESS Hall brought science-powered fun to Bratt and Jim Allen elementary schools recently.

Children and parents had a chance to participate in hands-on interactive activities and experiments.

The Pensacola MESS Hall will take part in the Gulf Coast Science Festival in Seville Square in Pensacola March 30 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

For more photos from Bratt and Jim Allen elementary schools, click here.

Pictured: Science activities at Bratt Elementary School (above) and Jim Allen Elementary School (below). and courtesy photos, click to enlarge.

Google Street View Car Spotted In North Escambia

March 3, 2019

The Google Street View car was spotted in Molino and the Quintette community on Saturday.

The real magic is mounted above the car  taking 360 degrees of photos. It has motion sensors to track its position. Three lasers are used to create 3D maps of the surroundings.

GPS sensors, along with sensors that measure speed and direction are used to make sure the images are placed in the right place on the Google Maps and in Google Earth. The sensors even provide enough information to tilt and align the images with hilly terrain.

Google uses face and license plate blurring technology to make sure that people and vehicles captured in the images can’t be identified.

There’s no word when the new images from North Escambia will be available on Google Street View. photos, click to enlarge.

Jim Allen Elementary Crazy Hat Day Raises Money For Childhood Cancer Research

March 2, 2019

Hats off to Jim Allen Elementary School. Friday, the school raised $425 to donate to childhood cancer research with their Crazy Hat Day. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge

Ransom Middle School Names Students Of The Month

March 1, 2019

Ransom Middle School has named Students of the Month for February. They are Emma Nigam and Johnny Nguyen. Photo for, click to enlarge.

Ray’s Chapel Youth Thank First Responders In Century

February 28, 2019

Escambia Fire Rescue firefighters in Century received “care packages” and thank you cards from the youth at Ray’s Chapel Baptist Church in McDavid.

“Every month or two, we like to have our students come up with an idea for some sort of outreach. Something that allows them to encourage or support others while sharing their faith,” said Nikki Kelly, who teaches a high school Sunday School class at Ray’s Chapel along with her husband Daniel Kelley. “We started with Century volunteers, but hope to branch out to others as well in the future. It was completely  the kids’ idea.”

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.

Tate Science Honor Society Students Prep Roy Hyatt Greenhouse To Become Butterfly House

February 28, 2019

About 50 members of the Tate High School Science Honor Society volunteered Wednesday to clean out the inside of a greenhouse at the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center (RHEC) as a service project. The greenhouse will be transformed into a butterfly house.

The project is funded by a $100,300 grant awarded by Impact 100. An existing building is being designed into an undersea classroom.

The students ended the day with a hike through some of the trail at RHEC. They saw a red shouldered hawk, white topped pitcher plants, pink sundew, lots of woodland birds, Cherokee rose vine in bloom, Carolina jessamine in bloom, mud  armadillo digs, deer tracks, evidence of coyotes and more.

The facility is owned and operated by the Escambia County School District.

Photos for, click to enlarge.

(The snake was not inside the greenhouse; it was part of a planned demonstration.)

Bratt Elementary School Names February Students Of The Month

February 28, 2019

Bratt Elementary School has named Students of the Month for February. They are:

Zyla Rothschild
Ta’kia Bush

Nyla Rolin
Marshall Nall
Ka’Myiah Russell
Eliljah Peebles

First Grade
Gabriel Key
Mary Summerall
Brylee Peters
Riverly Heathcock
Joanh Carter

Second Grade
Jepp Godwin
Eric Anthony
Kyndal Hadley
Jaxon Byrd

Third Grade
Zachary Flowers
Camden Jacobson
Billy Zhang
Reese Jones
Shane Alexander

Fourth Grade
Presley Amos
Hallie Emmons
Hunter Griffis

Fifth Grade
Landon Watson
Jackson Simmons
Jackson Bridges
Zakehl Clemmons

Photo for, click to enlarge.

Century And Flomaton Chambers Hand Out Annual Awards At Banquet

February 27, 2019

The annual Flomaton and Century Joint Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet was held Tuesday night in Flomaton. Awards were presented as follows:

  • Century Outstanding Student of the Year – Chloe Smith
  • Century Outstanding Business of the Year – Squeegee Stitch Graphix
  • Century Outstanding Citizens of the Year – Debbie Nickles
  • Flomaton Outstanding Student of the Year – Mitchell Faulk
  • Flomaton Outstanding Business of the Year – Jeff’s Feed and Seed
  • Flomaton Outstanding Citizen of the Year – Cathryn Jeter

Photo for, click to enlarge.

Local Elementary Schools Place In Science Olympiad

February 26, 2019

The Escambia County School District Science Olympiad was held Saturday at Washington High School. Results were as follows:

Overall Results
1st place: A.K. Suter
2nd place: Pleasant Grove
3rd place: Hellen Caro
4th place: N.B. Cook
5th place: Lipscomb

1st place: Molino Park
2nd place: Pine Meadow
3rd place: Lipscomb
4th place: Jim Allen
5th place: N.B. Cook

1st place: A.K. Suter
2nd place: Beulah
3rd place: Bratt
4th place: Kingsfield
5th place: Hellen Caro

Straw Egg Drop
1st place: Oakcrest
2nd place: Pleasant Grove
3rd place: Ferry Pass
4th place: Cordova Park
5th place: N.B. Cook

Tower Challenge
1st place: C.A.Weis
2nd place: A.K. Suter
3rd place: Pine Meadow
4th place: Pleasant Grove
5th place: Montclair

Science Bowl
1st place: Lipscomb
2nd place: Pleasant Grove
3rd place: Hellen Caro
4th place: Kingsfield
5th place: N.B. Cook

Mystery Powders
1st place: McArthur
2nd place: Hellen Caro
3rd place: N.B. Cook
4th place: A.K. Suter
5th place: Kingsfield

Picture This (Three way tie)
1st place: A.K. Suter
1st place: Hellen Caro
1st place: Pleasant Grove
4th place: Scenic Heights
5th place: Kingsfield

Tennis Ball Catapult
1st place: A.K. Suter
2nd place: Scenic Heights
3rd place: Pleasant Grove
4th place: N.B. Cook
5th place: Warrington

Pictured top: Molino Park Elementary. Pictured below: Additional North Escambia area schools (each photo is labeled). Photos for, click to enlarge.

Bratt Elementary

Jim Allen Elementary

Kingsfield Elementary

Beulah Elementary

Pine Meadow Elementary

McArthur Elementary

Lipscomb Elementary

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