Free Christmas Lock-In Held In Century

December 22, 2007

centurylockinflyer.jpgThere was a free Christmas Lock-In Saturday afternoon in Century at the old Century High School gym.

The event featured free toys, games, bikes, school supplies, pizza, hot dogs, chicken, drinks and “lots of fun”. There were gospel choirs, praise teams, gospel rappers and more, according to event organizers.

The lock-in was sponsored by the Modern Woodman of America Camp 16611, Truth for Youth, Inc., New Life Baptist Church of Century, and other local churches and businesses.

Miracle on Main Street At First Baptist of Bratt

December 19, 2007

mironmain44.jpgThe Preschool and Children’s Choirs of the First Baptist Church of Bratt presented “Miracle on Main Street” Wednesday night.

For a complete photo gallery from the performance, click here.

Bratt’s Youth Choir will present “Yo! Christmas Tree” Sunday night at 6:00.

Many other area churches have special Christmas services and events planned. Click here for more.


Walnut Hill Baptist Introduces Custom Ornament

December 18, 2007


Walnut Hill Baptist Church is selling a collectible Christmas ornament this year to benefit the church’s building fund.

The blue ball ornament is decorated with a picture of the church and “In the beginning was the Word…” from John 1 :1a. It also has “Walnut Hill Baptist Church” and “2007″ on it. The ornament is the first in a series that will continue next year with a different verse in a different color.

Lee Middleton had the ornament designed at Mo’ Money Associates in Pensacola from a Ramona Gay photo.

The ornaments sell for $10 each. Call the church office at 327-4595 for more information.

Submitted photo by Ramona Gay.

Highland Baptist Presents Christmas Production

December 17, 2007

hgofc46.jpgHighland Baptist Church in Molino presented “The Glory of Christmas” Saturday and Sunday nights. The production, under the leadership of Phil Jones, featured a cast and crew of about 85 people.

The lively Christmas event featured some songs not traditionally found in a church Christmas production. It included “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” , “Blue Christmas” and “Jingle Bell Rock” in a number entitled “A 50’s Christmas”.

It also included more traditional church Christmas songs such as “O Holy Night”, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” and “Joy to the World”.

There was also drama in the program and even 50’s style dancing. The church constructed a set that included a complete new stage.

Click here for a complete photo gallery from Saturday night’s performance of “The Glory of Christmas” at Highland Baptist Church in Molino.

To view the program with a list of cast and choir members from “The Glory of Christmas” at Highland Baptist Church, click here.


Community Thanksgiving Services Held at Northview, Molino

November 20, 2007

Molino area churches held a community Thanksgiving service at Highland Baptist Church Tuesday night.

high08.jpgAt least nine different churches from different faiths were represented at the service, with area members from Aldersgate Methodist, Crossfaith Church, Highland Baptist, Molino First Assembly, Olive Baptist, Hillcrest Baptist, First Baptist Cantonment, Northend Community Church and Victory Assembly present.

A joint Community Choir under the leadership of Phil Jones performed, as did the Highland Kids Klub, the Highland Youth Drama Team and the Highland Ensemble. The message was brought by Pastor Brian Calhoun (pictured above) of Highland Baptist.

Pastor Tony Schachle for Northend Community Church, Pastor Rob Hines from Crossfaith Church and Pastor Jeff McKee from the Victory Assembly of God also participated in the service.

The offering from the service will be used to aid needy community families at Christmas.

For a complete photo gallery from the Molino service, click here. (Editor’s note: Yes, those are frozen turkeys sitting on the stools in several of the photos. They were used by the Youth Drama Team in their skit.)

North end churches gathered Sunday night at Northview High School for a Community Thanksgiving Service. Molino area churches will hold a community-wide service Tuesday night.

Five churches – Bratt First Baptist, Century First Baptist, Dogwood Park Baptist, Poplar Dell Baptist and Walnut Hill Baptist – provided the music for the service. The message was brought by Pastor Ted Bridges (pictured below) from Walnut Hill Baptist.

“It’s great to see you working together,” said Kim Johnson, director of church development for the Pensacola Bay Baptist Association told those in attendance.

“It is a great testimony of who our God is,” she said.

The north end churches have held this service for several years. This year’s service at Northview was “hosted” by Dogwood Park Baptist Church.

Canned good donations were collected for the Manna Food Bank. The area churches have also pledged $500 to the Manna Food Bank. The collected food will be distributed by Manna at their Davisville and Century distribution points, said Dogwood Park pastor Glenn Milstead.

Click here for more photos from the Northview event, including photos of each choir.


Annual Thanksgiving Lunch Held in Byrneville

November 15, 2007


Beulah Chapel Assembly of God held its annual Community Thanksgiving Lunch for senior citizens Thursday.

About three dozen seniors attended the lunch, which featured a full Thanksgiving menu of turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, green beans, dumplings and sweet potato casserole. Additional lunches were delivered to shut-ins in the Byrneville community.

Church members were assisted by firemen from the Century Volunteer Fire Department in serving the lunch.

Click here for more photos from the event.

Former Congressman Speaks at Molino Church Veterans Day Service

November 11, 2007


Former U.S. Congressman Earl Hutto was the guest speaker at Highland Baptist Church’s Veterans Day service Sunday morning.

“We have the finest and best trained military in the world,” Hutto told the church. “They are willing to do what it takes to stand against the forces of evil…we are united in the cause of freedom.”

He said it is hard to understand the world we live in today, a world where terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda have no regard for human life. But all veterans and current members of the American military should be honored for their brave service.

“It is good to know we still have wonderful, dedicated men and women that put their lives on the line,” he said, “as we saw three days ago with the funeral of Sgt. Daniel McCall.” McCall, a Pace High School graduate, was laid to rest at Barrancas National Cemetery Thursday after being killed by an improvised explosive device while on patrol October 30 in Iraq.

“We have to hope that when the war is over that it (Iraq) will be a peaceful place,” Hutto said. “We must provide for our brave men and women to get the job done.”

“With the help of God, we will remain the mightiest country in the world,” he told those in attendance at Highland Baptist.

He served eight terms in the United States House of Representatives from 1979 to 1995 as a representative of Florida. He was generally popular during his tenure, running unopposed or winning re-election easily. He did not seek re-election to the One Hundred Fourth Congress that convened in 1995.

“I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to serve in the U.S. Congress,” he said. “I thank the Lord everyday that I am not there now; it is a shame now because it has become too mean-spirited.”

Dozens of members and guests at Highland Baptist were honored for the military service during the service, many wearing their uniforms (pictured below, click to enlarge). The Veterans Day program included special music, presentation of the flags by a military honor guard, and a Veterans Day related sermon from Pastor Brian Calhoun.


Molino Area Churches Hold Community Festival

November 3, 2007

Molino Fall Festival

Over one thousand people attended a community-wide Fall Festival in Molino Wednesday night. Sponsored by six area churches, the interdenominational event provided a safe Christian alternative on Halloween night.

“We had an amazing turnout,” said Pastor Jeff McKee of the Victory Assembly of God. “It was truly a great way for the community to come together.”

Click here for a complete photo gallery from the event

The event was sponsored by Victory Assembly of God, Aldersgate Methodist Church, Highland Baptist Church, Crossfaith Church, North End Community Church and Molino First Assembly of God.

The event featured a variety of games, bounce house, a hayride and free food.

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