NHS Tribal Beat Band Holds ‘Fun’ Awards Banquet

May 17, 2009


The Northview High School Tribal Beat Marching Band held its second annual NHS Band Banquet Saturday with an emphasis on fun.

nhs-band44.jpgThe band’s second annual award, the Right Shoe Award, was presented to Justin Purvis (left), the person most improved in marching. Numerous other awards and gifts were presented to students, parents, volunteers and band boosters during the banquet at the Walnut Hill Community Center.

More “serious” band awards will be presented during award ceremonies at school during the next two weeks. But Saturday’s awards were all about fun, including such categories as “Most Like a Cartoon Character”, “Needs to Shave the Most” and “Biggest Flirt”.

Click here for a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the banquet.

The students voted the following award winners:

  • Most Talented: Jake Carlson
  • Cutest: Justin Purvis & Caitlyn Brown
  • Shyest: Chelsea Parham
  • Friendliest: Melissa Moretz and Lanie Eubanks
  • Needs to Shave the Most: Jake Carlson, Seth Turner, Hayley Simpson
  • Funniest: Wayne Marshall, Justin Purvis
  • Most Like a Cartoon Character: Devon Dries
  • Most Likely to have a Musical Career: Jake Carlson, Briana Halteman
  • Most Likely Not to Show Up: David Ford, Danny Strobaegh
  • Doesn’t Know Left Foot From Right Foot When Marching: Joseph Davis
  • Mocks Mr. Tucker The Most: Justin Purvis
  • Best Baton Twirler: Hayley Simpson
  • Best Flag Twirler: Allison Spence
  • Biggest Flirt: Allison Spence
  • Spit Valve Fills the Quickest: Devon Dries
  • Most Likely to Break Their Instrument: Lanie Eubanks
  • Most Improved: Chelsea Parham
  • Best at Marching: Briana Halteman
  • Most Photogenic: Allie Bryan, Caitlyn Brown
  • Best FSU Hair: Kolbi Cobb, Elizabeth Wright
  • Most Spirit: Elizabeth Wright
  • Most Fasionable: Wayne Marshall, Allie Bryan
  • Most Unique Style: Wayne Marshall, David Ford
  • Mr. Tucker’s Favorite: Colton Sims, Briana Halteman
  • Mr. Wright’s Favorite: Elizabeth Wright
  • Most Dependable: Briana Halteman, Lanie Eubanks
  • Best Attitude: Melissa Moretz
  • Forgot Their Black Socks Most: Devon Dries
  • Made Most Pit Stops For: Devon Dries
  • Best All Around: Briana Halteman
  • Best Color Guard Choreographer: Allison Spence
  • Daisy Dukes Award: Kolbi Cobb
  • Most Theatrical Majorette: Hayley Simpson
  • Prettiest and Cutest Smile: Caitlyn Brown, Lanie Eubanks
  • Who Should be 2009-2010 Drum Major: Elizabeth Wright, Melissa Moretz, Colton Sims
  • Who Should be 2009-2010 Assistant Drum Major: Elizabeth Wright, Melissa Moretz
  • Seniors Who Will Be Missed the Most: Briana Halteman, Jake Carlson

Pictured above: NHS Tribal Beat members pose with some of their prizes. Pictured below: Seniors  (L-R) Jake Carlson, Lanie Eubanks and Briana Halteman. Northescambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


NJROTC Cadets Honored

May 17, 2009


Several Northview and Escambia County High School NJROTC cadets were honored for their service Saturday morning at a service at the Atmore City Hall.

The cadets were honored by the Atmore Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion posts.

The NJROTC cadets honored were:

  • VFW Medal for Military Excellence: Brett Rolin, NHS
  • VFW Medal for Scholastic Excellence: Charles Lee, NHS
  • American Legion Medal for Scholastic Excellence: Elliot Ross, NHS
  • VFW Medal for Scholastic Excellence:  Aaron Hamond, NHS
  • American Legion Medal for Military Excellence: Charles Rolin, NHS
  • American Legion Medal for Military Excellence: Leslie Smith, ECHS
  • American Legion Medal for Scholastic Excellence: Michael McCurdy, ECHS
  • VFW Medal for Military Excellence: Rickie Hartley, ECHS

For a photo gallery from Saturday’s ceremony and a preceding parade, click here.

Pictured above: Some of the NJROTC cadets honored Saturday morning in Atmore. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.

Job Well Done: Northview Holds ESE Award Program

May 16, 2009


Northview High School held a special ESE awards ceremony Friday afternoon, honoring dozens of students for their hard work and accomplishments during the school year.

Click here for a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the event.

Students honored included:

  • Liberal Arts:
    • Math Highest GPA — Dillon Vanderman
    • Math Most Improved — James Shook
    • Math Exceptional Student — Joseph Woods
  • Environmental Science
    • Highest Academic Award — Ariel Morris
  • Social Studies
    • Most Improved Student — Daniel Paul Williams
    • Best Scholar — Chelsea Luckie
    • Most Consistent Scholar — Quinton Pittman
    • Most Congenial Scholar — Bessy Hollingsworth
    • Most Respectful — Marquita Allen
    • Most Improved Student — Daniel Paul Williams
  • Algebra 1-B
    • Most Improved Students — Gary Shook and Tammie Brown
  • English 9-12
    • Highest GPA — Marquita Allen and Daniel Paul Williams
    • One-Day Free Pass — Josh Watson
    • Most Diligent — Keith Cota
  • Math 9-12
    • Best help — Cody Chance
    • Highest GPA — Clarence Brown
    • Most Improved — Aremando Elliott
  • Reading
    • 9th Grade — Shane Bonner and Austin Rolin
    • 10th Grade — Tammie Brown
    • 1st/2nd Period Most Improved — Andrew Giveans
    • 3rd/4th Reading Best Work Ethic — Talisa Jackson
    • 5th Period Most Improved — Precious Marshall
    • 5th Period Most Improved Behavior — Lonnie Gardner
  • OJT
    • Most Outstanding OJT Student — Lisa Kuiper
    • Most Outstanding OJT Student — Damon Williams
    • Most Outstanding OJT — Willie Davis
    • Most Outgoing — Andrew Giveans
    • Best All Round Male OJT Student — Cody Chance
    • Best All Round Female OJT Student — Raven Moore
    • Most Successful OJT Student — John Handrop
    • Most Successful OJT Student — Fred Smith
  • Science
    • Outstanding Students — Josh Watson and Quinton Pittman

Gindl-Perry Named Escambia County’s Principal Of The Year

May 14, 2009

perryewms10.jpgErnest Ward Middle School principal, Nancy Gindl-Perry, has been named as Escambia County’s Principal of the Year.

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas made the announcement Wednesday, along with announcing that Regina Lipnick, assistant principal at Bailey Middle, is the Assistant Principal of the Year.

“Our school district is blessed with a number of excellent school administrators,” Thomas said. “These are two outstanding individuals who will represent well the administrative talent we have in our schools.”

“I could not have done it without a fine faculty and staff,” Perry said. “Behind every principal are the people that make a school great.”

Known for calling Ernest Ward students as “my babies”, Perry will compete against principals from 66 other districts in Florida for state honors.

The Florida Department of Education annually honors principals and assistant principals from each of the state’s 67 school districts for their exemplary contribution to students, schools, and communities. Award criteria also include innovative leadership, dedication to academic excellence, and increased student performance.

Earlier this year, Perry received what was, without a doubt, the most unique award of her entire educational career. She was presented with the “Golden Cow Dung Award” by members of the Ernest Ward FFA. The award featured a large piece of cow dung, painted a golden color. Perry received the award from the school’s FFA members as a “thank you” for supporting FFA.

Pictured: Escambia County’s Principal of the Year, Nancy Gindl-Perry from Ernest Ward Middle School. Pictured below: Perry received the “Golden Cow Dung Award” earlier this year.  NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


Local Students Honored As Inspirational Heroes

May 13, 2009

Forty outstanding Escambia County students were honored Tuesday afternoon at the 15th Annual Cox Inspirational Hero Celebration, including a student from both Northview High and Ernest Ward Middle and Carver/Century K-8 School.

The event honors students that have faced significant challenges, including the loss of their parents, physical illness, handicaps and language barriers.

Dustin Todd Parker from Ernest Ward Middle School was honored as the Cox Inspirational Hero from Ernest Ward Middle School.

Coty Chance of Molino was honored as the Cox Inspirational Hero from Northview High School. Coty was the only one of the 40 student heroes to offer an acceptance speech Tuesday afternoon.

Arkelle Elliot was honored as the Inspirational Hero from Carver/Century K-8 School.

The students received a Hero Medallion and commendations from U.S. Sens. Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez, U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller; state Rep. Dave Murzin and Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp.

The biographical information from both Coty Chance and Dustin Todd Parker is below.

Coty Chance, Northview High

cotychance.jpgCoty Chance has brought sunshine into Northview High School for the past three and one-half years. Every day he greets everyone with a smile and a loud good morning or hello. His constant energy and dedication to his responsibilities inspires others to do more.

Coty’s outlook is that when he can be nice to others, they in turn will be nice to others. He always goes out of his way to be a gracious helper and to ensure that everyone cares about each other.

Coty feels that his proudest personal success is being able to complete his assigned work. He is also very proud that this year he was able to also teach other students’ the responsibilities that he so carefully and completely does here at school. Coty is an avid Cross Country runner and especially has enjoyed success running for the Northview Cross Country team, winning numerous awards, participating in the charitable run for “Major Jim Ross” and being presented with the Cross Country Coaches Award. Coty will graduate this year with a 2.80 grade point average. He will leave the halls of Northview High where he will be missed, but never forgotten. We are sure he will continue to carry on and make people smile.

Coty has brought smiles to the halls of Northview and into the lives of the school personnel and students. Coty not only has a magnificent voice at the football games, but Coty has shown just how great a positive impact that students with dedication to their school and work can have on others lives and those they meet.

Dustin Todd Parker, Ernest Ward Middle

coxdustin.jpgDustin is a member of the national Junior Honor Society, President of the Student Government Association and a manager of the football team. He enjoys helping others and recently went door-to-door on his electric scooter in his neighborhood to raise money for the “Honor Flight.”

Dustin’s accomplishments are in spite of a mobility problem know as Pilocytic Astrocytoma. Although he was told he may not walk, Dustin was able to get on the regular school bus the first day of school and is now able to ride a bicycle.

Information for Arkelle Elliot from Carver/Century K-8 was not available.

NHS Baccalaureate Service Scheduled Despite ACLU, Court Order

May 12, 2009


The Class of 2009 at Northview High School is not going to let a federal judge and the ACLU put an end to the school’s history of holding a Baccalaureate service.

The Baccalaureate service for the Northview Class of 2009 will be held at 8 a.m. on Sunday, May 24 in the First Baptist Church of Bratt’s Family Life Center.

The school was unable to organize a Baccalaureate service due to a new Escambia School Board policy preventing the school from promoting any religious ceremony. That policy was implemented after a federal judge issued an order against any policy or practice where school district employees promote or take part prayer or religious services in the Santa Rosa County School District. Students are allowed to conduct their own religious events at school without school employee involvement or outside of school..

killam.jpg“We are making a statement,” said Luke Killam, president of the Northview senior class. “We are doing it so that God will be glorified, and we will give Him all of the glory.”

The senior class will hold a traditional  Baccalaureate service, Killam said, including a message from Jason Oxodine, youth minister at the First Assembly of God in Atmore.

“The administration, faculty, and staff of Northview High School have been proud to sponsor all of the Baccalaureate services since the school’s inaugural 1996 graduating class.  It is believed that the Senior Class of 2009 will rise to the challenge of having an off-campus Baccalaureate service and will not only have a wonderful service but also one which may serve as a model for future years,” NHS Principal Gayle Weaver said when it was announced that the school would be unable to sponsor the service.

Pictured above: The Class of 2008 Baccalaureate service at Northview High School. Pictured inset: Luke Killam, senior class president. Click to enlarge.

Sweet Sounds: NHS, EWMS Hold Band Concert

May 12, 2009


bandconcert15.jpgThe Northview High and Ernest Ward Middle schools held their annual Spring Band Concert Monday night at Northview High School.

Members of the NHS Alumni Band, made up of former Northview, Ernest Ward and Century high band members, also performed.

For a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the concert, click here.

Pictured above and left: Students perform during the Northview and Ernest Ward Spring Band Concert Monday night at Northview.  NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

Making Blueberries Cool: Northview’s Lesson In Genetic Engineering

May 11, 2009


The agricultural students at Northview High School are growing blueberries the high tech way with a little genetic engineering, thanks to a teaching intern that likes to make plants “cool”.

“The key to teaching is making it grab their attention, and I’ve figured out that kids are interested in the weirdest stuff,” said Jennifer Nobles, a recent University of Florida graduate who spent 12 weeks as an intern in the agricultural department at Northview.

nobles11.jpgIn a sterile lab-like environment, students planted blueberry snippets about 1-2 centimeters long into a sterile grown hormone gel packed with nutrients (pictured left). After about four weeks, the snippets will be little blueberry plants, transferred into pots and eventually ready to produce the popular fruit.

The growth process makes each plant a genetic clone of the others, producing even size plants that should yield a similar blueberry harvest. It’s the same method often used to create the perfect and identical plants found for sale at the local nursery, Nobles said.

“We have shown the students the cutting edge way to plant plants,” she said. “They found out that plants can be cool. It’s neat to watch them get excited about a subject that can be so plain.”

nobles10.jpgNobles’ 12-week internship at Northview ended recently, and she just graduated from UF where she double majored in animal science and agricultural education. Her next step in life is to attend veterinary school.

Nobles said she will always treasure her 12 weeks at Northview.

“It was the coolest thing to see them get excited about planting blueberries, something that ordinarily can be so plain,” she said.

For photo gallery, click here.

Pictured top: Intern Jennifer Nobles show Northview agriculture students how to plant a blueberry snippet into a growth medium in a sterile environment. Pictured top inset: A blueberry snippet at about two weeks old. Pictured bottom inset: Jennifer Nobles. Submitted and NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

Molino Park Students Tops In County Sunshine Math Competition

May 10, 2009


Two fifth grade Molino Park Elementary School students took top honors in Escambia County in Sunshine Math.

Willis Fletcher took first place in the county, and Tristan Barrett won second place in Saturday’s competition.

Overall, Molino Park Elementary took six teams with 22 third to fifth grade  students to the tournament.

Other students in the competition from Molino Park included:

  • Third grade: Hunter Rogers, Devin Abrams, Sabra Stewart, Sarah Perritt, Trevor Singleton, Jacob White and Carsen Lowery.
  • Fourth Grade: Mitchell Singleton, Savanna Calhoun, Ashlyn Fowler, Ian Schneider, Caeley Barrett and Lauren Carnley.
  • Fifth Grade: Willis Fletcher, Harmoni Till, Moriah McGahan, Allison Woodfin, Tristan Barrett, Jason Ogle, Kendral Langford and Haley Brown.

Pictured above: Molino Park Elementary School fifth grade students took top honors in the district Sunshine Math tournament Saturday. Tristan Barrett (left) won second place and  Willis Fletcher (right) won first place. Pictured below: Another photo from Saturday’s competition. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


Northview, Ernest Ward Hold FFA Banquet

May 9, 2009


Northview High School held their 14th Annual FFA Banquet Friday night, honoring the students and adult leaders that work to provide exceptional agricultural education at Northview and Ernest Ward Middle School.

For a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the event, click here.

Pictured above:  Northview FFA members Jennifer Lowe, Aimee Clarke and Brittany Thompson at Friday night’s FFA Banquet. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.

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