
Welcome to NorthEscambia.com, your new online newspaper serving Cantonment, Molino, Century, Bratt, Walnut Hill, McDavid and northern Pensacola in North Escambia County, Florida.

Established in 2007, NorthEscambia.com covers local news and events in the North Escambia area with an unbiased, straight approach without favoritism under the highest recognized journalist standards as outlined by the Associated Press the AP Stylebook, to which we subscribe.. All material list is verified for accuracy using original and official sources that are clearly identified. We do not use anonymous sources, but may withhold a victim’s name (of a domestic crime, for instance), for their personal safety. We do not accept payment or gifts for news coverage.

Our Staff

William Reynolds

Jane Reynolds
Associate Publisher

Kristi Barbour
Photojournalist, Associate Writer

P.O. Box 1207
Century, FL 32535
Click here to contact us.