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For Sale/Wanted To Buy/Free Stuff

  • Five foot Bush Hog Razorback for sale. Make offer. Text only (850) 572-0299.
  • LG Room air conditioner, new in box for sale. 15,000, 110 plug. $400 OBO. (850) 512-0950.
  • Weider home gym. Marcy weight bench. Dumbells, two 20lbs and two 10lbs. Weights available for weight bench. $75 for all. Buyer must pickup and load. (850) 587-5089
  • Bluebird nesting boxes, new, with hinged top for easy cleanout for sale. $25.00 each or four for $100. Text Ray at (304) 941-4374.
  • One Fender DG8S and one Takamine GS430 acoustic guitars, both have professional setups, low action and easy playing, $200 each. (850) 572-5301.
  • Want to buy a two or three bedroom mobile home. Call (251) 261-8845
  • Five piece bedroom suit including dresser with mirror, chest of drawers, entertainment center, full size bed with night stand for sale. $800. Text or call (850)982-0598.
  • 686 International tractor with 7ft bush hog and 7ft rear blade for sale. (448) 228-2217.
  • Impact dog crate for sale. Never used. Still in original packaging. Call (703) 943-0028 or email
  • Wanted – Round bale cradle or circular feeder. Need tow. (817) 501-8579.