Century Drug Arrest Mug Shots, Charges Released

May 28, 2009

The following persons were arrested Wednesday night and Thursday morning in a drug operation in Century. Click to enlarge.

For the a complete story about the arrests, click here.





27 Responses to “Century Drug Arrest Mug Shots, Charges Released”

  1. Marilois Lewis on April 15th, 2016 6:40 am

    So sad .. Drugs hate it, it kills, steals and breaks up families.
    My Kids are my world. and No virus Drug should ever come first
    Over your kids and family.. And most of all GOD our lord. So sad
    I will pray for them all and our awesome cops that put there
    Life on the line every day. Thank you God bless

  2. not fair on July 1st, 2009 5:37 pm

    what does the world want. they have no jobs in century, the education systems sucks, but the bills keep coming. people are a product of there environment, and i think that it is really sad that century has turned into a zombie town. get more jobs, and start some programs for the youth so that dont fall into the same hole. florida is a wealthy state, dont forget about the smaller town that are populated by BLACKS, they want us to fail, and we have to raise above. EVERYONE HOLD UR HEADS UP, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!!

  3. century on June 2nd, 2009 5:06 pm

    I`m very disappointed in my community. DON`T let the rest of them get a away!!!!I It`s more than what u think. and proud of ECSO

  4. Concerned For The Children on June 1st, 2009 1:03 pm

    I Dont Understand Why People Want To Live Like That. I Personally Know One Of The Ladies That Was Arrested And She Has A Small Baby. Were Are The Children That Belong To These Parents. What Will Be Happen To Them? This Is My Concern. The Parents And The Other People That Are Being Arrested Have Made The Decisions To Participate In All This Illegal Drug Activity And Hopefully They Will End Up Doing Some Time So They Can Dry Out And Think Long And Hard About The Pain They Have Caused Others And Their Community.

  5. BGA on June 1st, 2009 8:43 am

    I dont feel sorry for any of them you play you pay!!!!!!!!! good job Escambia Sherriffs Dept and Sherriff keep it coming ……. yes they all need help and they know what they are doing its all about MONEY…….. i bet 5 out of all these folks dont do drugs thats how they play and now they pay..

  6. wouldnt you like to know on May 31st, 2009 2:22 am


  7. gchavers on May 30th, 2009 4:44 pm

    cudos for splendid police work. sadly this is probably only the tip of a much bigger thing. this nation is awash with illegal drugs. many thanks to the officers who persevere.

  8. Jack Moran on May 30th, 2009 6:41 am

    If there is anyone among the commentors who has read “110 Rules of Civility and Polite Behavior”, Proverbs, or comparable works, we would sure like for them to come to YOUTHSPACE activity center and volunteer to help break this cycle by teaching kids BEFORE they grow up to be drug dealers.

  9. Retired correctional officer&miletary sgt. on May 30th, 2009 12:16 am

    I live in the Century,Flomaton area ,I spend alot of my time in Pensacola in the summer fishing. Escambia in general has problems but for the most we are not that much differnt .Drug sales is a means of quick money for young people,so that they can have the things that they want now!!!!! ,We the parents of these young people need to instill work ethics when they are small children and not wait till they are teenagers ,when pear pressure is so hard.Parents need to stay on guard and not be so trusting of their children. They are smarter than we were when we were that age. Just remember when you were that age and the things you did that mom and dad didnt know.Good job po po.

  10. S.L.B on May 29th, 2009 4:12 pm

    Patsy Green, no disrespect meant to you, but you said “However, instead of name calling and finger wagging why don’t we support our young people”.

    I’m pretty sure most all the people arrested here above, are not so young now that they don’t know right from wrong. These are not teen-agers anymore, these are people 20 and up.
    And if they went through the school systems here locally, I’m pretty sure that they were supported by mentors and/or teachers throughout their life. Now wether any came from their parents or not, I cannot say. But it is my belief that’s the most important foundation for any child’s/teenagers future starts with their parents. I know, I have raised 4 children in the northend of the county and they turned out pretty darn good.

    Evidently in our society now, many feel it’s much easier to rob, steal and sell drugs than to work for a living. If they cannot find legitamate work in the Century, Florida area, then what’s stopping them from re-locating? Themselves!

    Not to mention, from what I understand, some of them were already holding down pretty good jobs and yet they were still were involved with drugs, one way or another.

    There is “no excuse” for selling or using drugs, bottom line… no matter who you are, if you do the crime, you should do the time. If people would make smarter choices and do what’s “not easy” in life, but the right thing, then maybe they would be on here in an article that wpuld be saying positive things about them, not this!

  11. leggrizer on May 29th, 2009 10:44 am

    These people look like a Motley Crue . Looks as though they”ve been doing the drug profits themselves .

  12. Patsy Green on May 29th, 2009 9:50 am

    Some of these people were not involved but were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    Those who were involved. I’m dissapointed but I’m not giving up on you. You will be in my prayers.
    I know someone (whose name I will not use) who spent a year in prison on drug charges and went on to get a degree and a good job. He has been a community leader and has been a help to all who know him.
    This is not Century’s fault. Several were not even from Century ( I sound like the Jay people now, don’t I?). These were personal choices. However, instead of name calling and finger wagging why don’t we support our young people and keep praying, talking, and trying to help each other?

  13. Sparerribs49 on May 29th, 2009 9:20 am

    You go CENTURY I love what you say pensacola needs to look at the big picture.What about these people all over.Hey what was the problem with those lawers in pensacola sandshakers.Huh? PENSACOLA

  14. The Truth on May 29th, 2009 9:08 am

    Well what do you expect for them to do when there is no jobs in the area. The town of Century is not the problem, however if a person ever get arrested then it’s hard to get a job. You go to jail, do the time the courts request but you still have to pay for your crime for the rest of your life. Every Job application want to know if you ever been convicted and if so you can’t get hired. The law need to change. I know people who did a crime 17 yrs ago but yet can’t get a job nor live in goverment funded housing. This person has since changed and is now a Minister of the gospel. This is what the law need to look into. Jail is for rehab so they say but when you get out you continue to pay one way or the other. So when there is no jobs and no way to feed your family, you will do what it takes to put food in the mouth of your kids. This is Sad but true. When will we learn that people should only have to pay for a crime once not for the rest of their life. The law is so jacked up.

  15. escambiamom on May 29th, 2009 1:58 am

    Mr. Pensacola,

    If “a really good football scholarship” is not a ‘prospect for the future’, I am not sure what you would call it???
    Not making light of being disadvantaged, but poverty or lack of clear opportunity does not have to lead to crime. Many people in Century do not choose that option. Lack of character or integrity might be the problem.

    Not talking specifically about any of the alleged perps here (innocent until proven guilty and all that), but I just don’t understand your comment.

  16. Century on May 28th, 2009 11:42 pm

    Pensacola, these people sell drugs because they choose to just like the drug dealers in Pensacola. What is the cause of some people selling drugs in Pensacola with the prospects so much greater than Century.

  17. Pensacola on May 28th, 2009 9:36 pm

    Century happened to him. When you are given no prospects for the future this is what you get.

  18. teacher on May 28th, 2009 9:17 pm

    I was really saddened to see several of my former students in these mug shots – I knew them as bright 1st graders, with a lot of potential.

    I hope with crackdowns like this, that these kids realize that there are other ways to make a decent living. Keep up the good work -Morgan & Co.

    Johnnie Carter, I recall you had a really good football scholarship, what on earth happened?

  19. dissapointed on May 28th, 2009 7:08 pm

    I am really dissapointed to see some of my classmates on this list. But I am proud of the ECSO for enforcing the law and trying to clean up the streets.

  20. Sylvia Godwimn on May 28th, 2009 6:49 pm

    Hey there are a lot more coming, so please don’t slap them on the wrist and send them back to where they left off before they got caught.

  21. Sylvia Godwimn on May 28th, 2009 6:44 pm

    I knew Mr Morgan was going to help us. Thanks to him and all out deputies and last but not least the swat team. Good job guys, thanks for all your hard work!

  22. OMG!!!74 on May 28th, 2009 6:35 pm

    Everybody has to do their JOB.So you say Out with The Bad well what’s going to be new?

  23. Bill on May 28th, 2009 4:38 pm

    Is this what we got to look forward to tomorrow !!!!!!! Lord Help Us….

  24. an observer on May 28th, 2009 3:46 pm

    nice folks we got around here….and they look scarey as *&%%

  25. psu1earl on May 28th, 2009 3:15 pm

    How did the Disorderly Conduct guy get messed up in this? lol

  26. Just Me on May 28th, 2009 1:48 pm

    Well, that’s a nice looking bunch. Thank you so much to the ECSO.

  27. Law and Order on May 28th, 2009 12:14 pm

    Impressive work and I tip my hat to the men and women of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office! With your efforts, Century and the surrounding areas have been put on notice – ZERO TOLLERANCE for drug pushers!
