Name Released Of Suspect In Atmore Police Shooting, Chase In Walnut Hill

May 25, 2009


A suspect shot by Atmore Police following a high speed chase early Sunday morning in Walnut Hill has been identified as Danny Ray Williams.

Atmore Police say Williams, 33, was in critical condition Monday afternoon at a Mobile hospital. Sunday afternoon, Atmore Police said Williams had died, but Monday they said that statement was due to misinformation from a hospital employee.

For a statement on the shooting by Atmore Police, click here.

The following is’s original story on the shooting from early Sunday morning:

Atmore Police Chief Jason Dean tells that his officers pursued a suspect out of Atmore during the early morning hours Sunday in what started as a routine traffic stop. That chase ended on a field just south of Highway 97 and Kansas Road with a suspect being shot by an Atmore officer. Dean would not make further comment, other than to say a suspect had been shot by an Atmore officer that he would not identify. Dean would not say if the suspect displayed a weapon or otherwise threatened his officer.

The Atmore Police Department has reportedly placed three officers on paid administrative leave following the incident. The names of the officers have not been released.

Florida authorities tell that Atmore police pursued the vehicle south on Highway 97, turned on Highway 164, looped around Gobbler Road back to Highway 97 where the suspect returned toward Highway 164. Near Highway 164, the suspect reportedly turned around headed back north on Highway 97 where he met Atmore officers headed south out of Atmore. The suspect’s Nissan Altima and an Atmore police car were stopped in the field by thick mud.

Authorities tell us the white male suspect was shot at least once in the head. He was transported to Atmore Community Hospital before being transferred to a Mobile hospital in critical condition.

It was not immediately clear if the  suspect was shot in the field or on Highway 97. Items believed to be bullet casings were recoved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Highway 97 about 350 yards south of where the Altima was stopped. Officials tell that no weapon belonging to the suspect was recovered following a nearly eight hour search of the scene. FDLE investigators were seen with metal detectors making a systematic search of the area.

atmore-officer-shooting21.jpgThe back window of the Altima was apparently broken as shots were fired. FDLE was seen recoving a possible bullet lodged in the Altima between the back window and driver’s side rear passenger window.

The suspect shot by police was reportedly wanted for a misdemeanor failure to appear warrant for a hunting violation.

A passenger that was in the vehicle was taken into custody and transported to the Walnut Hill Escambia County Sheriff’s Precinct for questioning. The black male reportedly told Florida deputies that he had attempted to bail out of the vehicle several times during the pursuit but could not due to the speed of the car. The passenger had no outstanding warrants and was released without being charged with any crime, deputies said. The passenger was not injured in the incident.

Florida deputies say the pursuit was over before they arrived on scene from the Century area. Dispatch records indicate that the first Florida deputy arrived on scene, which is located five miles south of Atmore, at 2:03 a.m. The Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire-Rescue was not dispatched.

The name of the driver, the passenger and the officer involved have not been released. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement always investigates officer involved shootings in Florida. It usually takes about 30 days for FDLE to complete their investigation and release results.

For a complete gallery of exclusive photos from the scene and inside the car, click here.

Pictured above and below: The scene of a shooting involving an Atmore Police Department officer early Sunday morning in Walnut Hill. Pictured middle: Crime scene investigators from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement work to recover evidence inside the car. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.



66 Responses to “Name Released Of Suspect In Atmore Police Shooting, Chase In Walnut Hill”

  1. Portia Henderson on June 1st, 2009 5:24 pm

    I would like to clear a few things up with people who are posting amidst this website with the idea that they are knowledgeable of what happened and are being TRULY disrespectful.

    First of all, to clear things up, the passenger-being of DIRECT relation to me- tried to get the driver to pull over and made several attempts to get out of the car. Knowing this family member, this is not a lie as most would assume, and he tried his best to get Danny to comply. To say that he was in on this as well is ignorant since knowledge of exactly what went on is unknown to everyone but those who were present.

    Second of all, there are a few things to take into consideration concerning the shooting. Yes, it was necessary to shoot at the vehicle, especially with the actions that were made by the driver. Should they have shot AT any of the vehicle’s occupants: No. What if they would have missed and hit an innocent passenger? What if there was a CHILD in the vehicle? I know that if those cops would have missed and hit the passenger, there would be a heck of a court case for those cops.
    What the cops should have done was shoot at the tires. This would stop the car quicker then aiming for someone would. The car would go out of control if it’s driver was shot and the engine wasn’t able to be shut off. Also, that way, they could have approached the car and if the occupants had weapons, they could then rightfully shoot. No way is Danny being SHOT IN THE HEAD justified. Not at all.

    Instead of looking at the first instinct and seeing it as the right thing to do, you should look at the best option which endangers less people. A life is something that should be kept, not put in danger because we want to enact revenge.

    In no way was what Danny did justified, but in NO WAY was what the cops did either.

  2. Law and Order on May 28th, 2009 10:50 am


    I know law enforcement officers too, but the point with this case is that the Atmore officers shouldn’t have chased a vehicle around in Florida for the actual known law violations at the time, which were traffic infractions (stop sign running, speeding, etc.).

    Had Atmore P.D. terminated the chase once they crossed the state line, this tragic situation would have been avoided and Williams could have been arrested on another day. Now consider Atmore P.D. has chased into Florida on other occasions without calling Florida authorities to report that they’ve entered the state in a pursuit. I’ll give you the high speed motorcycle chase that went down Greenland Road – and chased for what – a traffic violation, but this time the cycle got away. Just listen to your scanner sometime.

    When one decides to pursue, in this case all on duty, someone has to weigh the costs against the benefits of the pursuit (and is it within policy) and step-up and say “uncle,” because the public deserves to be safe from overly aggressive police action.
    In this case the bullets hit their mark, but what about the passenger, did he deserve to be shot at too? After all he’s just a passenger, and what if there were a two year old child in the car? I know we can what if this all day, but it is food for thought.

    Now with that said, should Williams have run? No, of course not! But he didn’t deserve to die either, after all this started over a minor traffic offense according to the Chief of Police in the initial report to NorthEscambia.

    Let’s look at some other considerations:

    Is it reasonable to attempt to stop him? Yes, but attempts to stop him have to be tempered with reasonableness! Here there was an almost 20 minute chase without a secondary indication or call to the police about “shots fired” or any report of a gun shot injury during this time. Is it now reasonable to believe that all Atmore Police had on the driver were minor traffic offenses? Yes.

    And by the way, there’re in Florida, so call the chase off!

    If officers had called the chase after a reasonable amount of time, they would not have put themselves in danger in front of Williams’ car, which is now a thinly veiled attempt to justify shooting Williams. Like it our not, these are the standards and questions upon which Atmore P.D. will be judged.

  3. skippy on May 28th, 2009 9:01 am

    First off , this mans family is in my prayers. It is such a tradgey to hear of any life lost. My husband is a police officer, so I know what a danger it is out there. I tip my hat to the men and woman who put their lives on the line for all of us. Unfortunately this is the bad part of the job. This man tried to run the cops over. Would everyone feel as sorry for the cops if they would have gotten run over and killed????? I think the problem is people judge to much. And people talk about the crime in Atmore, turn on the news at night and the robberies and shootings in Mobile and Pensacola. Does not compare what so ever.

  4. Danny's Sister on May 27th, 2009 2:52 pm

    First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to all who have shown love, support, and concern over this situation. Danny was my only sibling and I am going to miss him deeply. Words can not express how confused I am on all the details surrounding this whole event and I pray that in the end I can find closure. For all of you who have jumped to conclusion about my brother or the police officers involved, I have to ask all of you …How do you think it makes all of the people involved feel to read all of your negative and childish comment concerning these turn of events. Please get some self respect and keep all your negativity to yourselfs (and read the rules about posting through this site)! Furthermore, how about we all wait until ALL of the facts are in, because I promise all of you, that the story goes on. Rest in peace big brother….I Love you and I will miss you!
    You Are Forever In My Heart,
    Your Baby Sister

  5. 2sweet4u(a friend of tha fam.) on May 27th, 2009 2:32 pm


  6. Law and Order on May 27th, 2009 12:01 pm

    LawEnforcement Watcher:

    You’ll never see any video of the events that transpired on early Sunday morning, because Atmore is a little, backwards, hick town that doesn’t equip its patrol units with that pesky technology stuff (uh oh, another liability area). This way, it’s their word against the driver’s. Oh, that’s right, dead men don’t talk!

  7. LawEnforcementWatch on May 27th, 2009 11:48 am

    Show me the Police Cam video footage! Let’s clear the Police or vindicate Danny Williams! When can we see “all” the Police camera footage?

  8. concerned on May 26th, 2009 12:56 pm

    First of all, I am very sorry to the family and friends to all concerned. But all this could of been prevented. The last time I checked, it is against the law to after being pulled over, which the police thought to be a normal traffic stop, and then to flee. Why did he flee? How many people were in danger on the road because this man fleed? What was he hiding? That is why most people flee. A warrant, no license, expired tags, something that would get them a citation, so what.
    Do any of you realize what a police officer goes through just pulling over a vehicle. They have no idea who is in that vehicle.
    If this guy had a gun, and fired on the police(if this is what happened) what are the duties of the police, stand there and duck the bullets.
    The crime in Escambia has increased so much, the police have their hands full.
    This guy should of never ran. He was just going to make it worse on himself, and look at the result!!

  9. we are praying for you all on May 26th, 2009 12:37 pm

    There is a family that lost a son…
    There are the men that will have to live with did I do the right thing…
    We can not change thing they all read have been done….
    We could point finger’s…..
    Why not get the people on you Heart let’s pray that God.
    Will help all….
    I am not the judge and you are not as well……
    They say time heals all thing’s…..
    Not so time can make it easyer as time tick’s on…
    There is a mama this was her son……
    The men that did the shooting he is a mama son as well..
    Let’s pray for all…….
    God Is a very Present help in time’s of trouble

    God Help All……

  10. guest on May 26th, 2009 8:08 am

    How about everybody also pray for the officer who now has to live with this incident in his memory forever. This suspects family are not the only victim here

  11. pray on May 26th, 2009 6:41 am

    I pray for the family of Danny Williams my God comfort you during these hard times. I pray that all the truth be revealed. I pray that these reports are not so twisted and forever changing. I pray that escambia crime scene eveidence will tell the truth. All of us should be praying for all of Danny’s family……..

  12. Unreal on May 26th, 2009 2:40 am

    You know these Officers put their lives on the line everyday and when something does happen and they have to defend themselves, most of you are so ready to jump on them and accuse them of not justly doing their job!
    It’s easy to sit in the safety of your on home and cast stones at these officers, but it takes alot more to be out there facing the criminal element that these guys face everyday. Most of these officers are paid between $10 – $15 an hour and have families they are barely able to support. Not every shooting is justified but I think you atleast owe them your support until all the facts are in and an official judgement is made before you critize them!

    I know because I have been in Law Enforcement for 12 yrs!! If you dont like the job that these guys are doing then try the four G’s
    1. Get a Certification
    2. Get a Badge
    3. Get a Gun
    4. Get out there

  13. sadden on May 26th, 2009 12:28 am

    The Gentleman that was shot died Monday nite, For those of you with comments, PLEASE remember he was still someone’s child,!!!!

  14. danny's close friend tinkerbell on May 26th, 2009 12:18 am

    First of all to all those people talkin about danny as if he were a rapest or murderer u need to hush u know nothing about this man and for all those people standing up for the police and emts and fire fighters just to inform you he was in your shoes he worked as a rn in the er so he got to see just as much stuff as everyone of you so who are you to judge the only thing that he did wrong was run yeah yopu are right he should have pulled over but do you know what happened in his head to make him make a decision to run no you dont and those out there that say the cops had the right to shoot because he shot first where you there how the hell do you know that he shot fist he didnt even own a gun and the 10 years that i’ve known him i never knew him to hunt anything except a good fishin hole so no he didnt have a licence or a gun the cops screwed up and its an outrage the florida police better do a through investigation of this i dont live anywhere in the area but i hear from everyone that lives there and the surrounding areas say that this is not the first time this happened what is going on where are the people we pay to protect and serve and i thought you were innocent until proven guilty in the court of law these officers shot first and asked questions later thats the problem with our judicial system these days most of you do your jobs to the best of your ability but the few that think they are above the law because they are the law you need to get off your high horse you put your pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us just because you got a badge doesnt mean you are any better none of you knew this man i did i knew him very well he has worked for my family for years and stayed with us as well many times he has come to our house not wanting to drive and we leave the door open he was not just a friend he was family my & year old is very upset that his uncle that took him fishing and jumped on the trampoline and played with him is gone why dont you people think about the other people involved not just your own sarcastic remarks this was a sweet loving greatful honest family man so to all those out there looking down your nose at him stop and think what if that were your brother uncle son grandson nephew friend i dont think you people would feel the same way then danny will be greatly missed by many many people he touched alot of lives in alot of different ways to know him was to love him and if you would have met him just one time you would never forget his carismatic smile and personality lets let these investigtor gather evidence and show the truth how come the statements have changed so many times from the police department why cant they get their story straight is that not the questions you ask in any other murder investigation for anyone that does NOT have a badge instead of getting on here and talking crap about the victim why dont you show support for the families involved yeah i thank the emts firefighters and police that do their jobs to keep us safe on a daily basis but i also think that they had no right to fire on a car without knowing weather or not there was innocent people including children in it what would have happened if it had been a child shot like this it would be an outrage to everyone they did not do their jobs to the best of their abilities and they did not use correct protocol to stop the vehicle where were the pit manuvers and spike strips or tires taken out y did they shoot in the back window it makes no sense danny we love you you will never be forgotten you are a true friend and a beautiful person thank you for blessing me with knowing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Danny's Friend Crystal on May 25th, 2009 11:34 pm

    How do I begin. I was at the hospital from the time he was there till the time he passed. To truly know Danny would be an honor for you. He has helped me and my friend more than my own family or friends of the past have ever done. He was an awesome man and to call him a saint is an understatement. The Atmore Police Department does not realize that the man they killed was not only a husband,son, uncle, brother, grandson, he was my best friend. He taught me many great things. They are trying to make my friend sound dangerous and bad and I know him. He is not what they are saying. He does not own a gun and he did not have hunting license. So many stories and all lies. To all those out there that are bad mouthing Danny you don’t know what you are saying and doing. You are all the ignorant ones out there. How dare you act like you know him and then lie on him. God be with his family and with all of his friends. Atmore Police you should be ashamed. Protection what protection. More like evil for taking the life of an innocent and saintlike man.

  16. concerned on May 25th, 2009 10:32 pm

    Ok folks hold up, Not a one of you are really seeing the picture,, If this cop felt for his life then he had all rights to shoot, What if this guy got back out on the road and killed one of your family members how would you feel? Ready to blame the cop for not doing his job!!! The problem here we have in this SMALL town is everyone wants to be Judge & Jury, One major problem we have around here is to many town folks have scaners at home for their personal use so alot gets added and alot getts taken away in just a few phone calls,,,,, Step back and let US do our job,, By this i mean Police, Deputys, Firefighter’s and EMT’s, We are the ones that keep you safe, Job well done!!! signed a fellow Firefighter

  17. Dannys Friend on May 25th, 2009 10:08 pm

    Just thought that everyone concerned would like to know that Danny passed away this afternoon. I have read alot of peoples comments, and everyone is intitled to their opinion, but ask yourself this. IF danny had been trying to run over the cops, why did they shoot through the back window? also it was said to me by a dectective with the Atmore Police Department sunday morning, that the reason he was shot, was that the officers were returning fire, because they were shot at first. Why dose it not mention, in the offical police report, that that was their reason they were shooting. Something is not adding up here. I know danny, most of you all do not, please do not pass judgement on someone you do not know. the Bible say, judge not least ye be judged. Peoples opinions, and rumors are the reason that fact can never be told, because people would rather listen to rumors then facts. the fact is, you all were not there, you don’t know what happened. DO NOT judge my friend, because one day JUDGEMENT will befall upon you.

  18. an officers wife on May 25th, 2009 9:03 pm

    It is a real shame that, simply based on early newspaper articles and speculations do citizens feel the need to hastily judge, bash and condemn!! How about waiting until there is a completed, formal investigation with all the facts presented?
    How quick and easy it is for civilians to sit back in the relative security of thier homes and play arm chair judge and jury when they were not even present! Furthermore, it appears that some citizens above like to make false and malicious accusations and assumptions concerning the Atmore Police Department and thier policies; obviously ignorant of the law and procedures in place. However, we do live in America where people free to speak thier mind, even if it is full of ignorance and bias.

    Not one officer that I know would ever want to unjustifiably shoot anyone. That is the last thing they want to do. So, what would you do and how would you like it if someone was trying to deliberately run YOU over with thier vehicle (its attempted murder with a deadly weapon, I believe)? A car is a very deadly weapon when used in this manner so Im sure if this was happening to you, you would hope and pray someone would do whatever it took to save YOU!! Or would you rather the officers just sit back and let you get run over?

    I know the officers involved personally and they are fine, Christian family men of high character, good morals and training . I do not know the suspect so I do not judge his character nor do I judge his family. I am sure his family is hurting, no matter what choices the suspect made that night, so his family needs prayers of support.

    Until you walk a mile in an officers shoes and are present at the moment of an incident, you can never fairly or adequately judge. I know that my husband, as most of the officers I have come to know well really love their career and take it seriously. They certainly do NOT put up with all the crap they have to day in and day out for the pay or recognition (its pitiful anywhere you go and its the same for EMS)!! These men and women get out there, putting themselves in danger every day in so many ways because they simply love what they do. If you could ever ride just a few days with an officer, you would be amazed at what the officers have to endure and put up with.

    I, for one, originate from Pensacola and moved to Atmore over 10 years ago. We have our problems, just as ANY town does. Working in EMS and being an officers wife, I see up front and personal a lot of what goes in in our town, good and bad. But, my family happens to like it here and we work to make it a better place to live. It seems like some people dont like it here and dont want to proactively work together for our town. You have the right not to like Atmore but you also have the right to MOVE.

  19. Law and Order on May 25th, 2009 7:49 pm

    In response to: “J.S.”

    Are you ready to bet your family’s security, home, property, and job on your statement that this chase and shooting are justified in accordance with law, or are you just stating an opinion? This is not intended as an attack on your post, rather a caution not to miss lead others into thinking that this situation is clear and above board until the entire facts of the incident come to light.

  20. puzzled on May 25th, 2009 7:01 pm

    Trying to run over a guy that is doing his job is just as deadly as pointing a weapon and firing. They were justified in applying deadly force to this thug. All he had to do is stop and show proper documentation and he could have been on his way . Whatever happens to him, he did it to himself. Of course , the Darwin theory dictates that thugs like this eventually sucumb to their dumb ways. Thank God for Darwin(oxymoron)

  21. figure it out on May 25th, 2009 5:30 pm

    I have to say that I agree with Marcus on this one. There is so much that the Atmore PD “hides”. It is such a shame.

  22. J.S. on May 25th, 2009 5:27 pm

    Even if the suspect didn’t have a gun, the police are still justified in using deadly force because the suspect used his vehicle as a deadly weapon.

  23. EMD on May 25th, 2009 4:24 pm

    What I just posted here may not seem to some to be on subject. However, instead of putting anyone down, I wanted to address the disrespect for law enforcement and others in authority, and the conclusions about the situation without knowing all the facts. Quietly waiting for some people to “grow up” does not always work. Those who are wrong here………..Do you even know who you are?……….. need to think about who they really are, and NOT who others say they are. That is good advice for all of us. How can we change a thing we do not own? It is my opinion that we all need to know who we are and own what we say and do. The other way, obviously, does not work.

  24. EMD on May 25th, 2009 3:48 pm

    It is possible to teach a child right from wrong, and still have them grow up to think that every ill they encounter in life is someone else’s fault. You can teach them by word and action to be respectful to elders and to public officials, and still have them grow up to act and think like those they CHOSE to call friends. It is possible to have them reach middle age and still think like a loser. It is possible to turn them over to God, and wait to see what He teaches them, and if they learn what they have already heard but have NOT applied. It is possible to, one day, stand up before then when you’ve tried to be respectful of their chronilogical age and “adulthood.” Yes, stand and say, “:YOU are wrong. What’s the matter with YOU!!! Then just back off, give them totally to God, and wait to see how He fixes it. And, just pray you keep your own thoughts out of it. I believe there is more crime than ever, and a horde of disrespectful children of all ages, partly (if not mostly) because what they are taught at home, is not backed up by the school or the government. It is a literal crying shame. Only God can turn the tide of the mess we’ve made as a nation. I wonder if He will turn it this time. Whether He turns things or not, those who want Peace in the midst of This storm must turn to Him. It is about to get much worse, and He is The Only Safe Haven. And, yes, that is my opinion, but I believe with my whole heart it is the truth.

  25. concerned2 on May 25th, 2009 3:20 pm

    Am I the only one or does anyone else find it strange that the names of the driver and passenger have yet to be released? It has been almost 38 hours. I wonder what the policy is on this. Who makes the decision to release or not release the name? Family? The authorities?
    Does anyone know if this person is from the area? The tag was an Alabama tag, but that may not mean much. Could have borrowed the car.

  26. max4210 on May 25th, 2009 12:57 pm

    All of you who are taking this opportunity to bash local law enforcement should be ashamed of yourself. Do we have all of the facts upon which to judge these officers? Next time your husband slaps you, or your neighbor throws his trash over into your yard, or your child runs away, or your street is unsafe for your children to ride their bikes on because folks are running up and down them in their cars at 60 mph, look back on this list and call one of these judgmental idiots for help.

  27. Me! on May 25th, 2009 12:46 pm

    A simple civics lesson!! Maybe the school system could start teaching this again!!
    Rule #1 Blue lights come on STOP !
    Rule #2 The officers name is SIR I don;t care how young or old he or she is.
    Rule #3 If you think the officer (SIR) is wrong, take it up with the JUDGE. You will have your day in court. Unless you get STUPID and get SHOT!!

  28. JOHN on May 25th, 2009 12:27 pm


  29. Michael on May 25th, 2009 11:47 am

    I guess one may believe in miracles but it going to take a lot of prayers to make this particular miracle . I ask and hope you all will prayer for the young lying in the hospital fighting for his life because that is the only thing that is going to save him. It is a shame that the people we are suppose to call when we are in need are the same ones that are trying to cover up their on actions. In my opinion that doesn’t make them any better than the so called criminals that they pursue. A life is precious gift and no one should have the right to take it from us without justification. All we can do now is pray for that miracle and if it doesn’t come around pray that justice and closer is found and up held for the family and friends sake.

  30. guest on May 25th, 2009 11:28 am

    T.B. I guess IF your wife and daughter were raped and murdered, and the police were behind the suspect and he fled. Hey what the heck let him go. With todays technology the suspect might be so scared he will drive down to the Police station and turn himself in. Maybe you and Ethel could go and serve those Mental health orders on your suspect also. He did’nt mean to do it. After all it was those crooked cops that did it to you.

  31. concerned2 on May 25th, 2009 11:22 am

    To Guest……Amen. I agree with you. Why did he not stop? Only he can answer this. What is the passenger saying…………….anything? I have a question for all the writers that are so against the police, mayor and others from Atmore. If you are in Atmore and are violated in some manner, or you live there and your house in being broken in to while you are there, who are you going to call? Now by all means I hope you would never think of calling the police to assist you. You are probably some of the same people that gripe about others that try to keep us safe. If you have never served your country or even your city as a police officer, fireman, mayor, or whatever, you probably don’t need to comment. Mistakes were made early Sunday morning. Where these began we may never know. We do know for sure that the victim made one critical mistake……running.

  32. T B on May 25th, 2009 11:19 am

    I do not believe that the police should be in any high speed chase, this clearly a unsafe way to apprehend any subject ,of all people they should know this.The tech. we have today they do not need high speed chases.Shame on the police.

  33. ETHEL on May 25th, 2009 11:10 am

    I think that’s incorrect, there was a young man shot a couple of years ago in atmore by police offercers,not 8. The young man did survive, nevertheless. I don’t know the facts of the matter, but Atmore isn’t the only dept.doing a lot of covering up, good thing the chase didn’t head north to Baldwin County, that would have opened up a whole new can of worms. Maybe there will be some justice, since Florida is doing the investigating. By the way, a mental health order was being seved on the young man,or his brother.

  34. guest on May 25th, 2009 10:55 am

    why is everybody forgetting the fact that this criminal ran from the Police,,,,,,,it is a tragedy that this whole incident happened, shot and all , but he should have pulled over and cooperated …………..Andie were sorry that your friend is hurt. You tell us why didn’t he just pull over…………………………..and Tom, your an idiot, I guess you should have been there as a passenger so you could have killed a couple of the Atmore Officers, and if you get lucky, heck take out a couple of Escambia’s Deputies…..your thinking is backwards.

  35. William on May 25th, 2009 10:38 am

    Actually, Joe Brown, the story no longer says he passed away. Police said Sunday afternoon that he passed away, but they’ve taken that back this morning and won’t say anything.

  36. bob on May 25th, 2009 10:36 am

    Bottom line: he should not have been running from the police, you people act like the police are bad people, he obviously was doing something he shouldn’t have been doing. Jason Dean and Glen carlee are great people and workers, they do not have the easiest job in the world, this criminal deserved what he got.

  37. Joe Brown on May 25th, 2009 10:34 am

    I am concerned – indicates that your best friend has passed away, but says this this can not be confirmed. I knew that you would know since this is your best friend. Could you please confrim his situation.
    ps sorry for your pain

  38. Tom on May 25th, 2009 9:57 am

    And also fire Jason Dean (pathetic police chief of Atmore).

  39. Tom on May 25th, 2009 9:56 am

    I hope the victim’s family will hire a good lawyer and fire Howard Shell, Glenn Carlee, the officer’s involved and file a major law suit against the city of Atmore and the people involved. This is the United States of America. Not Nazi Gestapo GERMANY!!!! It won’t be long before people start fighting against the cops.

  40. andie on May 25th, 2009 9:13 am

    the victim did not have a gun!! what were the cops thinking opening fire on him for!! a misdemeanor and my friend is lying in the hospital and might not come out alive… he was young!! he has a fiance, a life full to still live for, and because the atmore police think its all right to shoot first and ask questions later… i hope that the florida police do a full investigation and seek justice for my friend that is not able to fight for himself anymore.. our prayers for him, his fiance and his friends and family. please pray with us. we need him here with us. he is a great friend and truely be missed if….

  41. Grant on May 25th, 2009 8:38 am

    Marcus, per your comment on the issues concerning crimes in Atmore as it relates back to the casino. Atmore Police do not cover law enforcement needs on the reservation. they have their own police department who are also federal officers. i would imagine if you looked into it you would find the crime rate on the reservation much lower as the number of officers present on the reservation are almost twice that of Atmore. the casino functions under their own frame of government and on federal land. just an added thought.

  42. bwayne on May 25th, 2009 7:38 am

    Perhaps the suspect tossed the gun he used while fleeing. Perhaps he had committed a more recent crime that had not appeared in court records yet, one that was more serious than a misdemeanor. There are so many variables in a situation like this that we don’t know about. I imagine when more facts surface, we will read about it here in this forum. We certainly can’t count on PNJ covering anything north of nine mile road. They are too busy taking pictures at the beach.

  43. Marcus on May 25th, 2009 7:27 am

    I decided to listen to Atmore on my scanner sunday night. They had TWO MORE SHOTS FIRED CALLS in the two hours I listened. A shooting Friday night on street like i said before. What the heck is going on up there? You don’t read that stuff in the atmore newspapers. william reallly should cover atmore too. it’s dangerous for us to go up there. Century is no where near as bad as that. i think atmore hides their crime so that people will go to that dang casino. for our safety, i think everyone in northescambia should BOYCOTT ATMORE until they tell truth about their crime.

  44. Law and Order on May 25th, 2009 7:15 am

    I hope there is more evidence to support the town of Atmore and the police officers involved in this situation other than what has been presented by I know this will make some folks mad, but if this is the jest of it, Atmore and the involved officer(s) are going to be held liable for their actions in either Florida or Federal Court, and here are some of the things the court will consider:

    When it comes to using deadly force, the Supreme Court decision of Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985) was concerned with its use to apprehend an individual for commission of a “nondangerous crime.” In other words, you can’t just shoot someone because they are running from the police.

    Next go to Brower v. Inyo County, 489 U.S. 593 (1989), here the court took the position that deadly force should not be used to apprehend citizens for minor offenses such as traffic violations.

    These court decision effectively ended Florida’s old fleeing felon law that allowed the use of deadly force to stop a fleeing felon, which does not appear to be the case in the Atmore chase and shooting. The courts hold that you can’t use the fleeing and the follow-on pursuit to justify the use of deadly force because these happened after the fact. Remember, it is reported that the the initial stop was for a traffic violation. Today, officers must weigh out the circumstances of the event prior to engaging in a pursuit; Is this a non-violent crime or a forceable felony (murder, rape, robbery, etc), where the public safety is at risk?

    The court also noted that just because a vehicle “lost” or let go during pursuit does not mean the police will never find the car nor bring its occupants to justice. It is not always a matter of “catching them now or never.” In the end, the shooting can’t be justified if the pursuit wasn’t justified.

    I have to wonder what Atmore Police Department’s written policy says concerning pursuits or better yet, do they even have one.

  45. Apalled on May 25th, 2009 12:14 am

    This is atrocious!! They killed the guy….what for?? Guess we better watch out going through Atmore. I don’t really appreciate them coming and shooting a suspect on “our” territory. I already didn’t really have the best opinion of Atmore cops and it definitely got worse. If there was a good legitimate reason, like the suspect was shooting, I could understand. I hope the Florida Law Enforcement thoughly investigates this matter.

  46. who knows on May 25th, 2009 12:00 am

    is it standard protocol for Alabama law enforcement to pursue a suspect into another state for fleeing a routine trafic stop? I don’t know if this happens a lot or not, but wondering? if anyone knows these rules or what protocol is used please post it. (well some of the info any way, I bet all of it would be a bunch!)

  47. keith on May 24th, 2009 11:39 pm

    of course we dont know the full story here but i just want to say to all the police ,firefighters and paramedic’s thanks for all you do.your jobs are a calling. i know i could not do it . the things you half to see. the things you half to do. most of the time were only greatful when we need you and the rest of the time were complaining and quick to judge. so again ,THANK YOU.
    as for the atmore cops in fl, i think when trying to help someone in need or trying to stop someone from doing wrong that the state line is not so important. just get the job done. one things for sure ,the guy who is now gone will have faimly and friends that wish he would have just pulled over and not ran from the cops. and theres a cop that probably wishes the same thing.

  48. Apalled on May 24th, 2009 11:38 pm

    This is atrocious! Better watch out going through Atmore. I hope that this matter is THROUGHLY investigated and there was a legitimate cause to shoot right away! Glad we have some Florida investigators on this.

  49. AC on May 24th, 2009 10:30 pm

    The guy DID have a weapon! A 1 1/2 ton weapon. Has anyone thought that maybe the guy was trying to run over the officers? Just because he may not have had a gun (I don’t know if he had one or not) does not mean he was unarmed! In all my time living in this area, I have never heard of a cop unjustly shooting anyone. So why would this time be different? And to the ignorant person commenting on Atmore’s handling of the bank robbery, THEY HAD THE GUY IDENTIFIED WITHIN TWO HOURS OF THE CRIME!!! That is very unusual, and very good police work if you ask me. The truth is none of us were there and none of know for sure what happened. So think before you pass judgement on something that you are completely ignorant about.

  50. Marie on May 24th, 2009 9:45 pm

    Just because his warrant was only for a misdemeanor hunting violation, it doesn’t mean the police did not have cause to react the way they did. We don’t know the full story. He shouldn’t have fled in the first place and the cops must have felt threatened enough to open fire. It’s easy to judge these cops when you aren’t the one risking your life for others. So until you are in that position, you need to keep your comments and ignorance to yourself.
    My prayers are with the family of the man who died. It is always the family that ends up suffering from mistakes that loved ones make.

  51. Marcus on May 24th, 2009 9:24 pm

    Why was atmore mayor howie shell there? Making sure his cops didn’t say something wrong? They try to hide was goes on in that town. They have shootings that never make the atmore newspapers. They keep them quiet. There was a person shot the other night on ashely street and there was nothing in the atmore papers around it. The mayor and police hide all their crime so people will go the casino. Atmore is dangerous. Northescambia needs to cover atmore too so this stuff won’ be hidden away.

  52. guest on May 24th, 2009 6:36 pm

    The suspect should have stopped when the officer blue-lighted him…he would probably have been out on bond by now.

  53. mrc on May 24th, 2009 4:45 pm

    Just another fine thing our local legal system will brush under the rug….oopps it happened in FL they have more standards than Escambia AL SO JUSTICE MIGHT BE DONE.I am law enforcement and for a fact their has to be real just cause to use deadly force..Many years ago the city fired shots at some youth and the city cop denied it when Jason Dean was just a patolman they all denied it under oath and in official reports.

  54. ACLU on May 24th, 2009 4:30 pm

    Wow!!! Shot over a car chase with the only charge being a traffic violation and a hunting violation warrant, and no weapons found for the suspect(s)? Better get a lawyer ’cause this ain’t going to be pretty.

  55. jones on May 24th, 2009 4:04 pm

    the man had to shot first for the police man to shot at him they aint shot nobody around this area the 8 years i done lived here only good things so they now they had a reason to shot at that man

  56. JD on May 24th, 2009 4:03 pm

    Your ignorance astounds me. In fact it doesn’t even deserve a response. Until you have walked a mile in a Law Enforcement Officer’s shoes, you should keep ignorant comments like that to yourself. I applaud the work of the Atmore PD and all our local Law Enforcement, their sacrifice is why you sleep soundly each night. William Keep up the good work!!

  57. interested reader on May 24th, 2009 3:21 pm

    Good work William! We would never know half of what is going on up here if not for this site. Hope you can keep it up. Someone out there call William and offer to fill those positions he has listed. I’m sure there is THE REST OF THE STORY on this case. We will stay tuned.

  58. Kevin on May 24th, 2009 2:05 pm


  59. NF on May 24th, 2009 2:01 pm

    Thanks for the good work William!!! Great pics, including the beer boxes and vice grips. Makes you really wonder about people……..

  60. concerned on May 24th, 2009 1:42 pm

    Should have proof read….. left off an important 2 letter word. He had reason, IF he was shot at first. My mistake……………………

    What a big mess this is. Someone’s life changed forever, or cut short, just for running.

  61. noh8rs on May 24th, 2009 12:04 pm

    concerned, How do you know the deputy was shot at first?
    Was this officer shooting into the vehicle? What if there had been children in that car. What if the officer had hit the passenger?

    I can’t wait for William to report more.

  62. wonder on May 24th, 2009 11:49 am

    If he was unarmed why was he shot in the head? Shot some one for a hunting violation aqnd failing to appear. Why are the police in Atmore not going after the drug dealers? They do drug bust and let half the people go that are in the house. Yes he should have stoped. Did the young man fire at the police officer? If that is the case he had a REASON.

  63. concerned on May 24th, 2009 10:30 am

    He had reason. He was shot at first.

  64. bumpkin on May 24th, 2009 10:02 am

    Hmmmm… nothing about WHY the vehicle was being pursued in the first place…or why the officer felt he had to shoot the suspect in the first place.We definately need more info on this when it becomes available. In today’s stressful times,I think we will see more and more irrational behavior.Contrary to what an earlier poster said about another story …people off medication do not always KNOW right from wrong. Why do people commit suicide? They know it is wrong yet they do it anyway? Hardly. I do not beleive one’s brain works in the right or wrong realm of thinking,rather the person’s conscience dictates right or wrong thinking. Hopefully there was a good reason for the officer to take this kind of drastic action.

  65. Bob on May 24th, 2009 8:39 am

    Gosh William, I think everyday this guy has used his last rabbit foot. Then you reach in and pull out another. I wonder just how many more you have left in that hat? This site amazes me keep up the good work,we are all your slaves.

  66. McDonald on May 24th, 2009 8:11 am

    Keep us informed William, we have been watching since 1:45 this morning, and all we know is that is was not involving a robbery, and they are working the “crime scene”!