Children At Home As Meth Lab Discovered Near Bratt In Search For Bank Robber, Two People Charged

May 21, 2009


The search for an Atmore bank robber led to the discovery of a meth lab near Bratt and the arrest of two people Wednesday.

Daniel Wayne Sheets, 29, and Mary Elaine Sheets, 28, were arrested on multiple drug charged after deputies located the meth lab at 3740 Highway 168 near Wiggins Road.

Escambia County Deputy David Preston said authorities received a tip that a truck belonging to Atmore bank robbery suspect Chad Jeter might be at the residence. The sheriff’s departments from both Escambia counties  Florida and Alabama,  the Atmore Police Department and the FBI attempted to located Jeter at the mobile home, but he was not there.

“That’s when I saw some products used to manufacture meth,” Preston said, noting several items that he found. “There was a cooler partially open that had a strong smell of ammonia.”

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department Narcotics Unit and a special Hazmat team from Tallahassee were called to the home to investigate and remove the meth lab. The husband and wife were taken to the Escambia County Jail.

Preston said two children, ages between 6-12, were at home at the time of the incident. The Department of Children and Families placed the children into the care of their grandmother.

“The living conditions in the trailer were pitiful,” Preston said. The children were sleeping on mattresses with no sheets and dirty dishes were piled in the kitchen in the mobile home, he said.

Daniel Wayne Sheets and  Mary Elaine Sheets were each charged with a narcotics violation, the production of methamphetamine, use and possession of drug paraphernalia and the possession of chemicals used to manufacture a controlled substance. Both were being held in the Escambia County Jail Thursday morning on $45,000 bond each.


53 Responses to “Children At Home As Meth Lab Discovered Near Bratt In Search For Bank Robber, Two People Charged”

  1. Alisha Marie on August 15th, 2009 12:29 am

    hey does anyone know if Elaine and daniel got out of jail?

  2. alisha on May 28th, 2009 1:09 am

    i have opened my mouth – i told someone who can go to the police – they would never believe me! So go girl, it might help elaine and daniel get that boy!!!!

  3. alisha on May 28th, 2009 1:06 am

    I made some mistakes! First off, I never meant for it to sound like i meant tommy when i said there was another person involved. I am so sorry if it seemed like that. Second, pam i apologize for the last post. I really should have checked the facts first. I hope you and your family can move on from all this as i will try to do. For everyone else, sorry. Hope we can all move on and best of luck, seth and trey. Hope things turn around for elaine and daniel they deserve better. Someone get them out of jail so they can get the help they need – behind bars does help but it doesn’t heal.

  4. blame yourself on May 27th, 2009 7:19 pm

    I agree with heather someone needs to see how and why these two “winners” keep getting out ! maybe parents need to admit thier kids have an addiction do their kids and society a favor keep them locked up a good 5 years better yet till the children are of age so no more damage is done . Dont let the cycle repeat itself with thier kids. wonder what childhood was like for these two for them to live and treat their kids that way the officer stated PITIFUL!!!!

  5. joyce on May 27th, 2009 1:19 am

    alisha, thats my neice thats in jail you act like you want people to believe you lived in the same home as elaine but you didnt know what was going on but then you knew about the pills that was bought, come on now you have a nose also can you not smell with it , you tried to say you was a friend, like my sister said if you was a friend you would open your mouth..friends dont try to worm their way out of things my neice is not the only one who should be in jail..elaine has done wrong but she is where she can get help now and hopefully put her life and her families life back on the right track and hopefully when she does she will stay away from so called friends like you because with friends like you who needs enemies?im putting this as nice as i can what i think about “friends” like you out of respect for my sister and neice ..what if the shoe was on the other foot how would you feel givem hell mj

  6. DARLENE on May 26th, 2009 11:58 pm


  7. Mary Sells (Elaine's Mom ) on May 26th, 2009 12:32 pm

    let me start by saying i’ve read all the COMMENTS on this site, Some good and some not so good, But never the less Alisha if you were a TRUE friend then YOU would come forward and tell the truth, Why should my child sit there and carry this WHOLE rap.? Firmly i think your just running your mouth to keep you out of trouble,,, If there’s something i need to know you have my phone number CALL ME,!!!! True FRIENDS stand up for each other, Not run when TIMES get TOUGH*** Tell the truth for the kids sake (my grandsons) didn’t ask for this nor should they be punished for it either,, Now talk the talk and Let’s see who walks the walk

  8. William on May 26th, 2009 11:37 am

    Enough discussing who did what … if you know something call 850-433-STOP and tell them.

  9. WHATEVER on May 26th, 2009 11:35 am

    Thank you Alisha for putting Pams business out there!! Shes not perfect by no means!! But if you know any more details you need to do the right thing.. If two go down the rest should to…l

  10. alisha on May 26th, 2009 11:16 am

    You know, its funny how people can act so against what happened and even sit on this site and act like the responsible friend who thinks this is all just so bad. But, what everyone else doesn’t know is that this “responsible friend” knew about the lab the whole time, infact the “responsible friend” even bought the sudafed pills for the cook. And wouldn’t it be funny, “responsible friend” if this was brought up in court? I’m sure Daniel and Elaine will remember their “responsible friend” and tell the judge what a good, honest friend they have. So i would advise you stop sitting there like, “Oh poor me, i have always been there for Elaine and Daniel and this is what i get in return, oh i had to pick up the mess.”

    i wish yall knew the truth, i’m quite sure you’d loose a lot of respect for some people. Just know that it wasn’t all about me, my boyfriend, daniel and elaine, there were others who got away, others you would’ve never imagined, others who we put our chilldren into their hands when they head off to school every morning.

    Know this “responsible friend”; you’re just as sick, if not more sick than the rest of us, so you have no room to call people junkies. And you also have no room to talk about people having meth around children, do you get me? But go ahead talk your talk, walk your walk, but in the end you’ll be right where daniel and elaine are, except you’ll never drive bus again.

  11. alisha on May 26th, 2009 10:55 am

    im just confused weather or not i shoul;d turn him in

  12. alisha on May 26th, 2009 10:54 am

    i aint lieing to protect noone im being honest!!!!! The “cook” got away!!!! Thats the truth.

  13. what on May 26th, 2009 5:58 am

    alisha alisha- be honest its bad enough lets keep it to the truth daniel and elaaine need to be there in order to get help they both knew lets not make it worse.

  14. alisha on May 25th, 2009 11:50 pm

    yeah i feel horrible that elaine and daniel went to jail, yeah i was just as acountable as them, but way i see it none of us should have been charged – we (all four us) aren’t the ones who cooked the crap, or even knew about it – the other guy – who got off free just cause he wasn’t there when cops came (he knows who he is and if he cares at all bout daniel and elaine then he’ll come foward) should be the one (and only) in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. concerned on May 25th, 2009 10:12 pm

    How was it that the other 2 people on the scene got to leave with-out being charged? The way i see it all should have been charged,,,,, why stick it just to Elaine and Daniel,,,

  16. alisha on May 24th, 2009 11:56 pm

    first off, i was there during the WHOLE THING, and it wasn’t as bad as the cops made it sound. These are my friends yall are talking about!!!!!!! Elaine was a very good mom! She loved her kids, she always put them first. She had no idea about the lab. Trey and seth were very healthy kids and spoiled too. They had their own rooms, clean clothes, lots of toys and were always given attention to. Danile and Elaine were great parents. Daniel and Elaine were the nicest people and they let my boyfriend and i live with them because we had just lost our place cause we could pay what we owed the electric company to get power turned on. I’m going to stand by their side in court and they’re getting out!!!!! They DONT deser ve to be in jail.

  17. one more thing on May 24th, 2009 9:50 pm

    I do not work for department of children and families and I am the one who give the boys to an uncle to take to nanas house were does some of this info come from feel free to call me I tell ya like it is because I was on scene shortly after were you? I am hurt by all this but hey isnt that what this blog is for to take cheap shots at people thats mostly what I read . I feel sorry for Daniel and Elaine they were not always screwed up I knew daniel when he was a kid he wasnt always bad I loved him as my own son even though he was not . God did not create the problems this world opened the door at an early age and he choose the wrong path we have all done something that could have taken us down a different road and if you say not me than hands to ya . Hey I got an idea maybe the legal system should use monies wisely and be harsh from get go and not use people and we wouldnt be talking about this maybe just maybe

  18. bitter-totally sick on May 24th, 2009 9:32 pm

    I know elaine and daniel very well they have been battling addiction for a long time. But the drugs seem to always come back into their lives ! We could possibly blame the law enforcement cause I’m telling you right now they would catch them doing something wrong and instead of getting them help they would ” USE ” them Knowing they have kids this is our legal system for ya!!!! Or we can blame the persons who first got them high and they know who they are . But no matter who you wanna blame its done the effects are unbearable and as far as hazmat comeing in I would like to see that bill and what they say they cleaned up! And as far as the law goes what about the people who were renting the home to them they are treated like oh well you go inside and deal with what you find . I am not going into detail but the things I had to throw away make me sick someone did not do a very good job with hazmat clean up thank you thats just one more burden on me but yet they were paid for I myself just want this to go away put it behind me and move forward I care about both of them because they are family but nothing has helped so far maybe some time away will clear their heads. And as for the Boys the cops didnt call HRS so they apparently felt it was not needed they have family that have always cared for them and will continue to. and by the way just wanted to set the record straight Yes the house was what I consider a mess The boys both have rooms that have beds in them the kitchen was not trashed it did have some dirty dishes but not like what was portrayed sorry if i pee people off but some things are not true I feel as if people are so ready to start throwing stones .Well if thats the case Daniel & Elaine are not the only ones What about the junkies they let leave that place I guess they get a free pass maybe they wont hurt anyone cause ya know they are not clean cops shoulda looked in thier room but hey 2 bad guys is that the dailey quota God forbid we go a little further and hazmat then you tell me why I had to pick up some of the crap along with someones blue latex gloves . No respect for the homeowner no secureing the place to keep vandels out hey they got two coulda been four oh well maybe they will be next door to the ones who let them leave . I am very bitter and will be for a while it has physically made me sick you can not imagine . I am bearly over the last cheating lieing renters that owes me money and here we go again. whatever to all of you commentors throw your stones pass along the good job done -truth is its all messed up every last bit of it!! I can only hope everyone and I mean everyone gets what is due to them the last renters may not of had drug issues but what was going on was just as illegal but hey they get to continue like great people what crap how people pick and choose what is acceptable and whats not . Ask me I have to live it wether I choose it or not .

  19. Jay on May 24th, 2009 6:28 pm

    Most of you people have no idea of the severity of the effects of this drug. I challenge any of you “know-it-alls” to walk a few feet in someone’s shoes who’s addicted to meth. I myself would still be on it everyday if it weren’t for the dry out time that prison gave me. True enough it indeed took prison for me to quit. Its cunning powerful and baffling. There is no perfect world, but it’d probably be a whole lot better if people just minded their own business. Gossip: drug of choice for millions…

  20. Mont on May 24th, 2009 10:16 am

    This is a good girl who just got herself into a bad situation.and it’s true if you break the law you should be punished.well obviously she has starting serving her time.and once she has paid her”debt to society” she owes noone anything except her self and her children.everyones quick to judge in situations like this,could have just as easily been YOUR child that first sold her the drugs.
    MJ,you dont owe any of these people anything.As a mother it’s natural to want to defend and protect your child.You acknowledge what she’s done is wrong,and nowhere have you said “oh she’s innocent and doesnt need 2 be in jail” only to try to defend that your daughter is not a bad person just made bad choices.For those who know her best know the true her,the others dont matter.So stay focused on those grandsons and your own well being and block these negative comments out!

  21. jennifer on May 24th, 2009 8:55 am

    Everyone makes the wrong choices in there life maybe some not so harmful as others, but everyone deserves a second chance. Elaine is my cousin and I know that she is a good person. Meth is a very dangerous drug and no one can really understand addiction until you go through it yourself. So don’t judge Elaine just because she wasn’t strong enough to say no. Mary Jane just know that your family is here for you if you need us. We’ll be praying for all of you!

  22. patsy on May 23rd, 2009 11:41 pm

    yes drugs can overpower anyone young or old ,it can and will destroy good people and tear them down ,it not only affects the people around them but their family as well and it is so hurting to the heart and soul to see your family hurt in this way .i believe you have to hit rock bottom to realize what is happening with drugs in your life so you can overcome it and be whole again ,i pray they will get all the help they need to return them to their family again ,

  23. joyce on May 23rd, 2009 11:21 am

    this is my neice and i know very well she has done wrong and by no means do i agree with what she has done but i still love her and maybe with the right help and alot of rehab. she can turn her life around

  24. Janet on May 23rd, 2009 6:56 am

    I believe if we give “extra” punishment for dealers selling closer to schools– there should also be extra punishment for drug dealers, makers and users with children in the home (area of making) they also should be given harsher punishments. We’ll never stop drugs if we don’t start protecting the young before they think it’s okay because mom and dad uses it. My heart does go out to the parents of the OLDER children… It could happen to any of us! Meth is a dangerous, dangerous drug— not only to the ones using but for the community around them; violence and mayhem is the product of “coming down” from it’s high.

  25. Mary Sells on May 23rd, 2009 1:30 am

    Let me start by saying, I’m not MAD with anyone, it just HURTS for any mom to read the comments being said about their child,
    And by NO-MEANS do i up hold her in her actions,, And can’t beleive myself she was that STUPID,,, I can’t stand being around anyone thats using. much less knowing they were selling !!!! You know most of us are blind to the fact or we just don’t beleive our kid could or would do sometime so stupid to hurt themselves or someone else.. And NO i will NOT be running to her rescue, this is the best thing that could have happened to her, Maybe in the long run and painful times i might get the chance to have my daughter back!!!!!!!! The one i knew before she got like this,,

  26. MARGARET P..MCCULLOUGH on May 23rd, 2009 12:34 am


  27. Heather on May 22nd, 2009 12:09 pm

    Well I have One important To MJ>>>> I Read my BiBLE everyday… I Pray everyday and he is hearing my prayers cause he got two more off the streets… MJ I understand it makes you mad, And you will stand up for your children just as you always have .. Just as any mother would do.. But POINT BLANK SHE BROKE THE LAW…. The Children of these parents your grandchildren are the ones I pray He Help threw this. Those boys have seen things I am sure they should not have. That dont mean she is not a good mother when she is not on DOPE but .. METH makes you not care… bout what you are doing who you are hurtn. And one way to tell it was doing just that to her, The Trailor was found in What kind of shape???. And you can get her out when YOU think SHE is Ready but it wont do any good UNLESS SHE IS READY and OLNY SHE KNOWS THAT NOT MAMA> I understand Tough love how well I do MY MOTHER showed me TOUGH LOVE she loved me but let me see when I was ready to do right not when Mama wanted me to Right. You are bless that those boys were place with Family, They COULD have and MAY Should have been place within the States Care.. So Tryn to make light of what your Daughter has done wrong DONT MAKE IT OK> She NEEDS HELP !! Help that a MOTHER cant Give her. Maybe the Law will see that Meth is Taken over ATMORE AND WALNUTHILL and the will make it where DOPE HEADS and DOPE DEALERs DO NOT GET A CHANCE TO GET OUT OR A SECOND CHANCE.. Just think of the people These two sold dope too, or got high just be hanging out with buddies. They not only tore thier Family apart but other also. May GOD be with you…

  28. Heather on May 22nd, 2009 11:52 am

    Well Let me just make this comment…. I read the BIBLE everyday… And HE is working on my prayers cause he got two more dope heads of the streets.. MJ sorry you are so angry but puttn others down and defending what your daughter has done wrong is a no win battle. POINT BLANK she BROKE THE LAW.. THE Chilren are the ones I pray He Helps. I understand a mothers love , and I also understand TOUGH LOVE>> My mother Showed me TOUGH LOVE> …. But this is not the first time these two parents have had drug charges.. And you can get her out of Jail when you think she is ready but she aint READY when MAMA thinkis she is She is READY when SHE wants TO BE!!!!!!!! I Just hope that the law see METH is taken over ATMORE>> And never mind all the Dope that they have sold to others that have families that love them just as you love your daughter. These Children are blessed to have been place with family, They Could have and May Should have been place within the States Care. May God help you and your family.

  29. t on May 22nd, 2009 7:06 am

    As you can tell from the comments, drugs affect everyone. And they destroy everything. No matter how much you love someone, the drugs usually win. My daughter’s father was hooked on oxycotine and committed suicide. It affects all. No matter what the drug of choice is. But for the family and friends of this couple please understand that the comments made are mostly made because we are tired of all the drugs and dealing. And it is a cycle not easilybroken. These two will sell to the generation of now, get them hooked, then those will start cooking and selling to the next generation and it keeps going. Butwith every generation it multiplies. I pray everyday I’ve taught my children enough to keep them out of the cycle. And I guess sometimes that’s all we can do as parents. But what happens on the law end is the police arrest, the judge let’s them go and they commit the same crime again and the get arrest again, out again, and so on and so on. The police are fighting a loosing battle. We need stricter laws. And for the two children involved, they need to stay with grandparents until the parents are drug free. As of right now, they’ve seen mom and Dad do drugs. And no child should see that. All this will be with them forever. And the Grandparents are having to carry the load.

  30. sad on May 22nd, 2009 6:08 am

    Please pray that God will help them stop this drug. My family has dealt with this before, and it’s a living HELL! When they take people like this to jail, they should try to offer them some sort of help!! It’s heartbreaking to see someone you love going through this. It’s a very helpless feeling. I spent many days praying for God to help my brother….because I knew he couldn’t do it alone and we couldn’t either. I don’t know these people, and I’m not trying to defend them by no means. I do know that getting and staying clean is a constant battle. And there are some GOOD people who become addicted. My brother and I had a great childhood, with very loving parents…..I would have never dreamed my family would have dealt with something like this. Crystal meth is a serious problem….and anyone caught with it, should be punished. I pray that GOD gives them ALL the strength to overcome this horrible ordeal.

  31. judy on May 22nd, 2009 12:42 am

    ms mary…i dont doubt at all that you dearly love your daughter and that its hurtful to hear these comments about her….but, you must understand….drugs are killing our society…..i dont know of anyone who has NOT been affected by a family member or acquaintance who is addicted or has used drugs…… the pain and anquish it causes to the loved ones is horrible……i, too, had a daughter who was addicted to drugs…crack was her drug of choice….she was raised in church and had a very good upbringing, as well…but, it only took one bad decision and one time to get hooked on that crap….initially, i tried to “help” her…but, i was only enabling her….finally, she got arrested and i didnt bail her out…she stole from me (and others) and i had her prosecuted…by the mercy of God, shes doing real good today…and has been clean for over 3 years..but, our family went thru literal hell…as im sure that you are doing right now…im sorry and i do feel some of your pain..

  32. Mary Sells on May 22nd, 2009 12:12 am

    for you infor that’s the closest team to come in for the state of Fla.,,,, Some of the comments that were stated in this artical are not true,,,, be of course freedom of speech, read into it what you may

  33. Mary Sells on May 22nd, 2009 12:08 am

    Anna, THANKS and Love ya… please don’t let these harsh comments keep you from saying what you feel,,,,,,,,,,

  34. Mary Sells on May 22nd, 2009 12:06 am

    Heather and Lynn, this comment is for the 2 of you,!!! Don’t down my child because she was a great kid, And what-ever she’s done in her past is her PAST ,, So i would appericate that you leave it there, And just remember that is still some=ones child,,,and this comment goes straight to Heather, When i feel it’s time for her to come out of jail WHEN i think she’s CLEAN then i;ll go get her BUT THAT DOSEN”T MAKE ME A DRUG-DEALER getting out my KID. It MAKES ME A MOM THAT USING HARD AND TOUGH LOVE ,,

  35. judy on May 22nd, 2009 12:06 am

    ok…if the hazmat team from tallahassee had to come to the scene, that tells me (of course!) that the trailer housing the 2 children, right along w/the highly toxic, potentially explosive meth ingredients was an extremely dangerous situation…why arent these parents being charged w/child endangerment? or child neglect?…i think that the sheriff should throw the book at these two habitual offenders….i dont feel any mercy whatsoever for these two characters (aka parents)

  36. Mary Sells on May 21st, 2009 11:54 pm

    You know all you folks TALK your TALK , But that is still my CHILD your talking about UNLIKE some of you I STILL LOVE HER , Yes she has done wrong and beleive me i’m NOT upholding her by NO-MEANS. but if you have something you want to say then keep it to yourself, And as far as MY- GRANDSONS go they were NEVER MISTREATED by their mama or their dad, ALL of you need to READ your BIBLES and get right yourself before you become anyones judge or the jury… My grandsons are safe and happy********* AND IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT THEY HAVE EVER DONE BEFORE, THAT’S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT RIGHT NOW SO PLEASE REMEMBER THAT, And as far as the comment ANNA made she said what she MEANT she feels sorry for the the parents of Elaine & Daniel because we’re the ones PICKING up the peices for these children that are left behind, And i don’t recall asking any of you to HELP ONE DARN BIT***********

  37. Redhead on May 21st, 2009 10:48 pm

    Well my goodness Puzzled who has died honey and made you everyones judge. People have the right to feel sorry for whomever they choose. I also feel sorry for them that they let the meth monkey get on their back and they need help to kick their addiction. The children still love their parents no matter what I am sure and at least they were placed with someone they knew. It could have been worse they could have been put up by the state and we know how HRS is. A joke mostly. thanks for listening oh hope you are yours are addiction free hon.

  38. someone on May 21st, 2009 5:04 pm

    They should be charged with child abuse too.

  39. sadden on May 21st, 2009 4:12 pm

    I feel sorry for the kids.. I have had the experiance of knowing some one that was in that situation and it makes me angry because it not only hurts the kids it hurts sisters, friends moms and dads basically everyone that the drug user becomes encounters with……..

  40. MEL JAY on May 21st, 2009 3:49 pm


  41. Casandra on May 21st, 2009 3:45 pm

    Anna said she feels sorry “for the parents….of these two”. She meant she feels sorry for the parents of the couple.

  42. puzzled on May 21st, 2009 3:14 pm

    I’m puzzled by the last comment from Anna????? Why would you feel sorry for the parents? They CHOSE to lead a life of drug use / dealing. I can understand feeling “sorry” for the children as no child should have to live in those conditions or with parents who choose to abuse drugs and sell them, but it really bothers me that you feel sorry for someone who chooses to live like that and allow their children to live like that. I pray that the grandmother will be able to provide these children with a safe, clean, loving and happy environment to live in.

  43. Anna on May 21st, 2009 2:51 pm

    I feel so sorry for the parents and the poor children of these two. MJ, I will keep you all in my prayers.

  44. Remember... on May 21st, 2009 2:21 pm

    There but by the grace of God go I.

  45. BEERAD on May 21st, 2009 2:08 pm

    Looks like two winners.

  46. Heather on May 21st, 2009 1:31 pm

    Well what is sad is the children caught up in that mess. Meth will take your life away and cause you to lose everything.. These two have been in trouble before for the same or other drug charges. What needs to happen is they need to be kept in Jail without a bond. They keep getting out.. I mean they are dope dealers dont you know Dope head will come up with the money to get the dope man out… They dont need to be let out this time.. Two more down and tons more to go.

  47. Marie on May 21st, 2009 12:44 pm

    I was thinking th same think, Lynn! If you look at ESC public records, it looks like he has been in similar trouble before. Maybe they can keep him off the streets this time.

  48. psu1earl on May 21st, 2009 12:42 pm

    HA HA! Talk about being int he wrong trailer park at the wrong time!

    Way to go David!

  49. Thinker on May 21st, 2009 11:39 am

    Meth amphetamine by any name is nasty and EXTREMELY addictive. Don’t ever give it a try. You’ll loose all your teeth if not your life. Research it and share this info with friends.

  50. Lynn on May 21st, 2009 11:18 am

    Have these two been in trouble before? For some strange reason I keep thinking I’ve seen pictures of them before this arrest!

  51. onyr on May 21st, 2009 9:52 am

    Man, good ol’ Robocop, way to step up and show those dope heads whose boss!!

  52. Laine on May 21st, 2009 9:43 am

    Way to go!

  53. PSC on May 21st, 2009 9:37 am

    Two more off the streets !!! GREAT JOB….
