Woman Charged After Deputies Find Rolling Meth Lab In Century

February 8, 2012

[EXCLUSIVE] A Brewton woman was jailed after deputies discovered a rolling meth lab during a traffic stop in Century Tuesday night.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies discovered the “one pot” methamphetamine lab in a Chevrolet 1500 pickup truck following a traffic stop in the 100 block of Henry Street in Century about 10:35 p.m.

For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

The driver of the vehicle, 37-year old Marilyn Natasha Satterwhite, was charged with methamphetamine trafficking, possession of methamphetamine with the intent to sell, manufacture or deliver, and driving without a license. She was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $45,500.

Satterwhite told deputies that she did not know how the meth lab ended up in her truck. She said she had just picked up two passengers just prior to the traffic stop.

Deputies determined the two adult male passengers were not involved. They were released at the scene.

In addition to the active meth lab in the bed of the truck, deputies found various ingredients commonly used in the meth making process. They also discovered a Mason jar with a black liquid that could not immediately be positively identified.

A hazardous materials team from the Escambia  County Sheriff’s Office Rapid Response unit responded to the scene and worked into the early morning hours Wednesday to neutralize the meth labs and associated chemicals.

For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

Pictured top: A suspected “one pot” meth lab bursts into flames as it is being neutralized by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Rapid Response team early Wednesday morning on Henry Street in Century. Pictured inset: The suspected “one pot” meth lab. Pictured below: Deputies in full hazmat gear work to neutralize the meth lab. NorthEscambia.com exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Woman Charged After Deputies Find Rolling Meth Lab In Century”

  1. Just sayin' on February 10th, 2012 11:31 am

    Sis and Molino Jim are correct. The clinic does NOT deal in methamphetamine. It is a METHADONE clinic which is prescribed for severe chronic pain OR to help ease withdrawals from addictions to heroin, crack, cocaine, meth and prescription medications. You do have to take the medication in front of the staff and there is a daily charge for it. There is a time limit for how long you can go each day to receive this. You can’t just go everyday forever.
    People who can’t go to a pain management doctor for insurance reasons or because they aren’t accepting new patients are likely to be referred here to get a daily dose of pain medication to help them get through the day. People who have been on pain meds for an extended period of time and need to get off them for whatever reason will also be clients.
    This is NOT a place to go get a “legal fix” of methamphetamine, lol. People who think so are ignorant and don’t wish to know the truth. If they did, they would have asked questions and would know the truth.

  2. David Huie Green on February 10th, 2012 11:19 am

    Actually, some smart people are drug addicts. They did a foolish thing and tried a drug which basically took over their brains, demanding more.

    Most people act like it’s a different thing from drug addiction but alcoholism is also a drug addiction. Alcohol is a drug and in some people once they get started, they have a very hard time stopping.

    In most cases, they just wanted to try the experience or thought everybody else was doing it so they should too. If everybody got addicted, it would be clearer where the path led; since some don’t, others gamble that they won’t either.

    David for not gambling with your life
    ‘taint worth it

  3. molino jim on February 9th, 2012 9:00 pm

    Sis is correct about the clinic. Methadone is not “meth”. While it can be abused the main use is to try to help with severe pain. It is my understanding that the person has to take the drug on site and can not take a weeks supply home with them. Medlineplus has a world of good information about the proper use of most drugs on the American market, it might help reading about the drugs in question before commenting about them and the people who have to use them. Hospice uses methadone to ease a lot of the pain for people dying from cancer and to help with other pain and suffering at the end of life.

  4. JIM W on February 9th, 2012 2:57 pm

    Just another confirmation on how this cancer is eating up our society! I have never seen so many people with so much lack of self estem! Good job LE I hope you get more of them and maybe this time she will be put away so she can clean up. Problem is though if you just lock them up without treatment they will be right back at as soon as they hit the streets or if they can get hold of it in the prison.
    Just saying wake up America we are being eaten alive by this kind of cancer!

  5. Molino Mom on February 9th, 2012 2:22 pm

    Homer, You’re right, addicts are not bright. If they were, they wouldn’t be addicts.
    Addicts and chemicals, not a good mix.

  6. sis on February 9th, 2012 12:31 pm

    1st of all yes she does need off the streets & hasnt been a mother since she chose drugs. However that has nothing to do w/the methadone clinic for opieates, not meth addiction 2 totally different things. Most ppl at the clinic gad prior injury chronic pain and no insurance for pain managment specialist. Never talk trash unless u r aware of the facts. Never know when it will b ur child sister brother husband or wife. Leave the police work to the police and the judging for GOD. Goodgreif ppl

  7. noname on February 8th, 2012 7:20 pm

    I work in retail its a shame to see how many of our town peoples come in and buy this stuff to make meth, they don’t seem to care that you know what they are buying it for, when someone buys 10 ice packs at one time u can bet it is for meth

  8. just my words on February 8th, 2012 7:11 pm

    wonder how long it will be before she is back on the streets, she has been arrested so many times for the same stuff, her face tells it all why would someone want sores all over them, meth heads i guess have totally melted their brains… she looks like someone in their late 50’s….she is such a loser…they need to lock her up and lose the key..

  9. Jane on February 8th, 2012 5:10 pm

    Any time you work with acid/base chemicals you risk having a chemical reaction which can lead to a fire. Yes, it should have been put in a metal fireproof container to neutralize it, but sometimes you just work with what you have. I assume they had fire extenguishers with them for chemical fires.

  10. William on February 8th, 2012 2:42 pm

    >>>Iam sorry my a.d.d. just makes me wonder how they are settting a fire in a plastic bucket??????

    The fire was not intentional. It was started by a chemical reaction between the lithium batteries in the meth lab (strong acid) and the material in the bucket use to neutralize/render it safe (strong base).

    It’s also how meth makers sometimes burn down their house.

  11. Elizabeth on February 8th, 2012 2:00 pm

    “Satterwhite told deputies that she did not know how the meth lab ended up in her truck.”

    Reminds me of an old episode of “COPS” where a man gets busted for crack:

    officer: “Where is it?”
    man: “Where’s what?
    officer: “The crack.”
    man: “What crack?”
    *officer pulls of the man’s shoes*
    officer: “What crack? How did this get in your shoe?!”
    man: These are my cousin’s shoes!”

  12. just me on February 8th, 2012 1:23 pm

    Iam sorry my a.d.d. just makes me wonder how they are settting a fire in a plastic bucket??????

  13. momof2 on February 8th, 2012 12:47 pm

    she say’s she dont know how it got in her truck LOL you can look at her and tell she is a meth addict….take a look at faces of meth they all eventually look really horrible!

  14. SW on February 8th, 2012 12:43 pm

    Looks as if the Sheriff’s department should be on the lookout for serial meth lab planters.

  15. coincerned on February 8th, 2012 12:04 pm

    glad we got that one again……. how many chances do you get ????

  16. wow on February 8th, 2012 11:59 am

    I thought she was sent off for good ???? How does she keep beating the system ?????? Lock her up forever no good to society ,never been a mother to any of her children how sad

  17. Cantonment Resident on February 8th, 2012 11:51 am

    Responding to Jenni-It also makes you wonder where they get the money for the gas they are using to drive to the Meth Clinic everyday. I mean, do these people work and if so, shouldn’t they be drug tested because I guess I am in the dark here, do we need to be dealing with people that are actually employed that are getting “HIGH” every day before reporting to work and how long does it take to get a person off this legal Meth that us taxpayers I’m sure are having to pay for. I know of a person who had to pay $10.00 a day to the clinic to get Meth and did this for several months. I was told by one of the people who owned the home and let him move in that she drove him to the Meth clinic everyday prior to him going into work and said it had been at least 3 months since she started taking him. I said, WHAT? 3 months and he is still having to go. What the????? Is it just me or does this sound CRAZY!!!!!! You tell me because maybe I just don’t know enough about all of this and am in the dark.

  18. sniper on February 8th, 2012 10:51 am

    Yeah, the meth clinic is right beside Boyd’s plumbing…and what really gets me mad is that its within shouting distance from a SCHOOL ZONE!!!!! Really heavy traffic for kids to deal with while heading to class.

  19. Jenni on February 8th, 2012 8:57 am

    I have wondered for weeks what type of business was on Hwy 29 that employeed that many people in Cantonment. Funny how they cant work but they can get up at 5 a.m. to go get their legal fix!!!!! Guess it pays more to be a drug addict not a working mom.

  20. homer on February 8th, 2012 7:42 am

    I guess the “scientists” who owned the rolling “lab” should have been drinking more of “SmartWater” as they’re obviously not too bright. This stuff is SO destructive to people’s lives….really sad.

    You should see the line of cars pulling into the methadone clinic on 29 every morning to get their legal fix.

  21. Jane on February 8th, 2012 5:20 am

    Good job ECSO!!!!