Bank Account Established To Help With Funeral For Bratt Student

October 13, 2011

A bank account has been established to help with funeral expenses for 9-year old Megan Wilburn, who died Tuesday following an ATV accident in Walnut Hill.

Donations to help with the Bratt Elementary School student’s burial can be made at any branch of United Bank to the “Meagan Wilburn Benefit Fund”.

Donations can also be mailed to:

Meagan Wilburn Fund
United Bank
P.O. Box 8
Atmore, AL 36504

For more information, call the bank at (251) 446-6000.


18 Responses to “Bank Account Established To Help With Funeral For Bratt Student”

  1. Pam Zaborny on October 16th, 2011 5:48 pm

    I was a neighbor when meagan was 4 or so years old. we were at the services yesterday. such a sweet beautiful little girl. now is not the time to blame a funeral home for making a was a beautiful service and was a delight to see all the pink toesnails and barefeet/flipflops. even her daddy had his nails painted. it was heartbreaking for sure.
    i know personally that funeral homes will bury for free of charge children under the age of 1. i feel sure the petty funeral home gave them a cost break of some sort. but the remainder still has to be paid. i gave jimmy (dad) a check yesterday it wasn’t much but even if 100 ppl give 5 dollars that’s 500 dollars towards the funeral. for those of you that are asking send the check to united bank address at the beginning of this post and write for Meagan Hope Wilburn Funeral they will put it in the account set up for her. GOD BLESS ALL THAT ARE HELPING. MEAGAN IS WITH JESUS WE KNOW THAT. BUT THE HOLE IN MOM AND DAD’S HEART IS HUGE. PRAY FOR THE FAMILY AND DONATE WHAT YOU CAN. THANKS.

  2. DJS on October 15th, 2011 8:47 am

    CAMERON…….I can tell you that I know for a FACT that Jay Funeral Home does it all the time for families that are in need. Therefore, do some homework before making a comment like that on THIS page. Why don’t you keep your harsh comments to yourself and donate something to help the family or are you one of the greedy ones here. My check is in the mail also……may the family find peace and comfort during this tragic time in their lives.

  3. jablonski on October 14th, 2011 7:58 pm

    Thanks, I actually saw that AFTER I made that post. No monetary amount could make things better. But, every bit helps financially. My check is on it’s way. I wish family and friends peace during their difficult time. God bless!

  4. ConcernedParent on October 14th, 2011 9:09 am

    Funeral Homes do bury children and more often than you would think. I for one have lost a child at birth. Say the funeral home does do the funeral for free, you are forgetting the burial permit they have to buy, the plot to bury their child and also the marker and slab for their child which can add up VERY quickly. I agree with “concerned” donate to help them out if you are so concerned about it.
    “RIP sweet Angel”

  5. DJC on October 14th, 2011 8:58 am


    Donations can also be mailed to:

    Meagan Wilburn Fund
    United Bank
    P.O. Box 8
    Atmore, AL 36504

    For more information, call the bank at (251) 446-6000

  6. Jablonski on October 13th, 2011 11:34 pm

    This is such a terrible thing that’s happened to a beautiful family. PLease know that your little loved one is in my thoughts and prayers. As well as everyone this tradgedy has affected. Can anyone tell me how a “out-of towner” can make a donation? Do I send a check to the back in her honor???

  7. RC on October 13th, 2011 8:25 pm

    this site is for donating to help this family ! Think before you post, of course WE ALL are going to help this family and this is not the time to discuss the funeral home going broke which will NEVER happen, this is a time of coming together. God please be with this family and ease their harship and give their souls peace during this tragic time.

  8. Cameron on October 13th, 2011 5:32 pm

    Funeral homes bury VERY FEW children. I will contribute, as we all should if we are able, but I don’t accept the argument that they are a business and they’ll go broke if they do this.

  9. Sad Dad on October 13th, 2011 4:41 pm

    There’s an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. It should also say that it takes a village to bury one also! No family is prepared for this kind of tragedy. It is the furthest thing from our minds. While it is every parents worse fear, it is also the last thing we think is going to happen to us. I know if something like this happened to my child I would be totally useless to anyone for a long long time.
    We need to pull together and at least ease the financial burden that’s been placed on on this family. They truly have enough on their minds right now.
    While reading about this accident I can’t help but think of Hunter Fromm. Almost a year ago that he too was taken too early from his loved ones, hug your kids everyday because you never know………….

  10. Concerned on October 13th, 2011 3:42 pm

    Cameron, why don’t you at least donate . You seem so concerned about someone making a profit. Maybe the funeral home will do it for cost, but they have to also pay expenses . They have tragedies that come thru their doors all the time. Should they give everyone a funeral? I am not against helping this family but the churches and Christains should do the right here and help this family, not just ask one funeral home to bear the expense. I know the good people of this area will help and the family will be appreciative of their help. I will be donating and I hope a lot more good people will also.

  11. mom on October 13th, 2011 3:29 pm

    Besides the funeral expenses, they will also have medical expenses I am sure…Can you imagine having medical bills rolling in over the next few weeks for a child who isn’t even here any more? Praying for this family and will definitely be making a donation to help with any expenses. God bless them!

  12. 429SCJ on October 13th, 2011 3:21 pm

    As many of us as there are, a little from everyone, would add up to a lot. The Lord blesses us, to do good works in his name. Remember that the drive through at United on Nashville in Atmore is open till 12 noon on Saturday, if you are out and about.

  13. mom on October 13th, 2011 2:59 pm

    I can’t see giving funeral expenses away…someone has to pay for the things used, but I can see a funeral home giving the family cost prices in such a terrible accident and donating their services for the funeral. I will pray for this family forever…

  14. Molino-Anon on October 13th, 2011 2:30 pm

    As tragic as this is, and as much as I myself have cried over this accident ultimately funeral homes are a business as well. The staff who facilitate such homes are compassionate and mournful for families who lose loved ones, but they must stay in business also and unfortunately that business involves death.

    If we are to help this family, we as a community should be donating to the account setup to cover this cost. Its not free for the funeral homes either.

  15. Suzan Beck on October 13th, 2011 1:40 pm

    While it would be a great thing if funeral homes could do this, they would go broke. Everyday, many, many people of all ages pass that have no life insurance or arrangements made. Infants right after childbirth are one of the most difficult also because you’ve had no time to even think about it. It is so sad. I hope everyone reading will seriously take a look at Gerber Life insurance for kids under 25. It’s very cheap and can continue even after the child is older, as long as it is in place prior to them turning 25. Plus, many credit card and banks offer accidental policies for a few dollars a month. Prayers to this family, what a loss and I hope anyone who can contribute something will do so. I paid almost $7000 in 2010 for my mom’s funeral so anything will help them.

  16. DJC on October 13th, 2011 12:59 pm


    That would be a very generous thing for a business to do. Especially with the way our economy is right now. Hopefully, this will be an opportunity for all readers and everyone in the community to contribute and prove that even in tough times as these we can put everthing to the side and help this family! Every little bit counts.

  17. Kay on October 13th, 2011 11:13 am

    I agree with Cameron. This is a tragedy, this poor family is dealing with the loss of their precious daughter, and now they have to worry about the cost to lay her to rest? This community should sympathize and have at least one funeral home put money aside for once. Bless this family

  18. Cameron on October 13th, 2011 10:10 am

    Donations to help with burial?
    How about some local funeral home DONATE this burial out of a sense of compassion? If this does not happen I will be appalled by the lack of compassion in the pursuit of profit!

    Well? Who’s going to step up?
