Century To Elect Mayor, Two Council Members Today

October 11, 2011

It’s election day in Century, with the office of mayor and two council seats on the ballot. Polls are open 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

There are  1,026 voters qualified to vote in today’s election. Polls are open 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. For voting information, click here.


Incumbent Freddie W. McCall was elected to the Century Town Council in 2004 and was elected to his first term as mayor in 2007.

“We’ve just come so far in four years, and there’s work to be completed,” McCall said. “There are lots of things in the works. I just feel like we are on the brink of good things happening and getting some industry in Century.”

Challenger Henry J. Hawkins was first elected to the town council in 2006. He ran again in 2010, but was defeated 174-144 by political newcomer Jacke Johnston in during a 2010 runoff.

“I want to make a change for the good in Century,” Hawkins said. “There’s an old saying that if you want to make a change, it has to begin with you. I want to be the one to make that change.”

Council Seat 1

Incumbent Ann C. Brooks was first elected to the Century Town Council in 2007. Brooks, who is a certified public accountant, has served as council president for four years.

“My vision for Century is to see it become a town that its citizens take pride in. During my four years in office, the council and mayor have worked with code enforcement to clean up Century and get rid of dilapidated buildings that gave our town a bad image,” Brooks said. “We have also undertaken a major road repaving project. Century looks better today than it has in many years. We all want to attract healthy businesses to our town, but I think the first step is for us to each do our part to make our town a place that they would want to relocate to.”

Political newcomer Pamela MacArthur has lived in Century for about 20 years. She is a retired certified nursing assistant.

“I want to be a help to the community,” she said. “We can make Century a better place and have unity.”

Council Seat 2

Incumbent Annie Carter Savage was appointed to the Century Town Council effective August 1, 2011, to serve the remainder of the term of Nadine McCaw who passed away on July 7. Last year, Savage ran an unsuccessful campaign for Seat 5, defeated by current council member Sandra McMurray Jackson.

Seat 2 challenger Evelyn Hammond is no stranger to politics in Century. She served as a council member before being elected mayor in 2004. She ran for mayor again in 2007, but was defeated by current mayor Freddie McCall. In 2009, the Florida Commission on Ethics publicly censured and reprimanded Hammond, finding that she misused her position to retaliate against Century Little League and its president when that organization failed to hire her son as chief umpire. She was also fined $3,000 by the ethics commission. The complaint was filed by current council members Annie Savage and Ann Brooks along with Nolan Wilson.


One Response to “Century To Elect Mayor, Two Council Members Today”

  1. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 5:36 pm

    Suspense is in the Air! This is more fun than casino roulette.