Escambia Parents, Students Can Now Check Grades Online

September 17, 2011

There’s no more waiting for a progress report or report card — grades are just a click away for parents and students in Escambia County now that the “Focus Gradebook Parent Portal” is up and running.

“Parents and students will now have a tool in which to monitor success and will also be able to see where there needs to be improvement,” Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said Friday.

According to the Escambia County School District:

Parents will see two links on the district web site under Parent Portal on the school district website ( One link allows parents to register for the portal (note that all parents must register to the new gradebook; it is a different site than last was used last year.).

Parents will click on the link that reads “Focus Parent Portal Registration”, then select “I do not have an account ….”. Parents will be asked to provide the parent’s name and email address. Once this information is submitted, the parent will be asked to provide the following student information: the last four digits of the student’s social security number, the six digit student identification number as assigned by the school district, and the student’s birth date.

After registration is complete, a password will be assigned and can be changed after the initial login. The username will be the parent’s email address. Also, parents will be able to link multiple children in the household to their account.

The Focus Gradebook Parent Portal may then be accessed by providing the username (email address) and the password/passcode (as determined by the parent during the registration sign-in). Parents will then be able to view their child’s class schedule, grades, and assignments for each class.

For more information, parents and students are asked to contact their school.


4 Responses to “Escambia Parents, Students Can Now Check Grades Online”

  1. arc on October 17th, 2012 6:43 pm

    wow i did great once i heck my grades and i broght up my grades!!!!!!

  2. mom on September 22nd, 2011 8:38 am

    I love this site! It is a great way for parents to stay proactive in their child’s education. If you see somewhere they are slipping you don’t have to wait for a progress report or report card to catch it. Now only if the teacher’s will keep it updated.

  3. molino on September 17th, 2011 10:52 am

    I love this site signed up yesterday. It shows everything you need to know about the students grades. However, I noticed a few teachers had not posted grades I hope this will change. Other than that seems better then last year.

  4. 429SCJ on September 17th, 2011 7:48 am

    Good Stuff. Education will strenghten our Nation. Parents stay involved, its your kid’s life and our future.