No Injuries In Morning School Bus Wreck

September 12, 2011

(Updated 1 pm) There were no injuries in a school bus wreck this morning near Northview High School.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 16-year old Alison Danielle Bardin of McDavid pulled her 2004 Honda CRV from a stop sign on Pine Barren Road into Highway 4 and the path of  a 2007 Escambia County School District  bus 28-06  driven by Stephanie Morgan of Century.

There were 37 Northview High and Ernest Ward Middle School students on the bus at the time of the 8:20 a.m. crash. The students were transferred to another bus and transported to school.

Bardin was charged with violation of right of way, according to the FHP. photos, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “No Injuries In Morning School Bus Wreck”

  1. Barbara Holllingsworth on September 13th, 2011 8:34 pm

    Ok, things could be worse. We could have drivers like (just saying or concerned parent). People like this I think just get on to start things but I hope that one day it dont come back on ya. May God Bless U in your everyday search for trouble. We try to do the best for our children on our buses but sometimes things just happen — nothing we can do. I have been driving for 23 years it has not been a easy road out there. We need drivers all the time , you think u can handle driving a bus— u can apply just call 469-5488, down town. —- We will help u anyway we can. If u have a problem with any driver than u need to get on your knees every morning and pray for us because we need it. U think Pine Barren road it bad— u should look at the crossroads at Bratt. Sit to the side and look at your children drive. I know once children get away from there parents it on, U know what ever they can get away with.

  2. alicia mcghee on September 13th, 2011 5:44 pm

    I love you too, Stephanie!!!

  3. watchdog on September 13th, 2011 3:34 pm

    Yeah , if the bus gets in a wreck some people call injured whether they are hurt or not. My sister got in a bus wreck and got a new car , I want one too , my nose hurts. If the kids were sitting down with their seatbelts on it would be less chance that they would be injured. The bus drivers are doing all they can do , to keep your kid safe it starts with home training , get in , sit down , and shut up!!!!

  4. Parent of Bus Rider on September 13th, 2011 10:46 am

    The bus drivers in Century and surrounding areas job is not very easy. They have to contend with the farm equipment, teen drivers and last but not least country, curvy, sometimes unpaved road. They have an awesome responsibility on their shoulders, our children safety. Why don’t the parents just stand outside sometimes when the bus drop off their children, they don’t have on their seat belts, hanging out the windows, and walking up and down the aisles. Yet if the bus driver get in an accident, they are ready to blame the driver and is ready to sue. What we also need up in this part of the county is bus monitors! The drivers are trying to get the kids home safely and trying to watch the road. I say to the parents, “get permission from the school board to ride the bus. Not your childs’ bus and see what they have to contend with. I see it everyday!

  5. Tammy McCann on September 13th, 2011 10:42 am

    I have been driving a school bus for 12 years and have never had a accident thank god. this a hard job your watching your student that are playing around and watching the road at the same time. every day we have people run our stop arms coming over in our lane . Northview students are the worst they speed around us they slam on brakes and there racing to see who gets to cross road grocery store first. people notice if there’s a dog or a child in the road so why can’t they see a big yellow cheese wagon. it does not matter what color you change the bus to the fact is people need to be more careful and watch the road and stop trying to beet the bus . ps. we love you Stephanie keep up the hard work, and your a wonderful friend.

  6. Mary Blair on September 13th, 2011 10:40 am

    I love you Stephanie!

  7. Mandi on September 13th, 2011 9:46 am

    I love you Stephanie!!!!!

  8. Sam on September 13th, 2011 8:32 am

    I hope Stephanie don’t let all this get to her. I think everyone should be thankful she IS skilled enough that she did not loose control of the bus when these idiots have pulled out in front of her…wasn’t long ago a similar accident happened and the driver did lose control and the bus flipped, ended up one kid killed.

    I bet the folks making the negative comments wouldn’t drive a bus! (“concerned parent” & “Just saying” ) No, the ‘other articles’ don’t “just make you go hummmmm” …not if you actually READ the article! Only one of those was Stephanie at fault, the other & this one ~ it was the OTHER driver!!!

    Although it takes someone with great skill, ability to multitask, & lot of patients to drive a bus ~ they still aren’t “superheroes” that can predict someone running out in front of them & and make a bus stop on a dime! I wish people would realize that you can’t pull out in front of someone and expect them to stop on a dime…more esp large vehicles like buses!

    Maybe the idea of raising up the driving age should be considered again???? …or extending the length of time one has to have a restricted license before they are allowed to get a real one?

    I will go the dirt roads just to avoid going through this area on school mornings, because it scares me all the wrecks (and many close-calls) that have happened through there…most of which have been inexperienced TEEN drivers!!!

  9. Wondering on September 13th, 2011 4:59 am

    The 16 year old pulled from a STOP sign into oncoming traffic – how can that be the bus driver’s fault? The bus driver had no STOP sign. Since some have so much negative to say about bus drivers, this one in particular, either get a job driving the bus or take your kid to school in your own car.

    Maybe the 16 year old wasn’t paying attention….?

    I’d call Stephanie a hero for saving all the kids lives – there was an article on here a few days ago where all the kids weren’t so lucky – same situation – car ran a STOP sign and hit a bus – remember.

  10. driver on September 13th, 2011 1:14 am

    glad no one was hurt mrs. morgan i would advise you to remember defensive driving thats what i learned when i became a bus driver . its kind of odd this many wrecks in a rural setting for one driver. with that said i in no way think she is a bad driver just needs to be a little more defensive

  11. CENTURY RESIDENT on September 12th, 2011 9:32 pm

    We live and our children travel on hwy 4 daily to and from school, it is accidents happening on this road almost every single week, it is so very dangerous ! I wished the hwy patroll or whomever is responsible would seriously take consideration especially in putting up some speed bumps in front of Northview ! There are So many wrecks here, some worse than others but it happens ALL the time, I am scared to take my kids to school as I travel to work in the mornings because I am scared of what I am going to see has happened next with vehicle accidents, its really terrible that they are not taking this more seriously, how many people could and have and will be injuried because of the consequences, this was an accident, a honest accident, but what can we do to help these accidents from happening again is the question ? Please Please Please help us do something to help prevent more accidents along highway 4 in front of Northview and around Pine Barron Rd !! Please !!!

  12. B679 on September 12th, 2011 8:29 pm

    Can people not see a school bus I meen really!!!

  13. Cindy Formby on September 12th, 2011 8:26 pm

    You know there are yellow lines on the streets and hiways we all travel down every day.And most motorest stay between the yellow and white lines. so what is wrong with some not seeing a big yellow bus.

  14. Darlene Hart on September 12th, 2011 6:33 pm

    Stephanie you are a great driver your just having a streak of bad luck. Keep up the good work your doing a great job.

  15. busdriver on September 12th, 2011 5:41 pm

    People, please be kind. This was an honest accident. There were witnesses in front of, and behing the bus that saw this and it WAS an honest accident. This lady has been driving school buses for 6 years, and has only had ONE at faut accident. The other two were NOT her fault. She is a good person, and a good bus driver. She has a family, so please don’t get on here and bash her. She is upset about this, as expected. Put yourself in her position, before you get on here and start playing the blame game! Driving a school bus isn’t as easy as everyone thinks it is, AND remember she has been driving a school bus for 6 years.
    Keep your head up Stephanie!

  16. me on September 12th, 2011 5:36 pm

    to just saying and concerned parent
    the county is looking for bus drivers. There are signs everywhere. If you think you can do this job better head on down to Texar Drive and fill out and application. This could’ve happened to anyone who gets behind the wheel of any vehicle. Just thank the Lord that your children and the bus driver were not harmed because a 16 year old probably thought she could out run the big yellow cheese wagon!!!!!

  17. Frank on September 12th, 2011 5:33 pm

    “Bardin was charged with violation of right of way, according to the FHP.”

    Read the article

  18. always bizzie on September 12th, 2011 4:00 pm

    From what I have read about the previous accidents, the driver was charged in one of the accidents, the next one she was not at fault, and this one is still under investigation. The news report does say that the sixteen year old driver pulled out in front of the bus so it sounds to me like the driver was not at fault here either. I do no that you could not pay me enought money to drive a bus. Can you imagine sitting with your back to 37 students while you drive. Some parents have problems with their backs to only 2 or three children when driving. Factor in 37 students trying to talk to each other not to mention other things that go on while the driver is driving a large yellow bus. I bet that a lot of us would have problems and would perhaps quit the first day.

  19. concerned parent on September 12th, 2011 3:18 pm

    I wonder how many accidents they’re gonna let this bus driver be in. My child was in 2 of the three wrecks she has had and I thank GOD my child was never hurt in those accidents, but what about next time. It could be a lot more serious!!!!!!!! Maybe this needs some looking into!!

  20. always bizzie on September 12th, 2011 3:15 pm

    I was afraid that this would involve a young driver. As a parent traveling to the school I have seen many of the young drivers flying down the road to NHS. Pine Barren is a very narrow road and the students will pass you like you are sitting still if they have the opportunity. I am surprised that we have not seen more accidents on this road. And yes I have a young driver too and I realize that most of them think they are invincible. I hope the sheriff’s department will monitor this area more closely. I would rather the students get a ticket instead of being in an accident. Thank God that there were no injuries in this accident. Young people, please slow down and stop at all stop signs. I know you don’t want to be late but……..better late than never.

  21. ME on September 12th, 2011 2:54 pm

    @ Just Saying: Tells me this is a very good Bus Driver and has been able to avoid flipping a bus do to ppl pulling out in front of them.

  22. Just saying on September 12th, 2011 2:39 pm

    Put 28-06 (the bus number) in north escambias search and you will see 2 more accidents this bus driver has been in. Wonder if this is all the accidents she has been in? Not saying she is a bad driver…just make you go hummmmm.

  23. MolinoGurl* on September 12th, 2011 2:12 pm

    This is getting to be a little rediculous as to how many school bus accidents there have been lately and school has only been back in for a month. WATCH OUT FOR OUR BUSES people, it’s carrying our children and possibly yours!!!!!! Glad everyone was ok :)

  24. 429SCJ on September 12th, 2011 11:00 am

    Absolutely! HUH.

  25. lacy on September 12th, 2011 10:54 am

    This is getting to be a little to much. WATCH out for the buses. They have PRECIOUS cargo inside. Thank GOD nobody was hurt.

  26. me on September 12th, 2011 10:35 am

    Looks to me like the driver of this suv is very lucky the bus wasn’t driving faster. So glad everyone is ok!!!!!

  27. uh? on September 12th, 2011 10:28 am

    Isn’t this like the 3rd bus iccident already?? it isnt very hard if you are not paying attention to see a BIG yellow bus coming around you geez peiople wake up..grab you some coffee or something there are kids on these busses….be careful!

  28. emjay on September 12th, 2011 10:24 am

    Molino-Anon – don’t know the statistics, but I think this year has had significantly more bus accidents and I still can’t fathom how people don’t see them. It’s almost as shocking as people who get hit by trains–it’s not like it’s a surprise what path the train will take in order to avoid that path.

  29. Voice123 on September 12th, 2011 9:25 am

    Really can people not see the BIG yellow school bus! Please watch for the BIG yellow bus they have children on then!

  30. Molino-Anon on September 12th, 2011 9:15 am

    Is it me or are there a TON of school bus accidents so far this new school year?

    Or are school buses always getting hit?

    This is becoming insane. I say we paint the school buses hot pink, and put disco balls on the front and back.