McDavid Man Caught Red Handed In Kim’s Pharmacy Burglary

September 10, 2011

A McDavid man was busted when he was caught red handed in the act of burglarizing a Cantonment pharmacy.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office received an alarm call at Kim’s Pharmacy near Grocery Advantage on Highway 29 about 1:30 Friday morning. The alarm company was able to hear someone moving inside the business.

Updated: Just released from jail on bond for this burglary, Dunlavy was arrested again Sunday for grand theft. Click here for an update.

When Deputy Sam Shelley arrived moments later, he saw the suspect inside the pharmacy. Additional deputies responded, along with a K-9 unit, and a brief search of the area followed.

Michael Scott Dunlavy, age 23 of Highway 164, surrendered without incident as deputies cleared the building.

“Dunlavy admitted to deputies that he was looking for money or drugs that he could sell for money,” according to Sgt. Mike Ward, public information officer for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. “Due to the quick response, Dunlavy was unable to take any items within the business.” The only damage the pharmacy sustained was to the front door.

Dunlavy was charged with burglary, possession of burglary tools and criminal mischief. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on an $11,000 bond.


38 Responses to “McDavid Man Caught Red Handed In Kim’s Pharmacy Burglary”

  1. sniper on September 12th, 2011 2:36 pm

    You people obviously are missing the point!!!!! If he gets the book thrown at him, his kids will have plenty of taxpayer money feeding them… The guy is a genius and is sacraficing his freedom for them to eat.

  2. Sandra on September 12th, 2011 2:11 pm

    Neil Boortz opined the other day that the reason that the federal government doesnt put alot of money towards our failing public school system is because they truly want the unclean masses to remain dumb. Well, by the looks of some of these comments the government is winning. On a positive note it’s fun and challenging to decypher the sentence fragments and laugh at those who post as if they are texting a” homie”. As for the subject of this article, he has now been caught twice in the last week trying to provide for the litter that he sired by stealing from others. I doubt that he was stealing to provide for them. History and statistics dictate that most criminals commit crimes merely for the benefit of themselves.

  3. Enough Is Enough on September 12th, 2011 1:25 pm

    At ThattGirll:
    Look what we got here! I’m sure your friend Mr. Dunlavy is so sorry and regrets trying to steal merchandise from Walmart now doesn’t he? Just like he was sorry and regretted what he did to Kim’s Pharmacy. He isn’t sorry, he just knows that he is looked at as a complete idiot for getting caught red-handed, not once but twice! There is a reason why the “uptight strangers” on here are on your friends back and that’s because the ” uptight strangers” are sick and tired of people like your ” wannabe thief” of a friend wrecking our communities!!! Maybe instead of going and bailing him out this time, you friends can put your brains together… take that money, invest it wisely, feed the poor kids and leave him in jail where he belongs!

  4. JB133 on September 12th, 2011 12:03 pm

    @ThattGirll he got busted at wal-mart haha are you still sticking to these statements?

  5. Becky on September 12th, 2011 10:09 am

    Yeah…if he was so concerned about feeding all those children he would have robbed a grocery store. He needs to be locked up…..and I hope to God those kids aren’t his.

  6. again on September 11th, 2011 10:30 pm

    just noticed that this kid is back in jail for larceny. perhaps this time he will stay in jail and learn his lesson. he must not regret robbing Kims Pharmacy, because hes right back in jail again for something else. he must not know what a job is and wants to steal and get by life easy unlike normal people who work for a living and work to help their KIDS.!. and from knowing him personally he doesn’t have 7 kids. he has 2.

  7. ThattGirll on September 11th, 2011 10:26 pm

    Ive seen his recordd, and unlikee most of yall I actually know him, I bet every single one of yall thats attacking him for this has a dug addict or theft in your family, so how bout go call themm out on what they do an let him be, he probably feels bad enough, and he has to deal with his family, he doesnt need all these uptight strangers telling him how horrible he iss, cause actually hes a nice sweet guyy, get to know someone before judging themm, cause i aint gunna lie, ive done some shady things that i aint proud of, but everyone hass, youve all broke the law in 1 way or another, you might not know it but you have, soo fix your lives thenn come say something okayy, ?

  8. David Huie Green on September 11th, 2011 10:22 pm

    “Okay Honeslty everyone needs to leave him alone – - – noones perfectt thats what makes upp uniquee,”

    Please forgive us for being so cruelly judgmental of this sweet fellow just trying to help himself to what others earned and didn’t give him.

    Please forgive us for not understanding it is “a mistake” when people plan to break in and steal and to deal drugs. How ignorant of us to call it a willful crime!

    Thank you for giving us the wisdom of Bob Marley to guide us through this life and hurry us into the next. He makes it all okay. We should all adopt his Rastafarian religion with the belief , “Be still, and know that His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is the Almighty.” Like Bob Marley, we should worship the emperor of Ethiopia as God. And we should do like Bob did, ignoring cancer in accordance to his religion until it killed him.

    So if we see someone about to run off a cliff, we should just keep our mouths shut so others can follow him to destruction? After all, none of us is perfect so we should just praise his actions, who are we to point out some things will kill?

    Bless you for making it clear his actions are the fault of the government for not giving him what he wanted so he had to steal it. Shame on them. Shame on us for making him steal by not giving him whatever he “needs”.

    David the remorseful,
    taking guidance from superiors

  9. WOW on September 11th, 2011 10:21 pm

    Look up his record now, he is in jail again for larceny. This should make our justice system open their eyes and have him learn his lesson. Obviously he didn’t regret the pharmacy.

  10. the people defending him on September 11th, 2011 9:53 pm

    this man is now AGAIN in jail being booked as we speak check escambia county inmate search. the judges in this town need to evaluate their decision slowly on people like this and what they are letting stay on our streets, my children have to grow up in this town. isnt there supposed to be a Menace to Society sentence?

  11. mary on September 11th, 2011 6:35 pm

    Of course he regrets doing this..he got caught..he also had burglary tools on him so it must not have been the 1st robbery/break in he has done…& to should have left him in jail & given the money to the kids that need food & shelter…He had that..a roof over his head & 3 meals a day..he darn sure needs that….everyone is going thru tough times But we dont steal…we work & go w/o some things…This I will be watching for his court appearances via clerk of the courts….

  12. mary on September 11th, 2011 6:29 pm

    According to his police records..he is a lil viloent to say the least…he was charged w/altering a prescribtion along w/other charges…@ 23 how/why does he have soo many kids??? & IF he wanted to feed them..why not hit a grocery store?? I say to the judge in this case throws the book @ him & it hits him smack him in the face w/it!!!

  13. hahahahaha on September 11th, 2011 4:34 pm

    not a druggie right?, look at his priors

  14. ThattGirll on September 11th, 2011 4:02 pm

    Okay Honeslty everyone needs to leave him alone, i bet if he was one of your kids and done soemthing like this you would be backin him up 100 % huh, ? Yeah he made a mistake and hes gunna have to live with what he did for the rest of his life, and he doesnt need all yall up tight people putting him downn, i bet if youu met him youd see a diffrent side of him, we all do things we aint proud of, and this was onee, how many people in all of yalls family do drugs, ? i bet every one of yall has quite a few that doo, he wasnt doin it for himself, he was just trying to make money to feed kids, maybe there would be less of this if the goverment actually cared and helped people that needed it, instead of people who dont need it, so get off his back and look at your flaws instead, noones perfectt thats what makes upp uniquee,

    “Don’t you look at me so smug
    And say I’m going bad.
    Who are you to judge me
    And the life that I live?
    I know that I’m not perfect
    And that I don’t claim to be.
    So before you point your fingers,
    Be sure your hands are clean.” Bob Marleyy,

  15. Kim's Pharmacy Employee on September 11th, 2011 3:36 pm

    “Kim, I know your trying to do what’s best for your community by helping those who really need and appreciate you”

    I would just like to say Thank you so much for your concern, several of us will be taking extra measures to keep ourselves safe.

    Michael Dunlavy, If you think that this type of behavior are the correct morals and values to teach your 7 children then you desperatley need to re-evaluate. You need to get a job, more than one if thats what it takes instead of taking from hard working people! I am a single mother of 2 small children, I get up and go to work every morning… and that pharmacy is my lively hood and how I support my family. Regardless of why you really did this let it be a lesson learned, we DO NOT leave things that easily accessible to people like yourself! If you continue down this road your “Full time College Student, in a bad situation” will quickly go to Full time Prison Inmate in a VERY BAD situation!!!

  16. creekbather on September 11th, 2011 2:10 pm

    who robs a drug store without getting drugs? , no one,,,,,,, if in the store long enough they’ll get anything of value… hello?

  17. David Huie Green on September 11th, 2011 8:35 am

    “he wasnt doin it for pills for him so learn to read the article correctly. ”

    You are absolutely right, he said he wasn’t wanting to use dope for personal use, rather that he wanted to be a drug dealer and sell them to others.

    That’s much better? It was good of you to bond him out so he can be back amongst us seeking prey.

    David for honest thieves

  18. Mallory on September 11th, 2011 8:17 am

    Michael Dunlavy i suggest u get a few jobs to take care of you 7 kids. All of us that work at the pharmacy have families to take care of also thats why we get up every morning and go to work…fyi whether u were going in there for drugs or money we keep it all locked up so u will never get anything. Also Kelly if u had the $1100 to bail him out why was he coming to steal from hard working people. Side note- i do not appreciate having to get me, my husband, and my kids up at 2 in the morning to deal with yalls problems!

  19. reallywonders on September 10th, 2011 10:32 pm

    Mr. Dunlavy, honestly, there is no justification for breaking into a business and stealing from that business owner. You may not have realized this, but a lot of people struggle just like you do. They do without, they do with less and they work at making a difficult situation better without breaking the law. Your thinking is flawed in that you felt you had no other choice.
    Here’s your chance to make a better choice. To examine why your life has taken a direction where you have a criminal record. There’s a saying: It’s not what you did, it’s what you do now that matters. Make this right. Make it the wake up call to change your life and become the man you should be. Prove to your family and yourself that you are better than this. It’s never so bad that you can’t change your life for the better. Make better choices.

  20. HUH on September 10th, 2011 10:04 pm

    he regrets what he has done….but look at his record…..seems as though he doesn’t stay in jail long enough to learn his lesson for breaking the law, no matter why he did what he did. people keep bailing him out so he can go do it again. Seems as though the people that keep defending a known criminal need to get a life….faaaar away from him

  21. kelly on September 10th, 2011 8:04 pm

    to terri sanders n other guy

    get a life instead of judging people u dont no n it wasnt mommy n daddy that bonded him out or a crack head it was me. just becauze it was a pharmacy dosent make someone a pill heAD.. When someone is n need badly there gonna make stupid decisions like this one.. he wasnt doin it for pills for him so learn to read the article correctly. it wasnt right what he did and regrets it to the fullest

  22. 429SCJ on September 10th, 2011 7:27 pm

    I never would have imagined that joker was lurking around the 164 area.

  23. Dufus on September 10th, 2011 6:23 pm

    I see 4 felony charges against him. What happened to the 3 times and ur out? I certainly hope ur college education helps u….but honestly….i dont know of anyone that would hire u with ur record… matter how highly educated u may b.

  24. McDavid girl on September 10th, 2011 5:09 pm

    THE GUY LIVED ON HWY 164 IN McDavid, not HWY 168

  25. Business owner on September 10th, 2011 4:28 pm

    Cottage hill girl…..apparently I do know the neighborhood….according to interested. I can and do read

  26. ngd on September 10th, 2011 4:27 pm

    The last time I looked Hwy 168 was not in McDavid, it is more Brat, Walnut Hill or Century…We have enough of our own bad guys don’t give us any more…Just saying

  27. David Huie Green on September 10th, 2011 3:48 pm

    ” ima full time colllege student in a bad situation”

    Seems to have had a number of bad situations over the years

    David for not stealing from others

  28. David Huie Green on September 10th, 2011 3:40 pm

    “more than likely Mom and Dad posted the $ 110.00 bond ”

    Methinks ‘twould be $1,100 non-refundable but, sadly, I don’t have experience with such.

    David for bondsmen

  29. michael dunlavy on September 10th, 2011 2:30 pm

    ok you guy im the one that tried to rob the place i did it for money not drugs read the story ive never smoke crack ever and i highly regret wat i did we have 7 kids in house and no help at all it was very wrongwhat i did nd i apologize to KIM n all i am not a druggie ima full time colllege student in a bad situation thanks…

  30. steve on September 10th, 2011 1:01 pm

    leave the kid alone he just needed three or four bottles im sure he wouldn’t have taken it all……………..

  31. Interested on September 10th, 2011 12:00 pm

    I hope this guy goes to jail long enough to learn a valuable lesson, but
    I seriously doubt he will learn anything but how to be more careful next time.

    Mc David Is not that far away.
    that parking lot has been dangerous before. This is not the first time something
    has happened there. There are also robberies and home invasions constantly
    in this whole area, seriously. Most business owners around here and home
    owners are armed for that very reason, and they take their guns everywhere,
    even to the Outlet.

    That was a very nice comment from you business owner.

  32. Terri Sanders on September 10th, 2011 10:52 am

    .more than likely Mom and Dad posted the $ 110.00 bond for him! or some of his crackhead friends!

  33. Cottage Hill Girl on September 10th, 2011 9:36 am

    @Business owner,
    I live in this neighborhood and I don’t know what you’re talking about!!!! Seriously, that parking lot is one of the safest places I know. I am absolutely astounded to hear such idiocy from someone who obviously isn’t from here. You’re basing things on appearances and, fyi, appearances can be and often are, deceiving! Kim is an awesome and well respected woman in this area. Nobody would mess with her anyway unless……it’s someone who isn’t from here. Wow, ya know what? This guy wasn’t from here, he was from McDavid!
    Go talk about your own neighborhood since you obviously don’t know ours.

  34. Michelle on September 10th, 2011 9:31 am

    Unbeweavable, I’m not sure how to take your comment. Are you saying next time he tries to rob Kim, you hope he will be successful??

    For punishment how about make him wear a sign saying “Sorry, I’m a thief” and make him stand outside for the day opening the door for customers.

    Tax payers wouldn’t have to pay for meals or a bed for him in jail. Win Win !!

  35. whitepunknotondope on September 10th, 2011 9:06 am

    Read this story, it will tell you a lot about the state of the law in this country pertaining to matters such as this:

    There was a pharmacist in Myrtle Grove many years ago who shot and killed an armed robber as he was fleeing the store. He was congratulated by the cops and never faced a charge. He was also never robbed again. We need to bring those days back. District Attorneys are nothing more than snakes at the guvmint’s teat.

  36. business owner on September 10th, 2011 8:45 am

    Kim, I know your trying to do what’s best for your community by helping those who really need and appreciate you……PLEASE be careful. I am a female business owner too and sometimes i wonder if it’s really worth it. I am concerned for you and your staff in that area with all these drug heads running around trying to take what you have worked so hard for. please be acreful going out to your cars in that parking lot. I buy groceries there and I am always leary of walking to my car and I always make sure i leave that area before dark and keep my doors locked. Best wishes to you! HE NEEDS TO GO GET A JOB AND A LIFE! INSTEAD OF TAKING WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS WORKED FOR!

  37. unbeweavable on September 10th, 2011 7:57 am

    …better luck next time, kid.

  38. geez on September 10th, 2011 3:03 am

    Geez the money he got bonded with could of been used for what reasoning on burglurizing the place for….”drugs or money for it” instead of robbing the place…..”dummy”…he should of stayed in jail and learned his lesson.