Need An Escambia County School Supply List?

August 19, 2011

School starts Monday, August 22 in Escambia County. Here are the  school supply lists from each elementary school and middle school in the county.

(High schools typically do not have a general supply list. Students are advised of their supply needs in each class.)

North Escambia Area Schools:

Complete Escambia County Lists:




2 Responses to “Need An Escambia County School Supply List?”

  1. jeeperman on August 23rd, 2011 1:30 pm

    If each grade supposedly teaches the same stuff, why then is there such a difference of supplies required from school to school ???

  2. dgh on August 19th, 2011 1:06 pm

    To anyone or business cleaning out desks or closets: I suggest any notebooks, clean paper, etc. might be suitable for donation to your local school. We have donated binders with had vendor data in them, vellum drawing paper of a size we no longer use, etc to local schools up here in NC and the teachers are always glad to get whatever they can from us.