Reward Now At $3,000 In Pregnant Cow Strangulation Case

July 18, 2011

The reward has been increased again in the Memorial Day strangulation of a pregnant cow in Enon, with two groups now offering a total of $3,000.

The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­the cow’s death. The Junior Humane Society is now offering an additional $500 reward.

“This is an example of depraved indifference to the suffering of living creatures,”” said Frankie Van Horn Harris, director of the Junior Humane Society. “If the person is not apprehended, he may decide to mutilate a child next time.”

The owner of the pet Jersey cow found the animal dead in a pasture just behind his house on Highway 97-A Memorial Day morning as he checked on his animals. Thin twine — often called grass string –  had been tied several times around the cow’s neck and had apparently strangled the animal as it was dragged through the pasture. The cow was found on its side, with its head upside down and its horns pushed several inches into the dirt.

Authorities suspect the death could have results from a prank gone wrong since school was about to end and the cow’s owner is a school bus driver.

“Viciously killing a pregnant cow for an apparent prank is an inexcusably cruel crime and anyone who would do that can be capable of hurting people, too,” said Jennifer Hobgood, Florida state director for The Humane Society of the United States.  “We hope our reward helps bring justice in this horrible case.”

For more photos, click here. (Warning: Some readers may find the photos disturbing.)

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Investigator Frank Way at (850) 256-6196.

Pictured: An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office crime scene investigator photographs a pregnant cow that was apparently strangled to death in Enon. exclusive photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Reward Now At $3,000 In Pregnant Cow Strangulation Case”

  1. Observing Still on July 19th, 2011 11:03 am

    If you refer back to the original article, I made comments that were responded to by “bdh”. First, I don’t know who you think I am, but obviously you (bdh)are mistaken. I’m not a ‘roper’ or cowboy, etc. I used to farm, raise cattle & horses.

    I still stand by my prior observations in reference to this story. I haven’t seen any pics that showed marks on the cow’s hide (facing the ground) reflecting she had, in fact, been dragged. That’s not to say, they weren’t there. If she was dragged on her side, while still on her feet, etc., there would be physical & visual evidence of it. I’ve seen animals’ hides that have been dragged across a pasture to be buried (they were already dead) & it leaves a mark. There should have been some serious evidence in the pasture of tire tracks, drag marks from her hooves, large tracks of flattened grass, etc. Cows don’t usually lead very well for any length of time, especially, in an open pasture. (I know they lead fairly well in arenas for showing, so save your breath).

    Understand, I’m not being insensitive to this animal’s demise. I am very much an animal advocate! I do not tolerate cruelty in any shape, form, or fashion. I just think people have a tendency to jump to conclusions awefully quick based on little information.
    I know some people that were accused of animal cruelty. When it all came out in the wash, they were legally protecting their livestock. Even the cops jumped on the ‘cruelty bandwagon’. The livestock owners went through public humiliation & spent thousands of $$$ to clear their name. There was never any kind of follow-up story or public apology by anyone. Those folks didn’t deserve the treatment they received. I never knew of them raising a hand to their animals, but that didn’t matter at the time.
    Keep jumping to conclusions, People!!!! You won’t like it when you’re being accused of something that didn’t happen as it appears to others.

    To ‘Polythenepam: I do understand where you’re coming from.

  2. Kay on July 19th, 2011 8:11 am

    . Thin twine — often called grass string – had been tied several times around the cow’s neck and had apparently strangled the animal as it was dragged through the pasture. The cow was found on its side, with its head upside down and its horns pushed several inches into the dirt.

    . This is what was found by investigators. They were at the scene and it
    says nothing about anyone being paranoid. There were probably long
    tire tracks or things they are not telling so as not to reveal things they know and
    are trying to track down.
    I don’t feel this would be a prank, as a prank is usually funny.
    There is nothing funny about what was done here.

  3. Polythenepam on July 19th, 2011 8:06 am

    Sorry to confuse. Its an old joke. One could be paranoid AND also have someone out to get them. Hence the joke just because you are a paranoid person there is also a chance that besides the problem of being paranoid you ALSO have the problem that someone is out to get you. As opposed to maybe one is ONLY paranoid and no one is out to get them. oh well nevermind…..

    .Back to the dragging….maybe it was UFO’s……

  4. Just had to interject... on July 18th, 2011 9:42 pm

    “Just because you are paranoid and think someone is after you or your cows doesn’t mean that they aren’t.”

    Seems to me that you are saying here that the person is not paranoid. When you say “doesn’t mean that they aren’t”, didn’t you mean “doesn’t mean that they are?”

    To complete the sentence, would be “doesn’t mean that they aren’t after you or your cows” instead of “doesn’t that mean that they are after you or your cows?”

    just noticing

  5. Polythenepam on July 18th, 2011 1:57 pm

    >tim, sorry the article does not reference tire tracks or four wheelers, it does not reference foot tracks or anything to imply such other than the statement of “dragged” so what part of the word “tangled” , don’t you understand? Or the phrase “death throes”, which could be construed as drag marks with the poor cow ending up with horns stuck in the dirt as she thrashed and fought for her life Personally I’m all for exact details in reporting, except where not revealing a certain point will be the pivotal fact to convict. As I stated before; Just because you are paranoid and think someone is after you or your cows doesn’t mean that they aren’t. But then again maybe the persons involved are just paranoid.

    Anytime something happens that is dubious, people love to jump to the worst conclusions. Another thing , if you pay someone enough money,or give them some other incentive, they will say anything about anyone. That was evident at the Salem Witch Trials where hate was the motivater, and with Judas when he recieved his 30 pieces of silver. 3000 dollars is alot of money to get some kid to point a finger at someone they just don’t like……
    This subject needs to be dropped and cattlemen need to be reminded of proper care and attention to their animals. The 3000 dollars could be better spent else where. Its only 200 for infrared cameras that could have caught the whole incident on film. Then we would know for sure who did what.

  6. Tim on July 18th, 2011 10:11 am

    @ Polythenepam.

    What part of tied multiple times and “dragged” don’t you understand. The cow did not get tangled in a fence and drop dead from strangulation. Instead it was tied up and dragged. More than likely was some teenagers on a 4-wheeler or in a truck.

  7. Polythenepam on July 18th, 2011 8:28 am

    Have you ever tried wrapping some twine around your hand to pull something as heavy as a cow? In all probability it would hurt too much to pull that much weight across a field. The Cattlemans hand book available on line says you must pick up your twine or the cows will get tangled in it and come to a bad end. Your pasture should be kept free of all debris or the cows will climb on it etc. and be hurt. I think you are searching for a non existent criminal other than neglect or over sight of the elusive piece of twine that caused a cows death.

    Just because you are paranoid and think someone is after you or your cows doesn’t mean that they aren’t.

  8. csi on July 18th, 2011 7:50 am

    have they checked on there neighbor that got arrested for horse abuse.