Rep. Evers, All For One Comment On Government Consolidation

January 7, 2009

State Representative Greg Evers says he is not necessarily against consolidating government in Escambia County, he’s just against the way that Escambia All For One went about getting support from Century, Pensacola and Escambia County for their cause. And a co-chairman of All For One says his group will continue to work with Evers and the legislature to bring the plan to the voters.

Escambia All For One presented resolutions to the Town of Century, Escambia County and the City of Pensacola. In the case of Century, the resolution written by the group was presented to the council at their December 1 meeting, and they were told that they needed to sign the resolution that night because it was to be presented the local legislative delegation on December 8. For Evers, that was just not enough time for the Century council to understand what they were supporting.

evers.jpg“It’s not the consolidation that I am against,” Evers (pictured left) told Wednesday morning, “it’s the method that was used to get to this point.”

When the Century Town Council rescinded their support for Escambia All For One’s plan to consolidate Escambia County government, Century Mayor Freddie McCall cited conversations that he had with  Evers as a reason for withdrawing support. Read that story here.

Scott Remington, co-chairman of Escambia All for One, just wishes that someone from Century’s government had called the group prior to the town pulling their support for the project.

“If someone from Century had called us with their concerns,” Remington said, “we could have cleared up any misunderstanding. But no one called. When the county had questions, Bob McLaughlin (county administrator) called us and we cleared up any ambiguity.”

Evers said he had individual conversations with each member of the Century council, as well as each Escambia County commissioner and felt that none had adequate time to look at the resolution, which essentially called for the formation of a committee to draft legislation to be presented to Escambia voters. And that’s where Evers has another problem with Escambia All For One.

“There was no oversight from the legislature in this,” he said. “The committee would write the charter, take it to the referendum and all the way to the governor for his signature without any oversight at all.”

But Evers said All For One is now willing to, and taking steps to, correct that issue.

“The representative  and our group are on the same page and working toward the same goals,” Remington told shortly after Escambia All For One held telephone conversations with Evers Wednesday morning. “I’ve got a lot of faith in Greg.”

The Baker Republican admits that he’s working for special interests in dealing with the possibility of consolidated government in Escambia County.

“They say I am working for special interests, and I am,” Evers said. “I am working for the citizens of Escambia County. I am not trying to torpedo anything. There are just folks on the left and folks on the right, and I am trying to find the middle.”

Evers said he and his staff are in the process of meeting with Escambia All For One and working an agreement that he said will be “equitable” to everyone.

“I’m an optimist,” Remington said. “We are going to move forward.”

“Ultimately, the folks in Escambia County will decide this issue,” Evers said.


9 Responses to “Rep. Evers, All For One Comment On Government Consolidation”

  1. bob hudson on January 9th, 2009 10:40 am

    Well Sorry you feel that way Chuck. They need us for Funding all their little tourism projects. They need us to fund their transit , They need us to help fund the maritime park. which is in a fema declared flood zone on the water front of a hurricanne prone city. The PNJ states, if youcan believe them ,that ever one is moveing out of the city. They need a new tax base.

  2. Chuck on January 8th, 2009 5:56 pm

    Yes bob, the City of Pensacola is so broke that they have been fully funding a paid fire department since 1898. The police department boasts a lower crime rate than the county and over all they provide far better services than the county or the Town of Century. Oh, but let’s not forget that they are broke and need the good people of Century and Escambia county to bail them out. ROFLMAO

  3. Jason Crawford on January 7th, 2009 5:22 pm

    Mr. Hudson, it sounds like you an me would get along great. I’ve been beating the drum of transparency and inclusiveness for the past year. I have a distribution list of over 100 members who have supported our cause that I can share with you and the world. We are working on public list where people can go on our website and register their name as a supporter. If you would like me to send you that list the email me at Sorry that list is not on the website yet, we are working on that and a research page to make our research avaiable for folks to download.

  4. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 2:57 pm

    So who are they? And why are they not listed on your website?

  5. John Peacock on January 7th, 2009 2:47 pm

    Mr. Hudson, would love to meet with you and others to discuss. I think that would be more efficient however, there is no shroud of secrecy, there is no membership list. There are 50 or so folks from all walks of life that have met periodically at highly publicized meetings to discuss these issues and concerns in a public forum. It is disapointing although understandable that you don’t by the “concerned citizen” as a legitimate reason for involvement. I do believe that until proven otherwise many people have pure motives to make things better in our community. I always start with that premise. The All for One group wants more involvement from anyone and everyone that wants to help and be involved. Those of us that are currently involved don’t agree on all aspects, however as a group (wisdom of the crowds), we will build a better system. Ultimately the community will decide however

  6. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 1:13 pm

    Thank you, Mr. Peacock for pointing out that facts need to be made known. Please inform me and others reading this the following information:
    Who are the members of Escambia All for One that are driving this consolidated government initiative? (They are NOT listed on their website!)
    How will diluted government representation benefit the majority of the residents of our county? In other words, how has more government ever been the more economical & effecient solution for financial growth?

    My concern is for a transparent government that voices the people it represents and doesn’t allow a “quiet revolution” by the “civic elites” as stated in the materials referred to in the minutes dated December 14, 2007 and signed by Scott A. Remington regarding consolidated government issues documenting the trip to Jacksonville, FL that you made. My intent is not “stoking fear” as you say but, to pierce the veil of secrecy and ambiguity that surrounds this “elite” group and their actions. These are some of the reasons why I question the motives of Escambia All For One.

  7. John Peacock on January 7th, 2009 11:00 am

    Mr. Hudson, all I can say is that is not how it works. Stoking fears instead of investigation facts, being part of the solution instead of part of the problem, is exactly why Escambia County is in the situation it is in. Please take the time to get involved and find out the facts. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

  8. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 10:30 am

    Pensacola is broke and needs a cash cow. If we become city residents we will be tax the same ,and never get the services that we are paying for. Who wants to help pay for a maritime park.?

  9. Jay on January 7th, 2009 10:17 am

    Combine like city and county services, yes. Consolidate to a charter government, NO!