Century Withdraws Support For Government Merger

January 7, 2009

The Town of Century has withdrawn its support for a plan to consolidate Century, Pensacola and Escambia County under one unified government, with council members saying that they were misled by the group  Escambia All For One.

In December, the Century Town Council approved a resolution identical to resolutions passed recently by Escambia County and the City of Pensacola that simply says that Century supports moving forward in exploring the governmental consolidation sought by  Escambia All For One. But the council has now rescinded that resolution on a recommendation from Mayor Freddie McCall.

McCall said he recommended the council withdraw its support for the consolidation plan after talking with State Representative Greg Evers. Evers did not support the pro-consolidation resolutions at a legislative delegation meeting in December.

“Greg said as soon as we make up our mind to call him,” McCall told the council, saying that he was led to believe that Century was just asking for a committee, not for a policy.

“You don’t know what you will be voting on,” McCall told the council.

Members of Escambia All For One, the group pushing for the consolidated government, made a presentation to the council on December 1.

“It lets the legislature know that you are in favor of moving to the next step,” Scott Remington (pictured left), co-chairman of Escambia All For One, told the council in early December. That next step involves a presentation to the county’s state legislative delegation on December 8. They’ll ask the state legislators to support a bill to form a commission to draft a consolidated government charter. That charter would then be a presented to Escambia County voters. At that point, voters in Century would decide if they wanted to keep Century’s town council government or become part of the consolidated Pensacola-Escambia County.

“This is not an endorsement of consolidation,” Remington told the council as they considered the resolution. He also told them that they would have no expenses involved with the resolution.

“The man misled us when I asked him if he wanted money from us,” Council member Nadine McCaw said. “He flat out misled us that he’s not going to ask for money.”

Jason Crawford (pictured left), co-chairman of Escambia All For One, told NorthEscambia.com that his group did not mislead the Century council, and he stressed that the resolution Century passed was identical to the resolutions passed by Pensacola and Escambia County.

“It’s ashamed that the council did this without contacting us first,” he said. “It seems pretty hasty. Nobody from Century, the council, the mayor, no one contacted us.”

“We are not even pushing for Century to be a part of it,” Crawford said. “I’m not convinced that Century needs to dissolve or not. They don’t need to get defensive.”

Crawford said Evers sent him an email Monday that he would support the local legislative delegation meeting for a re-draft of the bill.

“He’s going behind our backs if he is why Century did this,” Crawford said. “If that’s the case, he’s trying to roadblock the whole thing.”

NorthEscambia.com was unable to contact Evers Tuesday night prior to this story’s publication early Wednesday morning. We did subsequently speak with Evers Wednesday morning, and we have his comments in a separate article that you can read by clicking here.

Crawford said that Escambia All For One’s efforts for a consolidated government would continue, with or without Century.  “We don’t have to have the support of Century,” he said.

“We are not involved in politics; we are trying to do this the right way. There’s not personal interest or personal gain here,” he said.


37 Responses to “Century Withdraws Support For Government Merger”

  1. Jason Crawford on January 14th, 2009 1:40 pm

    You are confusing Charter Government with Consolidated Government. The only time Consolidated Government was voted on in Escambia County was in 1970. I would have also voted against charter government because it did not save money, reduce government, or eliminate duplication of services. What we are wanting to study (again this is a 1 1/2 year long process) is how consolidating governments can reduce taxes, create less bureaucracy, and more economic freedom for business.

    The only special interest that I have is for responsible government. I’m tired of the complaints about how our county and city are spending too much money, and we’re paying too much taxes, and there is duplication of services, and there is no accountability to the county residents, etc… If you’re tired of all that crap and you want this area to improve… “We the Citizens” you, me, your neighbor, we all have to come together to make the proper changes. Don’t just sit there and complain.

    We are working with Rep. Evers to create the most inclusive process we can. This is not a downtown effort or a special interest group, this is an opportunity for improvement. I hope you continue to show interest and ensure that this change is good for you and your neighbors. I’ll post upcoming meeting on this site to make sure you have the chance to attend and be involved.

    God Bless

  2. Pep on January 12th, 2009 6:24 pm

    Apparently everone is concerned only with what the impact of consolidation will be on the citizens of the Town Of Century. There are thousands of citizens living in the county between the city of Pensacola and the city of Century. These people will also pay for the wasteful spending of the select few in Pensacola, the same as the citizens of Century. This is the third or fourth time since I have become voting age, that this issue has been voted down. How many times do we have to say NO!!! before the special interest groups listen?? Too much MONEY involved.

  3. Jason Crawford on January 11th, 2009 3:39 pm

    I have folks working to list supporters on our website. Hopefully it will be up soon. I’ll post on here to let you know when it’s up.

  4. bob hudson on January 9th, 2009 10:24 am

    Who are the members of Escambia All For one. They need to be posted on their Website. Members go a long way toward the intent of the group.Get’m Greg at least some one is watching out for us.

  5. Jason Crawford on January 8th, 2009 10:50 pm

    So, if you agree that there is room for improvement in our local government then let’s improve it. Be openminded and lets see if unified government can help.

  6. Jason Crawford on January 8th, 2009 10:39 pm

    Concern: When organizations speak for me or others in our county without really asking for our input.
    Response: I think you are referring to the Vision 2020 statement on our website. That is used as a framework to start discussing what we the citizens might expect out of this new government. Think about a clean sheet of paper and what you expect of your government. What we have there is a discussion item of what might be possible. Would you agree that those things are important? Is there something else you would like to see? Over the next 18 months these are the considerations that need to be made.

  7. Jason Crawford on January 8th, 2009 10:20 pm

    Q: Did the members of Escambia All for One go to the citizens of Escambia County to ask for their input at any public forums?
    A: Yes, but not as much as we would have liked. We have to continue to create opportunities for citizens to discuss this topic. Since June we have held open meetings at New World Landing. Our advertising was not great to begin with but by October they were noticed and covered by most media. The first presentation we gave to ANYONE was to the Century City Council on August 4th. We then made it to a few rotary clubs, a coffee meeting in Perdido Key, the Retiree Association of Internation Paper, and multiple radio shows. Then on Oct 8th we hosted three representatives from Jacksonville to share “The Jacksonville Story.” We held two open advertised sessions that day which were aired multiple times on WSRE. You can find a clip from Ch 3 on our website http://www.escambiaallforone.com under resources. All elected officials in this county have know about this cause since August and we’ve been working hard to get out to the people. We need to host a meeting in the north end. Anyone willing to help with venue and invitations?

  8. Jason Crawford on January 8th, 2009 9:14 pm

    These are valid questions and questions that you should be asking. I’ll try to help answer a few.
    Q: Is Escambia All For One trying to do a study or have a vote?
    A: Both. Start with a Study that examines the pros and cons of a Unified Government and during that process engage all communities in this county (not just the north end, but also the west side, perdido key, the beach, nine mile rd area, the minorities, the retirees). That process will take 1 1/2 years and the only way it will work is to be inclusive and transparent. Then based on that information write a new constitution that the citizens can vote on in the November 2010 election.

  9. Trish on January 8th, 2009 5:07 pm

    I have a question???? Is Escambia All For One wanting to do a Study (per comment from Jason Crawford) or, have the legislature sponsor a bill for people to vote yea or nay on (per comment from John Peacock)? Which one of you are correct? You are talking about two different things. Are you telling us that you just want to have a study done so that we can see what the benefits would be or are you trying to get the legislature to put it on the ballot for people to vote on before they really know what the pros and cons are? If both of you are with All For One and one of you say one thing and the other person something else then why shouldn’t we question what is going on. Maybe that is why Century changed their mind. Maybe they caught the discrepancy before the City of Pensacola or Escambia County did. If that is the case then gee, north end residents (whether they be from Century, McDavid, Molino or Cantonment) may not be such uneducated, redneck, backward individuals after all!

  10. Chuck on January 8th, 2009 7:33 am

    Mr. Hudson; shame on you for insinuating that these individuals are not trustworthy. They simply went on a fact finding mission to explore possibilities, does that cast suspicion on them or make them untrustworthy? I think not.

  11. Jerry Marbut on January 8th, 2009 7:26 am

    Reply to Bob Hudson. Since you know the answer to the first question, do you know the answer to the Second question, did Escambia All for One go the citizens of Escambia County to ask for their input at any public forums before going to the City of Pensacola, Escambia County Commissioners and the City of Century Council and Mayor? If so, please provide the dates of these public forums, past or future.

    And the answer to the Third question, how large is the membership of Escambia All for One from citizens from Escambia County? The 2006 census has the population of Escambia County at 295,426. The website for Escambia All for One begins “On behalf othe citizens of Escambia County.” I would like to know how many members belong to this group, if you know. I am concerned when organizations speak for me or others in our county without really asking for our input.

  12. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 9:55 pm

    REply to Chuck Shame on me for what?? For letting every one know who went on the trip?

  13. Chris Maloney on January 7th, 2009 9:18 pm

    With the current economy trend Pensacola is going to turn into a ghetto just like Century. What is the poverty rate in Century? I know it used to be 60%. Besides what is wrong with having a nice baseball field/multi-use complex to go visit in downtown Pensacola on occasion? That complex very well could help keep the economy going in Pensacola. If Pensacola’s economy keeps going then people will still stop in Century for gas & burgers.

    As Century is now, what benefits do they get from the county? If the government merger does happen without Century and they have to ask the unified government for benefits (money or whatever). How do you think they will answer?


    For those of you against the merger of governments, do you want to see the Town of Century grow & how do you expect this to happen?

    For those of you for the merger of governments how will this benefit the Town of Century and its surrounds.

  14. Pep on January 7th, 2009 8:04 pm

    Sounds like the same ole political machine to me. Lets build Mr Studer and his cronies a multi use stadium–aka baseball field at the maritime park–aka baseball field. If it looks like a baseball field -Home base, first base, second base, third base, home plate, IT IS A BASEBALL FIELD!! Not a multi use stadium. This is just one of the lies these people in downtown PCola tell. They want our tax dollars to support their rich friends in Gulf Breeze and PCola.

  15. Chuck on January 7th, 2009 7:09 pm

    Mr Hudson, if you are to have us believe that the below named gentlemen are anything but trustworhty please do tell us why, otherwise shame on you sir.

  16. F. Sutton on January 7th, 2009 5:32 pm

    This reminds me of the time several years ago when the county gave the city of Pensacola “left over road money” to build a tugboat dock. Stay independent Century and run the carpetbaggers back to Pensacola!

  17. Jessie on January 7th, 2009 4:11 pm

    Century Florida is a big joke. It is a good ol’boy program that has went on for years. Nothing good has come out of any mayor in century for years. Its the same ol crap term after term. It seems like if your not in the century click, your nothing. I am for the consolidation of government. What could happen? It cant get any worse than it has for the past 30 years. The good ol’ boy mayors club needs to be halted.

  18. Chris Maloney on January 7th, 2009 3:36 pm

    please tell me whats actually going right with the Town of Century? The only bad thing that can happen here is if nothing happens. I’d love to move back to the north end of the county and away from Pensacola. I don’t know why there isn’t a walmart anywhere near Century but you know your town is going down hill when you have to drive 25+ miles to your nearest walmart super center. I just think something needs to happen to Century. I’m 100% sure it wont make the town any worse.

  19. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 3:22 pm

    Reply to Jerry Marbut. Ellis W.Bullok, Mort O Sullivan, Lois Benson , John Peacock , Scott Remington, Joe Gilchrest, Dick Appleyard Jason Crawford, Dick Baker, John Daniel and Gene Valentino. This is the list that went on the trip. You decide who you want to trust.

  20. Jerry Marbut on January 7th, 2009 2:49 pm

    I went to the Escambia All for One website and read with interest what this group has to say. I have a few questions. First, when the several citizens went to Jacksonville in 2007, who were these citizens? Second, did Escambia All for One go the citizens of Escambia County to ask for their input at any public forums before going to the City of Pensacola, Escambia County Commissioners and the City of Century Council and Mayor? Third, how large is the membership of Escambia All for One from citizens from Escambia County?

  21. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 1:56 pm

    Who are the members of Escambia All For One? Membership goes a long way toward the intent of the qroup. Sorry I do not buy the (concerned citizen) bit.More government will not improve your voice in government.

  22. John Peacock on January 7th, 2009 11:30 am

    Nikki, yes I have been working on reforming local government for several years and am currently involved with the All for One effort. I believe this area has the potential to do much more for its citizens. The current form of government does not promote or enable leadership but instead stifles it. We deserve better. What we deserve more than anything is the ability to discuss, debate and ultimately vote on how we are to be governed. That is what this effort is all about.

  23. Nikki on January 7th, 2009 11:17 am

    Mr. Peacock — are you part of All for one, or who are you, sir? just trying to understand why you are passing out your phone number.

  24. John Peacock on January 7th, 2009 10:57 am

    Jay and others, great questions. Please call me at 712-7466 or email johnpeacock@cox.net and we can discuss. I look forward to it

  25. Jason Crawford on January 7th, 2009 10:42 am

    I understand that it is hard to believe that someone would be interested in spending time working on a way to improve government without having something personal to gain. The reason I’m even involved in this is because I hear what you keep complaining about. The county resident is watching its tax dollars go downtown, you have week representation because you only elect one commissioner, you don’t see improvements, so why not study another way. We still have 1 ½ years of work to do to understand how this change could benefit this county. Look I served 8 years in the Army Infantry 1 ½ in combat fighting for the democracy that we enjoy. I’m not just going to live here, sit back, do nothing, and continue to be one of the worst counties in the State of Florida. I believe in preserving our values and way of life, but it would be nice if our kids (my future kids) had a place to work, better schools, and lower taxes. There is a Better Way!

    Oh, and please don’t mistake my independence. I look forward to meeting all of you at future forums in the North End of this county. Stay open-minded, give us the benefit of the doubt, and let’s talk about what’s possible. My cell # is 341-3971 if you would like to discuss any of your concerns personally.

  26. Jay on January 7th, 2009 10:26 am

    Mr. Peacock, just how would your super mayor prevent an independent government agency (i.e., school board) from closing a school?

  27. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 10:21 am

    So who is behind or in the group that is Esacmbia All for One?

  28. William on January 7th, 2009 10:20 am

    I’d like to point out that we talked to Evers this morning and added his comments in another article here:


    There are also additional comments from All For One in that story.

  29. John Peacock on January 7th, 2009 9:48 am

    Mr. Hudson,

    You are uninformed. Your accusations of railroading are false. If you want the facts please email me and I will be more than happy to discuss the facts with you. I am a county resident. I don’t want to take on the pension obligations and the existing liabilities of other entities either. There are ways to effectively deal with all those issues. The ONLY thing that the ALL for ONE group was asking for was for the legislature to sponsor a bill that would create the Consolidation commission comprised of citizens from the county, pensacola, and century. That commission would create a form of government that the citizens (all of them) would vote on. There are some entrenched interests that don’t want change and would prefer the citizens not have a chance to vote. The recent Mason-Dixon poll is fairly clear that citizens want change. The All for One group is attempting to create a vehicle for that potential to occur.

  30. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 9:27 am

    lessons from 35 years of consolidated government attempts by Suzzanne M Leland is a manifesto that is given to group like Escambia All For One on how to sneek in this type of government. I would much rather take the word of Greg Evers than a group that elects a spoke person and perfers to remain anonymous.Pensacola can not manage its on affairs much less any thing like the county. IF they want to grow.. ANNEX. Non-working port and a desire for only for tourism and poor management does not quaitfy the city to run the county. Consolidated government only dilutes our voice in government.

  31. Taxpayer2 on January 7th, 2009 8:57 am

    Mr. Hudson and Others……PLEASE look around the town of Century…That Community is the short end of the stick! Everybody always wants to control there on piece of the pie! “0″ growth in 30 years………..but some like it that way…and that’s O.K. just state it up front!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 8:53 am

    lessons from 35 years of consolidated government attempts By Suzanne M. Leland is a manifesto that is given to groups like escambia all for one on how to sneek in consolidated government. It was given to those who went to ( so call) look at this type of government. Does any one believe that a so call strong major in pensacola could run the county? As new city reidents, if it were to pass , why we could foot all the new tourium idea’s that the city has. Pensacola can’t even manage the port!! I would much rather take Greg Ever’s word Over a group that elects a spoke person, and perfers to stay anonymous. EAFO was caught trying to railraod something thru. Pensacola needs to ANNEX if it want to grow. It’s like they say. You need to walk before you run.

  33. John Peacock on January 7th, 2009 8:25 am

    Please educate yourselves on the benefits for ALL that come with consolidated government. Just one example. A consolidate government that had a Mayor would NEVER let the Century elementary school close. From the school boards standpoint that might make sense, however from a ciy/county/economic development standpoint this is a disastrous decision. The folks in the north end of the county currently have one commissioner representing their interests. It takes 3 of 5 commissioners to get anything done. Consolidated government would provide additional representation and accountability. This community, the entire community, will not progress and our children and grandchildren will continue to have to move away to find employment. We have an abundance of resources in this community however as many leaders of other communities have said we are “willfully poor” because we do nothing with those resources. I would be more than happy to discuss this effort with anyone that is willing to have an unemotional dialouge. Fee free to email me and we can set up a time to discuss this issue. My email address is johnpeacock@cox.net. Thanks

  34. bmb on January 7th, 2009 8:05 am

    Lots of old sayings come to mind when dealing with dishonest people. First and foremost is the old saying–”if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.” Logically thinking, which government is never about, WHY would someone want something that has more than it’s share of its own problems??? Maybe a hidden agenda. Think about what they don’t have and then do the math and figure it out, just like oil, water will one day be the bargaining chip. Protect your community by educating yourself with facts, not just heresay or gossip.

  35. Nikki on January 7th, 2009 7:05 am

    I’m glad century finally did something smart. they did not need to vote for this the first time. too bad it took greg evers to stop them. I guess he’s got century on a string like a puppet. evers is not looking out for century.evers is lookin out for himeself. he wants to run for senate. somebody needs to get rid of century anywahy. its a circus.

  36. David J on January 7th, 2009 6:53 am

    How come their is no mention of money other than Ms. Mccaw, saying they were lied to. I would like to know who asked for money?

  37. bob hudson on January 7th, 2009 6:35 am

    Greg ever’s did the right thing by putting the brake’s on escambia all for one. Who is behind escambia all for one? Who are these fine people that crawford and remington represent?They are trying to railroad this thing thru just like they did in Jacksonville. I know they hold the meeting’s at new world landing. Sounds downtown crowd to me. IF pensacola wants to grow they need to ANNEX. I hope that ever one in the county knows that if consolidated govenrment goes thru, and if they build the mairtime park, When it gets destoryed as the new (City Residents) we will be picking up the tab. The city cannot even manage it’s own affairs, much less the county’s. Strong major+ greedy down town crowd = The rest of the county get’s the short end of the stick.