Century’s Next Mayor Ben Boutwell Is Ready To Get To Work

February 13, 2025

“It’s time to get this town prospering.”

That’s what Ben Boutwell said Wednesday afternoon after learning that he will be the next mayor of Century — his second time in the town’s top office.

Boutwell was automatically elected as the only candidate to qualify for a special election that includes the mayor’s seat. He will be sworn into office in early May.

He said he will soon be working hard during the transition period back into office.

“I will see what’s going on and what they have been working on since I’ve been gone and see how we can move forward,” he said. “I’ll go into the office next week and meet the new employees, sit down with Alicia (Johnson, the interim mayor), go over things and meet Mr. Brown (Howard Brown, the interim town manager). I’m excited about the things to come.”

Boutwell defeated incumbent Henry Hawkins for mayor during the 2020 elections before resigning in August 2023 after tumultuous period with the town council, particularly then council president Luis Gomez, Jr. Gomez ran unopposed again in 2024 but resigned for medical reasons at the first meeting of his term in January 2025. Seat 4 on the council was left open in early January when Alicia Johnson was appointed interim mayor to replace Gomez.

During Boutwell’s turn, the town received over $25 million grants and funding allocations for infrastructure improvements and quality of life projects.

Century then lost millions of those grants during Gomez’s term, but Boutwell said he is looking forward to once again working with state and county leaders.

“I will work however I can to partner with the county and state for the town,” he said. “I am excited about that park of it, going to the next level on economic development.”

Also during his term, 50-year-old Brazilian manufacturing company Algaplast signed a lease on a town-owned Century Industrial Park in May 2023. The company invested $2.5 million in their Century facility that officially opened in January 2025 with about five employees. The next week, they announced plans for a $1.6 million expansion with an estimated 10 additional full-time jobs.

Picture top: Former, and future, Century Mayor Ben Boutwell outside the town-owned industrial building has seen millions invested and now houses the American arm of an established Brazilian manufacturing company. Pictured inset: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis awarded $3.255 million to the Town of Century for economic development during Boutwell’s term. Pictured below: Algaplast signs a lease for a Town of Century owned building in May 2023 as then mayor Boutwell looks on. Pictured bottom: Boutwell worked outside what is now home to Algaplast. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Century’s Next Mayor Ben Boutwell Is Ready To Get To Work”

  1. Sandra on February 15th, 2025 7:09 pm

    Congratulations Ben. So glad to Jay you back
    . Hoping and praying that the council will work with you this time instead of against you and that y’all can make Century great again.

  2. Eric on February 13th, 2025 6:23 pm

    Count your fingers after you shake Howard’s hand.

  3. Citizen on February 13th, 2025 6:04 pm

    I wonder if Prather will come back.

  4. Century resident on February 13th, 2025 4:13 pm

    Well congratulations hope it goes better this time and y’all all work together to get century back on track hopeful u get things done

  5. Les Lassiter on February 13th, 2025 3:47 pm

    Great news, glad Gomez is out, & hope he can put Howard Brown on the road.

  6. Stateline Road on February 13th, 2025 2:50 pm

    We were pleasantly surprised to get this news. Hope everyone pulls together, instead of playing tug of war.
    Thank you Ben for stepping up again. Prayers for the town and the people stepping up to serve as well.
    We are behind you and you are our prayers.

  7. Jimmy Brat on February 13th, 2025 11:23 am

    Congratulations Ben. Wishing you the best! Praying for you!

  8. Susie on February 13th, 2025 10:34 am

    Good job, Ben. I hope you have a staff that will LISTEN to you! God bless.

  9. AB on February 13th, 2025 9:31 am

    Congratulations and so glad to see you back as mayor, Ben.
    Please make century great once again!

  10. Barney on February 13th, 2025 9:20 am

    That is a Great speech. Let’s see how this goes. Let’s bring Matt Gaetz back too!

  11. South Flomaton on February 13th, 2025 8:06 am

    Make Century Great Again Ben!