the road to the crown Part Three

January 17, 2008


Today, it’s part three of our five part series “the road to the crown”. We are following 25 young ladies at Northview High School in their quest for the crown and the title of “Miss Northview High School” for 2008.

Today, we have posted a photo gallery with a “headshot” of each girl. You’ll notice that they are numbered; the numbers are their contestant numbers. Click here to view the gallery.

Nerves were…nerves were…well, let’s just say the contestants were on edge Wednesday afternoon at Northview High School for the final practice — a full dress rehearsal — for Saturday night’s pageant. But that’s what practices and dress rehearsals are for.

missnhsfront.jpgSpeaking of dresses, Wednesday’s practice was truly a dress rehearsal, pageant gowns and all. took photos for you to see, but we decided to do something different. Since so many people take such interest in the gowns, we decided we’d show them too you without giving away everything. So we got all “artsy” and shot all of the gown pictures in black and white.

Call it a “teaser”. It’s like telling you most of what happened in a TV show without giving away the ending. We’ll post lots of the gown pictures in their glorious black and white splendor in Friday’s installment of “the road to the crown”. We don’t want to spoil the excitement of seeing the gowns at Saturday night’s pageant.

In yesterday’s installment, we mentioned one young lady with a real interesting gown buying experience, perhaps the most interesting story we’ve heard in the three weeks has been popping into pageant practices. We’re going to make you wait at least another day for that story. It’s a good one.

All of the tickets for Saturday night’s pageant have been sold. The final practice is over. Now it’s just our series “the road to the crown” continuing Friday and Saturday mornings. The pageant is Saturday night at 7:00, and will have the new Miss Northview High School and all the photos here Sunday morning.

Click here to view today’s photo gallery of all the girls and their headshots.

Click here to read part one of this series from Tuesday.

Click here to read part two of this series from Wednesday.

Pictured above: Pageant coordinator Anna Berry talks to the young ladies in the Miss Northview High School Pageant Wednesday afternoon. Pictured below: Another shot of the girls competing for the title of “Miss Northview High School”. Click the photos to enlarge.



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