Bratt Elementary School Honors Local Veterans

November 8, 2008


Bratt Elementary School held its annual Veterans Day Program Friday, honoring local men and women that have served in the military.

brattvets11.jpgVeterans Day is also about respect and understanding the history of the men and women, many who are represented here today, Northview High School NJROTC Instructor Captain Charlie Code (pictured left told the Bratt students. ” Respect them because they gave their time, their youth, their hearts so we, you and I, could do the things we take for granted.

“Think about it. What would you do if you couldn’t go to church, to the movies or to your favorite restaurant? The freedom to do so was earned and continues to be earned by our military veterans,” Code continued.

He asked the Bratt students to raise their hand if they had a family friend or relative in the military. A great majority of hands went up.

“On veterans day, we remember those who have served in previous wars, those who are serving today, and those who did not live to become veterans. Our nation is blessed by these brave defenders, and we owe a debt of gratitude to all those who have worn America’s uniform with pride,” Code said. ” I urge all Americans to take time to thank those who sacrificed so that we can enjoy the blessings of freedom.”

The program include several patriotic songs from the fifth graders, including “The Star Spangled Banner”, “The Medley of Armed Forces Songs”, “God Bless America”, and the “Fifty Nifty United States. Mrs. Carter’s, Mrs. Thorpe’s, Mrs. Calloway’s and Mrs. Kite’s classes all participated in the program.

“As a veteran myself, i am forever thankful for your support and prayers for me and my family and the men and women who served alongside me,” Code said to close his speech. “Thank you, and God bless you and the United States of America.”

One student held a folded flag during the program, the flag presented to his family when his father died from complications from chemical exposure in Vietnam. will introduce you to this young man and bring you his story next Tuesday morning on Veterans Day.

For a complete photo gallery from the program, click here.

Pictured above: A veteran salutes the American Flag Friday morning during the annual Veterans Program at Bratt Elementary School. Pictured below: Some of the fifth grade students that participated in the program. photos, click to enlarge.



2 Responses to “Bratt Elementary School Honors Local Veterans”

  1. karla @ wayne martin on November 12th, 2008 6:19 pm

    My baby look gooooood!

  2. Gayle Kurtz on November 9th, 2008 8:47 pm

    I was among the many who attended the Veterens Day Program, put on by the Bratt Elemenary 5th grade class. i applaude them . It was truely a wonderful tribute to our veterns and military. Thank you for covering the story.