Ian Expected To Rapidly Intensify As It Moves Toward The Gulf Of Mexico

September 25, 2022

This is an outdated report. See NorthEscambia.com for the latest weather updates.

The forecast for Ian shifted west on Saturday. The storm will turn more northerly over the next few days as it moves into the Gulf of Mexico

lan is heading into a very favorable environment for it to rapidly intensify, and it should be a major hurricane by Monday night or early Tuesday. There remains a large amount of uncertainty in the forecast for Tuesday afternoon and beyond, so further adjustments to the track are possible.

According to the National Weather Service office in Mobile, it is too early to let your guard down locally.

The latest details on Ian are in the graphics on this page.



One Response to “Ian Expected To Rapidly Intensify As It Moves Toward The Gulf Of Mexico”

  1. Cameron Craig on September 25th, 2022 9:22 am

    My 2nd daughter and 3rd grandson are living in Houston Texas and I am sorry to hear that the weather is not cooperative but I am sure that they are safe and happy in Houston Texas. I have 3 daughters and 3 grandsons. Good morning to my family and friends all over the world