Byrneville Students Vote: Brown Pelican Wins

November 4, 2008


Students at Byrneville Elementary School headed to the polls Tuesday to vote, and the brown pelican won.

The students were voting not for Barack Obama or John McCain, but for Florida’s new state bird.

Fourth grade supported the osprey, and the fifth grade rallied behind the brown pelican.

The school had  four precincts set up around campus, and each voter had to register by the deadline and was given his or her voter registration card.

Byrneville used the electoral college as a guideline for voting, so it is possible that the popular vote may not actually win.  School officials say the students and adults alike have enjoyed the process of learning how an election really works.

The state bird vote was held at schools across the state. For more information, visit

Pictured above: Warren Suggs, a fifth grade student, casts his vote. There are eight pictures below; scroll down to see each photo. Submitted photos for


Carla Payne, PTO Treasurer  and volunteer poll worker, is ready to begin!

Emily Black, a fifth grade student, votes.


Jacke Johnston, fifth grade teacher, and Joy Walker, fifth grade teacher assistant, show off their registration cards.


Barbara Ryals, office clerk and custodian, gets an “I voted” sticker by poll worker, Carla Payne.
David Smith, Byrneville’s PTO President and volunteer poll worker, has a student sign for her ballot.


Look at the lines for voting in Precinct 1!  Those third graders are ready to make their choice!
Susan Diamond, teacher assistant, shows her registration card and signs for her ballot.


Stephanie Gilmore, fourth grade teacher, is getting her ballot to vote!


10 Responses to “Byrneville Students Vote: Brown Pelican Wins”

  1. tiny on November 6th, 2008 11:05 am

    way to go Byreneville on the brown pelican my brother vote at this school and said everyone had a lot of fun

  2. CM on November 5th, 2008 2:43 pm

    My cousin was the campaign manger:)

    Go Jacob!

  3. brianna smith on November 4th, 2008 3:57 pm

    i still think the osprey should have one, but i had fun with the whole campaign.

  4. paul on November 4th, 2008 3:40 pm


  5. jenna black on November 4th, 2008 3:38 pm

    yeah go brown pelican and auburn DUH.

  6. marie walston on November 4th, 2008 3:24 pm

    those r some good pics of the school.

  7. Jacke Johnston on November 4th, 2008 2:43 pm

    This was such a blast! Byrneville always likes to make learning fun, and this is yet another example of how we can incorporate something educational into something exciting! While we are glad that the Brown Pelican won, our class does want to give a “kudos” to the fourth grade classes. They put on an excellent campaign, and I think everyone at our school is more informed on how the basic democratic process unfolds. We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Sullivan as our principal. She not only shared the information about the “” site, but she helped us along the way and encouraged us to take it and “run with it”. We were so glad to see the kids’ zest for learning!

  8. Dee Wolfe-Sullivan on November 4th, 2008 11:58 am

    I very much appreciate your coverage of this exercise to teach our students about the democratic process. I am really proud of all the extra work, thought. and creativity the teachers and staff put in. It was really exciting to see the students get totally absorbed in it.

  9. joy on November 4th, 2008 11:53 am

    Congratulations fifth graders! You all worked very hard. Go Brown Pelican!

  10. Shila on November 4th, 2008 11:44 am

    WOO HOO Go Mrs. Johnston.