Arrest Made In Tate High School Sexual Assault Case

March 15, 2011

A 16-year-old Tate High School student was arrested Tuesday evening after allegedly forcing another student to perform a sex act on him.

Deputies served an arrest warrant on Raymond Eugene Teamer for felony sexual battery and indecent exposure.

For an update to this story, click here.

According to the arrest report, Teamer exposed his genitals to at least four people while attending a class at Tate High School on March 1. He is also accused of grabbing a 14-year-old female by the neck and forcing her head down into his bare crotch.

Teamer is being detained by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice pending review by the court.

An earlier version of this story is below.

An alleged felony sexual battery at Tate High School was not reported by the school’s administration to law enforcement for at least two days, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. But school and school district officials are disputing that claim.

A male athlete allegedly forced a female to perform an intimate sexual act on him in a classroom as other students were in the room, according to the Sheriff’s Office. The incident occurred March 1 and was reported to the school’s administration no later than March 2, but the incident was not reported to the school resource officer or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office until March 4, according to Deputy Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

“The school administration knew before March 4 when it was reported to us,” Welborn said. “I’m not trying to say that the school was trying to cover anything up, but they (administrators) were not forthcoming with us.”

Tate High School Principal Rick Shackle said Tuesday afternoon that information was not accurate. He said he was notified of the incident after school hours on March 1, and the school began its investigation on March 2. He said the school’s resource officer was notified on March 2.

“The day we we started our investigation, law enforcement was notified,” Shackle said. “Law enforcement was made aware on March 2.”

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office incident report, the incident occurred about 11:30 a.m. on March 1 and was reported to David Venittozi, Tate’s dean, on March 2.  The report was filed by the school’s resource officer on March 4.

Ross said that, as of late Monday afternoon, he had not seen the Sheriff’s Office report. Both students allegedly involved in the incident have been suspended and may eventually face expulsion, he said, with any further action by the school district dependent on law enforcement and school district investigations.

Ross declined to release any further information about the incident.

Editor’s note: Under Florida law, the identity of a juvenile charged with a felony is public record.


126 Responses to “Arrest Made In Tate High School Sexual Assault Case”

  1. From out of state on April 19th, 2011 8:38 pm


    The fact that this act even went on in a classroom astonishes me and I find it appauling. Students taking up for this jerk are seriously mislead. There is such a penalty for indecent exposure my friends and he would be expelled anyways for that. He messed his own present life anyways for trying to pull that type of behavior. Also, there is such a thing called being scared of what could happen, there have been too many incidents in this country in schools. Parents and Teachers need to step up their game! This has become sickening and I definitely won’t be putting my daughter in a public school.

    I’m 26 years old and to see what goes on in high school these days disgusts me. These teenagers that are pulling these bullying shananigans and just horrific fights are ridiculous and don’t realize that they’re mostly screwing with their own future’s. GO TO SCHOOL AND DO THE WORK, YOU”LL REALIZE HIGH SCHOOL ISN’T WHAT YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT! GROW UP! I graduated in 2003 and let me just tell you it goes by fast. So, do yourself a favor and quit playing the stupid high school games or it will be reflected in the rest of your dull life! 7

  2. mother of football son on March 30th, 2011 2:03 am

    Anyone who does not think this situation is HORRIFIC should never have a son or daughter!!!!!! If my son disrespected any girl in any fashion he is no man! If this girl has a background of such actions there is alot more to her personal history that has led to such a low respect for herself! My son would and been taught to respect women at all cost even if she does not respect herself! there is something deeper with her and my son has been taught to help with healing and building her but NOT to aid in her destroying herself even more! My belief is if she allowed it then her problems are deep if not he raped her! In any case HE is to blame!!!!!!!!

  3. We are in that classroom too on March 23rd, 2011 9:55 am

    RE:-Student IN Classroom

    You say you sit behind him and didn’t see anything. You have his back because you don’t want him to punk you like he does those boys back there. You know hes a punk and has bad temper. you know most of class is scared of him. You seen him get put out of class for bad stuff? don’t play him up like hes a good guy when you know hes a joker a lot and we laugh at him but he dont do right and you know it. You know him a long time. He is good to some of us but punks more than he is good to. We didn’t see them but we know how he is and we would take a lie test and pass it would you?

    we may put our fear behind us and give statements about the friends that blocked and they will be charged for helping. You may want to change your story while there is time. backing a bad guy will never get you far. be a hero and tell the truth. She has a past, so what. He is no better and he did wrong.

    we all lie in class and pretend to be against her because too many ears listen. we know he may not be in class no more but he could still get his punks in and school dont keep us from it and you know it. your group has wimps that dont take up for girls you should be ashamed for it. one day we will be stronger and will scream and tell on guys that punk.


  4. Student in classroom. on March 19th, 2011 8:55 am

    Honestly, I was in the classroom when this happened, and I was sitting right behind them. I didn’t see anything happen. I mean, i’m not saying they didn’t do anything, but she could have at least screamed, bite him, some sort of way to get away if she was forced. I’m sure they both agreed to it. I’m not trying to like accuse anybody of anything, it’s just interesting.. the two stories we’re getting from both students. And to the people who have said anything, the other students sitting next to them were their best friends, and i’m sure they were telling her to and purposley blocking our teachers view. But as I said before, I was sitting right behind them, and honestly did not know ANY of this was going on.

  5. OMG on March 18th, 2011 8:11 pm

    @kay smith and tate student Thank you so much someone on here is actuslly using their sense.@bjay all ur talking about is what the authorities are sayin…REALLY… (just my thought)obviously it got all around school and she was embarassed so her friends or she got mad and told a teacher or whom ever and now they-the school and some of u(bjay) all are making a great deal of it and being that he was …. and she wasnt her mom and some of u all are on here mad and not wanting to see the correct facts that she was performing a sexuall act in class nothing at all new to me, like tate student says it happens everyday in school this one just was over heard by an adult and they asked her about it she got embarrased said he attacked her and after it happened why didnt u go call ur parent or make a scene about it if this matter was true thats if ur parents taught u what to do when things like this happens to u but when ur forced it takes times such as this.

  6. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2011 6:12 pm

    “so why is it that when a sexual assault happens its always the guy’s fault, that girl obviously didn’t say no,”

    Interesting that you don’t know. Actually, it isn’t always so, but it’s more common. There are several reasons.

    One is that the men involved are commonly bigger and stronger than the women. If an assault takes place, the weaker party is unlikely the culprit.

    Another is that for men to perform sexually, their bodies have to respond in such a way as to make penetration possible. (There are forms of assault which do not require this, though.)

    And, of course, there is the fear concept.

    The person who is scared is less likely to put up an effective resistance. Thus the assumption that the girl could always say NO isn’t always valid.
    She might fear for her life or her reputation.
    She might know there are people who always blame the female for being the “temptress” in her own rape.
    They’ll say she dressed provocatively or engaged in sexual activity in the past or she expressed some interest in the attacker, therefore she’s fair game and what he did is A-okay.
    She may even know some will call her a liar even if others accuse the rapist.

    A defense attorney was showing the jury how unreasonable it was to assume his client could possibly have raped the accuser if she were unwilling. He placed a bottle on the table and spun it and demanded the prosecutor show how you could insert a pencil in the mouth of the spinning bottle.

    The prosecutor took off his shoe and smashed the bottle with the heel, then inserted the pencil into what remained of the bottle.

    David answering question asked

  7. bobby march 18, 2011. on March 18th, 2011 11:20 am

    so why is it that when a sexual assualt happens its always the guys fault, that girl obviously didn’t say no, so she should be in jail. Yes what they did should be a private matter, but in school really grow up kids.

  8. JW on March 18th, 2011 10:00 am

    My child is starting to feel uncomfortable attending this school. It’s time the teachers start acting like adults and come down hard on these clowns. the punk is a football player?…kick him off the team NOW!

  9. homeschooled on March 18th, 2011 9:29 am

    To Splat,

    I have been in one of the ‘BEST public school” in my day, about 35 years ago. I was scared to reveal to my parents the mess that was going on in the classrooms and especially the bus. This made me keep to myself and keep my distance from others Was not a social butterfly!!! .I would sit in the first seat on the bus to try to stay out of the way. I was myself when I was home is a safe place. My high school years I finally moved to Christian school. I “know” the public schools are the same and has gotten worse. I have taught many years in Christian and secular. I have chosen to homeschool my children. They are grown now. They have adapted to society quite well. Wouldn’t change a thing. I say “SHUT THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DOWN”.Parents step up to the plate. Put priorities in order. Where there is a will, there is a way. Anyone can homeschool.

  10. 2010tategraduate on March 18th, 2011 9:16 am

    I hope this little girl knows that when it’s a serious charge like that, you’re messing with a young mans life…not just his education. So what if you’re gonna get I trouble too and possibly expelled. There’s alternative schools and other programs to still get the degree, but that boy can never get his life back after going through this. The truth always comes to light.
    Lesson to all is think wisely about your decisions because you don’t know the effects until it’s too late to hang your mind!
    And to s.l.b. I completely disagree with that last statement… That’s almost like saying men can’t get raped when in reality they can and are!!!

  11. tate student on March 18th, 2011 9:15 am

    Raymond didnt do anything!!! he shouldnt be the one going to jail, she should be!!!!! no one is even listening to the students they are listening to her! FREE RAYMOND!!!!

  12. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2011 6:21 am

    ” I went to school when I could. But I never did get any help from most of my teacher to catch me up on my study s. I don’t pass a class so they put me back with the same teacher, how’s that suppose to help? Well I wanted to walk, but it turned out I never had the real help to pass. It’s hard when you don’t have anyone telling you good job or keep up the good work. ”

    You went to school when you could? Were you too sick to attend the rest of the time or were you being held hostage?

    Immediately or eventually most of the teachers got tired of trying to help you catch back up with your assignments?

    Nobody helped you pass? Or nobody in your clique would help you and you didn’t bother with those who actually showed up and worked?

    They didn’t tell you you were doing a good job? Were you doing a good job?

    But it’s not too late. YOU can study hard, get your GED, learn to spell, go to college, get a Bachelors, Masters and PhD, then you can thumb your nose at the ones who didn’t tell you what a great job you were doing whenever you bothered to show up for class.

    David for victory

  13. Kym on March 18th, 2011 1:21 am

    I think they should close down Tate and make them fix all there problems. At least get better deans one. The school has been going down hill. I remember when my older sister’s went there, then I always wanted to. Because I “thought” it was going to be a good school. But it turned out to be hard. People have clicks, the kids that played sports get in less trouble. You do one little thing wrong then the deans are all against you. I’m not smart, times are hard, I went to school when I could. But I never did get any help from most of my teacher to catch me up on my study s. I don’t pass a class so they put me back with the same teacher, how’s that suppose to help? Well I wanted to walk, but it turned out I never had the real help to pass. It’s hard when you don’t have anyone telling you good job or keep up the good work. Or deans just telling you it would just be best to drop out now anyways, well hopes he’s help I just done so. So time to get my GED and go to college faster. Just maybe people should open there eyes and change the school system. Help the students and don’t leave none behind.

  14. S.L.B on March 17th, 2011 9:55 am

    It really amazes me as to how many “Tate students and others” who claim to know this young man and are coming to his defense saying how great of a person he is.

    Bottom line is, he apparently had no moral issue with exposing himself and participating in such a private intimate act in a public classroom, with others watching.

    Even if the girl was willing, he is the one who ultimately made the decision to give his consent to allow it to happen. She couldn’t have performed oral sex (willing or not) if he didn’t provide the goods to do it.

    I’m sorry, in my opinion…he ain’t that great of a guy and certainly not a role model!

  15. GetALife! on March 16th, 2011 9:34 pm

    Okay , I Know Them Both . Why Wouldn’t She Scream Or Call For Help . ? Common Sense Says She Would . && No These Kids Are Not Covering For Her , She Trying To Cover Up Her Own Mess So She Won’t Get In Trouble . She Has A Shady Pass Doing The Same Exact Thing . He Really Is Not A Bad Kid . He Has A GF So Why Would He Force Her ? DUH !

  16. Guido on March 16th, 2011 7:50 pm

    These allegations are very serious, How can the administration wait 2 days after this was reported to contact the Sheriiffs office. The first few days are very important into any crime. Times have changed this must be reported to the propoer authorities ASAP no exceptions. All these administraters know this. What would have happened if would have been a person of a different color, It would have been reported within a few minutes. Think about that. Problems at Tate again.

  17. David Dickey on March 16th, 2011 5:49 pm

    Anybody know the name of the teacher in the class?

  18. tate senior on March 16th, 2011 5:13 pm

    What has happened at our school is embarrassing. I do not personally know either of these kids, but I do know that what happened is wrong. I have spoken with many of my friends, girls and guys, who all say she could have done something to atop it. The girl did not fight at all. Now, he should be charged with exposing himself, bit there is simply no proof that she was forced.

    When the two teens were caught, they receives referrals and were in trouble with the school and getting suspended. When they were in the dean’s office, the girl said nothong about rape or being forced to do this sex act. If she was forced, she should have immediately told the dean it teacher, instead she said it was dine with her consent and basically admitted it and got in the trouble.

    Our principal handled it correctly as did the deans. What these two said happened, did not warrant the administration to involve the sheriffs office. Had the administration known or thought that it was a sex crime, they should have told the sheriffs office, hut can’t be held liable because they didn’t know.

  19. 2010tategraduate on March 16th, 2011 3:16 pm

    I recently graduated from Tate high school and things like this have been going on throughout my four years there. The sexual acts are reported to the deans and principal but no further actions are taken other than suspension. Students who hear about the acts release them as rumors which is why I understand how students won’t come forth.
    As for the measures being taken now, I’m not so sure they are being handled correctly. Yes the young man was in the wrong for exposing himself, but the young lady could have refused or moved away from him. I myself as a young woman remember obsene gestures and remarks made toward me by male students. Some would even go as to use inappropriate physical contact.
    My point is that if she didn’t like the physical contact, she could’ve refused or moved away from the young…more so in a public place.
    I do not know either the “victim” or “victor”, but from my viewable standards “There is NOT A true victim in this situation”. Both are responsible for what happened regardless of who initiated it.

  20. Scott on March 16th, 2011 2:47 pm

    This kid will probably get a plea deal & no one will ever see this case develops into anything. I wonder where the classroom teacher was when this happened and how many students witnessed … we may never know but I hope justice is served.

  21. get em on March 16th, 2011 12:48 pm

    yes looks like your the only other one who read this article and it also
    looks like these stupid boys at this school are going to go right on
    claiming it’s her fault and it was consensual or he was raped or what
    ever they think will work.

  22. Sneaky Sneaky on March 16th, 2011 12:24 pm

    The reason it wasn’t reported was because when the principal and deans were notified, the girl made no claims of rape. As soon as the girl’s parents announced their daughter was raped, school administrators notified the police. Just based on what I know, the girl is making up the story of being raped. How do you allow yourself to be raped in a crowd of people. Both should be expelled for being caught performing a consentual sex act

  23. get em on March 16th, 2011 12:22 pm

    Tate football parent=sounds to me like you have never been a 14 year old girl.
    If you have you have forgotten how scared girls are when guys start in on them
    and several of them bully them. Either that or you have been very very lucky
    in your life.

  24. bjay on March 16th, 2011 12:01 pm

    Wow Am I the only one that read this

    “According to the arrest report, Teamer exposed his genitals to at least four people while attending a class at Tate High School on March 1. He is also accused of grabbing a 14-year-old female by the neck and forcing her head down into his bare crotch.”

    So to the people claiming she could have done this or that,SHE WAS GRABBED BY THE NECK! There were atleast FOUR other witnesses and they still isssued an arrest warrant on him. Obviously there is some truth to what she is claiming! Maybe the boy knew of her past and thats why he chose her to ATTACK! And just because someone has done something wrong before doesnt mean they are guilty of the same thing everytime it happens through out their lives!

    @tatestudent- There were friends of Ted Bundy that claimed theres no way he did it. So your defense of your friend (which is admirable) just doesnt hold any merrit! Bottom line is this. He has been arrested after an investigation (which took to long to reach PROPER AUTHORITIES) where the sheriffs office investigated ALL parties involved. Not just her! Obviously the witnesses had the same story!

    @everyone claiming that she could have done more- You are idots! If it were your daughter being FORCED on a young man would you feel the same? Dont try to say my daughter would do this or that because you dont know! You can only ASSUME!

  25. Tate football parent on March 16th, 2011 10:43 am

    Yes this could happen anywhere splat, but noone knows the truth besides the ones in the room. I fully believe that the tables are turned on this young man so she can try to get herself out of trouble. She better think long and hard about what statements she has made before the trith comes out and extra charges are put on her for giving false statements to officials. No I am not a friends or either do I know either child, there is just to much other things she could of done. Fight, bite, scream, kick , or grab and twist she is also responsible and if charges are on him they should put charges on her as well.

  26. just sayin on March 16th, 2011 10:35 am

    Not all homeschooled children are socially awkward. We homeschool and our children are very out going, involved in sports and have a very active social life. So don’t pass judgement on someone because not all of us believe in the public school system. No matter where you choose to school your children you will have to deal with every day life. I know plenty of public school children who are much more sheltered and socially awkward than most homeschooled children I know. That being said, it’s still up to the parent to teach children right from wrong, that is the bottom line. Parents need to step up and be parents.

  27. Splat on March 16th, 2011 10:16 am

    So glad so many of you decide to homeschool your children…. statistically your children will be socially awkward and won’t know how to deal with people. This is an isolated incident and could happen most anywhere.

  28. tatestudent on March 16th, 2011 10:13 am

    @bj yea your right most of his friends and tate students are defending him, and that’s mainly because we know him and the type of guy he is and he wouldn’t just FORCE anyone for anything like that. I also know her and the type of girl she is and she has done nasty stuff like that before and now all of sudden it seems that it would be the second time she would be getting in trouble for it and i think she is trying to stay out of trouble by blaming him.

  29. Jane on March 16th, 2011 10:05 am

    All of this is bull, word around is that this is the girls second time getting in trouble for something like this, so therefore theyre really gonna go with “she was forced?” really? i dont think so

  30. ! on March 16th, 2011 9:53 am

    This is another example of why we decided to Homeschool our children. It’s ridiculous what goes on in schools these days. The students no longer respect authority or themselves for that matter. It has gotten WAY out of hand! It’s heartbreaking to me! School should be preparing our children for a future as productive, responsible citizens. Sadly, the opposite is happening!

  31. KIKI on March 16th, 2011 9:37 am

    It doesnt matter if it was consentual or not! Bottom line it was wrong. If HE hadn’t “whipped it out” it would not have happened! The entire incident was wrong no matter where it happened. These days, kids do not get enough time with their parents with the morals and values of how to treat others. Somewhere along the line the PARENTS dropped the ball first. The boy just thinks that he can have whatever, and the girl is lacking self-esteem to have felt like she had to comply.

  32. get em on March 16th, 2011 9:04 am

    @ reanna
    Your talking about third world countries. Do you think thats who we
    should model after?

  33. get em on March 16th, 2011 8:53 am

    I totally with Al and Bjay, this girl did say immediately that she was violated.
    The report didn’t go out and this is so heinous that these administrators
    should be fired.
    When my children went to school this was going on and i would have thought
    it would have been stopped by now. You would think administrators would
    be on the look out for teen boys forcing girls and scaring the life out of witnesses
    and the girls so they are afraid of them.
    If you all don’t do something about this as parents, your a sick bunch of wooses.

  34. Molino Mom on March 16th, 2011 8:47 am

    In response to some of the statements. I have to say. Since when is it okay to say oh well they are doing it in all the schools or in some countries they are married. This is not some countries and instead of birth control talks and condom talks why not have talks about abstinence. The mentality of all teens are going to do it is getting ridiculous. I am not naive or blind, but what happened to teaching children that waiting for the right person is very important.

  35. reanna on March 16th, 2011 8:05 am

    Sexuality in this country can be extremely prudish. These teenagers are running on high octane hormones. If they were out of school I would say use protection, but school is not the place. In some countries they would be married and having children. Some sex education classes are in order especially concerning appropriate time and pl;ace for sexual exploration. If the acts were CONSENTUAL.

  36. tallyho on March 16th, 2011 6:18 am

    where was the teacher of this class?????

  37. bjay on March 16th, 2011 4:16 am

    It seems to me that the only people who are defnding this guy and calling the victim out are his friends and students. All of them are obviously just childish kids that think they know stuff. Well them and the lady named kay. Why do you kids keep saying she changed her story? The principle himself says that he started an investigation as soon as school started the next day. And YES it is his responsibility to contact LEO once he was made aware of a sexual attack. he found out after school hours so obviously he knew it was an attack then. They are open 24-7 so why wait until the next day? why was it that it took atleast 8 hours for him to be informed of this attack? Answer to all of this: Lack of control! FIRE ALL OF THEM!

  38. dick tracy on March 16th, 2011 12:28 am

    One question……Who is the SRO??????? Anyone got a clue who we are paying to do this job at Tate????? Thx in advance…….

  39. pm on March 15th, 2011 11:49 pm

    TO dad – Thank you for your comments and standing up for the rights of young women. It is really too bad more men do not feel the way you do and are willing to let their womenfolk know that they are worthy of equal treatment and that their dad will stand up for up them in time in need.

  40. Curious on March 15th, 2011 11:40 pm

    tatestudent points out that Tate has the lowest crime rate in the District. Makes me curious if that is because the allegations here are true that Tate was in the middle of yet another cover up to keep their crime rates so low. Just curious is all.

  41. AL on March 15th, 2011 11:37 pm

    I just don’t hold out much hope for the future of young girls if the majority of people on here are saying it is the victim’s fault if they don’t fight or scream.

    No matter what you believe about this particular case / incident – it is NEVER ok to blame a victim. It is NEVER ok to say they deserved it for not fighting.

    Very sad. Heartbreaking really, to read that folks refuse to believe a girl just because she didn’t fight.
    As far as the witnesses not saying anything – just google rapes where a crowd watched and then moved on. It happens much more than you’d like to expect.

  42. SERIOUSLY!!!!! on March 15th, 2011 11:35 pm


    Hopefully none of your children will ever be bullied to keep silent nor be assaulted while the friends of the attacker watch and then keep their mouths shut because of their tight clique friendship.

    Hopefully none of your children suffer because the attacker instructs the witnesses to block the teachers view then tells them what to say if called in for questioning. Hmm, interesting…. if this was a WILLING incident..(which is was NOT)… WHY on earth would the attacker give strict instructions on what to say and NOT say??… hmmmm interesting, isn’t it?

    And, finally…. I also hope none of your children ever suffer the effects of: Snitches end up with stitches & SILENCE keeps away bodily violence! (well known sayings among students these days) SERIOUSLY! I really do hope it doesn’t happen to any of your children….. But it could have easily been your child! Think about THAT!

    Times HAVE changed. Things that happen nowadays would never have happened 25 years ago. That is probably why so many parents can’t wrap their minds around this to understand why and how easily it is to pass judgement on the VICTIM. Sad!


  43. Tigger on March 15th, 2011 11:34 pm

    NO matter if she was forced or not….the two kids engaging in this act should have never happened and in a classroom…..where was the teacher? and…the girl, she was only 14….the SRO should have been notified the moment it was discovered and if he was not available then a call to the Sheriffs office should have been made. You do not wait till the next morning to report this type of issue. The administration should have known better than to wait till the morning. One other thing…a principal has no business doing their own investigation on something like this before law enforcement. If you think there is a possible violation of the law or are not sure, Let law enforcement make that call first before you muddy up the water.

  44. Mz. Thangg on March 15th, 2011 11:11 pm

    I personally know this young man, and yes he is very playfull, but NEVER forcefull. There are three sides to every story. His side, her side and the truthful side! I pray that justice will prevail and that neither one of these younge people get scared for the rest of their lives.

  45. FREERAYMOND on March 15th, 2011 11:11 pm

    This is horrible , the girl is not the victim . there putting this all on him and its her too . Her mom is crazy just like her , she did the same thing on the bus in middle school . And throughout basketball season she always had ” issues ” of sexual stuff . Get down to the facts ! FREE RAYMOND , he aint innocent but it sure wasnt all him .

  46. tatestudent. on March 15th, 2011 11:09 pm

    people are acting like the principal can be by every student during every minute of the day! he has a job to do! but when the girl didnt confess, he did do his job, suspended them both. this is the girls fault. not the administration. our school has one of the lowest crime rates in escambia county. the administration followed procedure, the girl didnt. until she was all over the news. all this is , is two kids making a mistake. not one kid. two . it takes two to tango !!!! i wanna know exactly what she said in the deans office. or was she still in shock and couldnt talk???

  47. Resident on March 15th, 2011 11:01 pm

    bjay said “Isnt it illegal to post a pic and the juveniles name? Are they charging him as an adult or something?”

    Nope. Get charged with a felony in florida and your name and picture are released by the cops, especially if de sheriff has been on TV talkin about you.

  48. tatestudent. on March 15th, 2011 10:58 pm

    if she was forced , she could of screamed, nobody goes into shock when they are grabbed, they fight back. this is my buddy, yes he is wrong for showing himself, but everyone talked bout it for the two days at school before she said it was forced, and all of a sudden he made her do it?sounds like someones trying to get out of trouble. i dont know the real story, but i hope the truth comes out, hes a good athlete, and comes from a good family. and im sure shes a good girl, but from what people say, she did it in middle school to.

  49. thetruth on March 15th, 2011 10:56 pm

    !. This girl was kicked out of middle school for doing the same thing on the school bus

    2. If you think going to Northview is going to solve this problem you are dead wrong, it happens at every school

    3. Why isnt anybody asking what the teacher was doing ?

    4. ITs not very professional to post pictures and names of juveniles that are ACCUSED of a crime

    5. How is the Principals fault that the student whipped it out in class ?

    6. She was suspended and when she heard expulsion she turned into “the victim ”

    7. I know yall are from the north end of the county, but common sense here will prevail: When she changed her story and turned into a victim then the sheriffs were notified, until that point it was just two horny students.

    8. I love how everybody takes the girls side, she is a liar and her mom is trying to save her butt from expulsion, which will probably happen in the long run anyways

    9. everybody that says oh poor poor girl needs to check in on her 2 or 3 years from now and se how she is doing.

    Everybody needs to chill out and get all the facts before they start jumping on everybody, the truth will come out in the long run. You know David Morgan will have to make a press conference , because he cant go 3 days without being on tv

  50. Kay Smith on March 15th, 2011 10:52 pm

    1. One (or more) person did something wrong.
    2. The school administration was made aware of the situation and the names of the people involved.
    3. It was found that the police needed to be contacted and they, indeed, were contacted.
    4. The accused has been arrested.

    Something to be considered: In this day of kids “punking” each other (that means playing a joke or trick on someone for anyone older than Ashton Kutcher)…… And in the age of bullying and, also, crying wolf just to be mean and hurt someone’s reputation……do you REALLY expect the principal to get on the phone with the police before he has looked into the matter thoroughly? There has to be a chain of authority here, and there was.

    What is NOT relevent:
    1. Whether it was a day or two or three days or an hour before it was reported to the police does not matter in this case. It was not like someone was being raped repeatedly while the principal stood by and let it happen. It was a single incident that only lasted for a brief time and was already over when it was reported to the principal. If someone needed to be “on the run from the law”, apparently, they did not have sense enough to know it. And if such a person NEVER comes back to school, good riddance.
    2. It is NOT relevent whether you favor Tate High, Escambia County Public School System, or the principals and teachers in place there or not. These kinds of sexual indiscretions happen all over the country and world. No one can impose good taste, good judgement, good manners, good parenting or good morals on anyone. You either have those things or you don’t. When you don’t, the legal system is called in to sort out the details.

    Bottom Line: It is up to the police department to follow up from here. Parents, communicate with your children. Instruct your children to act right and don’t make excuses for bad behavior. Tate High School, continue to educate the children. Children, go to school and learn while you are there or, AT LEAST, don’t be disruptive in class while other students are trying to learn. And, In case you haven’t gotten the memo, kids, let’s not expose our peepee in class or have sexual relations on campus. If you see someone being abused or assalted or acting inappropriately, go and tell a teacher or principal and give an accurate acount of what went on. And, don’t wait around in dark hallways away from the rest of the class or the teachers…that is when the cockroaches come out of the corners. (Kids, we thought you learned all that in elementary school!)

    Everyone should try to learn a lesson that pertains to them in this matter and then let the authorities take it from here. Get on with the school year. Learning is there for those who want to succeed in life. I went to a high school that made national news during racial riots during the 1970’s. It wasn’t an “A” school….we were not offered college credits for classes and there was no F-cat test to pass. People had fights, made out in the bushes, and only God knows what else. But….Guess what? I still graduated in the top few of my class and went on to pursue my dreams.

  51. dad on March 15th, 2011 10:43 pm

    There sure is a lot of blame the victim mentality going on here. None of us know what really happened unless we were there watching it all.

    What I do know is if there are any young women reading all this and they happen to be assaulted in the future they will be less likely to speak up knowing they will be blamed.

    For the ones who say if it happened to me I would do this or that…You don’t know how you would react unless it does happen to you.

  52. t9w850 on March 15th, 2011 10:14 pm

    I say that this is awful, but what type of person dosent scream, fight or anything. I mean like it dosen’t add up right how could you be forced in front of all these students. i predict that both of them agreed to do it rather than one trying to take force. I just dont understand how someone could force you to open your mouth.

  53. Formertateaggie on March 15th, 2011 10:09 pm

    i went to tate last year and this happened twice and one time there were two students who skipped class and hid in the bathroom all day and had sex. and one of the teachers found them hiding. its really not surprising to me that this happened.

  54. Molino Mom on March 15th, 2011 10:01 pm

    I am so very sure that the students that witnessed the attack will come forward. Tate Teacher I volunteer at a local school a lot and we are informed that we can not discuss the children’s business with others. So, how do you get away with getting online during school hours to post information about a child in your school? If you are on facebook in the school then your students are not getting your full attention are they? Please. I live in Ransom and Tate district. My children will attend Ernest Ward and Northview if I have to drive a country mile to get them there. These schools are getting too big and the teachers are underpaid and overworked. Our children’s education is the our responsibility also. PTSA are in place in high schools and middle schools, PTA is in place in elementary levels. Use them to the schools advantage. Get volunteers. Have family interaction nights. Just because your children get to high school or middle school does not mean they have some newfound need for privacy or a social life that does not include family. Don’t be too busy. Our kids are our responsibility until they are grown and gone and even then they are an extension of us. Sorry to rant and rave but my life is crazy busy, but I make time for my kids, their school, sports, and still hold down a job. It is possible you just can not be selfish with your time because when you have a child your time is theirs until they are well rounded productive grown ups.

  55. SpeedyMan on March 15th, 2011 9:53 pm

    Why is this not suprising at Tate High. this has been going on for the last 5 years from athletics to Fcat testing. Bad decision after bad decision. It is about time someone is held responsible. Just very bad leadership. Just look at the baseball and football program. Its not the coaches fault its the people who hired them. Amazing how far down this school has gone in the last 5 years.

  56. hahahha on March 15th, 2011 9:21 pm

    Wow ! Im a tate high school student , and i think this is bogus!!! Im a girl and if this happend to me i would scream and fight back , not just do it without the teacher knowing . Helllo people !!! That is not forced. The girl has straight up lied to get her butt out of trouble . I know raymond and he wouldnt “force” anybody to do this. If i did this my butt would be torn up . Im just saying the girl was absolutely not forced . AND HER MOM IS JUST TRYING TO COVER THIS UP BY SAYING “OH SHE WAS FORCED” !!!! Bite , kick , scream , yell , punch or something . God dang child . Learn some respect and show some classs. This is utterly ridiculous !

  57. Laraine on March 15th, 2011 9:17 pm

    I agree with bjay, it is pathetic not only for the delay but that this can happen in our school rooms, where was the teacher?

  58. Hooty on March 15th, 2011 9:15 pm

    Sounds like Mr Thomas has a job to do in this instance. Some of the the info coming from this case and some of the prior performances from the administration at Tate High really leads you to think there is a problem there. It all starts at the top as we know. Period

  59. huh on March 15th, 2011 9:08 pm

    The school seemed to think its consensual and tateteacher backs that up, How is it sexual assault if the girl in question was willing? And if she was not willing, did she personally report it to her parents and police that same day? And if not, isnt that proof of what tateteacher is saying?

    No one was there , but clearly the tateteacher works for the school and would know more about the facts than the rest of you

    Ask yourself this, do you want this guy listed as a sex offender for life for a consensual act? really?

  60. bjay on March 15th, 2011 9:07 pm

    Isnt it illegal to post a pic and the juveniles name? Are they charging him as an adult or something?

  61. Hooty on March 15th, 2011 9:06 pm

    Maybe this is a Malcom Thomas issue. He is the one will who will have to answer to these allegations. I have been satified with his performance so far as superintendent, but he has do what is right. I have just overheard somethings the last few years at Tate High that are disturbing, maybe they need some changes.

  62. Bingo on March 15th, 2011 8:56 pm

    It is time that the administration at Tate High be held accountable for there actions, It is the principals responsibility to call the authorities. It all starts at the top. NO EXCEPTIONS

  63. tate aggie on March 15th, 2011 8:51 pm

    everyone hearing the gossip & not knowing the facts….I’m sick & tired of people making things bigger than what they are.
    What really happen is between the adminstration at Tate & the sheriff office..
    The girl probably told one story when it first got out & said nothing happen….and then mommy got involved & it is a whole different story now, because we all know her daughter wouldn’t do that at all..You have to many people in the class room & too many in the next door to you to not be heard if you scream or cause a sceen….So no I do believe your daughter is not guitly…she did just as much as do the crime, you do the time…that goes for both…

  64. Ms. "T" on March 15th, 2011 8:17 pm

    It bothers me to hear a teacher saying this child was accused of doing the same thing in Middle School. Well of course in middle school she was still not of the age of consent. It sounds like this may be a trouble girl that has either suffered sexual abuse or has some mental disability. Either way she still should not have been subjected to this type of treatment in her school. The sad thing is where were those people who were suppoed to be minding the safety of our children? Then the deed was not reported to the proper authorities for several days. My question is why did this happen? Where was the teacher for that class and where were the administartors? The next question would be with all these district office personel we pay well over a $100k we still don’t have anyone capable enough to run this district. You can’t make me believe that principal didn’t call the district to report this happened when it happened. This is not the first time nor the last time the safety of our children will be placed at risk by these administrators. WAKE UP A SMELL THE CRAPPICHINO! We need to hold the school district responsible for protecting our children.

  65. bjay on March 15th, 2011 8:05 pm

    Im sorry “tateteacher” what were you saying? Looks the article was just updated and you were wrong. As I posted the other day, I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, but that was from the law side. In this case there are some other kids that witnessed this attack. Maybe you should apologize for trying to slander this VICTIM! Please post your real name so my daughter can drop your class!

  66. person who knows. on March 15th, 2011 8:02 pm

    Okay, yall really shouldnt be attackin tateteacher. i went to tate ann moved this year to another school. people all the time get caught doin stuff and people try an cover it up with oh he made me blah blah. tate is full of whores. i know a girl who claimed someone forved her to do something just to cover up they want to do it but when they get caught an see they are gunna get in trouble they blame it on the other person. you would do the same thing. so how about stop critisizing the friggen school and be better parents. because i know most people from tate an they are allowed to go wild and do what they want. so learn to tame your kids. kthanks.

  67. pm on March 15th, 2011 7:57 pm

    Fourteen year old children that are “grabbed and forced” to a persons naked crotch are always — ALWAYS– VICTIMS. Tate High School is very good at cover-ups. This I know because all 5 of my kids went there. All school teachers and admininstrators are mandatory reporters and this should have be reported when the first one of them became aware of it. At the ageof 14 no child is legally able to consent to any sex act. Hate to say it but times have not changed much at Tate High School. Alledged abuse such as this should be reported to DCF and the Sheriffs Office at once.

  68. JIM W on March 15th, 2011 7:29 pm

    I am with David. It takes time to investigate these matters so before you make judgement here please allow the system do it’s job of investigation. If this guy in fact did what he is accused of then he should be severly dealt with. She on the other hand should be protected as a victim. If they both did this willingly which is possible then both of them need to be severly dealt with.
    Think about if this was your child and was not guilty of this crime how would you feel about it? Or if this was your child and they are guilty of the crime I’m sure you would in either case want for the authorities to be dillegent with their work and complete a fair and honest investigation of the matter. Reputations are at stake here to include the leadership of the school. So, please allow the LEO’S to do their jobs before you convict them and hang them out to dry. I’m not trying to take sides here but trying to be fair to all parties involved. Just my 2 cents for the day on the matter.

  69. AL on March 15th, 2011 7:27 pm

    Kay Smith said “Also, I will add as a female, that if someone ever tried to “force” me into a sexual act that I was unwilling to participate in, the people in the same room are not the only people who would have heard and seen “the victim” try and fight off the offence. The sherriff’s office would have to be called TO THE SCENE if someone attacked me because THAT is how people act when they are attacked”

    I am sure you mean this in the best intentions, but you are completely wrong, ma’am. “People” do not always react that way when they are attacked. Sometimes, yes… lots of times – no. Please don’t use blanket statements.

    I dont’ have a problem with Tate administration or teachers in this instance…. but I do know I wouldn’t expect a great deal of disciplinary action against the athlete. A baseball player was caught 2x with drugs and was suspended from the team – during the fall. All he missed out on was car washes etc, he was reinstated for the season.

  70. dad on March 15th, 2011 7:19 pm

    Tate teacher, if you are really a teacher… you are extremely petty and unprofessional.

  71. mary on March 15th, 2011 6:09 pm

    I just showed this to my 14 yr old (8th grade) & he was telling me about a couple of his friends who go to Brown Barge that told him student were having sex in the bathroom @ that school…So YEP this does happen @ other schools we just dont hear about it….I will be waiting to see if we are kept informed on the outcome of the incident @ Tate

  72. bjay on March 15th, 2011 6:07 pm

    @tatestudent- You start out by telling a bunch of adults to shut their mouths. Then you proceed to make this comment, “Tate is a wonderful school” followed by “As a high school student, I know that this happens quite frequently”. Doesnt sound like a good school to me. Then “tateteacher” chimes in with information about this minor and what she allegedly did in middle school also. Add the fact the principle admitted that the event happened at 11:30am on the 1st and he wasnt made aware of it until after school hours. Then he started an investigation the next day? Thats not how it works. AS SOON as he found out (which should have been at 11:31am) he should have called the police. It is not his job to investigate a sexual attack. It doesnt matter if the girl was willing or not. If she says from the beginning that she was forced then the cops should be called. Obviously she did say it from the beginning because “he started an investigation”. There is only one way to cut this and that is to fire all of them!

  73. Tate football mom on March 15th, 2011 6:03 pm

    Every parent should keep up with their children in school, extra activities, and the friends they have. The school board only has so much they can do when it should start at the home. This is about the two kids that got caught not about the teacher, the dean, or the other administration. The kids got caught the girl is now most likely changing it around so she mostly would not get into trouble while this could ruin another childs life. It is harder to raise girls then boys but look at the females now a days, how they carry themselves, dress, etc. I am a very open parent and talk to my child about everything and when his friends come over you hear them talking about what a hooch this girl or that girl is and parents look at your childs facebook watch how they talk on it, make them respect each other or take their computer away or phone put them on restriction. God please be parents and take back control of these student and children so when they grow up they can teach their families right from wrong.

  74. Tate parent on March 15th, 2011 5:48 pm

    I know Dean V., I have an athlete/ honor roll student there and yes I do work for the school board I have full confidence in Dean V.’s reports and the other school officials. Everyone needs to put the blame on the two students and quit putting blame on others. It is a shame that parents do not instill more morals in their children now a days. When all said is done this will turn out to be a girl doing a guy then turning the tables when her parents found out so she dont get in trouble (again). Parents face the fact it happened and put some blame on the children not the adults. It seems like everyone is faulting everyone else besides who caused this. The school system seems to be tring with the drug test coming up placing officers in the schools but it all should start at home with the parents being parents laying down laws and not being their friends. Parents need to grow up and hold their children responsible for doing wrong.

  75. My 2 cents are free on March 15th, 2011 4:51 pm

    P.S. We all have printers I’m sure. Hopefully the mom girls or a friend of the mom will get a copy of this comment section.

  76. My 2 cents are free on March 15th, 2011 4:48 pm

    Just wondering who tateteacher is…. No need to worry, I’m sure we will all know soon. I’m sure the school board and Tate has been notified by now that the tateteacher is divulging confidential information about this girls alleged past. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t students records confidential ???

  77. tatestudent on March 15th, 2011 3:39 pm

    until you people know the facts, you should keep your mouth shut. Tate is a wonderful school, and incidents like these occur at schools EVERYDAY! Most students just seem to get away with it. Parenting plays a huge role also, so instead of putting in your thoughts about this incident, why don’t you ask your kid what they did at school today. & if you try to blame it on the faculty, there are almost 2,000 students at tate; therefore, this incident is not all the teacher’s fault. As a high school student, I know that this happens quite frequently. START PARENTING YOUR CHILDREN!
    @Kay smith- i completely agree with you, glad someone has some sense.

  78. Parent of Truth on March 15th, 2011 3:25 pm

    Mary on March.

    You are right. Only thing is, when students are bullied by several larger students, it gets a lot more complicated. Another thing is, when a student does do the right thing, they don’t get much protection and that lays heavy on a youth’s mind. The want to do the right thing but fear is a sstrong emotion. Sometimes more strong than doing the right thing. :(

  79. Curious on March 15th, 2011 3:17 pm

    News reports over the years have shown where public schools don’t always do right by the students or parents.

    Take the PHS case where a principle lost his job because a sexual assault w athletic students against a minor female in a locker room wasn’t handled right.

    I’m just sayin. It makes me wonder about this one, that’s all.

  80. Kay Smith on March 15th, 2011 3:12 pm

    As a Tate High parent, I can say that I have been nothing but pleased with the performance and good old-fashioned common sense of Rick Shackle, Principal of Tate High School. My child is also an athlete and the sports program is excellent. I have found that the teachers are caring and responsible individuals along with the administration of Tate High. I am involved with my child and his education……and speak with knowledge of Mr. Shackle, having dealt with him with my concerns throughout the years and he has responded in the best way possible each time I have spoken to him.

    Having been a substitute teacher in the local public schools, I will add that teachers and principals are up against a wall because so many children, these days, do not have caring parents or any HOME TRAINING. This is not an issue of admisistration not doing their job, this is an issue of parents not communicating with their children and teaching their kids to act right and then trying to blame someone else for their behavior. If a teenager wants to have sex in the back of the classroom or behind the bleachers, they will find a way to do it! Also, I will add as a female, that if someone ever tried to “force” me into a sexual act that I was unwilling to participate in, the people in the same room are not the only people who would have heard and seen “the victim” try and fight off the offence. The sherriff’s office would have to be called TO THE SCENE if someone attacked me because THAT is how people act when they are attacked. People, let your common sense prevail, here. THINK! We don’t have to have a task force to look into this or a mandatory meeting for administration on “How to Handle Sexual Harrassment Between Two Children” in order to figure this one out!

  81. atmore on March 15th, 2011 3:11 pm

    Just sayin..If I was this girl’s mother, aunt or grandmother, Justice would have been served long before that 2 or 3 or 4 days..Aint no way I would ever sit around waitin on someone else to handle it. i’m not sayin this girls family didnt try to push things along but i’m sayin it woulda been me and him in a dark alley and he could only hope that all of his skills from being an “athlete” would help him! He will probably just get a slap on the hand….makes me sick! He’s an athlete huh!? That’s why he done it…supposed athlete boys let that crap go to their heads and run around at the schools doin whatever they want to do! I’m not saying all of them do but the point is a good percentage of them do! UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with people!?

  82. mary on March 15th, 2011 3:08 pm

    @ Ms. son would probably be the 1st to tell ..If the incident happened in a classroom full of students..I cant imagine SOMEONE not helping….yes kids are kids but parents should teach thier children & as for the TV shows you mentioned…my son watches them w/me & WE TALK ABOUT things like this!

  83. mary on March 15th, 2011 3:03 pm

    Now I find out the Dean is Mr. V…..what if that was your daughter????? I am disappointed w/your decision to wait to report this horrible inccident…weather forced or soon as you heard you should have called the Sheriff’s Office immediately!!! (Crazy Mary)

  84. JUDY MASEK on March 15th, 2011 2:31 pm

    a quick theory, as to the “delay” in question….march 4th was on a friday…..could it be that just as some politicians and other entities have strategically waited until friday to make controversial announcements, so goes the superintendant possibly…….so as to dimminish the expected heated publicity, by hoping that the hoopla would subside somewhat over the weekend…..again, just a passing theory

  85. Parent of truth on March 15th, 2011 2:24 pm

    Yes, “just call me joe”. A student did leave the room. A student did report it the day of incident. The parent of student alerted school administration of specific details before school day ended on March 1.

  86. Imagine that! on March 15th, 2011 2:15 pm

    Law enforcement says the assault was not reported by the school administration for at least 2 days but the school and school district officials dispute that claim. Really? Imagine that!

    Why would law enforcement lie about when something was reported?

    Good thing this is being investigated.

  87. JUDY MASEK on March 15th, 2011 2:12 pm

    i have a suspicious feeling that the escambia county school board would frown upon “tateteacher”, (if indeed they are truely are a public school employee, REPRESENTING TATE HS) for devulging private information regarding this minor female student (and her past) on a public forum, such as this….there have been incidences where websites have been sued (and won) in order to release the identity of certain bloggers who make libelous defamitory comments about others….if i were a teacher at tate, i know that id think twice before i made those type of comments and then, identified myself as a teacher there….oh gosh!

  88. just call me joe on March 15th, 2011 2:11 pm

    Did any of the other students in the classroom exit the room or go to report this right away? I would hate to think of them just sitting there. Some people don’t seem to have any sense of decency anymore. They have no shame!

  89. Everyone is different on March 15th, 2011 2:04 pm

    Everyone is different. Are we not?

    When faced with a crime one may freeze and be too afraid to speak out. Witness and victim alike. Look how many rapes and other types of criminal activities are reported each year where the victims are too frightened to speak. Cases by the thousands get dropped because of fear. Until you are personally a victim of an assault, it’s best not to judge others. I had the opinion of many here prior to being attacked myself. Many times while watching news reports, I would speculate why victims didn’t fight, or scream, or run straight to the police and follow it through to the very end. Then it happened to me. Did I fight? No. Did I scream? Yes, as loudly as I could, although, only inside my head. Did I run to the police? No. I was too afraid. To this day, the person who assaulted me, walks free.

    This may surprise you, but there are true cases of sexual assault where even the spectators watched in shock, unbelief, and yes, even silent. The spectators of a crime too shocked or whatever it was, they were too “?” to scream STOP or pull the accused off the victim. Research this for yourself. It is out there.

    Everyone is different. We all want to believe we would act accordingly or always do the right thing if ever put in this or that situation. However, until we are put into a specific situation, we can only think we would always do the right thing. Yes, even know we would do the right thing, that is, until it happens to us.

  90. bjay on March 15th, 2011 2:02 pm

    @ Charlotte Lucas- I agree %99 of the time. But if someone “attacked” my daughter and the school waited 2 days to notify the cops then all of a sudden its a new ball game.
    @ David- I agree with you when it comes to fighting, stealing lunch money, throwing paper in girls hair, and stuff like that but when its a sexual attack (I am basing my argument off of what the sheriff’s office reported) I believe it should go immediately to the sheriffs department. Whether its true or not doesnt matter on this point. The teachers and principle are NOT investigators. They didnt even let the resource officer know for goodness sake. “The incident occurred March 1 and was reported to the school’s administration no later than March 2, but the incident was not reported to the school resource officer or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office until March 4, according to Deputy Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.”
    There is NO excuse for this. Heads should roll! (BTW thats just a phrase)

  91. I Wonder, on March 15th, 2011 1:57 pm

    If this female student was involved in another case in the past, who is to say if the school handled that one correctly or not? None of us know the truth about an earlier issue. That is, until the “Tate Teacher” was forthcoming enough to pour more suspicion onto an already unfortunate situation. Was this Tate Teacher also a witness in the previous matter regarding this female? Or, was this Tate Teacher not previously privy to the past issue nor an eye witness to the current incident before Tate’s Administrators shared private information?

    I wonder if this Tate Teacher could be a smoke screen? I wonder if this Tate Teacher was purposefully fed inaccurate information? What if they were fed bits and pieces of the truth? Perhaps for the purpose of sprinkling suspicion to draw our attention away from Tate Administrators, the school board, and Public schools in general?

    Unless this Tate Teacher was the teacher in that classroom, I would be suspicious of the statements given. And, even more suspicious if that teacher was in the classroom.

  92. hawghead on March 15th, 2011 1:39 pm

    I wonder if they drug tested them…..oops another subject for another time……

    Tate teacher.
    From the way you are trying to spin this, I wonder if you are the teacher in question that was absent from the class when this took place.

  93. neighbor on March 15th, 2011 1:17 pm

    Kids making bad decisions (going out on a limb, probably not the first time) and now suffering the consequences for it. Let them be responsible for it and learn, these are not little children these are kids that should know better.

    You have to know that the administration at Tate didn’t just sweep this under the rug, they don’t want this sort of behavior any more than we the parents do. They have to take time to get the facts and act appropriately OR someone hollars they were irresponsible for not getting the facts before hand.

    I think the parents involved should punish to the degree (whatever that is, depending on the kid) that the two of them would be afraid to even think about misbehaving again, then allowed back in school (after their suspension) so they can continue there education on a probationary level. If they can’t act right after being given the second chance then give them the boot and they can do Escambia Virtual.

  94. Curious on March 15th, 2011 12:52 pm


    How positive are you about your information? Could your facts be wrong at all?

  95. Ms.Keddy on March 15th, 2011 12:49 pm

    All of you with teenage children should ask your child what they think of this and what would they have done if they were in that classroom? Would they egg them on and just watch or would they leave and get an adult to break it up at once? Today’s children are not as innocent as some want to believe, check out your child’s facebook pages and the pictures they post, practically ALL the pre-teen & teenage girls are either pucker lipped up or they have their tongue sticking out with their mouths wide open, Now if your a boy or young man just what does that suggest to you? Watch their favorite TV shows & music videos and see what they are into. But nowadays it cooler for parents to be their kids bestfriends not their parents, heck most parents today are just as bad as the kids, they all think they are “sexy desperate housewives” and the men are now “metro-sexuals”. The boys are just as bad if not worse. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

  96. David Huie Green on March 15th, 2011 12:38 pm

    “Fire every damn one of them that had knowledge and didn’t report it to the authorities”

    I’m not speaking to what actually happened or didn’t happen since I wasn’t in the room at the time, but it’s possible all or most of them DID report to the authorities, just not the one you expected or mean or as quickly as you think you would’ve.

    Many things happen every day in all walks of life and folks have to decide whether or not to report them. They even have to decide what they actually saw. We have conflicting reports here, maybe they did too.

    If after deliberation, a teacher decides an action took place which needs to be reported to the principal, then the principal has to determine where to go with the information, including verifying it actually happened. Regardless, the teacher has reported to authorities at that time. And then the principal needs to determine if it is just something to punish without involving law enforcement. At that point the principal has reported to authorities.

    The alternative is to call the law each and every time anything is said or done which is marginally questionable if you don’t trust any teacher or principal’s judgment. At that point, you’re relying on the judgment of law enforcement which also hasn’t seen it unless you want a deputy in every room at all times.

    Remember even when charges are made, attorneys and investigators sometimes spend months sorting out all the facts and juries still hang (on a verdict, not on a neck) when presented with the details.

    David thinking some things
    take time to do right
    or even wrong

  97. Tate parent on March 15th, 2011 12:31 pm

    Seems like to me that everyone has their inputs when they were not even present at the school. I think the school should suspend both students and expell them, as far as 1 being an athlete do let him ever play ball at a high school level again and for the girl dont let her be involved in any activities at school ever again. This sounds like a clear act of omg Im in trouble so I better call it an attack. If it was an attack she could of gotten out of it easy bite down and dont let go, scream for help, fight. I bet there where no marks on her either this is just a case of the girl got caught again and instead of her parents putting a board across her butt for being a wild child they want to blame someone 100% to get the pressure of the daughter.

  98. Driven on March 15th, 2011 12:19 pm

    I don’t see how anybody could be forced to perform an act like that in front of a classroom…I’m not entirely sure…but I believe atleast one person would’ve tried to stop it.

  99. uragoob on March 15th, 2011 11:37 am

    Tate teacher – I agree with concerned parent – get to work! I think that your boss should know that not only are you on here giving out details about this incident, you’re doing it on school time. You’re even gossiping about her alleged behavior in middle school. Think I’ll copy this and send it to your boss. Hope he figures out which one you are – no telling what’s going on in your class while YOU are reading the news!

  100. Charlotte Lucas on March 15th, 2011 11:19 am

    to bjay.
    there are better ways to deal with things than “bearing arms”.

  101. mary on March 15th, 2011 10:56 am

    I just read a post about the girl being a willing “victim”. & that she did the same in middle school…..I still say the police should have been involved as soon as the “Inccident” happened…I’m not sure what to believe now….DFS should be called on both families!

  102. concerned parent on March 15th, 2011 10:07 am

    Tate teacher if you spent a little more time teaching and less time on then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Get back to work and quit commenting on Northescambia.

  103. Tate Mom on March 15th, 2011 9:40 am

    Just like Tate High School. I speak from experience. They make mountains out of molehills and molehills out of mountains.

  104. Tateteacher on March 15th, 2011 9:37 am

    Resident- I’m not sure if you actually read what I wrote or not but…there was NO ATTACK! When this incident happened, the girl was not saying she been forced at all. When it happened, there was nothing to report about any kind of rape or attack, because there wasn’t one! She had just been caught. Last time I checked, every time we find two kids in the bathroom, we don’t automatically call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. We suspend or hopefully expel them! This “attack” story was created later after they realized what kind of trouble they were going to get in.

  105. bjay on March 15th, 2011 9:28 am

    Thank you “resident” for pointing out to the idiots what the article says. Its not like the article is quoting a reporter. Its quotes from The sheriff’s and superintendents office’s. It doesnt say the girl was suspended, it says 2 students were. It was in front of witnesses so maybe one of them. And I dont care who was at fault it needed to be reported to law officials IMMEDIATELY! The priciple and teachers DO NOT EVER investigate criminal activity! It is NOT their job! Fire every damn one of them that had knowledge and didnt report it to the authorities!

  106. anti-public school on March 15th, 2011 9:24 am

    Just shut the whole system down!
    ! Public schools are filthy when I went there, and I imagine they are much filthier now !!
    Why expose a child to the filthiness and lack of discipline in the public school, for the child to receive a poor education to boot????

    PUBLIC SCHOOL – I’ve been there!

  107. UNREAL on March 15th, 2011 9:17 am

    THE TEACHER SHOULD N-E-V-E-R NEVER leave the classroom. If she must, she should get another adult to stay. Undisciplined children from home are going to be undisciplined at school. This is why I homeschool. So this is what they learn at school!!

  108. GirlnGreen on March 15th, 2011 8:38 am

    beings she was suspened also I’m guessing she is not a “innocent” victim. One thing I’ve learned from my line of work. Only believe half of what you read from a news paper as they only tell half of a story and half of the story told is not true. Theres four sides to this story. The girls, the boys, the one that caught them and the truth.

  109. Resident on March 15th, 2011 8:31 am

    Tateteacher wrote “I can’t believe that this story is being reported in such a skewed manner. This is no where near what actually happened- where are you getting these facts from??”

    If you were a Tate teacher, seems like you could read. The story says there was a delay from both the sheriff’s office spokesman and Norm Ross (one of your bosses). Does not sound like it’s “skewed” to me when the Sheriff and the assistant Superintedent both say its true.

  110. Tateteacher on March 15th, 2011 8:20 am

    I can’t believe that this story is being reported in such a skewed manner. This is no where near what actually happened- where are you getting these facts from?? I teach at Tate High School- this girl was caught trying to perform oral sex on another student in a classroom. There was no sort of victimization. The girl was the one initiated the “attack.” This same girl got expelled when she was in middle school for the exact same thing! On top of that, the incident was reported as soon as the staff found out about it. I don’t know where they’re getting that there was a delay in reporting what happened. The school resource officer knew the moment it was reported. The facts need to be gotten straight before hearsay like this is reported. This is simply an incident of a student getting caught red-handed (again), and then with the help of her parent, turning it into an “I’m the victim” setup and crying “Rape!”

  111. me on March 15th, 2011 8:20 am

    i think someone needs to be in the classroom at all times when the teacher has to be out of the room for ANY time.

  112. Name (required) on March 15th, 2011 8:19 am

    Things are not always as simple as they appear.

    When you are dealing with a rumor about an action, IF you took
    the most dramatic action the moment you heard about it LEO’s
    would be at every school with regularity.

    Worse yet, once something like this is reported involving minors
    DCF becomes involved. Life becomes much more complicated
    for ALL involved after that.

    So, let’s say you are a school employee and you hear a rumor that
    something like this took place. Do you call the cops? Do you try
    to at least find out if there was something that happened that
    might merit calling the police? It is always easy to make those
    kinds of decisions from behind a keyboard… not so much in real life.

    Remember, you are dealing with ‘he said, she said’ with HS students…

    … and a life time on the sex offender registry is on the line.

    It is terrible that this (apparently) happened, but really folks… things
    are not always as simple as they appear.

  113. Mytwocents on March 15th, 2011 8:12 am

    FOOTBALL player. They protect them as they act as if they have a free pass to do anything on anybody and ruin this girl’s life forever. Punish the athlete and throw him off the team FOREVER. Let him know he cannot go around messing up other folks lives.

  114. Horrific! on March 15th, 2011 8:10 am

    This is so pitiful that I don’t know where to start.
    How COULD the VICTIM be suspended, are we now trying to send a message
    to girls to NOT COMPLAIN? The perps of these types of crimes have been
    sending this message since MY GIRLS WERE IN HIGH SCHOOL.

    i agree everyone who COVERED THIS UP FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME
    (and they were trying to figure out how to cover their butts) should lose
    their jobs immediately.


  115. mercyme on March 15th, 2011 7:34 am

    Self defense classes would have prompted the young girl to scream and resist. especially if there were others nearby, which it sounds like there were. Self defense and self respect may have prevented such an attack. There is more to the story than the public has been told.

    We must ALL help teach all the young ones in our life. Many have no moral compass because they are not learning it at home.

  116. tigger1 on March 15th, 2011 7:34 am

    Sounds like the administration stepped in it this time. The first thing that should have been done was to contact the SRO and report it immediately at the first rumor if this happening. If was not done, then “Lucy…You Have Some Splanin To Do!!!!!”

  117. mary on March 15th, 2011 6:11 am

    OH & I dont care if the ones involved were minors..the LAW is the LAW..for all ages..this is a high school….young adults….

  118. mary on March 15th, 2011 6:09 am

    the students shouldnt even be on the “suspended list” they need to be immediately “EXPELLED”!! & ARRESTED! the schools need to stop putting up w/the bull. This will affect the girl’s life forever….

  119. AC on March 15th, 2011 6:01 am

    “Both students have been suspended and may eventually face expulsion, (Ross) said”
    Which two students were suspended? Did they suspend the female victim who was “allegedly forced ” to perform a sex act on the male? If so, then is she not really a victim, but was a willing participant, or is the school severely punishing and further traumatizing a victim of a terrible crime.

  120. EJ on March 15th, 2011 5:51 am

    And they say kids don’t follow politics. Looks like they learned the actions of Bill Clinton.

  121. Oversight on March 15th, 2011 5:48 am

    Terminate those who failed to be an advocate for the victim today. I can’t think of an excusable reason not to report in a timely manner which should be the instant that one is made aware and not days after the fact.

  122. Mike on March 15th, 2011 5:43 am

    If the girl was forced, why was she suspended & facing expulsion?

  123. uh -- what? on March 15th, 2011 5:35 am

    Forced…….while others were in the room……… during school………how can that be????
    They all need to be tied to a pole and lashed with a leather stap – 100 lashes!

    Parents, spare the rod and spoil the child! Children are like a piece of clay – it’s just a blob of dirt nobody wants unless it’s molded into something beautiful.

    They don’t come knowing right from wrong – you gotta teach it to ‘em!! That means spending time with your kids – lots of time – and putting the fear of God in ‘em at times. These kids don’t respect themselves nor anyone else!

  124. ntheknow on March 15th, 2011 5:19 am

    Where was the teacher during this attack?

  125. Anon on March 15th, 2011 3:09 am

    I am a little confused by this. If this is being investigated as an incident of sexual assault, the girl would be considered the victim (considering the article states that she was allegedly forced into this act.) So why was she suspended and also facing expulsion?

  126. bjay on March 15th, 2011 1:40 am

    PATHETIC! Everyone involved in the “delay” should be fired! If it was my daughter involved and they dropped the ball like this you would be reading about me and my 2nd ammendment rights on here.