Building Rented For ‘Teen Party’ During Double Shooting; No Security Required

March 1, 2011

Century’s Habitat building, the site of a double shooting early Saturday morning, was rented at the time by a Century woman for the purpose of a “Teen Party”. The shooting came after months of discussion by the Century Town Council about problems with violence, drugs and alcohol during parties at the town’s community centers.

According to the rental agreement executed February 18 with the Town of Century, the building on East Pond Street was rented to Martha Tims. The rental agreement specifies that the building remain in good, clean condition, and that there was to be no smoking, no alcoholic beverages or drugs on the premises.

Tims assumed “total responsibility for the activities to be held” at the building, according to her signed, witnessed rental agreement with the town. The building rents for $200, with a $100 security deposit returned if the rental agreement is followed. (Click the graphic at the left to read the agreement.)

The agreement did not require Tims to have any sort of security at the party. The Habitat Building is one of the community centers the Town of Century frequently rents to the public. For several months, the town has discussed the need to require security at parties and other functions at their community centers following other reports of violence and potential alcohol use, but the council has yet to take any formal action on the discussion.

Saturday morning’s double shooting is reportedly not the first violent party at the building.

“It was reported to me that there was a shooting that took place inside the building,” Mayor Freddie McCall said during a January town council meeting, adding that he could not find any bullet holes. “But there was evidence there that someone stuffed somebody’s head through one of our windows. The window was knocked out, and there was blood and hair.”

Century’s community centers — including the Habitat Building and Ag Building on West Highway 2, are often rented for community and family events like birthday parties, wedding receptions and baby showers. But sometimes even those events are not problem free, McCall said at that January meeting, citing an incident last summer in which the Ag Building on West Highway 4 was rented for a baby shower. After that event, McCall said he found two 55-gallon trash drums full of “whiskey bottles”.

“We are walking on thin ice,” McCall told the Century Town Council. “We are to the point that we need to insist that we have some kind of security there (at events).”

“We are going to be sued sooner or later,” McCall said.

The mayor said security needs to be in place at community center events to insure that the town’s drug-free and alcohol-free building policies are followed.

Off-duty Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies won’t work security at any type of party, but they will work other event types at $25 per hour per deputy,” McCall said.

The problem, according to the mayor, will be determining what type of functions will be required to have on-site security and what functions will be exempt. And, another problem, he said, will be trusting that events like family gatherings will be what the organizers claim.

“It’s not fair to everybody else that uses the building appropriately like they should with respect to the community and the neighbors,” Council Member Nadine McCaw said at the January meeting, “because it hurts everybody.”

Saturday Morning Double Shooting

Two people were shot when gunfire erupted at the party about 2 a.m. Saturday — Ieshia Mitchell, 20, of Century, was hit in the left  knee and later airlifted to a Pensacola hospital, and  19-year old Register Yelder of Atmore was shot in the leg. A third person, Stacy O’Neal Johnson, 18, of Atmore, was injured when he was hit in the head with a bottle during the incident.

Deputies say a gun was recovered at the scene, but they are not yet sure if it is the weapon used in the shooting while 75 to 125 people were at the early morning party.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that a suspect had been identified in the double shooting. That suspect, according to spokesperson Sena Maddison, will face a felony charge of firing into a crowd.

Further details have not been released by the Sheriff’s Office. photos, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “Building Rented For ‘Teen Party’ During Double Shooting; No Security Required”

  1. Fred on March 3rd, 2011 1:48 am

    Yall make me sickPPL of the streets we is not a SNITCH.

    When there’s 75 to 125 people at a party, 2 people are shot and one hit in the head with a bottle, and nobody knows who did it, then I think we could be assured that none of you, Including the three that were harmed, are a SNITCH.
    But on the hand, most people already know that you’re not Snitching because, the reasons for the shootings would blow out any possibility of you or Yall renting these public buildings to illegally sell Alcoholic beverages for a profit, as you said TO MAKE MONEY.
    We thank you for this info.
    You are an unintentional SNITCH.

  2. Fred on March 3rd, 2011 12:55 am

    Jim W is exactly right.
    “yall make me sick” knows exactly what is going on and breach of contract has been committed without a doubt.
    One guy was hit in the head with a bottle and had to go to the Hospital.
    So this was a Plastic Coke bottle that did this damage. “Yeah Right”
    The contract above states in bold writing, NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES or DRUGS on the premises. (in simple words, on the property).
    NOT just in the building.
    The Century City Counsel and or The Mayor should contact their Lawyer to see what Action should be taken against the consignee of the above contract.

    What an Ingeniusly Stupid way to step around a $100,000 Liquor License.

    The State and Feds might want to do some Investigating here.

  3. niki on March 2nd, 2011 6:55 pm

    “mayor, step up and lead this community.”

    Well said, art.

  4. Jim W on March 2nd, 2011 3:44 pm

    Yep, I think Mr. ya’ll make me sick! Just ratted evryone out. If they are having these parties to make money it is illegal with out having a liquor licenses and insurance and revealed in the contract. Not to mention all the teens that were ther under age. Dude you just gave it up by being stupid. So, now we know what the deal is. I am sure the city council and police will be paying attention. Why don’t you pat yourself on the back you did good. LOL! What can I say and they walk amoung us! Dumb and dumber but yet they know it all don’t beleive it just ask one of them and they will quickly tell you they do.
    Seems to be everyone is trying to make a buck where is it lawful or not. Here is one for you Mr. ya’ll make me sick why don’t you try real work someitme. Oh wait don’t pay enough for you to have taht mansion you want. Well those people who do have those as a general rule did not start out that way they had to work. In case your not aquantied with it that is called earning it.

  5. POPO on March 2nd, 2011 11:45 am

    yall make me sick>>>>>>>>> If there was enough of jobs here ppl wont be havn partys to get MONEY.

    Are you saying that people rent the building and are having parties and charging a cover charge to enter the party? Is that how some people get money.

    I think you just become the biggest SNITCH of them all.. THANKS for the info……lol

  6. David Huie Green on March 2nd, 2011 10:06 am

    “—if they get the police involved, it’s going to be the same way . They don’t know who was shooting.—Tell the police to stop stopping everybody to get them to set people up. People of the streets we are not a SNITCH. You want them, y’all get them on your own and stop stopping people for no reason .POPOS (police) OF TOWN OF CENTURY.HA”

    There are no police in Century, so you have nothing to worry about. The sheriff’s deputies patrol as best they can but if you have more love for the criminals than for the protectors, you will have the type town you want–lawless.

    A community requires cooperation amongst its members. Without that, you have rule of the biggest or best armed.

    I love these who say they have no jobs so they might as well stay up all night partying and sleep all day when prospective employers might consider giving them jobs.

    David reminded of the saying,
    “I cut it off twice and it’s still too short.”
    as complaints are thrown at those who work

  7. Horrific on March 2nd, 2011 8:31 am

    Sorry about the typos.

    People listen to ART AND JIM W. and try to MAN UP!

  8. Horrific on March 2nd, 2011 8:29 am

    Keep trying ART.
    I have been telling them for a year that their children are THEIR MOST PRECIOUS
    out after midnight with guns.


  9. art on March 2nd, 2011 7:41 am

    _______________kids could be involved in that, seniors too! and if you did it right, it could all be tax deductible. you may even be able to get a cut on your insurance… make some noise people…do something great for our kids and seniors with that building. what ever you do, and this goes for you too atmore. this area is one of the most gorgeous spots in the country. you have great water and water features. close proximity to the gulf, beautiful beaches, so close by. but by far, your most valuable resource is your kids. protect them, support them, love them.

  10. art on March 2nd, 2011 7:39 am

    well “yall make me sick”….you may see a jute-joint and it could be, i don’t know. but wouldn’t it be nice if the kids in century had a building where they could participate and feel comfy and secure? wouldn’t that make century proud? you see a jute joint and i see a great building that could be used by the community as a……….recycling center?

  11. yall make me sick on March 2nd, 2011 7:09 am

    I hate when these ppl on this web site dnt know what they talking about. Its bad enough that we dnt get help for Century. It doesnt matter what time it close or how old the party person is . All that matter is adults was there. how can they watch all the ppl in the place. Hell if they get the police involve it going to be the same way . They dnt know who was shooting. If there was enough of jobs here ppl wont be havn partys to get MONEY. Century is not bad,its just the ppl that come to this town make it bad.

    Tell the police to stop , stoping everybody to get tem to set ppl up. PPL of the streets we is not a SNITCH. You wont them yall get them on ur on and stop stoping ppl for no reason .POPOS OF TOWN OF CENTURY.HA

  12. wow on March 1st, 2011 11:36 pm

    As far as I’m concerned people like that can afford to pay more in rental…because they are charging to get into the “party”…normally 5$ but sometimes as much as 10..although actually they say its a charge to “drink”….wow folks need to wake up…this stuff has been going on for YEARS!

  13. Bud the Great on March 1st, 2011 8:37 pm

    A licensed property manager may be the answer. Century can still make a little money, security we be provided (if needed),rules would be enforced, it will be better maintained and inspected, liability would be passed on.More people would know about the availabilty also.The rent would be a little higher and so would the deposit, but at least it would be in the hands of a professional.

  14. concerned on March 1st, 2011 7:45 pm

    To Art: I care very much about the kiddos of Century. I just wish the parents was more involved in their lives (no matter what the age)I say once again after twelve o’clock there is not a thing in Century to be out that late.personally I think they need to close the darn place down, before someone gets killed.

  15. David Huie Green on March 1st, 2011 6:38 pm

    “think about it… Jesus wasn’t recognized as an adult ’til he was thirty, ”

    It wasn’t so much that he wasn’t considered an adult as that he was too young to serve as a priest until that age. (Numbers 4:3 From thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, all that enter into the host, to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.)

    When we consider who wandered and died in the wilderness, we remember it was all people age 20 and up–with only Caleb and Joshua permitted across the River Jordan, those younger than that weren’t held responsible for being afraid to enter the promised land so they just had to wait 40 years first.
    (Numbers 14:.29 Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward which have murmured against me. 30 Doubtless ye shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein, save Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. 31 But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised. )

    Not that I imagine they were holding bible study at the time. Even so, I agree, some never grow up–either because they don’t live long enough or because they decide to remain mental children.

    David for encouraging maturity,
    still hoping those hurt are okay

  16. art on March 1st, 2011 6:02 pm

    @ Football Mom:
    yes yes yes you are so right…blame it on my new glasses! but it dont matter where they are from and it is just my opinion, humble as it may be, that they are just not adults until they get all the wires connected up in that brain of theirs. and it also depends on the kiddo, some mature faster than others. the truth of the matter i don’t really care what the “legal” age of adulthood is or what the law says is an adult. 18, 19, 20 year olds are barely adults and their brains are definitely not adult brains…think about it… jesus wasn’t recognized as an adult ’til he was thirty, but i may be wrong on that one. not like the first or last time i been wrong. one thing i am not wrong about is we got to take care of our kiddos and if it includes the very young “adults” well, yes indeed! they are still in need of guidance and protection!

  17. Fred on March 1st, 2011 6:00 pm

    The contract above states that the building was rented for the date of 02/25/2011.
    By logic this should have been from 12 midnight Thursday night until 12 midnight Friday night.

    Unless there were two dates and a beginning and ending time specified for the 24 hour period in the contract, then I would think that the building should have been cleaned back to the condition it was given and the door locked by 12 midnight Saturday night.

    If the shootings toke place at 2:00 AM Saturday Morning then I would think Martha Tims would owe the City another days rent ($200).

    For example, If the famous John Doe had paid rent on this building for 02/26/2011, then at least two or more hours of his 24 hour period would have been used by Martha Tims.
    If I was John Doe, I would be ticked.

    I guess I’m just a stickler for fine details in a contract.
    Never mind

  18. angie on March 1st, 2011 4:15 pm

    The small amount of income the town gets is not worth the risk it puts forth. Stop renting them out! Or put a limit on time… can rent it from 5pm to 10pm, but at 1opm you better have it cleaned back up and out of the building. No one needs to be in any of those buildings past 9 or 1opm, the residents do not want to hear all the noise and fights that come along with late night parties….

  19. Football Mom on March 1st, 2011 3:45 pm

    @ ART – How are Century’s kids being “shot up” when 2/3 of the injuries were to YOUNG ADULTS from Atmore??? Just wondering?

  20. concerned on March 1st, 2011 3:40 pm

    Why in the world was a “TEEN” party still going on at 2:00am in the first place??? I always thought there was a cut off time when you rented these buildings anyway…..i’m not suprised though.

  21. Jim W on March 1st, 2011 3:05 pm

    The city should require a certificate of insurance and a hold harmless agreement provided by the renter to the city. They should also set thresholds for security. Example: 1 to 100 one security guard 101 and more up to 3 security guards. All of which is at the expense of the renter. It simple business 101. You have to cover yor liability and it sounds as though it is not happening. I know the intent is to make it easy for rental to get income but at what price will we all end up paying. Just some of my thoughts. Remember the city is the one in charge of this facility and they can dictate what does and does not happen with the property.

  22. ME on March 1st, 2011 2:55 pm


  23. art on March 1st, 2011 2:06 pm

    To Concerned:
    these are century’s kids that are getting shot up. don’t know if the parents care or not. you can judge a town’s merit (imho) by how it cares for its most vulnerable citizens of the community. that means elderly too but we aren’t going there right now. every one wants to cover their ashes right about now, but if we really cared about the children in our community, no matter who they belong to, this kind of nonsense would not happen in the first place. the town of century ought not to put up with brouhahas and like shenanigans on city property. not tolerated. period. end of story. figure it out. i know some of these kiddos and they are plumb precious and to think they get shot right in their own town.

  24. Jim W on March 1st, 2011 1:14 pm

    Well, Martha Tims you maybe about to get introduced to the long arm of liability. When you signed to be responsible it also make you responsible for any and every things that goes on there from clean up to destruction of property and any accidents or intentional or unintentional violations. True they can also come back to the city on the liability as well. But you are going to be the first one they go after should it be decided to do so. Little things in life like wrongful death, civil suits and so on should someone die. People need to stop and envoke common sense when signing something like that. You could loose everything you have worked for your entire life by trying to let your child have a good time. Lets by all means hope that does not happen but it is a possibility. On top of every thing else under your so called watch people are in the hospital as a result of your decision to sign the contract. There would not have been a party there if you had not signed and paid for it. Sorry I know you have your hands full and I do feel for you but to the other people let this be a lesson for all of you and the city. Which really, really needs to up grade your contract.

  25. Oversight on March 1st, 2011 1:03 pm

    I see according to the clerk of the court’s website that 22 year old Martha S. Tims of Century has a horiffic driving record and there are several open counts of driving while license suspended or revoked. I wonder if this is the same person who rented the building.

  26. atmore on March 1st, 2011 12:40 pm

    This is just one of my thoughts on this situation…Have a couple of police do little “pop up” visits where they walk in and see what’s going on in there during events then they leave..That way they dont have to pay someone to stay the entire time but the people renting the place will not know what time the police will be popping up. If anything is going on that shouldn’t be a lot of people go to jail, someone gets a phone call to come lock everything up and then everyone is happy! I just think it would be crazy to make the good people pay for what the not so good ones have done! I’ve seen cops doing little pop up visits to places before It doesn’t take but a min and in my opinion it would be worth it for the safty of everything!

  27. Cynical on March 1st, 2011 10:20 am

    There is a “duh” factor here that defies the word “intelligence,”

    The town is ultimately responsible for these goings on in their building.

    Powers that be need to require the hiring of an off-duty LEO and proof of insurance before one of these incidents kills someone and the wrongful death lawsuit bankrupts the town.

    The citizens of Century and the surrounding area have the right to expect “peaceful assembly.”

    Are the thugs now in charge?

    Get a BRAIN Town Council!

  28. concerned on March 1st, 2011 8:57 am

    To Art:: If the parents are so concerned about the kiddos then have some rules for them. There is not a darn thing going on around here after midnight, so kiddos need to be home in bed.We had curfews when I was growing up and I can assure you if we were not home by the set time, my parents would come looking for us. My parents raised us well enough that we would not be going to places where they were distributing drugs and alcohol to begin with.. It is a shame the few good young people around here can’t be recognized because of the trash, that hide them. I have lived in Century all my life and I would have never believed it would be like this We need to get rid of the trash in Century, so we can have a descent community again. Yeah Mayor and Town council, step up and get the trash thrown out and we can be in business again!

  29. Elizabeth on March 1st, 2011 8:43 am

    What’s really shameful is that good, law abiding people who want to rent this facility will also have to foot the bill for security. A renter will be looking at the net price to rent the facility at least doubling. Why? Because of stupid people.

    As “Know your neighbor” said, “you can’t fix stupid.”

  30. Bob on March 1st, 2011 7:51 am

    An out sider looking in. There is a real quick solution to this problem. The council should have an emergency meeting and declare that from this point forward the facilities will be rented along with security. What ever the cost so be it. Century is going to end up in court and the taxpayers will have to pay for this fiasco. This is a disgrace to the good people of Century to let a small group of rebel rousers take complete control of their town.

  31. sammie Joe on March 1st, 2011 7:48 am

    It is a disgrace that people can not have a gatheringwithout incident. There are many times that people rent the buildings and respect the rules that are posted. Things have gotten out of hand on several occasions. I am deeply sorry for both those who were shot and those who did the shootings. However, if they can not respect themselves and the law …..take them to jail or wherever they need to go to learn respect. Yes, certain people need someone to enforce the rules (deputy) wherever they are. Century is NO DIFFERENT than many other small towns around the country. Those of you who think it’s ALL bad need to expand your horizions a bit and get more than 50 miles from home. Some of you do not know what the rest of the world looks like. There are m,any good people in Century. Nothing is said about them. We as humans have a tendency to thrive on the bad.

  32. RE on March 1st, 2011 7:37 am

    Who is footing the bill for all the medical costs this party created? Life Flight does not come cheap, Is it the kids’ parents, the town of Century, Ms. Martha Tims or the taxpayers?

  33. Know your neighbor on March 1st, 2011 7:27 am

    Come On Man…….you can’t fix stupid.

  34. Fred on March 1st, 2011 6:11 am

    I totally understand that “Further details have not been released by the Sheriff’s Office”.

    Which, leaves a lot questions unanswered.

    Was there Alcoholic Beverages found in the Building? (Probably)
    And if so, were there minors inside the building? (Probably)
    And if so, shouldn’t Martha Tims be arrested? (Probably)

    What I see here is not one, but a group of people that’s teaming up to rent these public buildings for these large Flings, with a chosen one to sign the agreement and take responsibility for the building.

    If we could make an arrest here on this consignee, we might wake these folks up to the responsibility their taking.

    The bottom line is, you’re not gonna gather between 75 to 125 people together, on a Saturday night, without a percentage of them drinking Alcoholic Beverages.

  35. art on March 1st, 2011 6:00 am

    allright, century town council, get your act together and get this straightened out. no more jaw jackin, just figure it out. our kiddos are getting shot up and it is nothing more than turning a blind eye at this point in time. mayor, step up and lead this community.

  36. got2saait on March 1st, 2011 5:25 am

    How about a time limit on renting those places…its usually after the midnight hour when troubles arise ….A TEEN PARTY ??? ……til wee hours of the morning..come on now

  37. Future on March 1st, 2011 1:30 am

    Its the same all over Escambia County. Adults rent venues for black teen parties… then charge a cover at the door for whoever without so much as a pat down to keep this violence from happening… But wait lets hire the S.O. deputies for security… Whoops they won’t work juvenile parties because of the hassle… Oh well, shoot away… shot placement is better these days anyway.