New Molino Dental Clinic Opens

January 25, 2011

A new dental clinic is now open in Molino offering services five days a week.

Pro Med Healthcare Services opened the clinic at the Escambia County Health Department’s Molino location. The clinic serves both pediatric and adult patients who are Florida Medicaid-eligible.

New patients are now being accepted and may make an appointment by calling (850) 587-2544. The clinic is located at 3470 Highway 29.

Hours of operation for the clinic are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.


18 Responses to “New Molino Dental Clinic Opens”

  1. Felicity on January 20th, 2012 9:18 am

    This is the Nicest Dentist office! I went the first time for myself.I had an absesed broken tooth and needed it removed.They took care of me in two visits. one for x- rays and to give me an antibiotic for the absess and the next for extraction.When I found out this office is actually a pediatric dental office I brought my daughter in. She broke a front tooth wile playing, and has a few cavities.This office is Very friendly my daughter was very scared but they have helped her over come her fears! I love that there treats are non candy related! They are hopeful to have there nitrace back on at the beginning of February where my daughter will have her teeth fixed.I am so thankful to the Dentist and his staff for providing this very needed service. I am on disability and can not work and my fiance father works long hard hours but still we struggle to pay bills. There are those who choose to choose to complain and those who choose to Help I am thankful for the helpers.

  2. married mo of 2 on April 12th, 2011 11:13 am

    I think programs like these are important. I do believe a good portion oof welfare beneficiaries do not deserve them but some people really are doing everything they can and still need the help. Me and my husband work and both go to school so we can stop receiving state help neither of us smoke or do drugs… just trying our best to afford basics with costs of groceries and gas keeps increasing while our pay remains the same.

  3. ABC on January 30th, 2011 8:28 am

    Its the same old story, there are those that truly need and those that truly steel from the tax paying rolls………… which makes it a sad situation for everyone, its been going on for years and years and years. However until we have tighter control in our medicare, medicade, food stamp programs it will continue…….It is truly unfair to look down on all medicare and medicade, food stamp recipients. When I was raising my babies, there were no programs at all like they have today……. I can remember a cupboard with 1/2 cup dried peas, and two slices of bread in it, and I couldnt get any assistance anywhere,and had two growing children and a new baby on the way, at that point I decided My kids would never never go hungry again, if I had to scrub floors to feed them, and Thank God they have not…………….If there is an honest will, there is an honest way for most everyone, however sadly that is not true for some. It takes pride and determination to ..pull yourself up by your boot strings and to boot it appears that our Country is so busy sending Foreign aid to the rest of the world, deprives our citizens here at home….and deprives our citizenry of making honest livings ………………………….No wonder we have such an attrocious national debt, .

  4. Disabled and struggling parent on January 27th, 2011 9:34 pm

    I would gladly work if I could. I worked for 25 years before I became unable to do so anymore. I cannot stand for more than a few minutes at a time. I cannot lift more than 15 pounds. I cannot cook anymore because I have memory problems and leave out ingredients, forget it’s cooking, etc. I can’t bake a cake or cookies for my kids. My children have to do all the cooking.
    I DID marry the father of my children. I can’t help it that he took off after 20 years of marriage.
    My kids wear clothes from Walmart, the dollar store and the thrift store along with hand me downs from friends and relatives. I certainly don’t have a Coach handbag or anything else along those lines.
    My kids get free lunches at school. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be able to eat.
    I’m doing good to be able to buy their shoes and hygiene items. Without Medicaid, dental care would be out of reach. Without food stamps, we couldn’t eat.
    I am so sick of people stereotyping everyone who receives public assistance. Most of us would love to work and pay our own bills and provide our kids with all those things, but circumstances, such as illness, job loss, etc, have not allowed this. We appreciate all the help we get and we do not abuse it. Unfortunately, people such as those posting here, think that the actions of a few depict the character of all the rest of us too.
    I find it sad that there are so many close minded people here. I hate that my children have to grow up in a world in which they will be discriminated against for things they cannot control. If you think they aren’t, go to Ransom Middle School during lunch. Ask the lunch ladies why there are two lines. One line is for free lunches and the other is for everyone else. Many of the kids on free lunches don’t eat because they’d rather go hungry than have the student body see that they are poor. Isn’t that sad?

  5. dad on January 26th, 2011 6:31 pm

    Why is it that most people on medicaid smoke cigarettes?
    They will buy cigs before they buy food or diapers for their kids.
    I’m sure there are exceptions but this seems to be the rule. Sad.

  6. Sweetie on January 26th, 2011 10:33 am

    whoa…..a person could go nuts listening to all of you. As a matter of fact, not all people on Medicaid are too sorry to work. But in today’s economy, people who are working and qualify for assistance and receive it usually need it. Not everyone who gets it drives big cars or dresses in the best. A few spoil it for those who really need it. But, if venting made you feel better……

  7. FED UP on January 26th, 2011 10:24 am

    I’m with you on this one. Their the first one to buy their kids candy at the grocery store knowing full well they can’t pay for dental services. Every look at their fat
    I know a lot of them FAT, LAZY TAKERS LIVING OFF YOU AND ME.

  8. crazywhitewomen on January 26th, 2011 6:23 am

    wow CTR….

  9. CTR on January 25th, 2011 10:32 pm

    Again takers taking. While mommy waltzes in with little Junior in his or her designer duds and mommy decked to the nine with her expensive Coach, DB, LV or other designer bag waiting for free dental service. Plenty of money to shop and have the #1 best. These services are great for those who really need them. However those of us that work are disgusted with it. My kids can’t have the best and both of his parents work. We are lucky we have dental insurance but several years ago we did not. My husbands company does not offer a dental plan. Have you ever tried to find a company who sells dental insurance to individuals or families. HA HA! Howabout the government fix that problem. How about some of these mommies marry the daddies and the daddies or mommies get a real job and get off the welfare roles. How about foodstamps don’t include soda, chips, candy and other junk foods that lead to tooth decay and obesity. Let mommy make a cake or bake cookies instead of providing pre-made convenience foods. Long ago people did not have these options and did just fine. Wonder if they will provide free gold caps. Free of charge of course?

  10. Citizen on January 25th, 2011 10:10 pm

    I feel so bad for the people that are the working poor! The choices are work and have (expensive) insurance; work and have no insurance; or those people that don’t work, and have no desire to work. Shame on them! I’m glad that there is a clinic that will see children and the elderly with Medicaid in the area though! Medicare will not pay for extractions… only dentures. The system isn’t right!
    Our elderly are allowed to have rotten teeth if they are Medicaid…. unless they are able to find a Medicaid dentist. The system is wrong!

  11. Disabled and struggling parent on January 25th, 2011 6:03 pm

    Unless the rules have changed, it IS based on income done on a sliding scale. As for Medicaid for adults, the only dental thing it pays for is to pull all the teeth and fit with dentures. Seems to me it would be a lot cheaper to provide preventative care, but then….what do I know?

  12. just call me joe on January 25th, 2011 5:20 pm

    Will MediCARE recipients be able to go there? Or is it just for Medicaid?

  13. amen on January 25th, 2011 4:39 pm

    stamps have wierd I have always felt everyone deserves quality health care and dental is part of your health should be some sort of sliding scale program that way those who are hurting right now can have help medicaid and foodstamps have complicated guidlines i am a family of 4 my husband has no job no income i make 300 a week i do recieve 400 in food stamps that i am very thankful for and hope i dont always have to have but only my youngst has medicaid the older child and us do not I have always paid taxes so has my husband and oldest child hope we dont need dentist or dr we treat our self if we are sick just pray never have to go to er because we cant heal with over the counter stuff cause what a bill that would be at a time i can barely pay rent and lights. I was hopeing one day there would be a program that all ameericans would recieve free healthcare wether it be paid thru taxes or some other way love to all

  14. meemee on January 25th, 2011 2:14 pm

    amen terri if you work you get nothing i havent work in three month due to medical reaso but has work for 38 years applied for some things felt that i was entitled to and was denied becuse in november i made 1.99cent to much now thats sucks…

  15. pm on January 25th, 2011 2:09 pm

    Terri – my daddy always said there are 2 kinds of wealthy people in the world. !st) the filthy rich an 2nd) People on welfare. He died in 1976 and knew it then — too bad we did not wake up and smell the bacon then. Two of my kids just got laid off and can not afford to COBRA – so they will be without benefits except for the pennies they can get on unemployment. They have (like us) worked all of their adult lives and if they get a toothache it will just be tough luck. Like you, I do not want to see little children hungry, sick, or doing without the basics. However, if they can wear designer clothes, shoes, and mom can qualify for a rent subsidized apartment it is probably also true that when needed they can afford a dentist. I guess my point is if one can not afford children – don’t have them so the government will write a check and provide all the good things people used to have to work for. This is not intended to slight anyone but we the people need to bring sanity back to our country. Values like a solid work ethic, morality, and common courtesy have been lost on a whole generation of people who think they are entitled to the same quality of living that those who earn it do. Apparently, our government agrees. I am truly sorry to see hardworking citizens of our country being taken advantage of when times are already so hard for most of us.

  16. YELLER HAMMER on January 25th, 2011 12:27 pm

    This is just a fraud to rip off the tax payers of this state, and I am talking from experence with our grand childern.

  17. terri sanders on January 25th, 2011 12:18 pm

    Always has to be Medicaid eligible.What about all those people who work hard,can’t afford healthe insurance or dental insurance much less a dental bill? If you work your butt off it seems like you are penalized.I am all for people getting much needed services,but there is a groupp os Americans who get nothing becasue they are woking…don’t qualify for Medicaid.It would be nice if our government could take a look at the people working and paying taxes that pay for all these free services.

  18. i dont kno on January 25th, 2011 9:09 am

    does the dental clinic in century provide services for adults, adults with medicaid, adults medically needy with a share of cost, adults with no insurance at al, or is it just for children only. The same questions for the dental clinic in milino.
