2010 Persons Of The Year: Educator Peter R. (Pete) Gindl, Sr.

January 5, 2011

NorthEscambia.com is naming Persons of the Year for 2010 each day this week. Click here for previous recipients.

Peter R. (Pete) Gindl, Sr. of Barrineau Park has posthumously been named one of our North Escambia Persons of the Year.

Gindl was fresh out of college back in 1957 when friends first convinced the political newcomer to run for the school board. He was a product of the Escambia School District and a graduate of Auburn. But he really did not know much about the office that was about to propel him into a lifelong quest to help children succeed.

“I was just fresh out of college, a single fellow, when a group of friends convinced me to run for the school board. I had a college education, and the other guy did not,” Gindl said in a 2008 NorthEscambia.com interview. “I didn’t know anything about the school board, but I ran. And I won — by 36 votes.”

Election after election, he continued to win, remaining on the school board for twenty years before deciding to “retire” and teach. He then spent 18 years in the classroom before “retiring” from teaching in 1996.  While he supported the family as a farmer (he held an agricultural education degree, after all) for nearly 50 years, the second retirement was not forever. Education was just in his blood somewhere.

In 2004, the Escambia County native returned to the school board in District 5, ousting Linda Finkelstein from her seat. Gindl had plans to return to the board for another term in 2008, but District 5 voters had another plan, as they elected Bill Slayton to Gindl’s seat.

In all, the man that fought tirelessly for the children of District 5 and all of Escambia County spent 24 years on the Escambia County School Board — 16 years as chairman. He also served a year and a half as president of the Florida School Board Association.

But he considered his 18 years in the classroom as the most rewarding period of his career.

“I’m going to miss it,” he said in November, 2008, just hours before his school board term officially came to an end.  “I’ll miss working with the parents, the educational personnel, everyone that cares about the kids. It has always been about the children…I just love the children.”

Gindl passed away May 16, 2010.


7 Responses to “2010 Persons Of The Year: Educator Peter R. (Pete) Gindl, Sr.”

  1. Donald R. Dixon Jr. on January 5th, 2011 10:11 pm

    I remember Pete Gindl from the time our family moved to Molino in the late 60’s. He was such a wonderful man from the hay fields to the ball park. A man from a generation of in-
    tegrity who knew the true definition of hard work. He was a great leader as well as a friend
    to talk with and to laugh a bit. A man who was backed by a wonderful family who knows what family values are surrounded by a real Dad/Husband etc. Pete Gindl you were a man amongst men. A true icon from the heartland of Escambia County!

  2. Richard Smith on January 5th, 2011 8:47 pm

    As Jacob and Heather said Gindl didn’t see us as kids, we were friends and he spent all day at school trying to teach us many thing that would better us in life. On top of that we spent hours after school doing FFA functions. He gave leaning a twist and made it fun. He will be missed by me and many of our FFA members from Tate High.

  3. Nancy Gindl Perry on January 5th, 2011 8:00 pm

    Our family is truly honored !! I read the article and comments to my mom on the phone and her reply was “the comments made by his students would mean more to him than any of his accomplishments.”. Our dad along with our mom took pride and gave their entire lives for their children and not just his biological ones. As mentioned in several comments, daddy was much more than a dad, he was a mentor, a disciplinarian, a role model, and the most wonder man In the world I had the privilege or calling daddy!! To whom ever recommend daddy for this honor on behalf of the family THANK YOU!! To Jacob, Heather, Sharon,and Crystal you too made such agreat impact on his life…..he LOVED TEACHING AND LOVED HIS STUDENTS!!! Yes Heather indeed—WAR EAGLE DADDY I LOVE A MISS YOU EVERY DAY!!! Your baby daughter:)

  4. Crystal Jackson on January 5th, 2011 10:44 am

    Mr. Gindl was truly an amazing man! I too will always remember our incredible FFA trips. Branson was a blast Heather! I never thought I’d say it but I even miss being squished in the front seat of that old blue station wagon, LOL! I realize now I was sitting next to one of the most amazing men to have ever been in my life. My home is now built on land that I purchased from Mr. Gindl after I graduated. I will always treasure that land as a special part of his legacy and a wonderful place to raise my family. I miss you Mr. Gindl!

  5. Sharon Holmquist on January 5th, 2011 8:04 am

    Mr. Gindl was my agriculture teacher at Tate back in 1990. He was the greatest teacher that I ever had. He was our friend as well as a teacher.

  6. Heather Sullivan on January 5th, 2011 7:57 am

    Mr. Gindl was so much more than a teacher, he was a mentor and a friend. I knew I could always count on him for advice, and he never steered me wrong. I have so many wonderful memories of all the trips he took us on, my favorite was the year we went to Kansas City for the National Convention (with detours to Branson & Nashville). He influenced so many of his students. I feel so blessed to have had him a part of my life, and I know I am a better person because of him. War Eagle Mr. Gindl, I love you.

  7. Jacob Gilmore on January 5th, 2011 7:20 am

    Mr. Gindl was one amazing individual and touched so many lives including mine. He truly cared about each and every child he came in contact and teaching was not just a job for him but it was his love. I think of him often especially the memories of the FFA Judging trips to south Florida. Mr. Gindl was a one of a Kind and I am blessed to have been taught by such a caring man who I can call a friend.