Chiefs Fall To Walton County, 36-13

September 20, 2008


A young Northview High School team lost 36-13 to Walton High Friday night in Bratt.

Walton blocked two different punts, and they returned both for touchdowns.

A 37-yard pass with 9:56 in the first quarter put the Braves on the board first. A good kick, and Walton led 7-0.

Walton scored another TD with an almost 70 yard run, and they had a good kick with 11:03 in the first to increase their lead to 14-0. With 4:14 in the quarter, Walton scored again to move ahead 23-0.

The Chiefs got their first points on the board with 2:24 to go in the half. A 37 yard pass and a one yard run by Jay Jackson made the score 23-7 going into the half.

Walton picked up another seven with 7:05 on the clock in the third to make the score 30-7. They added another half dozen with 5:21 to go in the ballgame, 36-7 Walton.

Chief Montayo Mitchell intercepted a Walton pass and had scored a touchdown on a 27 yard run with 4:03 in the ballgame for a final score of 36-13.

“All we can do is put this behind us and look forward to next week,” Northview Head Coach Cody Keene told the team after the game. “We are not going to point any fingers at anyone on this one. If we are going to point any fingers, we are going to point them at me.”

“We just made a lot of mistakes in the kicking game, and we just didn’t play very well,” he said. “We tackled real poorly.”

“They’ve got a good football team,” Keene said about Walton after the game. “We are real young, and we are going to keep working and try to improve this week and get ready for a district game.”

Northview’s first district game is next Friday night on the road at Holmes County.

For a complete photo gallery with over 100 photos from the game, click here. The photos include the football players, cheerleaders and band.

Pictured above and below: Walton County downed Northview Friday night 36-13 in Bratt. photos, click to enlarge.



40 Responses to “Chiefs Fall To Walton County, 36-13”

  1. Rodney on September 25th, 2008 8:19 pm

    Well Hellfire, there I said it. Thats all I will say about that. There are numerous opinions that I may agree or disagree with, but I think all comments should be about how we can get better, rehashing what is already obvious wastes everyones time. Motivation comes from all kinds of sources, a Players motivation comes from their parents, and from within their own heart and soul, because without that the player will be out there just participating, not playing. Coahes motivation comes from what he or she feels are the things that move the players to action, the coaches must have their heart and soul put into teaching these players to win, whatever the means needed to accomplish that, Coaches cannot ever allow a loser attitude in players and players should never allow thenselves to have that attitude or associate themselves with people who have that attitude. There is no doubt that Northview has the available talent to win in all our sports programs, we are blessed with that, on the same note though we have to have all parts of our programs working together to get these talented players to the wins they deserve. Therfore this will require every one to be open to new ideas and ways to accomplish those goals, this goes for the administration, coaches, staff, parents, and players, there is no one place to point the finger, we all have a vested intrest in these programs. So I strongly urge all who currently complain, make sure you try to be part of the solution, and not just be the problem. Become involved in your school sports programs, join the clubs that are available to you for helping be apart of the solution, the Quarterback Club and the Diamond Club are always in need of help to help our programs have succes and to be the best.
    Its just like complaining about who the President of the United States is but you fail to go vote, don’t complain if you didn’t vote. Please don’t think your vote don’t matter. It always matters.

  2. Mac and Cheese on September 25th, 2008 4:58 pm

    My brother, Austin Reid, is on that team, I dontt think they should be downing them like they are, people are just lame and doesnt have anything else better to do with there lives, and they are childish, so stop with all the atmore comments and if you are such a big northview fan than why aint you in the stands cheering them on or having your child in that school, and coach keene is the best coach that the cheifs has had, so stop trying to get him fired, so lets go cheifs and show bonifay what we are made of, and remember HELLFIRE! Yeahh Boii;

  3. BIGDIESEL on September 25th, 2008 12:55 pm

    WE DONT NEED A NEW HEAD COACH the guys need to work hard like the 2008 class did we taught them guys alot because my class told them if they did not go off what we taught them it would turn out this way so they need to work harder in the weightroom and on an off the field so they can be better

  4. Jennifer on September 25th, 2008 12:48 pm

    People that are so quick to be so critical obviously have too much time on their hands. A new coach is NOT needed…..when Coach Keene came to Northview…..he was put up to all as the BEST and just because we lose 2 games, people are ready to cut him loose……I believe that he has done Northview more good than anything….and i feel blessed that my son has had an opportunity to be around such a wonderful role model as him…..He teaches hard work, dedication, and persistance……and for that i would thank him…..Chiefs, dont give up, keep fighting……Everyone needs to work together… IS in the best interest of ALL OF OUR kids!

  5. Sweet Tea on September 24th, 2008 8:39 pm

    If we were undefeated would it be a problem to say “hellfire”? Uhmm….. Probably Nott. And would yall be wanting to fire Coach Keene if we were undefeted? No!! Adults teach kids losing is not the end of the world but get mad when they are just showing school spirit and trying to pump the team up. But when we lose a game, look at how the adults act. So remember adults, we look up to yall on these things, and if yall are downing us, think how we are feel when we lose. But its ok I was taught to ignore ignorance. And yall need to stop the comments about how we need to show more school spirit like atmore. Thats really LAMEEE! And most people that is saying that just needs to get over themselves and stop trying to down the best.(Cheifs) And if yall have a problem with it, then get off you butt and do something about it! So Watch Out Bonifay because When the Cheifs show up you will know it because you will see black smoke. So Lets Go Chiefs and remember give them some “HELLFIRE”

  6. Lucy Beth on September 24th, 2008 8:13 pm

    i am disgusted with our fans. where is the pep. if it wasn’t for the cheerleaders and band it would be silent. and please fans don’t cheer with the cheerleaders. that would make too much sense. if there was some spirit from the so called “fans” maybe it would make it a better atmosphere for a competitive game.


  7. big dog on September 24th, 2008 11:01 am

    give”em hell chiefs…….hellfire hellfire!!!!!!!!

  8. shellcracker on September 24th, 2008 6:46 am

    “Those of you that live in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones” HELLFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. meme on September 23rd, 2008 10:07 pm

    I have a son on this football team. If my son is saying “hellfire” then good for you. Because I know, like everybody knows that saying “hellfire” is alot better then what comes out of their mouth. Adults gots to remember that they were 16 and 17 at one time. What was you saying at that age? We have kids that are having babies and they are not able to drive yet. We have kids that are doing and selling drugs. We have kids that are saying “hellfire” before a football game. I don’t know about you but I ‘m glad that my son is only saying “hellfire” and not saying Momma, I have drug problem or guess what you are going to be a granny. Saying “hellfire” only became a problem because we lost 2 games. If we were winning, would it be a problem then? Coach keep up the good job! The only ones that are fussing, is the ones that set on their butts and don’t want to help. Son I got one thing to say to you ” hellfire”. Now lets go and beat bonify. Good luck son and Hellfire.

  10. JIM Pall on September 23rd, 2008 9:07 pm

    I’M SOBER and I say HELL FIRE HELL FIRE Iove it!

  11. NHS student athlete on September 23rd, 2008 9:01 pm

    i just want to say mark has the right idea about it and don’t knock hellfire until you try it before a game. that’s the teams way of getting fired up before the game

  12. momma on September 23rd, 2008 2:22 pm

    Hell Fire. ………I would say the football team is a little (upset). WATCH OUT BHS. You got some Chiefs coming to town with some fire in their hearts.

  13. author on September 23rd, 2008 1:41 pm

    HELL FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. kelly on September 23rd, 2008 1:09 pm

    Some people are just so clueless it’s SAD! Oh yes, “Hellfire” is just horrible…Give me a break. You’re just looking for something. Start at the mirror.

  15. author on September 23rd, 2008 9:07 am

    hell fire!!!!!!!!!!! hell fire!!!!!!!!!!!! hell fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. bossman on September 23rd, 2008 9:05 am

    i’m the boss,and i say hellfire is good

  17. bob marley on September 23rd, 2008 8:56 am

    personally, i like hellfire

  18. bob marley on September 23rd, 2008 8:56 am

    personally i think hellfire is fun

  19. NHS FAN on September 23rd, 2008 8:54 am

    HELL FIRE!!!!!!!I!! HELL FIRE!!!!!!!! GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!! GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!! BURNING DEEP!!!!!!!!! HELL FIRE!!!!!!!!

  20. Geronimo on September 22nd, 2008 10:32 pm

    I don’t agree with the bashing, the coaches seem to be great fellas along with a great bunch of young gentlemen!!!!! I think there needs to be more fire in the eye type football in the begining. The coaching staff is very courteous along with the players, and as far as chanting hell fire give me a break, you see and read worse than that on billboard signs on the roadside. No-one needs to lose there job nor get down about this team, this is kids trying there hardest along with adults guiding and doing what they think is correct at that time. Myself I’m just in the cheapseats trying to give an honest opinion. I’ve been on both sides of the fence before and it’s heck when you make a call half of the people LOVE you and the other half HATES you. So kudos to NHS football I’m not here to demeanor by no means, just a little polishing will do yall fine, the SHINE is there!!! GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK! HELL FIRE………….

  21. Davy Jones of NHS on September 22nd, 2008 8:43 pm

    COME ON CHIEFS! Don’t worry about what the negative people say, remember it’s what you say that counts, their not the people out their playing you are! As long as you give it your all and tried you best you will always be #1. GO CHIEFS GO! (11:30)

  22. cb on September 22nd, 2008 7:00 pm

    Ok all this bashing our school and saying that we need to be more like atmore needs to stop.Our school is awesome and so are our coaches.i think that if you think so highly of atmore that you need to send your kid there.because we sure dont need any HATERS!im tired of people getting on here and saying that we need to have more school spirit.we have tons of school spirit.we have posters all over our school supporting our team.and if you are so concerned “MOMMA” about our school spirit then why dont you get your butt up during the game and cheer for the team and try to get our players pumped up?the only people who are doing any sort of cheering for the boys is the band,cheerleaders,and a few of the parents and teachers.THATS IT!

    also do you think that it helps our teams self confidence and confidence that they will win when you get on here and tell them that they played horrible and that we need a new coaching staff!no it doesnt!! they come to school and you can tell that what people say about them affects them SO STOP!they are doing great.leave them alone unless you have something nice to say about them. ok?didnt your MOMMA ever teach you any manners?


  23. Shaun on September 22nd, 2008 6:16 pm

    I also was very surprised at hearing the team which was LED by the head coach shouting Hell Fire before breaking out. Im surprised that Ms Weaver actually allows it. Its funny how you cant pray at schools anymore yet can teach the kids how to say garbage like that. Whether its to intimidate the opponent or not, find something else to say. It shows no class whatsoever. GL next week chiefs

  24. Toney on September 22nd, 2008 5:50 pm

    What we need is real fans not fair weather fans. Two years ago the Chiefs were 9-0 and nobody wanted to get rid of Coach Keene then. He’s the same coach now as he was then. He brought stability to a program that was in turmoil at the time he was hired. We’ve played three games and lost twice to schools in a higher classification. Let’s not push the panic button just yet. We’ll be fine against the schools in our district. Try cheering for the team and showing some support for the program and see what happens.The most noise we made Friday night was when the cheerleaders threw the footballs in the stands after we scored. And by the way, the grass is not always greener on the other side. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

  25. NHS Student on September 22nd, 2008 11:44 am

    I think the that downing Northvew is very inappropriate, being yall are on our Football article, when you are supposed to read it and give them luck for the coming up week. And i also think that our Football Coaches are the best & we dont need a new head coach. Our Football Team is doing great, just because we have lost a couple of games dont mean anything and it dont mean we need a new head coach, it means we need to work harder and learn from our mistakes. And for the “MOMMA” down there, i have a question if your such an N.H.S Fan then why dont you show us some school spirit, and quit telling us we need to be more like Atmore. And for your information….coming from a Northview Student we do have School Spirit. And if you want to down a team then why dont you do it to the opponent instead of the team your supposed to be going for. And we definitely dont want to be like atmore.. No we dont need a New Head Coach….we just need to put the past games behind us and look forward to next week and do better than we have been doing. Our Coaching Staff is wonderful, Our players are great! WE DONT NEED ANY OTHER CHANGES EXCEPT FOR THE NUMBERS ON THE SCORE BOARD. So always remember Football Players..(TEAM. me)
    And go to Holmes County this week and show all these people up. Go Chiefs!!!

    The negative comments needs to stop and come together for Northview and show us school spirit if you think we dont have any. Because your negativity is getting you no where. And you are doing nothing positive for anyone.

  26. aurthor on September 22nd, 2008 9:13 am

    i think that the spread offense shouldn’t be ran. they should line in the i formation and pound it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Chief supprter on September 22nd, 2008 8:23 am

    No matter how different people feel, the fact is that the people of the Northview communities need to come together and instead of just talking, make a positive difference. Coach Keene has had 3 winning seasons, back to back district championships, 3 playoff experiences, since he has been at Northview, better than anyother coach in Northview history. It is easy to stand on a side line and say what you would do. The negative talk needs to stop, if you want something done try being at the quarterback club meetings and voice your opinion to help get the pride and spirit up at Northview.

    To the team, I commend you on playing hard and not giving up! Let’s go to Holmes County this week and WIN!!!

  28. Mark on September 21st, 2008 10:38 pm

    Funny how all the people with negative comments do not post their real name. It is one thing to voice your opinion and another to bash others while hiding behind a computer screen. Five years ago the program was in shambles. Some support during hard times might benefit that program. Being negative, hatefulness, dissension, and PRIDE spread like wildfire and can ruin anyone. Remember that when you write stuff on here where kids can read it and when you speak about it in public. You are doing nothing positive for anyone.

    Matthew 10:26
    “But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.

  29. shamed on September 21st, 2008 9:46 pm

    Let’s get the ball rolling: Coach McCord needs to be the head coach of Northview. It’s time to let people know how we feel before its too late!!!!!!!!

  30. CHEERLEADER FAN on September 21st, 2008 7:11 pm

    Cheerleaders you were awesome Friday night. Your hard work shows everytime you step out on the track.

  31. angie on September 21st, 2008 4:02 pm

    Momma, (gee, it feels funny typing that) if you are such a fan of Northview, why are bragging about Atmore? Trust me, you don’t want our kids to have the kind of “school spirit” Atmore has.

  32. shamed on September 21st, 2008 3:36 pm


  33. NHS FAN on September 21st, 2008 2:27 pm

    N.H.S. Players you have not given up in your two loses. That says a lot about you and the coaching staff, you just keeping on getting better each week. Play calling is good.This year the calls are getting in quicker. Practice hard and listen to your coaches.

  34. MOMMA on September 21st, 2008 12:50 pm

    yes it does need to start at the TOP >>>>>>>>> Walk in that school and look for spirit signs. NONE!!! Walk in other schools Atmore and look around……… You might see cheerleaders who work on building school SPIRIT. Look at the fence on Friday nights at Atmore.Look down Main Street BIG signs GO BIG BLUE!!!!!!!!! Get off our boys and our coaches. This momma loves N.H.S. You keep playing hard Chiefs and don’t listen to the cry babies. And kick butt next Friday night.

  35. Geronimo on September 20th, 2008 9:20 pm

    I’m totally confused about what I’m seeing with this team. I see no drive in the team, ladies and gentlemen we’re not going to a funeral here. Coaches we need to get you excited also, it starts at the top. The players will follow suit of what they’re around and the orah their leaders are presenting.From what I’ve seen the talent is there, we need to change up our plays and have enough confidence in the team’s depth to rotate these guys in and out. We should be making an impression on the opposing team as we’re walking in. If it wasn’t for our cheerleaders I thought that I had lost my hearing. I’m not a cry baby I’m just calling it like I see it!! We have a few tweaks to make starting at the top and it’ll trickle down from there, YOU ALL HAVE WHAT IT TAKES !!!! So tighten up your chin straps and cleats and get out there, take control, this is memories that you all will have from now and possibly for some a future in sports.

  36. angie on September 20th, 2008 4:21 pm

    They were shouting hellfire. Was it not loud enough? Just an intimidation ploy for the other team. At least the boys have some spirit, which is more than I can say for the fans at the game. Last time I checked, hell was not a cuss word. So don’t start on those boys for being fired up! They deserve more than what they get from the so called “fans”.

  37. MOMMA on September 20th, 2008 12:12 pm

    DUH!!!!!! If they were better then they would be playing.

  38. Concerned Fan on September 20th, 2008 11:15 am

    Hold your head up guys. Practice hard and don’t get down on yourself. What concerns me is this. Coach says we are a young team. we play a lot of underclassmen when the roster has a lot of 11th and 12th graders on it. Are these guys not good enough to be playing? They should be more experience being that they have had 2 to 3 years playing on the JV or Varsity.

  39. MOMMA on September 20th, 2008 11:09 am

    No did not think it was inappropriate. What’s inappropriate is all the little girls walking around with babies, and the baggy pants the boys are wearing. And people not having prayer before ball games. Teenagers who don’t stop talking and walking and show respect to the the American Flag.

  40. Jay on September 20th, 2008 10:01 am

    What was the NHS team shouting during pre-game chant? I was shocked at what I was hearing. Am I the only one that thinks it was inappropriate?