Census Bureau Releases 2009 Century Info

December 20, 2010

The U.S. Census Bureau 5-year American Community Survey estimates released last week for Escambia County are as follows:

HOUSEHOLDS AND FAMILIES: In 2005-2009 there were 650 households in Century town. The average household size was 2.4 people.

Families made up 65 percent of the households in Century town. This figure includes both married-couple families (38 percent) and other families (27 percent). Nonfamily households made up 35 percent of all households in Century town. Most of the nonfamily households were people living alone, but some were composed of people living in households in which no one was related to the householder.

NATIVITY AND LANGUAGE: Five percent of the people living in Century town in 2005-2009 were foreign born. Ninety-five percent was native, including 61 percent who were born in Florida.

Among people at least five years old living in Century town in 2005-2009, 4 percent spoke a language other than English at home. Of those speaking a language other than English at home, 38 percent spoke Spanish and 62 percent spoke some other language; 42 percent reported that they did not speak English “very well.”

GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY: In 2005-2009, 91 percent of the people at least one year old living in Century town were living in the same residence one year earlier; 5 percent had moved during the past year from another residence in the same county, less than 0.5 percent from another county in the same state, 3 percent from another state, and less than 0.5 percent from abroad.

EDUCATION: In 2005-2009, 75 percent of people 25 years and over had at least graduated from high school and 5 percent had a bachelor’s degree or higher. Twenty-six percent were dropouts; they were not enrolled in school and had not graduated from high school.

The total school enrollment in Century town was 340 in 2005-2009. Nursery school and kindergarten enrollment was 18 and elementary or high school enrollment was 280 children. College or graduate school enrollment was 42.

DISABILITY: In Century town, among people at least five years old in 2005-2009, percent reported a disability. The likelihood of having a disability varied by age – from percent of people 5 to 15 years old, to percent of people 16 to 64 years old, and to percent of those 65 and older.

INDUSTRIES: In 2005-2009, for the employed population 16 years and older, the leading industries in Century town were Manufacturing, 23 percent, and Educational services, and health care, and social assistance, 20 percent.

OCCUPATIONS AND TYPE OF EMPLOYER: Among the most common occupations were: Production, transportation, and material moving occupations, 25 percent; Service occupations, 24 percent; Sales and office occupations, 21 percent; Management, professional, and related occupations, 16 percent; and Construction, extraction, maintenance, and repair occupations, 13 percent. Seventy-six percent of the people employed were Private wage and salary workers; 16 percent was Federal, state, or local government workers; and 7 percent was Self-employed in own not incorporated business workers.

TRAVEL TO WORK: Seventy-six percent of Century town workers drove to work alone in 2005-2009, 18 percent carpooled, 1 percent took public transportation, and 3 percent used other means. The remaining 3 percent worked at home. Among those who commuted to work, it took them on average 24.9 minutes to get to work.

INCOME: The median income of households in Century town was $24,643. Fifty-nine percent of the households received earnings and 22 percent received retirement income other than Social Security. Fifty-two percent of the households received Social Security. The average income from Social Security was $11,246. These income sources are not mutually exclusive; that is, some households received income from more than one source.

POVERTY AND PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS: In 2005-2009, 32 percent of people were in poverty. Forty-nine percent of related children under 18 were below the poverty level, compared with 22 percent of people 65 years old and over. Twenty-four percent of all families and 38 percent of families with a female householder and no husband present had incomes below the poverty level.

POPULATION OF Century town: In 2005-2009, Century town had a total population of 1,600 – 900 (58 percent) females and 650 (42 percent) males. The median age was 42.5 years. Twenty-three percent of the population was under 18 years and 17 percent was 65 years and older.

For people reporting one race alone, 37 percent was White; 59 percent was Black or African American; less than 0.5 percent was American Indian and Alaska Native; 1 percent was Asian; less than 0.5 percent was Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and less than 0.5 percent was Some other race. Two percent reported Two or more races. Two percent of the people in Century town was Hispanic. Thirty-six percent of the people in Century town was White non-Hispanic. People of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS: In 2005-2009, Century town had a total of 760 housing units, 14 percent of which were vacant. Of the total housing units, 64 percent was in single-unit structures, 10 percent was in multi-unit structures, and 26 percent was mobile homes. Twenty-five percent of the housing units were built since 1990.

OCCUPIED HOUSING UNIT CHARACTERISTICS: In 2005-2009, Century town had 650 occupied housing units – 450 (69 percent) owner occupied and 200 (31 percent) renter occupied. Six percent of the households did not have telephone service and 19 percent of the households did not have access to a car, truck, or van for private use. Twenty-five percent had two vehicles and another 20 percent had three or more.

HOUSING COSTS: The median monthly housing costs for mortgaged owners was $829, nonmortgaged owners $275, and renters $406. Fifty-three percent of owners with mortgages, 19 percent of owners without mortgages, and 47 percent of renters in Century town spent 30 percent or more of household income on housing.


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