Meet The Chiefs: Ready For The Season

September 5, 2008


The Northview Chiefs held their annual Meet the Chiefs event Thursday afternoon at the school, and they are ready for tonight’s season opener against Catholic.

“We are ready for Catholic,” NHS Head Coach Cody Keene said. “Hopefully Catholic is looking past us, and we can have a good night.

“We have a good chemistry this year,” he said. “If you play hard with your teammates, you will win. And that is what we are going to do.”

The Chiefs are chasing a school record this year…their fourth straight season to make the state playoffs.

They will spend most of their season on the road, often three plus hours on the road one way, with just four home games this year. The Chief’s first district game will be September 26 against Holmes County in Bonifay.

Click here for more photos from Meet the Chiefs Thursday at Northview High School.

Pictured above. Northview Head Coach Cody Keene introduce the 2008-2009 Northview Chiefs. photo.


21 Responses to “Meet The Chiefs: Ready For The Season”

  1. QB Club Member on September 9th, 2008 8:21 pm

    In reviewing the comments concerning the Meet The Chiefs event, I am both disappointed and concerned. I am disappointed that adults have trouble honoring our programs even if it means swallowing a little pride, and I am concerned that these same adults blame the clubs or Coaches or administration, without stepping up and being apart of the solution instead of being part of the problem. The QB Club constantly is looking for volunteers to assist in the ongoing task of keeping our Chiefs as prepared as they can be each year. The issues that have arisen during my 3 years in the club, which started as the Booster Club and now has made the transition to QB Club, have all been issues concerning someones pride and individual needs over what was best for the program as a whole. That was why the issues were voted on and the vote reflected what was best for the program as a whole, all done while not blaming anyone. Did these issues warrant the seperation that has taken place by adult leadership? Certainly not. I wholheartedly agree that all the groups should communicate freely so that the school’s spirit and pride is protected above all. Did they communicate properly this time or others? Maybe not. But lets not blame anyone, lets get involved, find out what we can do to help with these communication issues, work toward solutions, lets not continue to rehash the problems. As any of the Coaches will tell you, when you have a bad game, wheather you lost or won, its what you learn from those mistakes and what you do to get better that matters, not how much you blame your teammate or the conditions around you. Chiefs need Indians, and without Indians there will be no Chiefs. Think about it.

  2. band mom on September 8th, 2008 8:35 am

    The bus to take some football players home??? yes, I have been wondering for a long time – just who pays for that bus and gas expense most every day of the week after practice and games during school and during the summer to pick them up and take them home for practice? Is it taken care of by the QB club or does NHS absorb that cost?

  3. Future Chief on September 7th, 2008 2:58 pm

    It is very evident from this and other events that happen at Northview, that there is little support from the administration. That is the bottom line! I am very concerned with this and other situations that come up at Northview. My children do not attend Northview, yet, and right now I am hesitant to send them there. And I can assure you that I am not the only one who feels this way.

  4. reaction from meet the cheifs on September 7th, 2008 2:20 pm

    I guess if their had been a bus to take the cheerleaders and band home like theirs one providing certain football players a ride home, they might have been there.

  5. tribal beat fan on September 7th, 2008 1:28 pm

    Wow! No wonder there is no school spirit at Northview. I do happen to know that the band was not invited to attend the event. They also work very hard all week preparing to entertain the crowd on Friday night. They get very little recognition, so I am sure they would have loved to have been a part of “Meet the Chiefs”. A great deal of Northview’s problems stem from two very different communities and schools being put together. There is still a bitter taste in a lot of the parents’ mouths because their hearts are still with their old alma maters. The students are the ones that suffer for that. There will never be a Century High School or an Ernest Ward High School again. The best thing we can do for our kids is to show our support and pride for THEIR school! All of the petty arguing and finger pointing over silly things is what brings morale down. Think about the actual games. There is very little, if any, crowd support. The band and the cheerleaders carry these games and they shouldn’t have to do it alone. Keep that in mind next time and get over the “Meet the Chiefs”. It’s done, so move on.

  6. chief supporter on September 7th, 2008 11:55 am

    Well if the cheerleaders have practiced so hard they could have done something even at a short notice. Why can’t the coaches come together and communicate? You want to know why the spirit is so low at Northview, and you want to know why people don’t get up and cheer at ballgames, look at the spirit that is floating within the school. How many signs do you see up at the school, outside the school, on sides of the roads etc…? Instead of trying to find fault with each other, why not come together and stand back and look at what can we do to make Norhview better. Something has to change, coaches you are adults, work together, sometimes you have to give and take. The spirit of Northview is dead all the way around, start now to revive it!

  7. Chief on September 6th, 2008 10:10 pm

    THANK YOU, “Not Confused”, for setting “confused” straight. I am a Varisty cheerleader at Northview and I, along with our sponsor and my fellow cheerleaders, know that we did not find out until the day before that “Meet The Chiefs” was going on. And just to answer “confused”s question, we put ALOT of hours into making the squad look fabulous on game nights. We, as “not confused” stated, are the ones cheering for the team whether they are winning or not. Thats what we do. We are hard-working cheerleaders that love our team. As far as the squad not showing up to “Meet The Chiefs”, if the QB Club wanted us there to do our job, they should have told us at least a week in advance. It was a big miscommunication, and next year, we will hopefully be able to show up to support our Chiefs football players, AS WE DO EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, even if the crowd isn’t cheering with us.
    Thank you.

  8. Not Confused. on September 6th, 2008 8:24 pm

    The students at Northview were NOT aware of the Meet the Chiefs event until the day of. NO announcement was made at school and no one even talked about it until that morning. The cheerleaders and band members found out the day before and the majority of them had prior obligations and they were unable to attend. If they would have known about the event in advance, I am sure the all would have been there. These students work very hard and are the most dedicate FANS to the Northview football program. They are at every game, THEY are the ones cheering the boys on even though everyone in the crowd is sitting on their rumps. So, let’s not talk about “School spirit” and showing “support” when the “FANS” don’t even show their pride at football games.

  9. Confused on September 6th, 2008 5:30 pm

    I am confused…did they not come because they weren’t invited or because they didn’t know about it? There is NO way that the cheerleaders can say they didn’t know about it, because ALL of the students at North View knew about the “Meet the Chiefs” event, especially those involved in sports activities.

    It sounds like they are just “miffed” that they weren’t invited to be a part of the event until the day before. If that is the case then THAT shows lack of school spirit and school pride.

    In ANY event, as soon as the “Meet the Chiefs” event was planned, the cheerleading sponsor and the band director should have KNOWN that they would be participating. The FANS that showed up to show their support didn’t get a FACE to FACE invitation!!


  10. :) on September 6th, 2008 10:32 am

    The cheerleaders put COUNTLESS hours into preparing for Friday Nights, they work 4 days a week. And spent all summer working on it. It is not their fault that the people in charge of it did not contact them. And is it their responisibilty to have to check the internet for something that they should be told face to face about?

  11. another chief fan on September 6th, 2008 9:03 am

    Even if this event was posted 5 days in advance on this website – why did the school /football coaches wait until the day before the event to let the 2 other groups know? Would it not make sense for this to be a planned event by all 3 groups from the very beginning, so that schedules could be worked together for the benefit of all 3? I have never been to a high school game or watched a college football game on TV without the football players, the cheerleaders, the band, and the fans being there. It is very obvious sometimes that these 4 groups from NHS do not work together and support each other. How can you have 1 and not the other? I would love to see a united NHS spirit (FROM ALL 4 GROUPS!) for games in the future.

  12. Keeping it real. . . on September 5th, 2008 9:29 pm

    GO CHIEFS!!!! Just wondering, however, why the varsity looks like a “team” sporting jerseys while the junior varsity are just in their regular clothes? Every player out there is a “CHIEF” and should be treated like one. The way to a great varsity team begins with the junior varsity team. Maybe if the JV were shown the love and attention that the varsity receives the boys would hold their heads higher, show more pride, and consequently, play better. It’s not rocket science here. . . just run of the mill common sense. Please don’t take this comment as me not supporting my local team. I just believe ALL of the players should be appreciated for all the time, effort, and energy that they put into this sport.

  13. NHS Fan on September 5th, 2008 9:24 pm

    GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. North Escambia Reader on September 5th, 2008 2:55 pm

    I am not a parent of a Northview child, but I was aware that the QB club was having “Meet the Chiefs” for at least 5 days prior to the event because it was posted on this website. It is apparent the Northview Chief that commented at 1:59 reads this website. How much preparation did the cheerleaders need? From the comments stated above, they have been practicing long hours. It would have been nice to see the cheerleaders that were able to be there cheer for the Chiefs and show their support. Show some school spirit and work together!

  15. Northview Chief on September 5th, 2008 1:59 pm

    Yes, you both raise interesting questions. Here’s the answer: Cheerleaders and band were not told about the “Meet the Chief” event until the day before. It is very unrealistic of people to think that these two groups should drop whatever they had planned in order to be present at this event. Many of the cheerleaders and band member leave directly after practice and go to work. With no advanced information, they were unable to get time off. Not to mention, the change their parents would have to make in order to arrange rides. I’m sorry if it seems that they are unsupportive of their football team. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Both groups put in countless hours of practice and hardwork to look game ready for Friday night.

    So, if whoever is in charge of these events wants them to be there, they need to act as if they want them there. And that means not waiting until the last minute to communicate those expectations with their Coaches and Director.

  16. another chief fan on September 5th, 2008 12:34 pm

    Yes, where were the cheerleaders and the band? All the other schools in the area have all 3 groups particpating in the “Meet the _____” night that they hold for the school. Maybe next year….

  17. Just Wondering on September 5th, 2008 11:24 am

    Where were the cheerleaders at the “Meet the Chiefs” rally? It sort of seemed odd to have a football support rally without the cheerleaders. As we pulled up to the school, there were some cheerleaders leaving??

  18. Northview Chief on September 5th, 2008 10:01 am

    Good Luck Football Team! We hope you guys have a wonderful season! Work hard and always play as a team. =]

    Good luck Varsity Cheerleaders! You guys are the best cheerleaders around and you certainly don’t get the respect you deserve! Your stunts and your cheers are AMAZING!!! Keep your heads and your spirits up! We LOVE you!

    Good Luck band! You also don’t get very much respect, but you work hard and take pride in what you do. Oh, those fire batons are fabulous! =]]

  19. shellcracker on September 5th, 2008 9:14 am


  20. chief fan on September 5th, 2008 8:02 am

    Go Chiefs!! Let’s go and show some pride!!

  21. The Lunch Ladies on September 5th, 2008 5:58 am