A Corny Tale Of A Sleeping Truck Driver’s Big Oops

August 29, 2008


It’s one of those stories that almost sounds, well…corny.

The driver of the truck above says the drive shaft on his truck broke shortly after he pulled away from Escambia Grain in Walnut Hill Thursday. While waiting for someone to arrive to repair the truck, he fell asleep.

All was well, he said, until he woke up and looked behind the truck’s trailer. The tailgate release on the trailer is located next to the steering wheel. While he was was asleep, he apparently bumped the tailgate release, dumping a large amount of corn onto Arthur Brown Road. So much corn, in fact, that it blocked one lane of the highway.

“I can’t believe it did that,” the driver said. “Next time I’ll sleep in the passenger seat so I don’t bump that thing.”

Pictured above: A sleeping truck driver accidentally dumped part of a load of corn onto Arthur Brown Road Thursday night. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “A Corny Tale Of A Sleeping Truck Driver’s Big Oops”

  1. melanie on September 1st, 2008 1:18 pm

    omg,this is funny! at least he wasn’t driving the truck,i’m sure he knew he didn’t mean no harm to no one.

  2. No name on September 1st, 2008 7:03 am

    I wonder what his employers’ reaction was ?

  3. Beegee on August 29th, 2008 5:32 pm

    That was funny!!!!!! It made me laugh…….
