ACLU Sues Santa Rosa Over Prayer; Seeks Records From Escambia Schools

August 28, 2008


The ACLU and two students have filed suit against the Santa Rosa County Schools over prayer, and has learned that the ACLU has requested documents concerning prayer from Escambia County Schools.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit in federal court Wednesday against the school district, Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and Santa Rosa Superintendent John Rogers. The suit alleges that Santa Rosa County Schools “persistently and persuasively promote their personal religious beliefs in the public schools and at school events”.

Events specifically mentioned in the lawsuit, which was brought on behalf of two students at Pace High,  include baccalaureate services, prayers at graduations and other school events. The suit seeks a specific end to baccalaureate services.

The lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday in federal court in Pensacola, names specific events at several Santa  Rosa schools, including Jay. The suit states that Jay High School held an invocation and benediction prayer each year from 2004-2008 led by students from groups such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  The ACLU also complains in the suit that Jay High School has held baccalaureate services that were religious in nature.

“Religion is best served when parents — not the public schools — are responsible for directing their children’s religious education,” said Benjamin Stevenson, staff attorney with the ACLU of Florida’s Northwest Region office. “Religious freedom is eroded when the government endorses any particular religious viewpoint.”

The ACLU has also requested documents from the Escambia County School District that might relate to religion or prayer. Specifically, the ACLA requested records from Escambia Schools about graduations and baccalaureate services. The ACLU public records requests also asked for the notes of all speakers at the event as well as any audio or video recordings of the events.  The ACLU request extends to all schools in Escambia County, including Northview High School.

The Santa Rosa suit alleges that the school district violated students’ rights by “endorsing and promoting religion”. The ACLU seeks a “permanent injunction forbidding the School Board, the Superintendent, Pace High School Principal and other School District from sponsoring, facilitating or promoting prayer at school events, including graduation; organizing, promoting, or otherwise supporting religious baccalaureate services; holding school-sponsored activities at places of worship when appropriate secular venues are available…”

Click here to read the ACLU’s lawsuit against Santa Rosa County.

Click here to read the ACLU’s public records request in Escambia County.

Pictured above: The Class of 2008 Baccalaureate Service at Northview High School. file photo.


44 Responses to “ACLU Sues Santa Rosa Over Prayer; Seeks Records From Escambia Schools”

  1. kater on August 20th, 2009 8:04 am

    Unless you’re a student in a parochial school, you’re not there to learn one iota about religion. You want everyone else to just go along with your fantasy, and even want us to endorse your fantasy play in school. Get over yourselves. Your right to your freedom to express your religion ends when you step over the threshold of a public institution. Keep your religion out of the schools or anything else the general public pays taxes for.

  2. Tom Lavin on August 18th, 2009 7:20 pm

    Precedent has been set already at the highest levels of U.S. Government where prayers are said, religious pictures and sayings are written and imprinted in the walls and on the grounds of our very highest Government buildings and documents and our national motto contain references and homage to a religious being. Why cannot the proletariat invoke God’s name? The reason for our plight is that the bourgeious and the country’s newly found Marxist/Socialistic/Atheistic leaders oppose God, Jesus the Bible and all Christians religion. It’s about time we adults take back control of those who are supposed to be working for us in Government. Cleaning house might be the only way, even if the baby goes out with the bathwater. Take a lesson from Mexico who just fired all of their customs officials because they did not know which ones were corrupt in the drug and guns smuggling. Keep the polls moving into the negative numbers for BO and keep up the opposition to the demoncrats and the RINOS.

  3. Kenny Shivers on September 23rd, 2008 9:48 am

    There were some comments made about Muslims taking over our country and forcing their prayers upon our children in school. First of all, God has not given us a spirit of fear. But the reality of the world we live in today is that many will vote for a man that has “57″ states. Regardless, our God is REAL and prayers to Him are real, whether silent or spoken aloud. Our country was founded upon faith in God. Our forefathers never intended for prayer to be barred from our schools. God save America.

  4. Carolyn White on September 23rd, 2008 1:16 am

    If you will remember several years ago, the same issues were brought up at Crestview High. I am sure the records of that action are still available through the court system. A review of the procedures and actions of that suit may provide an insight into how to proceed with trying to fight the suit brought this year. I wish I knew the exact date. I will certainly pray that the Christians in our community will unite and defeat these internal enemies. Even the lady who originally brought the suit to have prayer banned from all schools so many years ago, repented and is now a believing Christian. I have read where she is so very sorry for what she brought about. Surely it is not too late to change this nation back to a Christian nation.

  5. Bob on September 21st, 2008 9:20 am

    I don’t know all the details surrounding this case, but when considering that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world AND in the U.S., do we as Christians really want to tear down any legal protection for freedom of religion? Imagine the day, and it may not be that far away, when muslims make up the majority in a community, and the school principal is a muslim, and the superintendent is a muslim. And the school broadcasts muslim prayers over the PA system. And we as Christians have fought for their right to do so. What are we going to say then and how are we going to feel as our children are subjected to these muslim prayers? What are we going to tell our children or grandchildren? Just don’t pay any attention? Just don’t bow your head while they’re doing that? NO – we would be outraged that our children were forced to be subjected to these prayers that conflict with our religious beliefs at a public school where our children are forced to attend and that our tax money pays for.

    Many will likely say that’s why we do need prayer in schools – to help maintain a Christian majority so that doesn’t happen. Of course kids should have the freedom to pray at student led events like FCA, but I think we have to consider every such situation as if it were a prayer of another religion and how we’d feel then. Not because we’re afraid of stepping on anyone’s toes, but because those toes may be ours in the future. We as Christians have the duty to go out and make disciples of all nations. But I do not believe this is necessarily best done by public prayer at official school events. WE need to be praying with OUR kids. In the morning before dropping them off at school and at night before sending them to bed, ingraining in them our principles and teaching them scripture. Then they will be enabled to go out and complete the great commission, not because they listened to the principal pray, but because they themselves pray.

  6. E'Beth Lambert-Watts on September 21st, 2008 5:37 am

    Why should the freedom of the majority be eliminated for the freedom of 2 and a group who obviously have no independent identify and thus take on that of any non-Christian? If one doesn’t want to pray the simple and most independent and mature way to exercise your freedom is to simply not pray. Your choice and freedom do not give you the right to take the choice and freedom from another.

    The ACLU has wasted more tax dollars abusing the purpose of our court and legal system and in their so called effort to represent the rights of others they waste the time of our judicial system, the monies of the localities, and take away the rights of others.

    ACLU, the 60’s are over…take on some ecological freedom cause! If the A truly stands for American, consider ALL Americans. You don’t seem to represent all equally or fairly.

  7. Dee on September 19th, 2008 8:16 am

    Again, 2 people are the reason that the suit is happening, give me a break, what about the rights of the people that want to pray, if they do not want to pray fine then don’t .
    I am so frustrated that our government will take these cases on when our entire country was based on what is in the comandments have you read the constitution lately people.
    Stand up and start fighting back !! When they try and take it we need to file our own claims that we want prayer back ,there would be alot more people for it than against it . “STAND UP FOR GOD ” !!!

  8. Sarah on September 18th, 2008 7:24 pm

    You talk about our rights being taken away from us, just put a Muslin in the White HOuse and see where our county will be…………the American people need to wake-up and take a stand or we will not have any rights. When I was in school, there was scripture reading and prayer every morning before class began. Lord knows most of the kids in school today need to say a prayer to get them through the day and most would not think anything about pray in the school. All of this is probably being brought on by their parents! I would not want to walk in those individual’s shoes, God will have a way of dealing with them.

  9. Mel on September 18th, 2008 10:24 am

    If you are not comfortable with praying, don’t pray. It is not fair to take that privelege away from the majority. How can you ask us to respect you when you blatantly refuse to respect us. We are not insisting you pray with us, don’t insist that we do not pray with you!!

  10. Anna Thornton on September 18th, 2008 9:50 am

    I am so thankful that God listens to our prayers and we get to keep asking Him to come and help and strengthen our Teachers and children . I am so grateful that no person on earth can take that priviledge away from us and we can pray silently if need be …… long as we pray and keep praying in the name of Jesus Christ our prayers are heard by the only true GOD .
    Let us pray for those who object and who do not understand the priviledge of prayer and the God who created them for Himself .
    I am so amazed by the grace and mercy of God and as long as we humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways and repent and turn to our merciful God who is compassionate and after all we are but DUST ….HE will help us in our time of need and we need GOD’S Grace and Mercy and WORD in our lives and those around us and HE said ask seek knock

  11. Robert V. Chapman on September 18th, 2008 8:59 am

    I have watched ACLU stick it’s nose into God’s business until I have anger beyond description, for those Satanic Workers. I suggest that we not only pray for God’s intervention into this current act but ask for direction to combat them. We need to organize somehow and take them on legally as well as spiritually. I would certainly give money to help pay for legal advice, so I pray some of you younger and well spoken people will take the lead by creating a force to go to war on these Devil Workers.

  12. Sharon on September 17th, 2008 10:33 am

    I am so tired of ACLU. They need to stay out of our business. Why can’t we sue them for taking our rights away, the decisions for the student body to make a decision on what they want in their program, and those 2 two students have the right to not attend the services. The majority of the student body wanted this program just as it was. It’s time America peole to stand up to this ungodly, unamerican group. When need people who know how to do this.

  13. Cindy on September 17th, 2008 10:31 am

    It is very sad to know that people want prayer taken out of public schools but they let all the evils of the world in without any objection. This is a time when we must all come together in prayer at all times, not just when horrible events like 911 are taking place. My 9 year old has to attend a public school and it is unreal what she comes home upset about. Kids are doing all kinds of things at early ages and it’s coming from their homes. This is a day and age when we must all unite in love as Christians and unite in prayer and fasting!

  14. Wendy on September 14th, 2008 10:58 pm

    When prayer was taken from our children in public schools, it was a frightening day in America. The sad part is that private christian schools are not affordable for many Christian families and public schools are their only option. I raised two children in public schools and both of my children were part of public schools when prayer was permitted and when prayer was later forbidden at public functions. I commend these young men and women who have stood their ground for their Christian beliefs. I support these administrative officials for standing tall and unashamed of their Christian faith in Christ Jesus.

  15. Zach on September 13th, 2008 1:04 pm

    Amen, I say keep praying. God’s kingdom will never come if we don’t ask Him to bring it! The government can try to take prayer out of school, but I say fight! Listen to Casting Crowns “What if His People Prayed”, the song tells what life would be like if we prayed! I seek to see this “law” removed, then to see the people who made it seek His face! That would be amazing! Keep praying and continue praising God!

  16. stephen on September 10th, 2008 1:28 pm

    hi. my name is stephen. i went to PCA (Pensacola Christian Acadamy) for high school. Every morning we would have PRAYER before the day would start, before lunch, and before any sport game or practice. Nobody got upset when students were praying, and if anybody did, then they could go cry in the bathroom.
    Anyways, the point is how do you (ACLU) think you can possibly win? Honestly, everyone is for prayers in our schools. Because they know what happend the last time the American people didnt say anything. The people know what principles and effectiveness that prayer has in a school….ANY SCHOOL. The people of Santa Rosa County are 100% for prayer in schools. The ACLU has no power here because the good citizens of Santa Rosa County WILL NOT SIT BY, and just watch while their kids, or grandkids get their rights taken away right from under them.

  17. Marcie on September 7th, 2008 9:03 pm

    Our country was founded on the principles of faith. “In God We Trust” is on every monetary unit we use. The last word in the pledge of allegiance was originally “Amen!” Keep it up and you will make it a “sin” to put your hand over your heart when we hear the national anthem. We are America…..we have the freedom of religion….we began honoring the Lord Your God and it is what has made us great. Perhaps, if we prayed more, we would teach enough morals to keep people from sueing out of greed and stupidity. We have issues with children being molested, stabbed and killed in our schools, that is what is seriously affecting our children and their well being. When we began each day with prayer, our schools were safer, every step we take in the opposite direction has promoted more deterioration of morals and values in our schools, neighborhoods and families. Keep praying, keep believing, keep GOD the center of our schools and perhaps we will see the change that we desire for our children’s well being.

  18. Prayer is important on September 6th, 2008 10:39 pm

    I have to agree with Ashley above how can Prayer do anything but help. If it makes you so uncomfortable you should not listen or use this time to meditate on your own personal thoughts. I will be praying for these people.

  19. M&M on September 5th, 2008 11:54 am

    When you read the writings of all our founding fathers, one fact stands alone – that our great country and the beauty and force of its Constitution/Declaration of Indepence will fail and flounder if not founded on God. Even those founding fathers who were agnostic saw the wisdom in allowing God to form our government. Now, we use the Constitution to erode God out of our government. Feel free. But don’t be surprised when the bottom falls out and we live in a land of no laws and no shared moral compass.

    Should you disagree with the religious content of your school’s events, simply do not partake. Whether you disagree or not, this was a founded a Christian nation and with God’s grace will remain a Christian nation. One would be hard pressed to move to another country and change their culture and society solely because one, out of a thousand, disagrees.

  20. S. Kuykendahl on September 5th, 2008 8:53 am

    This has gotten out of hand. If you dont believe then dont participate. As a teacher I have learned, a few students should not take over the rest. If you dont believe, then you dont have to do it. Lawsuits have gotten out of hand and all this energy could be used to better our nation instead of picking on small things.

  21. Angelia Marlow Pope on September 4th, 2008 3:18 pm

    FREE PUBLICITY FOR JESUS CHRIST ….. this is what this lawsuit is doing. For the ones of you out on the front line of this battle (the Principle, the School Board, Teachers, Student s, etc) Be not weary in well doing….. This is the greatest opportunity for the Christians to show people that do not believe that God is still God…. let your light shine to ALL men and women so that they can know Him on a personal level…. Jesus Christ was persecuted and we as Christians today are going to have to go through some form of persecution because it seperates the real from the fake… Ain’t nothing worse than a counterfiet Christian… My prayers go out to you all as believers..

  22. Jana on September 4th, 2008 12:09 pm

    This is so sad. I recall when I went to elementary school, we had a 4th grade teacher that read one verse from the Bible daily and had a moment of silence. This was in the 70’s and that image is still just as clear in my mind and it was possibly the ONLY introduction to Christ that a lot of my classmates had.
    If the ACLU people did pray they would know the peace and solitude that a person feels after prayer and the overall feeling of good that a person feels when you are joined in prayer by others, they could not in good will deny these children of this action. These children are willing participants and they are aware of the good that comes from prayer and they should not have their moments of peace and solitude taken away because you have angry people that envy them the chance to do so.
    Madeline O’Hare initiated taking prayer out of school many yrs ago partially on behalf of her son…which today is a Preacher. :-)
    We can sit and talk/write our objections…but until we all unite and say enough is enough, we will continue to lose all our priviledges and rights. I do not want that type of negativity in my area…I say we should all arrive at the courthouse on the date of the hearing/suit and let our voices be heard! There is power in the masses and until we as American people put our foot down, we will continue to lose until eventually we lost everything and it will happen before we even realize it!

  23. Matthew Mark Luke John on September 4th, 2008 8:12 am

    Where is The American Civil Liberties Union, when it comes to White history month, or Asian History month or Native American History? Let them sue for that! People talk about teaching all forms of religion in school to make it fair, well then they need to have a month for all ethnic groups. “Extra-curricular activities should be based on exercise and fair play like Sports, or on learning and knowledge and skills like Science Club or Art Club. All these are for the rational development of the individual’s mind and body.

    If religion enters the picture at all, it should be a comprehensive course on world religions from an academic standpoint, and inclusive of all religions and given equal time and focus. What if we had an extra curricular activity for the worship of Zeus…or the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Google that one), or tripping on mescaline? Where do you draw the line? ”

    You draw the line with common sense. Every person in America may not admit it but in time of conflict or grief they call out to GOD. Period. If your life was on the line and you needed help or you want someone to step in to help. All the low lifes that cry foul over GOD, will jump on the band wagon to be helped by him. Let another Category 5 hurricane hit us and see how many people Blame GOD and ask him for safety all in the same breath.

  24. Stephanie on September 2nd, 2008 3:32 pm

    People so often confuse the freeedom of religion for a right that is supposed to protect only the majority and not the minority. I am a religious person but I recently witnessed a graduation in Okaloosa County and was taken aback my the blatant disregaard of our laws preventing prayer in school. Many of you say this answer is to simply not pray, but that is not realistic. The school dedicated the ceremony and further the accomplishments of ALL of the graduates to the God. Perhaps it would be helpful to imagine this in different circumstances, you work hard to accomplish a goal and at the moment you receive it you are told that it is all due to an entity you don’t believe in. This is an example of oppression by the majority and we should never allow it out of principle because we all stand a great chance of being in the minority at one point in our lives.

  25. Yellarhammer on September 1st, 2008 10:36 am

    I did’t say that these people that are involved in the law suit where out for the money.The ACLU are the corrupt group of lawyers that have found a loop hole in our constitition where they can get paid at the expence of tax payers dollars.I for one believe that church and goverment don’t need to mix the teaching and the governmental operations in this country,but a simple prayer at special occasions isn’t any harm in our society and those that don’t want to pray then don’t.

  26. Pam on August 30th, 2008 6:11 pm

    Where does it ever say in this lawsuit that people are trying to take away an individuals right to pray. it doesn’t. People have a right to silently or even vocalise prayer in schools at any point in time they would like as long as it does not disrupt calss, that is freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. The problem comes when those who are teaching our children express there personal beliefs on religion. Or when clubs that a student would like to be involved in to better them selves or community prays and when that child does not pray how do you think the others in said club or whatever look at them, as an outsider. Not only that but if i was teaching my child the religion me and my family believe in and at school a teacher was preaching at my child i would be irate. that is not the place for them. Religion is to be left in the hands of my church and my family. Alot of you say that it wouldn’t bother you what if it was a pagan or a buddist or a muslum or atheist teaching your childs class then what. you would probably be sitting in the office with the principle and said teacher. And where in the lawsuit does it even say these students are suing for money as far as i have read they are only sueing for a change. read before you speak

  27. Yellarhammer on August 29th, 2008 2:51 pm

    These Baccalureate services are voluntary and can be held anywhere,what right does the ACLU have try ing to stop them.All they want is money and they will be guarentied this by the sorry judges that we put in offices.Its funny to me that when these ACLU lawyers gets hurt or near death they tend to ask GOD for help,what part of this don’t they understand.

  28. Trish on August 29th, 2008 2:46 pm

    Attention Chuck and Max wherever you might be.

    You might recall our conversation on the article “Pastor Says New Life Has Never Paid Utility Bills Since Moving Into Old Highschool”.

    Our conversation/disagreement then was about First Admendment and religion.

    If you get a chance read Vince Lauria’s comment then go to the website he pointed out. Golly Gee, it looks like I am not the only one who thinks religion is involved in the First Admendment.

  29. Trish on August 29th, 2008 2:26 pm

    Don’t you all see what this is really about? It is not about the prayer, it is about the money. There are people and lawyers out there who go around looking for situations where they can sue and make money. Believe me they know that most of their targets will settle because in the long run it is cheaper to pay than it is to defend yourself. So who wants to bet on how quickly Santa Rosa settles and how much it will cost the tax payer?

  30. juanita on August 29th, 2008 12:33 pm

    Our country was founded on freedom of religion. If these people (ACLU types) don’t like it they should leave our great country. We don’t force them to believe or force them to say the prayer, but they can’t take away our rights and freedoms. These are things our founding fathers fought for. When people come to our country they know who and what we stand for. Christians should unite everywhere to fight these kinds of battles. These people wouldn’t dare go to another country and start changing how things are done. Why allow these few people to change our country. Lauira, as for keeping God out of the schools or seperate from the state. May I remind you “In GOD we trust” United one nation under GOD indivisible with liberty and justice for all! Not seperate united church and state! Seperation of church and state is not actually in the constitution. This is what you are refering to– Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    It came from a letter that Jefferson wrote
    Maybe if we had more prayer and less darwinism you wouldn’t have to worry about satanic cults. I say cults because santaism is a cult not church.

  31. Megan on August 28th, 2008 6:05 pm

    Wow! This is ridiculous!! You try to take prayer completely out of school and look at this world today. How many teens commit suicide each day, how many are on drugs, how many are beating and harassing other kids? This to me is like saying you don’t like the way the football team practices. And that sounds like a personal problem. If these kids don’t want to pray, no one is forcing them to bow their heads. You don’t see much buddhist kids walking around promoting their religion, that’s just because maybe they aren’t as strong as we are. Maybe their “god(s)” don’t say to go into the world and tell others about them. I mean, I don’t walk around saying some people shouldn’t be able to wear flip flops to school because they have ugly feet, and I don’t hold a gun to peoples’ head asking if they believe in God. Most of you don’t know what happens at school and how the kids are. Open your eyes and look around. You watch the news and hear about a kid holding a gun to someone’s head and saying “Do you believe in God?” and if the answer is yes then they’re gone, but if it’s no they live. Maybe if that person had had some prayer and attended church he wouldn’t be walking around killing kids that put their faith in God. You can try as hard as you’d like, take God out of schools, take “In God We Trust” off of dollar bills. HE STILLS HERE! Read your child’s World History book. It talks about events that the Bible talks about. Now tell me it isn’t true. You believe every word of that History book and how the scientists believe the world evolved but you can’t believe a Bible. This world is DESPERATE for God! If adults sit around saying well my kid heard a prayer at school, I believe I’ll file a lawsuit against them, it will only get worse. I don’t complain about hearing someone talk about their “god(s)”. I believe it’s their life. I’m not going to run up to them and say it’s offensive because I DON’T have to take part in it. Just like these kids don’t have to participate in the prayer at their school. You should be more concerned about who’s going to call himself our President. And what’s to come in the future. God has always been around and he always will be! I think it’s great that this prayer is taking place. I wish my school was tough enough to do this. I attend FCA at school and there isn’t very man people in there. So you should be thankful you have many teens, that are graduating, praying over things. Maybe you, yourself, should pray. Think about it.

  32. Rhonda on August 28th, 2008 5:36 pm

    Whats the big deal?WE as christians should be allowed to pray read the Bible and speak of Jesus anytime we want. We are being discriminated against. We have to make special provisions for all other beliefs but not about our great Lord and Savior that gave his only Son to save us.That’s why the world is in the shape its in today with all of the violence.Take a hard look at yourself and the world and the disaster. Do you think we are being warned by a higher being? Just think.ACLU needs to get a grip. How can students sue their not adults?

  33. Vince Lauria on August 28th, 2008 2:57 pm

    Extra-curricular activities should be based on exercise and fair play like Sports, or on learning and knowledge and skills like Science Club or Art Club. All these are for the rational development of the individual’s mind and body.

    If religion enters the picture at all, it should be a comprehensive course on world religions from an academic standpoint, and inclusive of all religions and given equal time and focus. What if we had an extra curricular activity for the worship of Zeus…or the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Google that one), or tripping on mescaline? Where do you draw the line?

    Forces in Christianity today (not all) are pushing for power. For those factions, it isn’t about spirituality, it’s about politics and power (or power over your spiritual nature).

    To answer Ashley, the National Enquirer isn’t trying to hold organized Loch Ness monster sessions in public schools using tax-payer’s money for the utility bill. What if they were?

    If your answer is: Well…everyone around here is Christian so why not? Observe that everyone in Germany, a (Christian nation) accepted Hitler, so why not? You see? Following the crowd isn’t always right. We need limits based on wisdom (The U. S. Constitution), not on what feels good to you or I.

    Why should a tax-paying Jew or Buddhist in this country sit back and allow his or her tax dollars to keep the lights burning and the air conditioning running for an after school Christian prayer meeting? If, to make it fair, all religions are given equal access, then your local Satanist club should meet on Thursday, right after the Christians on Wednesday. Keep those lights and AC running. Right?

    Otherwise, if we are only allowing Christian prayer groups, then aren’t we saying that Christianity is the religion of America (do you see the politics?). Isn’t that why we broke from Christian England? We did it for Freedom, so we could worship, or not, as our hearts dictated.

    So where DO you draw the line? Keep the faith if you will, but keep it in your heart not in our faces. Talk to me in person about Jesus (if I’ll listen) not by group pressure. Be kind and loving and respectful as Jesus taught. Don’t bully, with all your buddies. That’s what those who oppose religion in public schools are saying.

  34. Jane on August 28th, 2008 1:59 pm

    I agree with Nancy.

    Those verses so accurately describe the world in which we live today.

    In a day and time when all you have to do is turn on the TV, the radio, or surf the net and easily find offensive material, it seems that the only thing so many people are concerned with is silencing Christians. If I find something offensive, I have enough sense to either turn it off or ignore it. I get so tired of hearing how Christians offend so many people when they speak of Jesus, yet our own country has made it their business to allow Muslim prisoners to pray at specified times and even painted arrows on cell floors to show them the direction of their “holy” city! Hello…we can’t even have The Ten Commandments displayed in public places here in America…a FREE nation! Does anyone besides me see something wrong with this picture?

    The ACLU suit alleges that the school district violated students’ rights by “endorsing and promoting religion”. Since the rights of two students have been violated, we are now supposed to ban baccalaureate services that have been a part of graduation for many, many years. What’s next…to ban graduation ceremonies because someone might be offended by a simple prayer before the next step of their life begins? God help these kids this day and time…they need all the prayer they can get! If you don’t want to pray, then just don’t bow your head…it’s that simple. You always have the option to just not attend because as far as I know, no child, or adult for that matter, is forced to attend either baccalaureate or graduation ceremonies.

    I’ll close with this final thought: Find a Bible, then turn to the Book of Philippians, chapter two and start reading…in part it reads: “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

    Someday, no matter what we believe now, we will all have to bow our knee and confess with our tongues that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is my prayer that you have accepted His gift of salvation before this day comes.

  35. Nancy on August 28th, 2008 11:47 am

    Read 2 Timothy 3 in your Bible

    1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away….12. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.

    We Christians need to be in earnest intercessory prayer for our nation and our children, especially those in public schools.

  36. Prayer Works on August 28th, 2008 11:26 am

    Someone needs to PRAY for these people!!!!

  37. g.odom on August 28th, 2008 11:11 am

    Are those same people using American money?Does it not say In God we Trust on it? Are they offended when they cash their paychecks and receive that money? We took prayer out of schools,and look what happened.Yet when a disaster strikes, like school shootings,everyone says we need to pray.Time to pray is before something happens.Personally i rather see a head bowed in prayer then listen to offensive rap music that blares out of cars and seeing little kids bobbing their heads to that.If you don’t want to pray,then don’t.I do believe there are more important things to worry about.

  38. John Gibbs on August 28th, 2008 11:02 am

    If I am not completely wrong these events that this is happening in are extracurricular activities. Religious or not by the rights the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union fights for it is your right to not participate. No one is forcing these kids to listen, hopefully they will, but they don’t have to paticipate in extracurricular activities. God has been removed form the learning environment by law but He can’t be removed from the hearts for his children who wish to show their faith and spread the “Good News”.

    If we have to remove religion from our schools then make the Muslim teachers in the area adhear to a dress code that does not promote their faith, because that is subjecting students to their beliefs in the classroom. No more head wraps, and burkas.

    “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord”, where ever and when ever we wish even when it is outlawed.

  39. Vince Lauria on August 28th, 2008 10:51 am

    It is in the interest of all churches to keep government and state separate. If religious organizations gain access to public institutions to convey their message, the question is always – which one? Which creed would prevail, Catholic?, Protestant? Jewish, Buddhist? Islam? Which sub-form of these would then gain power to proselytise.

    Our founding fathers knew the dangers. Christians do themselves a disservice by insisting on breaching this part of our Constitution, and demonstrate their disrespect for that document. A Buddhist would not want his or her children to feel themselves less important or marginalized because the milieu in which their children learn seems to favor Christians. Let us keep our religious beliefs in our churches, our homes, and the silence of our own thoughts. Only in that way will be maintain our diversity and strength as a people.

  40. Vince Lauria on August 28th, 2008 10:03 am

    Becky, I do understand what they are doing wrong in Santa Rosa County. You are students and you should learn WHY we must protect tax supported institutions from promoting (by example) religion in their domains. Be objective and learn both sides. Go here:

  41. Elizabeth on August 28th, 2008 8:41 am

    The 27 Santa Rosa county schools have either A or B grades, except for 3 C’s. Nothing lower. Hmm… is there a correlation? I don’t understand why they want to involve Escambia county either. The “problem” is in Santa Rosa. It’s as if they’re saying, “While we’re in around, we’ll investigate all your neighbors too … just in case.”

    When I was in band at Pace High School, there was always student led prayer before every performance. There were students who opted not to be involved. When we started to pray, they left, then returned. They weren’t made to feel ostracized and no one saw it as a big deal…not the ones who left, nor the ones who stayed.

    How can you have a baccalaureate service and it not be a “religious” baccalaureate service? That’s what it is, by definition. Merriam-Webster defines it simply: a sermon to a graduating class. Every dictionary defines it similarly.

    One more question…a lawsuit? I’m not very knowledgeable on how courts operate, but does that mean that they’re going to sue monetarily? I hope not.

  42. Becky on August 28th, 2008 8:24 am

    I don’t understand what we’ve done wrong in SR County. Read the following article:

  43. Tammy Murphy on August 28th, 2008 8:19 am

    This is so sad. It’s a real shame when someone complains about a prayer offending them. Those of us who are christians ( i am a christian) has to listen vulgar language on a daily basis from some people and yet we don’t sue them. We are not pushing our beliefs on anyone, we are just doing what the Lord has led us to do. If you don’t like it or believe just move away from us. Personally, i wll NEVER stop praying in pulic or private for anyone. I love Jesus and i will take a stand for HIM!!

  44. Ashley on August 28th, 2008 6:55 am

    O! Just stop. If you don’t believe in prayer, just don’t bow your head. I don’t believe there is a loch ness monster, but I am not sueing the national enquirer every other day for “forcing” their beliefs on me. I am so sick of this. If someone is praying around you and you don’t agree with their prayer, that does not mean it will seep into your skin like a disease. What happen to free will….. and free speech. I find the word “forcing” to be insane. Was there weapons involved? Did the kids feel threatened (seriously threatened, not just uncomfortable) I really think there are such bigger issues today, than a couple of kids issues with an hour program that they don’t even have to attend.
