Escambia (Ala.) Sheriff: Incumbent Grover Smith Defeats Heath Jackson

November 3, 2010

Two-term Democratic Sheriff Grover Smith defeated political newcomer Republican Heath Jackson, an Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s narcotics investigator in the race for Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff.

“I an deeply humbled and appreciate the fact that people overlooked party lines in voting for me,” Smith (pictured left) said Tuesday night in Brewton. “I will continue to be a sheriff that every man, woman and child in this county can count on.”

Jackson, who handily defeated Lloyd Albritton in June’s primary election, conceded the race just before 9:30 Tuesday night. Smith received 6,531 votes, while Jackson received 4,203 according to complete, but unofficial, results.

“We are very grateful for the citizens that put their trust in us,” Jackson (pictured left) said late Tuesday. Facing a two-term sheriff with more than a dozen years experience as a police chief was a “heck of a mountain to climb”, but he said he felt like it was a good, positive race.

The defeat will not be end of Jackson’s political aspirations — he plans to seek Escambia’s top cop job again.

“I hope in four years that 4,000 that voted for us and a few thousand more will support us,” Jackson said.

During his next four years as sheriff, Smith said he has a few major goals. One is to continue to be accessible to the citizens and to implement a required drug rehabilitation and mandatory work program for drug offenders in his jail.

And, in the short term, Smith said, “I going to be pulling up all of my signs. I’m sick of them”.


73 Responses to “Escambia (Ala.) Sheriff: Incumbent Grover Smith Defeats Heath Jackson”

  1. Some Insight on this subject on November 3rd, 2010 9:40 pm

    to why.. it has nothing about to about race or anything i am a white female. but its giving an equal opportiunty in a work force and if you knew anything about law enforcement you would understand how hard it is for someone to move up anyways and when your a female it makes it about twice as hard. I already work in law enforcement just not where i want to be. Its not whinning or anything its just stating the facts. And as a sheriff he should learn to do all of his duties and if he can not that his chief deputy should learn to pick up his slack that is what his job discription is and calling the sheriffs office to speak to them for about a week and leaving messages everyday is something that should be taken in consideration in the day. It only takes a couple of minutes of their time to call someone back and i’m pretty sure they have time to in a week. another thing please learn to spell when talking about ignorance its won’t not want. Anyways good job heath and cant wait to support you again in 2014. Like i told you i am very proud of you for taking a stand and having a voice. Job well done

  2. brewtonchic on November 3rd, 2010 9:13 pm

    I just want to say kudos to Heath Jackson for running such a great race and for the character and dignity he showed at all times when meeting the public. It was an honor to work along side him. Jackson supporters, let’s keep the comments on here clean and upright because that is what Heath would want and expect. Looking forward to Heath Jackson for Sheriff 2014 Campaign!

  3. my2cents on November 3rd, 2010 8:47 pm

    I did not vote for Smith, but the votes decided it, and we have to live with it for 4 more years.

  4. Bama on November 3rd, 2010 8:11 pm

    JJ – you were bashing Grover and Mike before the election was over…you had a change of heart??

  5. WOW! on November 3rd, 2010 7:59 pm

    @ Flight Medic, well said!

  6. JJ on November 3rd, 2010 7:20 pm

    If the EX DEPUTY’S would quit getting FIRED from the county for the stuff they did wrong they would quit writing this junk about GROVER and MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    JACKSON has been beat so all of the nonsense should stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. just peachy on November 3rd, 2010 12:30 pm

    I have no personal objections to Grover Smith, and I don’t personally know Heath Jackson. Just thought it might be good for a change in the Department and the way it operates. Do we even still have a Drug Task Force? I thought it was de-funded. There is way to much turn-over with investigators. No wonder they can’t solve murder cases. And it is high time that persons who receive a payroll check funded by ALL tax payers, stop using their positions to do personal favors for their friends, while they should be performing the duties of the agency. ALL persons should be treated the SAME, regardless of their race, religion, sex, personal affiliations, or financial status. That goes for you too, Judges. All of you government employees are paid out of the same pot that we, the tax payers have contributed by force, not choice. VOTERS: HOLD YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE!

  8. lisa blue on November 3rd, 2010 11:55 am


  9. William on November 3rd, 2010 11:05 am

    >>>I agree but the comments I am referring to is not directed at the candidates rather the employees of that candidate and other police departments that have members assigned to the DTF. Theses people have not entered the political arena and there is absolutely no biases for these accusations.

    No, but they are public servants. Unless I overlooked a comment, they all refer to the Drug Task Force, not any individual. The public has a right to make complaints about public entities that they fund with their tax money.

  10. Liable for defamation of character on November 3rd, 2010 11:00 am

    >>>>When a person enters the political arena, they open themselves up to a whole different level of public scrutiny and opinion. Thus, as rude as some people can be, it’s all politics.

    I agree but the comments I am referring to is not directed at the candidates rather the employees of that candidate and other police departments that have members assigned to the DTF. Theses people have not entered the political arena and there is absolutely no biases for these accusations.

  11. William on November 3rd, 2010 10:53 am

    >>>William these are your rules for posting comments and I am curious as to why you are not abiding by them. You are approving these post and some are very slanderous and libel.

    When a person enter the political arena, they open themselves up to a whole different level of public scrutiny and opinion. Thus, as rude as some people can be, it’s all politics.

  12. Liable for defamation of character. on November 3rd, 2010 10:50 am

    William these are your rules for posting comments and I am curious as to why you are not abiding by them. You are approving these post and some are very slanderous and libel.

    (1) Be Nice. No comments that slander another, no racism, no sexism, no personal attacks.

    (3) No Libel. That’s saying something is not true about someone. Don’t do it

  13. lisa blue on November 3rd, 2010 9:25 am


  14. lisa on November 3rd, 2010 8:48 am

    get a life everyone we are so focus on who’s going to be the next Sheriff!!!!!!!!!!! what about the others races!!!!!!!!MY PEOPLE YOU HAVE REALLY LET ME DOWN!!!!!

  15. concernedalso on November 3rd, 2010 8:27 am

    Some Insight on this subject , you are bragging about your degree but you can’t even spell. You should spell check before posting.

  16. 4more years of stealing drug dealers stashes of money and reporting pennies on November 3rd, 2010 8:05 am

    Another four years of ECSO/DTFharrassing citizens whom they assume are drug dealers and the dealers whom are busted, the DTF just steal their stashes of money in their homes and reporting only a small amount of what they did not pocket, thus purchasing high price personal vehicles,etc while not having a salary to afford such… Just know that your fellow DTF agents and those under you tell all of the dirty that goes on in Escambia County Sheriff Dept. and they call names too.

  17. upset county resident on November 3rd, 2010 8:02 am

    @ Joe

    I am very familiar with the staff at ECSO, its response time are well below the average, even for counties and states in worse financial condition than ours. It is not just about response time and the number of deputies on duty. The people of this county deserve to have more law enforcement patrolling the rural areas, at any given time you can drive every square mile of this county and never lay eyes on a deputy, except inside city limits. My point being if they are visible it tends to be a slight deterent to crime.

  18. Wow on November 3rd, 2010 7:47 am

    Some of these posts show exactly the kind of ignorance that exists in this area. Grow up people. Open your eyes. America=choice. If you don’t like the fact that we are allowed to make choices and if you can’t live with the outcome then take yourself to an oppressed country. Some of the people I voted for didn’t win but I’m not bashing everyone else because I didn’t get my way. Thanks!

  19. Joe on November 3rd, 2010 7:38 am

    @ what a sad county:

    There are only (2) vehicles similar to what you’ve described that are part of the fleet at ECSO. One is driven by the Sheriff and the other by the Chief Deputy. Likewise, most fleet are purchased with grant money for certain purposes. If a grant is awarded to purchase an SUV for DTF purposes – they can’t use that money to purchase a patrol car. Again, the state is broke, the county is broke, and where people think the money is going to come from to buy new patrol cars or hire more personnel is going to come from is beyond me. Additionally, most patrol cars (regardless of agency) have well over 100k miles on them. The county is over 900 sq. miles and just patrolling the county racks up a ton of miles excluding answering calls, transports, and other assignments.

  20. Joe on November 3rd, 2010 7:31 am

    @upset county resident:

    There is a bare minimum of (2) Sheriff’s Deputies on duty at all times. There is one on the East (Brewton) and one on the West (Atmore). Typically, there is a 3rd who hovers around HWY 113 (the borderline for East/West). In the day, there are several more. If you’re calling 911 from McCullough or Huxford and the Deputy is in Canoe… Yes, it’s going to take him a while to get there – that’s common sense. The same applies for someone calling 911 from Damascus and the Deputy being in Appleton. The county is over 900 sq. miles. The Deputies have a lot of ground to cover. The state is broke, the county is broke, and you can’t (nor can Heath or Sheriff Smith) hire more officers without a budget.

  21. why on November 3rd, 2010 6:26 am

    Heath, I’ve always said you would make a da-n good sheriff and I still mean it don’t give up, but i would try to get me some support that had a little dignity and not cry about ,’well there’s all white males driving on the street ,he want get the drugs off my street,he want call me back’. It seems to be still alot of ignorance at there. It sounds harsh ,but i mean it with all due respect! GOOD CLEAN RACE Heath!!!! Nothing to you Heath,but don’t you all see what the last ‘CHANGE’ got us. Nothing but misery and that is not racist, I mean after all osama is 1/2 white.THINK ON THAT!!! Aw man, did I say osama well you know i meant obama.

  22. sktmax on November 3rd, 2010 12:28 am

    Heath Jackson was a great candidate and wouldve been a great sheriff, but he lost. Some of these comments from people that supported him are not making him look good. I’m sure he’s handling it with dignity his supporters should too.

  23. Some Insight on this subject on November 3rd, 2010 12:28 am

    This is comming from someone who is trying to be in law enforcement and now has no chance at all to serve escambia county because i am a female and in escambia county and as Sherrif Smith in charge that will never happen. Ever noticed that there are only white males on the roads never females or any other minority on the roadways.Why is that exactly. There is maybe one female investigator and maybe two black male investagators that work for the esco but stay at the office and that is only to avoid law suits. I also have a degree which should only help me but instead hinders me in escambia county not to mention i could not even get a call back from the sheriff or his chief deputy whenever i was considering using my internship for my ba degree at the sheriffs office. Which means i would have recieved roadway experience and they would have had someone work for FREE and refused to call me back.To everyone who voted for sheriff smith i hope you are ready to have things exactly like they are with no change at all and no hope of change as long as he is serving his term. And as soon as he ges ready to retire in a couple of years his cheif deputy will try to take his place it has already been set in stone. Heath Keep your head up jumpout and dont worry what ever county that i decide to work and live at which will not be here now I will always support you. Heath Jackson Sheriff 2014

  24. Time for change on November 3rd, 2010 12:22 am

    To Mike……

    That’s not true, I have worked under Grover and I know for a fact that he has released criminals with a “NO BOND WARRANT” back on the street before they even get to see the judge, only because he knows the family and don’t want them mad at him. And yes it is true that since he is the Sheriff he can do that without a judge’s permission, but why would you want someone like that back on the street! I was and still am a huge Heath Jackson supporter, I think Grover has forgotten his oath and what it truly means!

  25. Not Happy with any of this on November 2nd, 2010 11:32 pm

    I’m not big on politics or even voting most of the time, but today I voted for the second time in my life. I know that many look down on the casino and many want it closed and believe that with Grover as sheriff, it will be. But think about the hundreds, if not thousands, that work there or have a member of their family that work there. What about them? Just shut it down, and leave them jobless in today’s economy? With the jobs already slim to none at finding, you want to close down a place that may not be what you believe in, and not care about the people who need their jobs? Look around you. The jobs in this county are hard to come by, and the fact of the matter is the casino is keeping many people from living on the streets or without food for their families. It’s not just about the Indians, people, but about people who work there, people just like you and me. People who may not agree with it, but do it just to be able to live and take care of their families. As for the way things have been for the last 4 years, think about it. Grover has said this and that, and almost everything he’s promised has yet to happen. Jackson is a good man, with good family values. I know him personally. Actually I know both men personally. But today, I voted for Jackson. I’ve seen what Grover got accomplished, and I just don’t believe in most of what he does. Jackson has more concern for this county than Ive seen Grover ever have. Jackson done an amazing job while in DTF. He was for the families, the children, the ones that can’t fight for themselves, whereas Grover just cares about the money side of things. Jackson isn’t one to look at people like they are beneath him, and treats people like he’s known them forever, even if he just met them. Never once have I ever thought the same for Grover. Heath, you got my vote, and another 4 years of this same old stuff, and you’ll have the rest of Escambia County too! Hold your head up high, and know that many of us are so very proud of you for as far as you’ve came!

  26. Just Saying on November 2nd, 2010 11:30 pm

    I have read all the comments here. I am not surprized at some of the negative comments made. I taught my kids many lessons and one of them is not only how to be a good loser, but to be a gracious winner. I, First hand heard Grover Compliment Heath face to face. He stated he was humbled by the vote and truthfully appreciates the chance to serve another four years. Can’t we all learn something from this. Accept things graciously , our losses and our wins. Set an example for the children… Just saying

  27. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 11:19 pm

    So a criminal is going to sit in a bland concrete structure for his entire sentence with zero amenities and zero opportunity for education or career training (because nobody wants to pay for it), and he’s going to come out BETTER?? He’s gonna go back to his old ‘hood with the stigma of being a “convicted felon” (killing any chance of getting a decent job) with no education and no job skills. He’s going to sell drugs.

    Just legalize drugs and you will take away the criminal aspect of it and the violence that is associated with it, not to mention you will empty the prisons to make room for the real criminals (the people you elect to office).

  28. concernedalso on November 2nd, 2010 11:13 pm

    Jackson needs to stay in Florida where he belongs and take his children with him.

  29. Sunshine on November 2nd, 2010 11:12 pm

    I don’t think anyone wants to pay for any more “multi-million dollar prisons” to house criminals. Cinder block buildings without comforting amentities can’t be that expensive to build! Criminals are not worth it…they need to be hot, cold, uncomfortable, bored, etc., and then maybe some of them would think twice about engaging in behaviors and activities that put them in jails and prisons to begin with. We can find things wrong with all of our elected officials…but we can also find things they have done to help improve our communities. The important thing is that if we expect to have a voice in the way things are, we have to VOTE for people who we believe will do right by their constituents. If they don’t, out they go next time!!

  30. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 10:55 pm

    Why is everyone complaining about criminals being released back to the streets? You can’t have your cake and eat it too. The jails and prisons are OVERFILLED because of your wildly successful (that’s sarcasm) “War on Drugs”. Unless you want to pay higher taxes to build more multi-million dollar prisons to house the potheads, QUIT COMPLAINING.

    Me, I’m fed up with the government EXTORTING my hard-earned money (they don’t call it “extortion”, they call it “taxation”). I’d rather keep my money, close the prisons and I’ll take care of myself. Privatize the security industry and the criminal justice system.

    Government ALWAYS FAILS. Stop trusting in it!!!!!!

  31. Flight Medic on November 2nd, 2010 10:31 pm

    Come on Guys,
    This is why I am sometimes ashamed of telling people of my hometown. Some of you are absurd with your comments. Sure Sheriff Smith won. Its what the PEOPLE wanted. I have supported Grover since he won his first election. He is a good person and he has the best interests of the people in mind. Heath, is not a bad guy. Heath will make a great Sheriff some day. I have worked along beside Heath. He is a great guy. He is a people person. I think that he and Grover could go to breakfast in the morning and shake hands. But today it wasn’t the wishes of the majority of the PEOPLE in Escambia County.
    Its easy to listen to the scanner, the paper, radio or even the rumor mill of our county and make accusations about the elected officials. You guys are quick to call down and be irrational to the Deputies that serve this county each and every day. The fact of the matter is, they are doing their jobs. They arrest people each and every day. It is NOT Grover, or his staff that slap criminals on the wrist and set them out on the street. It the LAWMAKERS, its the crooked lawyers that turn each and every piece of evidence into a trial of its own and the system is corrupt. These guys fight hard each and every day to clean up the streets. But its very difficult when you are away from your family night after night looking for one person that commited a crime last month and you finally catch him and he sees the judge and his lawyer gets him out before you have even finished the paperwork from locking him up.
    The county needs to unite and support law enforcement. Not just the Sheriffs Office, but your local municipalities. Its not law enforcement that makes the laws. They attempt to enforce them. But when we have folks like some of you turning your back on the law enforcement community….. you become an aide to the Criminals by being on their side. So stop being the back-biting community that you are and if you want to see a change…. Start with YOURSELF!

  32. Johnny on November 2nd, 2010 10:24 pm

    Heath Jackson didn’t win because quite frankly, the voters of Atmore didn’t want the county sheriff being property of PCI Gaming, just like the mayor’s office is now. People in Escambia County are tired of the corruption and wanted someone in the Sheriff’s Office who wasn’t going to look the other way while the Poarch Creek Indians ran watershed all over the county.

  33. What a sad county on November 2nd, 2010 10:22 pm

    Sorry for the typo’s I’m on my cell phone…. But I hope the point got across!!!!

  34. upset county resident on November 2nd, 2010 10:22 pm

    For the ones who didn’t understand my comment he has to arrest them before they can go before a judge. Our county usually only has one deputy on at night for the whole county which means very slow response times in emergency situations . Of course if you live in the city limits you don’t understand, when you call 911 for assistance and no one shows up for almost an hour or longer.

  35. Sunshine on November 2nd, 2010 10:21 pm

    Mike- you are right. We do not have any control over what people- not necessarily strangers- offer our children. However, I do think that our law enforcement’s responsibility to keep people safe encompasses getting these thugs out of our neighborhoods, making sure criminals know there will be no 2nd & 3rd & 4th chances, AND educating all children about the dangers of drugs and living a criminal lifestyle. Our sheriff’s department does a great job of celebrating Red Ribbon Week at our schools, but then we don’t see them for another year. Taking an aggressive stance towards drugs and criminal behavior means that our local law enforcement does not wait until they are invited to come educate children who need someone to point them in the right direction. The government should not be responsible for coming “to the rescue” for people who don’t take an active role in bettering themselves, BUT it is law enforcement’s responsibility to come to the rescue of people who feel victimized by criminals. Judging by some of the comments posted on this forum, this is clearly a huge problem.

  36. What a sad county on November 2nd, 2010 10:16 pm

    What is wrong with this county…… Back to the same crap just a different day WAY TO GO VOTERS!!!! Let go back to buying expensive toys that serve no purpose & buy huge $30,000 SUV’s for people who sit behind a desk n give the road deputies ragged out cars with 100,0000 miles on them….. Have 8 investigators Monday – Friday 8-5 newer cars!!! Wow I’m so happy to live in such a great county…. People are so afraid of change!!!! Maybe the Grover supports will need help n see what a sorry department we have n think back to this day n realize the voted wrong!!!! When Grover retires soon before his term is up n nomintates Mike to replace him I pray our governor will be smarter than the voters of this county n turns him down! But just in case our governor says yes I wasn’t to thank the voters for ruining our county!!!

  37. stepmom on November 2nd, 2010 10:16 pm

    “Jackson for Sheriff”

  38. law enforcement person on November 2nd, 2010 10:14 pm

    I hope the people of Escambia Al. know how to pray,cause your gonna need to be doing it now.If you people only knew how unprotected you are you would be screaming for a change. That whole dept. needed an overhaul starting at the top.

  39. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 10:13 pm

    SHOEBOX, I don’t vote and did not have a dog in this fight. I’m not celebrating or mourning any election tonight.

    I’m glad you’re raising your kids right, I just want you to realize that you can’t count on government for anything. Government always fails. It’s in its nature. Don’t count on police to protect you, they will only oppress. Take responsibility to protect your own family.

  40. SHOEBOX on November 2nd, 2010 10:10 pm


  41. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 10:00 pm

    SHOEBOX, I have no control over what people offer my kids. It’s my responsibility to teach them the dangers of drugs.

    Stop counting on the government to come to the rescue and take some responsibility for yourself.

  42. mc on November 2nd, 2010 9:59 pm

    Thats why Grover is wining…All the family and friends of the criminals he and his crew judge Jordan and Steve Billy have taken care of that should be doing 10 or more years in state pin…They gotta support him for next time they need the same look the other way favor……

  43. Sunshine on November 2nd, 2010 9:59 pm

    Wow!! Some of y’all have forgotten to read the comment “rules”!!! Even though our county’s sheriff’s race did not turn out as I had hoped it would, I would like to comment that this race has brought several important issues to light. We have a SERIOUS drug problem here in Escambia County, and while I have no law enforcement background or knowledge other than that which comes from reading about drug arrests, etc., there has got to be some way to treat this problem more aggressively. I understand that our law enforcement may be doing everything they can; I guess I just wish there was more that could be done. Slaps on the wrists and second chances have not yielded positive results overall- a clear message that drugs and criminal behavior will not be tolerated needs to be sent NOW!!!
    Saving my “Jackson for Sheriff” signs until next election….

  44. justin on November 2nd, 2010 9:58 pm

    Just go and lick your wounds.About Little Baby Heath

  45. SHOEBOX on November 2nd, 2010 9:57 pm

    upset county resident….. you aint payin for NOTHIN… he pays for his meals and a TRIP 2 EUROPE, and so on and so on…. WITH TAX MONEY!!! you couldn’t be more right!!! BEST OF LUCK TO HEATH IN 2014!!!!!!!! if we make it that long

  46. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 9:55 pm

    Upset county resident,

    your post doesn’t make sense.

    “Grover wants to keep putting criminals back on the streets”. You do realize he is a Sheriff and not a Judge, right? All cops do is arrest people. It’s up to the Courts to lock them up or set them free.

  47. SHOEBOX on November 2nd, 2010 9:54 pm

    this is to MIKE…. WHEN IT’S OFFERED TO YOUR CHILD, YOU’D THINK DIFFERENT. imma shut-up now… but i have lived in the same place for 6 years and watched with my own eyes what is going down and i live 5 minutes from the Sheriffs Dept… and i’m not just talking about DRUGS. i have had a incounter where a 6 month old BABY was physically abused by his parents, and the SHERIFF personally told me there was nothing he could do… but i went to a HIGHER POWER to attempt to save that child’s life, and was told that IF the sheriff wanted to, HE COULD’VE STOPPED IT… everybody’s intitled to an opinion, but if you WEAR THE BADGE, YOU SHOULD DO YOUR JOB….. i just hope that the next 4 years will be better than what they have been like so far.

  48. stepmom on November 2nd, 2010 9:53 pm

    i agree with u jenjen….

  49. doofus on November 2nd, 2010 9:53 pm

    Sheriff Smith got lucky that Heath didn’t have quite the “stripes” he has. Heath is a go getter and Grover is business as usual. Guess what… it’s time to wake up. All these county guys want to work 8-4 Monday through Friday. One dad gum deputy patrolling this whole county at night. That’s pathetic. We need to demand more. We deserve it.

    I like Sheriff Smith and believe he’s a fiscally responsible and qualified individual. I just wish he had the fire that Heath has. Our county could do better and Heath… keep your head up. A few more years under your belt and those numbers will fall in your favor.

  50. upset county resident on November 2nd, 2010 9:50 pm

    I am sad to hear the news that the people of this county have voted Grover back in. He is about as useless as tits on a bull! Need help oh well he will sweet talk ya give promises that go no where, I guess the people who have had problems and cant seem to get a resolution are gonna have to continue to have their problems. In the meantime all the druggies and criminals can breathe easy Grover wants to keep putting them back on the the streets. I just love paying taxes for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. stepmom on November 2nd, 2010 9:49 pm

    don’t stop heath. u still have a chance. the trash needs 2 b taken out!!!!

  52. jenjen on November 2nd, 2010 9:47 pm

    not wanting to down anyone…but some of these posts are ssssoooo immature….i want to see Heath Jackson for sheriff….he deserves it…he has already cleaned up a lot in atmore when he was working on the DTF….I am hoping and praying that he comes out as the winner…

  53. JJ on November 2nd, 2010 9:29 pm

    Thats right….GROVER is just like he walks and talks! SLOW to do anything

  54. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 9:29 pm

    SHOEBOX, this country has been fighting the “War on Drugs” for decades, spending billions of dollars and wreaking violence upon thousands. What makes you think that escalating that immoral failure of a “war” will solve anything? You want to solve the drug problem? Legalize them.

  55. JH on November 2nd, 2010 9:26 pm


    You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. SHOEBOX on November 2nd, 2010 9:24 pm

    I’m NOT a sore loser, but for all you folks who voted for GROVER… It’s quite obvious that you haven’t needed the Sheriff’s Dept or DTF to clean up Drug Dealers in your streets where MINORS play… THIS IS PATHETIC…

  57. WWAAATTTT! on November 2nd, 2010 9:20 pm

    Grover won by 2300 votes! See you chumps in four years………BTW I kinda like grover and his little fat buddy!

  58.  on November 2nd, 2010 9:19 pm

    go cindy!!!

  59. JJ on November 2nd, 2010 9:19 pm

    well you know what they say it ain’t over until the fat boy sings! I don’t see ML singing yet……

  60. JJ on November 2nd, 2010 9:15 pm

    The Atmore nurse will be there at the soon to be ice cream shop incase someone gets brain freeze, apparently its happening already.

  61. Bama on November 2nd, 2010 9:15 pm

    funny….that is EXACTLY the kind of post I would expect from a Grover supporter!!

  62. JJ on November 2nd, 2010 9:14 pm

    Do i have time to go get some popcorn and a coke this is going to be good! I sure would like a bowl of ice cream……hope Jackson wins. I’m looking forward to that free sample….

  63. justin on November 2nd, 2010 9:14 pm

    People your just a bunch of sore losers.Ha Ha Ha.Deal with it.

  64. Backing my Atmore Nurse!! on November 2nd, 2010 9:13 pm

    Red Rover, Red Rover, SEND GROVER ON OVER!!

  65. JJ on November 2nd, 2010 9:12 pm

    Right on Bama! You know who I’m talking about now!! Not easy for a big cheesy to find another job! I guess if Grover don’t win it, him and his little short fat buddy can open up a icecream shop…LOL

  66. JJ on November 2nd, 2010 9:09 pm

    Hope Jackson turns out on the top. Some folks know they won’t have a job (they know who they are) :)

  67. Not a fan of the Mike on November 2nd, 2010 9:08 pm

    The whole thing was rigged!

  68. Stephanie on November 2nd, 2010 9:07 pm

    Thanks William for posting this information….

    Two city papers in Atmore – yet neither website is posting election results

  69. Bama on November 2nd, 2010 9:06 pm

    you just hoping you keep your job…LOL!

  70. Mike on November 2nd, 2010 9:04 pm

    Oh please, you folks love your “Democracy” and your “right to vote” so much, but you fuss when your boy doesn’t win. Guess what, losing elections is a part of Democracy. Don’t complain.

  71. Bama on November 2nd, 2010 9:03 pm

    I agree…I can’t believe that many people have voted for Grover Smith?!?!?!?!

  72. Not a fan of the nurse on November 2nd, 2010 9:02 pm

    What hospital do you work at? Remind me never to go there cause there must be something wrong with you if you voted Grover!!!!!

  73. atmore nurse on November 2nd, 2010 8:54 pm

    Way to go Grover! Thank goodness.
