Morgan Wants Change In Escambia Sheriff’s Department

August 8, 2008


Republican David Morgan wants change in the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department, and he wants to be the man to make those changes.

“Crime is growing in the rural areas,” Morgan told the Walnut Hill Ruritan Club Thursday night. “We need more deputies on the roads.”

He said that under the current administration, 55 percent of the sheriff’s department works in administration, not as deputies on jail personnel.

“You’ve got a bloated administration,” Morgan, who has spent 35 years in public and private law enforcement, said. “You need to disperse some of those people out into the rural areas were response times are bad.”

“When you call for a deputy, there’s no one to respond,” Morgan said. “We have surrendered some districts in this county to the criminals.”

He also wants to increase starting salaries for deputies in the county from $30,500 per year to $35,000.

On the subject of the department’s helicopters, which have taken great criticism from other candidates, Morgan said, “I’m still not convinced we need a helicopter in Escambia County.”  He said as study was needed to determine the need for the helicopters operated by the ECSO.

Morgan said that an agreement with the Civil Air Patrol might provide air support needed by the sheriff’s department.

Morgan will face Republican incumbent Ron McNesby in the August 26 primary. The Republican primary winner will face either Samuel Lucas or Larry Scapecchi in November. photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Morgan Wants Change In Escambia Sheriff’s Department”

  1. ty creighton on October 6th, 2008 6:08 pm

    why is the copter escorting funeral procesions????

  2. David morgan on August 12th, 2008 12:53 pm

    I will begin by stating, “I do not blog.” This is my first and only entry on I am responding to Mr. Smith because of his obvious misunderstanding of some of my positions. Source documents may be found at

    Mr. Smith is drawing conclusions about me, my background and breadth of knowledge without having ever asked me these very questions. I grew up in a rural community, on a farm. I attended a rural school where we had a “cotton vacation,” to chop, pick cotton and at the end of the season, pull bolls. In the off season I worked in the timber, starting as a “slab thrower” and later being promoted to “tie barker and loader.” Country? Sorry Mr. Smith, you have no corner on that market. And while attending college, I had an opportunity to study the unique problems of combating crime in rural areas.

    “Thug? Criminal?” I did not originally refer to McNesby in these terms. That credit goes to Pensacola City Councilman Sam Hall. However, I would say that any law enforcement officer that would storm the offices of WEAR with Chief Larry Smith and Capt Joel Mooneyham in tow, demanding that Ms. Mollye Barrows be “fired” for running the story of “women don’t read the paper or watch the news like men do.” Well forgive me, but I believe that’s a “thug.” Or a sheriff that would call a local business owner and attempt to extort money from her for a friend (Sievers and Touart)? Even the State Grand Jury stated that McNesby intimidated and misused his position. Forgive me again, but that’s a “thug.” If one doesn’t want those descriptions associated with them, then stop acting in those ways.

    The crime statistical comparisons with New York are appropriate and applicable. What they indicate is a crime rate “out of control.” This isn’t Mayberry RFD, and wishing will not make it so. I would direct Mr. Smith to the PNJ, June 27, 2007, article titled; “Century drugs draw complaints.” McNesby did, in fact, state, that “arresting drug dealers” hurts peoples feelings. His direct quote was; “There are no jobs in Century, McNesby said, “For a lot of folks, the drug business is their job. Naturally, when you start arresting folks, you have some families that are upset.”

    Mr. Smith is also incorrect in his statement that “I will say this about McNesby though, there are more deputies on the street than ever before.” Again, the facts do not affirm this statement. PNJ interviews from July 4, 2004 give a number of 247 deputies on the road. The PNJ article of May 18, 2008, accounts for 208 deputies assigned to the 6 precincts. This is even after McNesby closed the Warrington and Ensley Precincts. Yet, the sheriff’s annual budget has grown $26 Million dollars. Mr. Smith may not like the aforementioned, but let me assure you, that they are based on documented facts.

    While professing to “not endorsing McNesby or Scapecchi” his follow-on comments examples, etc., are exactly that, endorsements. Affirmed by his final comment, “they (McNesby and Scapecchi) are good, solid candidates that deserve to oppose each other in the general election.” What would one call that statement if not an endorsement?

    What Mr. Smith is saying is that he likes things just the way they are. If the voters are looking for more of the same, I am not their candidate. I owe no one any favors.

  3. Mel Smith on August 11th, 2008 10:46 pm

    Wayne, I was not endorsing McNesby or Scapecchi in my comment, simply explaining the usefulness of the air unit. I did not insult Morgan, I just stated that he does not have knowledge of the rural aspect of North Escambia County. I fail to see how calling anyone a “thug” or “criminal” is needed to express ones opinion. I was hired during the Lowman administration, and have been there through McNesby’s tenure. I have worked in most areas of this county, to include the North End where I was raised. Have I agreed with everything McNesby has done, no. Did I agree with everything Lowman did, no. Thats life, and that is true in any job. Have I agreed with their decisions on a lot of issues, yes. Did I see a mass influx or exodus of residents during either of the administrations, no. It is not fair to compare us with New York City. We are not the same. Has McNesby ever said that arresting drug dealers hurts peoples feelings, no. If that was the case then why do we arrest them on a nightly basis? In fact, there were two large busts just recently. One was in Cantonment, the other in Century. And contrary to Morgan’s statement, we have not surrendered any area in this county to the criminals. We don’t run from anybody around here. As far as response times, they vary every night. No matter where you live though, an in-progress call such as a robbery, home invasion, burglary in-progress, etc., will get a faster response time with more than enough deputies. And while these deputies are responding to the call, other non-violent calls may take more time to respond to. This is true in any agency around the country. If a house is being burglarized in Molino, than I will be more than happy to wait for an available deputy to answer my complaint. I will say this about McNesby though, there are more deputies on the street than ever before. That is plainly evident by such high radio numbers. Now please Wayne, there is no need to sling insults on this blog. Please do not turn this into the PNJ. For those that are interested, I am simply trying to educate the public on law enforcement issues in this county. I am not endorsing McNesby or Scapecchi, even though from a law enforcement perspective I feel that they are good, solid candidates that deserve to opose each other in the general election.

  4. Chuck on August 11th, 2008 9:04 pm

    When seconds count ,the police are only minutes away. Everyone go out and get your concealed carry permit and who the sheriff is would be a moot point. Self protection is a constitutional right , don’t rely on someone else for for yours.

  5. Wayne on August 11th, 2008 5:56 pm

    That they may be useful doesn’t necessarily make them cost effective. Possibly the money saved by grounding a helicopter would put more deputies on the street, an area in which we are critically short. As for the sheriff’s influence on population growth, here’s what you fail to see: Wasting our money by the barrel has stuck our residents with high taxes which is not a way to attract new residents. Having a crime rate that is higher than New York City is not a way to attract new residents.
    Having long response times due to a shortage of deputies is not a way to attract new residents. Being known for corruption in government and having a sheriff that would not qualify for a citizen ride along in a patrol car is not a way to attract new residents. Having a sheriff who has stated that arresting drug dealers hurts peoples feelings and that there aren’t any other good jobs up north is not a way to attract more residents to the county. So Mel, maybe you don’t understand what a sheriff has to do with population but I’ve given you several clear examples of how a sheriff can keep a population from wanting to live in his county or simply move away. Morgan simply wants to study the air unit to determine if it is cost effective. If it’s as good as you say then there should be no problem with it’s survival. How that becomes an adequate excuse for keeping a thug and a criminal in office is something that I, and most of the voters, will hopefully fail to see.

  6. mel smith on August 10th, 2008 11:25 pm

    For those of you who do not know the status of the SO air unit, there are only three helicopters, one of which is not flyable and used only for parts. The remaining two are flyable, but are not flown at the same time. Since helicopters require frequent maintenance, one is often used while the other is being repaired. These helicopters are surplus military, and obtained at very low cost as required by the military. As a law enforcement officer that was born and raised in North Escambia County, I can assure you that these helicopters are vital, especially to the north end of the county. If a home invasion or robbery of a business occurrs in Molino, McDavid, Bratt, Century, etc., minutes are critical in capturing the suspect. How long do you think it would take for the Civil Air Patrol to be contacted, respond from home, briefed by who knows who, fire up their aircraft, and respond from who knows where? The SO’s Air Unit stands ready at a moments notice to respond from the hangar off of 297-A. It can be airborne and over the north end of the county within minutes, as evident on many occasions. Morgan has no knowledge of your end of the county, and does not understand the rural aspect. As for Ms. Booth-Moran, I fail to see how a sheriff has anything to do with the population of a county. Both McNesby and Scapecchi were raised in this county and understand better than anyone the needs of this county.

  7. Wayne on August 10th, 2008 12:06 pm

    What alternative? It’s McNesby or Morgan in the primary. Morgan is educated, has a clean record and has run an effective and informative campaign. He is not a criminal and he doesn’t surround himself with thugs like McNesby. And Morgan hasn’t said we don’t need an air unit. Just that he wants to look at other approaches as well. Must we have 4 helicopters???? Three command trailers??? A fire extinguisher is a great thing as long as the house you are protecting hasn’t rotted away from neglect before the fire ever starts.

  8. non resident on August 9th, 2008 8:45 pm

    I hope you folks consider all other options before voting for this guy. With the
    people he has surround himself with in his campaign it would be a big mistake to vote for him as your sheriff. whether you vote for mcnesby or not he definately is not your best choice. do some homework before you decide.

    as far as the CAP goes for air support that is not a valid option for law enforcement. They cant fly at a moments notice and have strict regulations on how their services can be used which preclude most law enforcement activities. you should be thankful you have a air unit. i know it is costly but its like a fire extinguisher. better to have it close at hand than try to find one once the fire is burning.

  9. Josh on August 8th, 2008 10:55 pm

    I agree that the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a force multiplier to any agency. Members can probably be used both in the air and in the office. I encourage research into these possibilities.

    Those wanting to learn more about Civil Air Patrol can visit and

    Yes I am a CAP member, and as a CAP member and a responsible citizen, I believe this candidate is on the right track.

  10. Julie Moran on August 8th, 2008 10:23 pm

    If you have not had the opportunity to meet this gentleman, then you should! He is The Man for the Job. David Morgan exhibits many fine qualities that would make him be the most qualified man to be the sheriff of Escambia County. Among those qualities are honor, integrity, and education. He is concerned about our deputies and wants to make sure that they are given the resources they need such as training, equipment and compensation so that they can be the very best officers in the state. He is concerned about every community in the county and wants to make our county a better place to live. Perhaps with the election of David Morgan as sheriff, the population would begin to rise again in our county instead of continuing to decline. Again, take time to study this candidate, he is a statesman and would be a sheriff to be proud of.

    Julie Booth-Moran
    Century, Fl