Scott Vetoes $1 Million For Beulah Beltway, Nearly $1 Million For UWF

March 17, 2018

When Gov. Rick Scott signed Florida’s nearly $89 billion state budget, he vetoed $1 million for a Beulah Interchange Connector and $931,439 for the University of West Florida archaeology program/

The Beulah Beltway project proposes to a build a new four-lane highway over about 11 miles to connect West Nine Mile Road to Highway 29, including a new interchange with I-10. The I-10 interchange and southern segment along Beulah Road are expected to begin construction in 2023. At this time there is no identified funding for the construction of the northern segment, and no time frame estimate.

Scott said the $1 million in funding for the Beulah project was vetoed along with other transportation project because “these projects circumvent the Transportation Work Program”.

He said the UWF archaeology program funding was “vetoed because University of West Florida receives operational funding with which the institution has the flexibility to support such initiatives based upon their priorities. Since Fiscal Year 2011-12, University of West Florida’s operating funding has increased by $43.7 million.”

Related story: Scott Signs Budget, Takes It Easy On Vetoes

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19 Responses to “Scott Vetoes $1 Million For Beulah Beltway, Nearly $1 Million For UWF”

  1. James on March 21st, 2018 9:28 pm

    David Huie Green,

    Congratulations for defending the status quo, that’s why nothing ever changes in Escambia County and I can’t leave fast enough.

    For the sake of brevity, I omitted many details in my post. The degrees are very marketable, the secretaries are low skill and the decision makers/supervisors are idiots but have family members who work for the district. They are promoted to positions where they cannot do the job because of “daddy”.

    I did not post my comments without serious thought and first hand experience. I wish your comments were true but they are not…and that is why Escambia county is in over their head and Navy Federal Credit Union will forever regret hearing the words “Pensacola, Florida”. I was hoping for a higher quality/standard of life for Escambia County. Why give someone prime rib when all they want a corn dog?


  2. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2018 9:36 am

    “I have seen people with a Master degree having to work as a server while the school district hires people with no credentials and pays them $80k a year.”

    Much depends on what the Master’s Degree is in. Some subjects are nice to know but of little service to humanity. Also, some can earn a degree but not work well with others. Ultimately everybody serves others or those others would not part with their money.

    “When a secretary makes more than someone with a bachelors degree and people that supervise/make decisions have no education”

    A secretary is a fairly important job — just look at what happens when they mess up — unless someone with that title is really just a typist and even that is important. (Historically, people only cut secretary’s pay when they realized women could do the job. Sexism at its finest.)

    And once again, a Bachelor’s Degree does not guarantee it is in a useful field or that the one with one can actually do the job. The granters of the degrees are not all equal in quality.

    On the other hand, the ones supervising and making decisions may have informal education simply from experience. I have seen some who count two years of on the job experience as one year of formal education.

    Just something to consider.

    David for respecting paths to knowledge and the whole package

  3. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2018 9:18 am

    “Navy Federal should have thought about the matter, before seizing the Langley Bell 4H Center.”

    They didn’t seize it. They bought it from willing owners.

    Yes, Florida is getting more crowded than it used to be because people keep moving in.
    (Where’s The Wall when you REALLY need it? Just joking.)
    There were about 3.5 million people in Florida when I was born, about 21 million now.
    [I blame air conditioning.]
    They crowded out a bunch of trees and wildlife in the process.

    David for property rights even if it brings in others

  4. Kat on March 19th, 2018 10:15 pm

    I’m very happy the Beulah beltway was vetoed. We are the ones that would have the beltway come through our backyard or rather our farm… our neighbor would see his brand new home demolished due to this beltway.. and another neighbor would have lost several of his acres of farmland in the process of this…. Navy Federal can find another way to have that built.. maybe over the piece of property next to them that is empty.. why go through neighborhoods and take out houses to accommodate this beltway.. this was crazy.. and we thought we had moved far enough out to keep our country living… very glad it didn’t go through…

  5. ww on March 19th, 2018 7:48 am

    Good decision Mr. Scott….. Thank you in advance.

  6. Pat on March 19th, 2018 2:23 am

    What’s wrong with helping the employee’s of the largest growing company in northwest Florida? A very bad decision by Gov.,out of 89 billion he cant even give a 1 million dollar project absolutely ridiculous! Its a hazard to everyone travelling west on I 10 in the morning when vehicles are slamming on breaks to pull off on a backed up ramp. A accident waiting to happen!

  7. 429SCJ on March 18th, 2018 7:29 pm

    @oddball, everyone of those lines cuts through forested habitat.

    We do not live here because we desire a metroplex environment, we live here because we enjoy the country life. If we wanted Tampa/St Pete, we would live there.

    Allowing Navy Federal to seize the 4H facility, has led to a cascading effect of problems for the citizens who enjoyed life before it’s arrival. I feel that the BOC cut a deal with the devil in exchange for jobs, just ask the citizens of Beulah, now you wish to expand the effects of this deal and impose them on us.

  8. James Seabrooke on March 18th, 2018 2:08 pm


    I moved to Pensacola in 1993. For 25 years I have seen people with a Master degree having to work as a server while the school district hires people with no credentials and pays them $80k a year.  I am passing on my experiences so no one else will make the same mistake.  When a secretary makes more than someone with a bachelors degree and people that supervise/make decisions have no education then you get Pensacola. Enjoy, it’s not brain surgery.  Navy Federal Credit Union should minimize their losses and leave. Consider it a learning experience.  And yes, I am doing everything possible to relocate asap.  If you can’t beat them relocate.  Good luck getting a workforce with the necessary credentials!!!


  9. Phil on March 18th, 2018 9:31 am

    If it is so bad here James, why do so many “intellectuals” like yourself keep coming here. There are plenty of other cities and towns that would love to have a “highly educated” person like yourself to show everybody how it done. I’m positive you would not say those things around Bubba

  10. Dan on March 18th, 2018 1:11 am

    Governor Scott has totally destroyed the Florida prison system he has made it one of if not the most dangerous in the country he has cut the budget so much that prisons can’t even afford tires for the vehicles most experienced staff has left or is in the process of leaving he has repeatedly refused to give raises to experienced staff but gives bonuses to new hires what kind of sense does that make I guarantee that officers will lose there life due to his carelessness and then he will say how sorry he is and throw some money at it like he did the school shootings

  11. Becky on March 17th, 2018 11:56 pm

    Gov. Scott is a poser.

  12. James on March 17th, 2018 8:51 pm

    Anyone interested in relocating their organization/business to Pensacola, Florida BEWARE!!! Take a look at Navy Federal Credit Union and the current traffic issues with the new campus. This town is run by Bubba and all his high school graduate friends (I think some did not graduate high school). This place will not change until we have highly educated and competent individuals. Mayberry, R.F.D. is more qualified and competent than Pensacola. Until the “good ole boys” are run out of town Pensacola and Navy Federal Credit Union will remain to have egg on their face!!!

  13. Anne on March 17th, 2018 4:55 pm

    @ Donald L Thomas

    You are correct on so many points. Commissioners have freely spent or obligated their Discretionary Fund $$$$ to the beach, roundabouts, mouse tunnels on Perdido, special zonings and denial of safety on our roadways. They then flip it around and blame the State DOT and other agencies.
    Wake up folks, our Commissioners are tossing money into pet projects and ignoring the real needs of their citizens. Sidewalks are nice but they do not light up roadways or help the insane congestion of traffic in Beulah. Another stretch of two-lane hazardous road is Gulf Beach Highway, Sorrento Road, Lillian Highway and the crazy through-way of Perdido Key Drive.

  14. Oddball on March 17th, 2018 4:11 pm

    You obviously don’t know what the Beulah interchange is 429scj

  15. Dale Flowers on March 17th, 2018 2:36 pm

    No Beulah Beltway? Hooray. I am solidly pro-NIMBY in this case. Who wants Pensacola to become a Megalopolis besides the BOCC and developers?

  16. Grand Locust on March 17th, 2018 2:27 pm

    Three years of arming the schools rather than securing schools with security doors, cameras, and wireless locking systems, and the road would be complete. When the private sector like Navy Federal generates thousands of private sector jobs which contribute to the local economy, we are more concerned about creating more government jobs with people sitting in schools with a weapon, than growing our economy and making schools safe from intrusion. The priorities do not even get close to good government. Thank you governor Scott for saying no to basket weaving and digging under water for “stuff” at taxpayer expense. Just what America needs right now is more Archeologists, and government employees doing nothing in a Public school. My wife’s school had double door buzz in with cameras which was monitored from the office ten years ago and today bad people just walk into schools.

    We should all get down on our knees and pray that Navy Federal is happy as their brand is going national, and they are a huge boost to the local economy. Private sector jobs need good roads, bridges, power, sewer, and water, but not so much more government employees sitting around.

  17. Les Bridges on March 17th, 2018 9:43 am

    If the UWF budget increased by 43.7 million, what was their state funding to begin with? What is the extra for? Maybe the football team and golf course? you would think tuition would be free if they get that much from the state.

  18. 429SCJ on March 17th, 2018 6:52 am

    The Beulah interchange would be an environmental disaster.

    Wildlife habitat has been encroached on enough! Navy Federal should have thought about the matter, before seizing the Langley Bell 4H Center. You wanted it, well live with it.

  19. Donald L. Thomas on March 17th, 2018 6:48 am

    Easy reasoning. The BOCC doesn’t want to play fair with other elected officials and complains about how broke they are but can come up with over $20,000,000 in funding for traffic circles. Now they stretch their greedy hand out to the state and the Governor slaps it. Good for you Governor and I’m sure this is just the beginning. Hold on Jeff Bergosh, this ride is going to be interesting and I cannot wait to see your pouty lip when the smoke clears.